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Messages - AHoppy

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Non-Mafia Game Threads / Re: One Night Ultimate Werewolf (for 4-8 players)
« on: September 29, 2016, 06:36:24 pm »
Oh fine, /in

Non-Mafia Game Threads / Re: One Night Ultimate Werewolf (for 4-8 players)
« on: September 27, 2016, 12:01:43 am »

also, please scan your confessionals and remove any posts you don't want to make public. Once i have your permission (here or in your confessional) I'll make them public. I still need to look through my other resources and then I'll release them

results are in, video has been filmed I just need to edit it

Hearthstone / Re: Tavern Brawl Discussion
« on: September 16, 2016, 04:17:22 pm »
I've been doing Barnes/voidcaller/Mal'ganis with pretty high success rate.  A lot of that is people auto conceding, but not all.  It's slow to start and relies on you being able to kill off the voidcallers so loses to a spell only mage deck.  Also sucks when barnes only pulls barnes, but otherwise it's a ton of fun.

just a reminder, jury members are allowed to post in this thread

Welcome Jury members!  Time for the annual Survivor roast!  And by that I mean, fire away with those questions.  We'll keep this going for about a week, jury members feel free to jump in and ask further questions or respond to their answers or what have you.  On to the questions!

Adam H:

Hi guys, long time no talk. I'm just gonna get right to it.

Watno, I'm not going to BS you and pretend you have a chance of getting my vote; you don't. I'm voting for Eevee to win the game and I don't think you can say anything to change my mind, though I guess you can try if you really want to. Allow me to explain why I feel this way and why I also think the rest of the jury should follow my lead.

It seems that you have chosen to not participate in some aspects of the game that you don't find fun. I can't fault you personally for that, it's just a game and nobody can make you do something you don't want to do. On the other hand, I feel like this is a great reason for you to not get votes to win the game.

I've been eliminated from the game for months, with no chance of winning, never having survived a tribal council, all of this after cutting ties with a community I had invested a lot of myself into. It has not been an easy journey for me as a jury member but based on what I've heard from other jury members, I feel like I have invested more time and energy into the game after my own elimination than you have; and I have had no chance of winning for months now. It would have been really easy to just peace out but I chose not to because I wanted to finish what I started, even if I didn't like it.

One could make an argument that I deserve my jury vote more than you do, and I certainly don't deserve it. My performance in this game was pretty bad. As a jury member, when I see someone still left in the game who doesn't care enough to even participate in a challenge because it doesn't look like fun; meanwhile I'm sitting on the jury and would love the chance to still be in the game and have a shot at winning final immunity; I can't help but feel disrespected. I'm sure it was a good idea to vote me out and everything but it's really irritating to see someone advance further in the game than me who just doesn't give enough of a crap to even participate. I can't reward that with my vote.

Then there's the fact that Eevee has played a great game based on what I've heard from other jury members, one that outshines yours in every facet I can think of. Eevee has gone out of his way to form personal connections with every single member of the jury, to the point where most of us are here because we trusted him too much. It's so difficult to convince people that you're on their side like that and have them invest their entire game in you being loyal and Eevee just crushed that. I have zero messages from you in our QT since the merge. The last time you said anything to me was the first day of the first challenge -- granted I didn't reach out to you since then either but I'm not asking for your jury vote and I'd feel pretty silly doing so. The vibe I'm getting from everybody here is that Eevee is running circles around everyone and you have been just kinda there, not really all that active.

And the story checks out, everything I've seen suggests that no matter how you look at it, Eevee deserves the win more than you do. So I'm gonna vote for him and I think everyone else on the jury should do the same.

Congratulations, Eevee, you've done some really amazing stuff and it's really impressive to see you win... again.

Watno, in spite of everything I've just said, you did way better than me (and the rest of the jury members) in this game and getting to the final tribal council is hard to do. So congratulations on getting as far as you did. Just because I don't think you belong anywhere close to winning the game doesn't mean I think you did poorly, or I feel like things should have gone differently.



1) Were you always planning to vote me out from the beginning or did you adapt because you heard I was trying to blindside you?

2) Of every player on the jury, who do you think you could win against at F2? Give us all a few sentences please.

3) Do you feel like you need a perfect score at the end to be truly accomplished as the winner? Why couldn't you just take Hydrad who was at most getting one or two votes anyway? Why so greedy Eevee???

