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2011 / Re: Schedule and Results: 2011 Championships
« on: December 16, 2011, 11:10:13 am »
A top seed -- in fact the top seed -- falls! 

Man, so much love for the topseeds :-( Looks that theory wants all the topseeds to fail :-(

2011 / Re: Schedule and Results: 2011 Championships
« on: December 15, 2011, 01:56:57 pm »
not to mention the Highway+Bishop-combo (not)  ;)

2011 / Re: 2011 Kingdom Design Challenge Rules
« on: December 14, 2011, 09:10:18 am »
Good Idea, they only have to agree on this before the game.

2011 / Re: 2011 Kingdom Design Challenge Rules
« on: December 13, 2011, 05:21:01 pm »
Btw, is there any way that the Finals are counted in the leaderboard then, when they are played with constraints then? This question just entered my mind  8)

Dominion General Discussion / Re: is consulting a simulator cheating?
« on: December 13, 2011, 12:09:04 pm »
At first, good work Jonts26. This is a way to climb from level 30 to 40 too (could be mentioned in the tread for it).

To the simulating before game opening: Imo its a bit shady, you cant ask a friend in Magic whether or not you should keep this hand etc. Or consult a computer in chess. Doing this in tournaments is not really nice (Did you use it against me in the first 3 rounds of IsoDom? Just being curious, because this were all Boards without Engines if I recall it correctly). Say you take 3 minutes before the game to "analyse the board" aka simulation. It is a ethical question of course, and no one could possibly hindering you from using your own tool.

@greatexpectations: Wow, its really hard to click on a card like JoaT or Smithy in BigMoney games. Not much skill needed for this  ;)

Dominion Isotropic / Re: Text or Images, Which do you use?
« on: December 11, 2011, 05:02:16 pm »
Wow, I didnt thought that so many players play in text-mode. I play with Images, because of the already stated advantages.

But one time I messed up with it. I opened Cellar/Silver instead of Chapel/Silver, this pictures are somehow confusing and both cost 2. I didnt see it immediately and even when I drew my Cellar I played it confidently and chose my 4 cards in hand for it (thinking I will chapel them away). When I drew my new 3 cards I had realized my mistake :-) What an embarrasing move.

Level 40 players tend to close out games better and don't give their opponents a chance at a win if they don't need to do so.

This is very true. 3-pile-ending is a win-option which a level 40 player will use much more often than level 30 players.

Game Reports / Re: Ambassador beaten by... a bunch of junk
« on: December 10, 2011, 06:37:15 pm »
This board is really not good for a good Ambassador deck. No Villages and buys. Ambassador and plain BigMoney, isnt that good. Otherwise you would have had some curses in your deck :-)

I dont like going Amb/Amb at all, without 3-cost-Villages.

General Discussion / Re: PC/console gaming
« on: December 10, 2011, 04:18:40 pm »
I am playing the recent Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 on PC, thats why I dont play Dominion as much as a while ago :-) If you wanna add me in steam my Steam-ID is the same like my name here.

Sry for bit off topic but, some real names would be fun, when we have that many Magic players here :-)

Maybe a new thread?

I used to play good in 2006/2007, but played only PT Prague 2006 (had to play Kenji Tsumura in Round 1 and lost because I took a manaburn earlier in the game  ::)) and some GP Day2s. Nothing spectactular. But I was fairly sure, that some of the level 40+ are good Magic players as well :-)

Why do you think that is, compared to other players? Also, why do you think your margin of error is so comparatively high (just for my own curiosity)?

Well, like you I cant know his excactly of course, maybe my expierience from many high level Magic events gives me that "intuition" some called it here. While building engines its not often, that I really need to think about what piece I really need next, it is kind of intuition that tells me that.

Also maybe my idea of reducing luck whenever I can in Dominion gives me the best results (e.g. not playing mirror match BM most of the time, because you cant lose against level 0 while doing that, when he got good draws). Hence I prefer engines (which you all know from my posts already :-))

Your second question is really easy to answer, nowadays I dont play alot games per day. While having about 2000 games like many of the other players about level 40 I played them in the past. In the last 1-2 months when I started to play again I played like 200 or 300 games, and still my uncertainty rises like hell, because for like 20 days I have played only my tournament matches in IsoDom and the Championship right now.

2011 / Re: Schedule and Results: 2011 Championships
« on: December 09, 2011, 04:04:05 pm »
Witch Division Round 3: painted_cow 4 vs Tejayes (Dorestu) 0


Mirrormatch: 2 Masquerade+BigMoney. I went first and got some good draws, Tejayes made a minor failure buying Hoard before Gold.


Chapel/HT for me vs Chapel/Young Witch (Cellar as Bane). I got a Y. Witch and a Cellar later. Again I got some nice draws like drawing my Cellar in the last turns for this Y.Witch and could secure victory.


We both went Remake/Silver and drew the Remake as early as T5. Tejayes got a second copy of Remake (trying to get many GM and Outpost), I went for BigMoney instead since I knew, that I could not remake that often anymore. With the help of Havens and some good draws I managed to get to 8 often enough before his GM engine could fire.


Most interesting game of our series. Somehow I tried a really weird strategy here (I gues because of the 3-0 lead) with Cities and Pirateship. He started with Spice Merchant/Silver. I went with Spice Merchant/Workshop (getting Workers Villages and Pirate Ships and try to empty Piles). In the end I trashed his Silvers and some Golds, build my Engine up (powered by Level 1 Cities) while he had the early lead of course.

