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Messages - Kudasai

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Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: November 27, 2019, 11:40:21 pm »
Splice by Gazbag 
I'd love to see a working version of this, but your version looks rather... unfinished to say it at least.

No it was definitely finished, it was just a terrible design!

Congrats pst!

My Bannermen card does the same thing,  but with more words to cover edge cases. Might be worth checking out.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: November 20, 2019, 11:24:04 pm »

So obviously there's a huge gulf in power between the strongest and weakest combinations (my votes go to Encampment+Experiment and Poor House+Beggar) so this isn't trying to be balanced 100% of the time. I think 3P is a good price for the average case and the Potion at least somewhat tempers the most absurd combinations. It's possible that it should be limited to terminal Actions only to make it a bit more consistent but that isn't nearly as cool.

I've always been unsure what "unused" actually means in Dominion. Is it cards not in the Kingdom or is it cards not in that game. The former (and what I believe Black Market suggest) means you could choose the same card twice. Not so much a big deal, just curious what your interpretation is.

Also, I believe it is "your mat" and not "the mat".

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: November 20, 2019, 05:58:02 pm »
Yaaaaay!  :) :) :)

Anyway, the next challenge will be:

Design a card whose effect differs per game. From the already-existing cards, Druid and Black Market would be eligible.

EDIT: Young Witch and Obelisk would qualify as well.

How about cards with a Setup that has changes to the card that players choose? The card could be different each game, but only if the player wishes it.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: November 20, 2019, 05:54:55 pm »
Yaaaaay!  :) :) :)

Anyway, the next challenge will be:

Design a card whose effect differs per game. From the already-existing cards, Druid and Black Market would be eligible.
Ooh... Tricky one. Uhh, let's see. How about this:

+1 Card
+3 Actions
+1 Buy
This costs $1 less per Treasure pile in the Supply, but not less than $2.

FAQ: For split and varied piles like Knights or say, Gladiator/Fortune, refer to the top card of the pile. This counts Copper, Silver and Gold. Capitalism does not change the cost of this card. Empty piles don't change the cost either. have I covered everything?

So basically it's a nice engine component that is only spammable if there are less Action cards in the Supply.

Interesting card! I think this would be more interesting if it did interact with Fortune when it is revealed and Capitalism when bought. It technically does as worded, so you'd need to add some extra text. This probably will get wordy very fast.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: November 19, 2019, 06:10:20 pm »
Without wanting to take anything away from Kudasai's great card, the idea is not totally new. This is a design by GeneralRamos and underneath is my adapated version of the idea of a Hireling-esque card with negative VPs.

It certainly felt like an idea that has been done before. Thanks for confirming! Also, was your version meant to have the Curse type?

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: November 19, 2019, 01:39:38 am »
You may set this aside. If you do, gain 2 cards each costing up to $4.
My card's FAQ would say that Witch calls for the card NAMED Curse, instead of the type, just so you guys know.

I'd argue this is the case already as Witch gives out a Curse (name) and not a Curse card (type). It all comes down to what players understand though, so making the distinction helps.

Hopefully one day we'll get another official card with the Curse type.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: November 17, 2019, 04:15:01 pm »


I guess the idea is two-fold:
-As a card you'd want to buy, it's a decently powerful card for cheap, but at the cost of -2VP. Can't be trashed later unless Bonfire is in the Kingdom.
-As a card you'd give out when Cursing someone, it gives -2VP versus -1VP, but players will need to understand when that actually will hurt an opponent and not help them.

FANATIC - $3 Action - Duration - Curse
At the start of each of your turns for the rest of the game: +$1.
(This stays in play.)

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: October 30, 2019, 11:08:35 am »
@spineflu, hhelibebcnofnena:

These are both great wording choices for Lute and are certainly safer than what I'm trying to do. Which is have a starting card that starts at $0 and gets much better if you hold onto it. I just worry that if Lute gives $1 initially and scales later, holding onto it is a no-brainer.

I think Lute can work as-is, but it probably needs a cheap ($2-$3) cantrip as a counterpart to make it viable. Musician is anything but that. Any suggestions for a Musician change? Even a complete overhaul would be fun to discuss!

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: October 29, 2019, 10:27:29 pm »

Just some funky ideas that kind of help each other out.

I like the Lute/Looter pun, if that was intentional.
i love it if it's unintentional

Are you worried that it'll mess with the opening at all? $2/$4 can be a rough start.

I'm very worried it will mess with the opener! I believe Donald X tried an Heirloom that didn't give any $ and he said it was fine, but just slowed the game down. So maybe it works okay? I'm really not convinced though.

If you had a way to guarantee your opening split, I think $6 coin to start would be fine.

And no, the pun was not intentional. That is quite funny though. Good catch!

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: October 29, 2019, 09:31:28 pm »

Just some funky ideas that kind of help each other out.


Variants and Fan Cards / Re: WDC Outtakes and B-Sides
« on: October 29, 2019, 05:24:43 pm »
Thanks for creating a space for all those cards that just didn't make the cut. I'm sure we all have them! I was trying to get something together for this week's contest, but I'm not 100% happy with it. I do think it has potential though so I wanted to share it here:



Trinket Shop: Incredibly weak, but in high enough numbers they can really add some payload to a deck. Needs careful management. Once the Ruins are gone though, you can always put 4 tokens on it and it will stay out of your deck for longer. This also helps boast your Curio payout. Might be fine as a cantrip at cost $3.