Go through every player and say


Why didn't you just quit when the game was not fun anymore?


ok question for Eevee: What made you want to win the game so badly that you went against all of your alliances to get to this point?

question for Watno: What have you done in the game that you feel is worth me voting for you?

For both of you, you both backstabbed me. My vote would've gone to Watno had that not been the case. Good luck to both of you tonight.


Congratulations Eevee and Watno for making the final 2!

First things first, a few things are going to be different when you're answering to me. First of all, if you try to flatter me, you will almost certainly fail and it'll hurt your chances of getting my vote. Second, if you have any questions for me, then that's okay too. I understand that I backstabbed a lot of people so if you want to know why, I can answer.

Eevee and Watno: Please tell me about the moves that you've made this game, and why you made them. (No hard feelings, of course. Just want to know.)

Watno: Would you say you've ridden on gkrieg's coattail for most of the game? Why or why not?

Finally, I'd like to urge the jury not to be bitter. We all signed up to play a game, and both our finalists made legal moves in the game to get them to this point. Just think a year in advance, when you reflect on this season. If you are bitter, you will regret it. Trust me.

Thank you.

By the way, I'd also like Eevee to explain his decision to take Watno to the end over Hydrad. Thanks!



Did you expect this ending for a while or was it a more recent idea that you had. Did you ever plan to go all the way with me and if you did what changed your mind.


What even was you plan. I'm guessing it was go with gkrieg but after he got voted out did you have to make plans from scratch or did you have backups this whole time.

I'm out of town this weekend so the jury has until tomorrow night to get their questions in and I'll post Sunday or Monday

Alright, I can't do today so doesn't look like this'll happen. I'll just post all the questions at once tonight and you guys can answer then however you would like, text, video, interpretive dance, song whatever you like.

yeah, the plan is to record it and post the video

even if others can't make it, they've written up their questions and I (or someone else available) can read them to you

After what I can only assume was a glorious conflagration the two of you brace yourselves and make your way to the all-too-familiar tribal council fire circle.
Please dip your torches into the fire for the last time.

For  final tribal council you will be judged by your peers whim  have had a hand in eliminating. Votes tonight are for the winner, most votes and you win the title of sole survivor. But first you're going to have to survive the interrogation jury.

I'd like to do this over Google hangouts if we can, so please post your availability and we'll get any of the jury members we can. I'm available weeknights after 4pm eastern. If that doesn't work, we can probably do it without me


But AHoprobst, you think, there shouldn't be any more challenges, that's what the jury is for right?  Well you're right, but it's time for a bit of Survivor tradition.  Before you Eevee and you Watno is a trail of memories.  You will walk this trail and along it collect the torches of your fallen comrades.  At each torch I would like you to say something about the person whose torch you're collecting.  At the end of the trail you will create a bonfire of torches in remembrance of your Forum Survivor Season 3 friends, enemies, and companions.  Now, I'm saying it's mandatory, but I can't make you do anything.  Remember though, the jury is watching this and I can't help but think that if you don't participate it may reflect poorly on your standing with them.

14th place: Hugovj

13th place: Roadrunner7671

12th place: Jimmmmm

11th place: Robz888

10th place: mpsprs

9th place: AdamH

8th place: mcmcsalot

7th place: iguanaiguana

6th place: Awaclus

5th place: gkrieg13

4th place: teamlyle

3rd place: Hydrad

Eevee, it's time to vote.

Eevee walks up to AHoprobst and whispers one name in his ear, then, with a grave expression on his face, makes his way back to his seat

Hydrad, please bring me your torch

Hydrad, the Eevee has spoken.

that's fine. Since you're the only vote we'll just wait until you can vote


What a tribal council. This is the big one and Eevee  it must feel great to be sitting over there safe tonight. So Eevee, what is going into your vote tonight? What are you looking for in who you want to go up against the jury with?

Watno and Hydrad : why should Eevee take you to the end?

So as you guys step up to your poles Watno walks straight past the pole and sits down on the bench to wait out Eevee and Hydrad. After 6 minutes, Hydrad tries to swat a fly off his face, realizes he can't hold onto a pole with 1 hand and falls to the ground in a heap.  Eevee on the other hand decides he's having fun up there hanging onto the pole and continues to hang on, grinning at Watno and Hydrad as they sit on the bench.  Suddenly, 3 hours and 45 minutes into the challenge Eevee's cell phone rings and he steps down to answer it.  Hang on a sec, where did you get a cell phone?  Sprint's not even our sponsor this year!  Hand that over Eevee.