Thank you for the games Tejayes, you didnt play this so bad at all, like the score might indicate!

When all post the First player thing: only 1 of 4 games were won by going first.

Fabian, werent you about level 40 before the leaderboard change? And now you are level 46, so you could knew this by yourself :-) Please dont take this too earnest, wasnt meant fierce  ;)

I would say that not all players can reach level 45+, regardless of how much they playing (5000+ games wont make a big difference anymore). So I would say that this are just top-players, maybe with some high level experience and the according mindset from other Games like Chess, Magic the Gathering, Poker...I could not say what else should make the difference in form of finding or executing some strategies.

I would second the ideas of ackack! I mean, some players have skill+-6, others have +-13 and are like same level.

2011 / Re: Schedule and Results: 2011 Championships
« on: December 07, 2011, 09:53:55 am »
Witch Division Round2: painted_cow 4 vs Calamari 1


A bit GM, a bit money, some light trashing with traderoute, we played this nearly identically.


Calamari outplayed me here and since I didnt got to 5 early on I had no chance to recover. My aim with Silver in Start was to get to 5 ASAP, but failed :-)


Minion game, we both had 5/2 (identical starting hands) and went Minion/Moat. I thought about Merchant Ship too (for getting 5 more often in early game) but denied it, because there were no villages in the setup. This game went really interesting, because we went both for different card choices beneath the Minions (5-5 splitted here). I went for Islands for some trashing and additional points, Calamari went for Potion and Golem. He got a nice lead in Provinces here, like 4:0. Luckily for me there were Fairgrounds and I builded up on them. One time I wasnt sure how the point counter interacted with Islands and Fairground (counting the removed cards?) but I missed in my counting, that I didnt had the gold, on which I was counting :D. Best and most interesting game so far in the series.


8 different options for 5 here including Vault, City, Torturer, Margrave at the bests.

I opened Young Witch/Swindler(Bane), Calamari went for Swindler/Silver. I got fairly lucky drawing Swindler in T3, and Witch in T4, while Calamari only hit an Estate (I hit copper). He got 2 Torturers ASAP and one City, while I got a Bazaar first and a single Torturer too. Calamari decided to go for his first Province really early in T9 (maybe that was key for me to build up my engine further).. In the end I had the City advantage and could end on piles. Would the fortune be reverse a bit Calamari could have ended on piles by himself but got none of his 3 Cities in the crucial turn.


Some would say a typical Chapel/Bishop game, but this went really fast. We both started Chapel/Silver but Calamari went for T5 Embassy and boosted for fast Gold and Provinces shortly after. Meanwhile I took the slower approach with Bishop, some Labs, Workers Village for buys and many Golds. In the end I had enough time to trash many Golds before Calamari got all 8 Provinces. This was really a though game as well!

All in all Calamari played this series very tight and was a friendly fellow for this games. Also the games werent boring BigMoney at all, only maybe the first game a bit. Thx for the games!

Sweet, I lost a level while not playing and got the like biggest uncertainty around. But better than the last experiment!

GokoDom / Re: IsoDom 2 Match-ups Final 4
« on: December 04, 2011, 07:00:32 pm »
Congratulations to Rabid!  And good work nonetheless Reyk, getting second is good too.

I helped him out with the study and had no problems at all. So feel free to help this fellow out!

GokoDom / Re: IsoDom 2 Match-ups Final 4
« on: November 30, 2011, 09:22:29 pm »
I would also wait a bit, maybe get it started in the new year, then you have a good name for it too :D New Years Dominion Tournament :-)

Dominion Isotropic / Re: Leaderboard change
« on: November 26, 2011, 08:23:14 am »
The sad thing is that you have to pick your opponent after the new leaderboard was released. Because the auotmatch +/- level option no longer works in a meaningful way.

Furthermore why should I play say a level 13 shark_bait or level 27 theory??? It would be completely dumb for me to do it. I can only lose points in a long run...Not really encouraging. So, I am still waiting for the good old leaderboard, please set it back, dougz :-)

Dominion Isotropic / Re: Leaderboard change
« on: November 24, 2011, 12:39:06 pm »
@ Lekkit: This thought may only be true for players, who a) start right now and will play a huge amount of games or b) play a huge amount of games anyway. For established players, who played their biggest amount of games already and reached their goals its a pity not to be at the top anymore.

By the way, was here even one player who liked the changes?

Dominion Isotropic / Re: Leaderboard change
« on: November 24, 2011, 09:57:24 am »
Delete Karumah and I am ranked #1 again :D (nice change one could think)

But I dislike the system eventhough! The argument, that games like 6 months ago should not influence todays skill is, as someone already mentioned, in the "old" system of Trueskill. Take an example. Lets say I lost 1 game 6 months ago, or maybe 10 games in a row. This drags down my Trueskill number for a short time. But in addition my future games after that losses will be rewarded with higher gainings. So in the long-run games that long ago wont matter anyway. Hope this argument is understandable :-)

2011 / Re: 2011 Championships Rules
« on: November 23, 2011, 07:35:14 pm »
It looks, that this tournament is a really good idea, seeing that many players to participate. This also should push this forum a little bit with that many new accounts.

On the other hand I have to ask myself: Is a single elimination mode really appropriate with 256 (+) players? What about double elimination with Loser Brackets or Group Phases? Just my two cents about it.

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