Tribal will start in 24ish hours



Final Immunity Challenge: Hang In There

You've been playing this game for a long time, you're tired and hungry, but the prize is so close. Who wants it the most? We're about to find out with this final immunity challenge.

Each of you will be given a QT for this challenge. Your objective is to hang on as long as you possibly can by posting in this QT every five minutes for as long as possible. That's it, whoever hangs on the longest wins final immunity and is guaranteed a spot in the final tribal council. Here's how it will work:

- Your first post in this QT can be at any time you want. Note the time of the post.
- Every five minutes after your first post, you'll need to post again. QuickTopic tells you which minute each post was made, so you'll need to ensure each subsequent post happens "exactly" five minutes after the previous post. Of course, you have a 60-second window to do this. The important thing is that QuickTopic displays your post as being five minutes later.
- Each post should read "[name] hangs on"

Example: if I was doing this challenge, my QT might look like this

5:55 - AHoppy hangs on
6:00 - AHoppy hangs on
6:05 - AHoppy hangs on

- Extra posts are OK, just make sure you go back and delete them at some point. Yeah, QT will show a deleted post but that's fine. Just make sure not to miss any posts that need to happen on those five-minute marks!
- On the other hand, if you are late making a single post, that's it for you: the challenge is over. So make sure you aren't late making your posts!
- You only get one shot at this; once you've made the first post in your official challenge QT, you are locked into posting every five minutes and the first time you fail to do that, the challenge is over for you. Don't post at all in that QT until you are ready to begin the challenge! If you mess up once, if you lose focus, if your internet goes out temporarily, if your post is off by one minute, anything; that's it. Challenge over. Be ready and don't mess up.
- Making other QTs to practice and experiment is allowed and encouraged. Make as many as you want, practice however you want, show them to people or don't. It doesn't matter. What matters is the official QT you are given and your one shot at immunity.
- You can use any resource you want to help you, but don't go making a bot that will just post for you every five minutes. That's cheating. Anything else is fine though.

Once you've hung on for as long as you can, make sure you've deleted all the extra posts in your challenge QT, then post in your confessional that you've finished the challenge. At this point, someone will verify that your posts were OK and give you your final time. Hopefully it's the longest! You won't know how your opponents did unless they choose to tell you.

You will have until 10:00 PM forum time on September 1st to start the challenge. If you have started the challenge and are still hanging on when the deadline passes, that's OK. You can go ahead and finish up, but if you haven't started the challenge by the deadline, your score will be zero. In case of a tie between players, the one who attempted the challenge first will win immunity.  The challenge will go until the last person has given up on holding on.  QT's will be given in your confessionals shortly

oh there's still more fame to be played teamlyle. Hold your horses

Everyone else, prepare yourselves for your final immunity challenge that will be announced tonight. And congrats to Hydrad and the others for making it this far

It's the same difference right? If you have to get 3 points and you're getting there using half points you'll both have the same number of half points.

Long story short, it's not a win

Alright, let's get to the revote:

Aaaaaand it looks like it's still a tie (surprise surprise)

So let's get to "firemaking".  Since this is the Dominion Strategy Forum (if you forgot, just scroll up) we're going to do something essential to survive around this place:
Play Dominon

You guys can decide how many sets you use, point counters on, first player decided randomly by the client, afterwards alternate starting player.  First person to win 3 games gets to stick around another day.  The other, sorry, your torch is going to bite the dust.

You have until Monday to get this done.

with the high probability of a tie tonight what will happen is we will vote again just to make sure it's really a tie, and then if it's still a toe we will do a "fire building challenge" to determine who is voted out

Alright, with that, let's get to the vote.

If anyone has a hidden immunity idol, now would be the time to use it.

Eevee stands up, walks to the podium, takes off the necklace he's wearing and hands it to me.

This is indeed a hidden immunity idol, any votes cast against Eevee will not count.

I'll read the votes.

First: teamlyle

Next vote: Hydrad
That's one vote each for Hydrad and teamlyle. 2 votes left

3rd vote: Hydrad

Last vote: teamlyle

Looks like we have a tie.  You each get 24 hours to plead your case and Eevee and Watno get to vote again, with you two as the only valid targets. So both of you: Why do you deserve to stay in the game?

Other Games / Re: Through the Ages online
« on: August 24, 2016, 02:05:23 pm »
Game 7 up, if anyone wants to play still

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