Curio: Provides $0 coin initially so that right there is going to turn a lot of people off. Could make for some wacky openers. The inclusion of Ruins and a $2 non-terminal are meant to help give it some juice early, but you can't just blindly blow through those piles. It would be rare, but you could get this thing up to $9, $12 and such on the last turn of the game.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: October 25, 2019, 02:08:58 am »
Thanks, Majiponi!

Contest #49: Make a Card with a Custom Heirloom
Couldn't think of a snappier title, sorry. Anyway, it's exactly what it says on the tin: design both a card and a new Heirloom that comes with it. Can't think of any restrictions at the moment except that the Heirloom has to have the Treasure type. If this specific contest has been done before, sorry, I'll pick something else. I remember there was a contest for making a card that comes with an existing official Heirloom, but this is slightly different.

How about an Action - Treasure - Heirloom?

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: October 15, 2019, 02:15:23 pm »

The manual refers to them as "Special terms". Although this is not very common knowledge and no card references these in this way. You could add a note though to make it clear:

"The first time you play an Action card during each of your turns, add 1 to each special term (+1 Card, +1 Buy, etc) in its text."

Good notice, but agreed, it is not common knowledge nor used. What about this phrasing: "The first time you play an Action card during each of your turns, add 1 to each denominated bonus (+ Cards, + Coffers, +$, etc.) in its text."?

I'm partial to Special terms since the manual uses it. However, denominated terms is more intuitive. Either way  I think the parentheses on both make it clear what's going on.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: October 15, 2019, 02:12:40 pm »
@Aquila: Curio was essentially supposed to be "All cards cost $1 more", but I decided to implement that using the -$1 token. I can see now that they do not function the same. Oops! Thanks for the feedback!

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: October 14, 2019, 08:10:00 pm »
Did Donald X ever come up with a term for those basic type of effects?

Here is an edit based on the above. I changed the wording, and limited it to the first action played per turn.

The manual refers to them as "Special terms". Although this is not very common knowledge and no card references these in this way. You could add a note though to make it clear:

"The first time you play an Action card during each of your turns, add 1 to each special term (+1 Card, +1 Buy, etc) in its text."

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: October 08, 2019, 02:29:20 pm »
Congrats Aquila!!

Also, thank you spineflu and scolapasta for the feedback on rephrasing the card...I hope it’s clearer now! I apologize for not being to find an image ( My google skills aren’t high) if anyone has one off-hand, I’d appreciate it greatly!

I have one that could work. I'll send it to you later!

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: October 02, 2019, 01:30:51 pm »
ah i guess not - my brain just filled in "Supply" instead of Kingdom.

Confirmed. Ruins are Special Basic cards and not Kingdom cards. I get the glossing over the Kingdom card part. I guess the term "Kingdom card" has been cut from expansions because nobody knew what it was since it's a term rarely used.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: October 02, 2019, 01:10:46 pm »

Examples: A player can choose Market 4. Market being the Kingdom card and 4 being the card position from the top. If another player (not you) gains the 4th Market, you reveal your secretly recorded note and you get 4VP tokens. More tokens are rewarded the further down a pile you choose as the risk is often greater. You can call the 10th Market going and maybe it never gets gained!

A few things to clarify:
-Card position - The top card of a pile is card position #1, the next card is card position #2 and so on.
-Secretly record - Can be any means of recording a card and position. Paper and pen or a phone work best.
-Kingdom cards - These are the 10 random cards selected for each game. They do not include the standard Victory cards and standard Treasure cards. So for instance you cannot choose the Province pile for Blockade.
-Kingdom card piles must be different and card positions must be different. So if you choose say Market 4, you cannot then choose Smithy 4 as the 4th card position can only be chosen once.
Blockade -Landmark
At the start of the game, secretly record 3 different Kingdom card piles and positions (from the top of that pile). When another player gains a card/position you recorded, reveal it for +1VP equal to its position.
While I'm not sure I can identify the equilibrium strategy, "the first time" only adds one word to the card and is probably overall helpful with respect to the concerning possible disincentive to ever buy Province in an Ambassador game.

Yes, Ambassador makes it possible to gain the same card/position twice or more in a game. Is this bad? I'm not sure, but I kind of like the interaction. It will rarely come up and even so once a player has revealed their card/position for VP points, everyone will know not to gain that card. This could lead to blocking piles, but again I kind of like this niche strategy.

As for the Province comment I don't follow.
My thinking is you select Duchess 10, piledrive the Duchesses, and hand them out to your opponent one at a time.  Your opponent will not "know not to gain the card", they should gain the card to hold you to 50 points instead of 100.
If both players select Duchess 10 I have no idea what happens but I'm scared.

if multiple players select Duchess 10, only the players who didn't gain the 10th Duchess get the +10vp
This landmark will play very differently with junkers vs without (but not Looters/Ruins - who'd make that gamble, that card 10 in the Ruin deck was a Ruined Market?); Idk if I dig the duality with it or if you'd want to change it to "when another player buys the card at that position" to make it more straightforward than "oh how can I throw the 12th Silver at my opponent"

Are Ruins considered Kingdom cards? I know Silvers are not and thus cannot be used with Blockade.

@popsofctown: When all players choose the same card/position it's a blockade!!! Nobody then wants to gain that card, but nobody will ever for sure know why.

I had not thought of the Blockade/Ambassador combo as being so abusable. I kind of still think this is a feature and not a flaw, but boy this could get out of hand. Maybe I should put in a "first time" clause.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: October 01, 2019, 03:32:57 pm »

Jetty • $5  • Action - Duration
Now and at the start of your next turn, +2 Cards.
If the game would end while this is in play, there is an additional round of turns for players with Jetty in play, during which Jetty reads "+2 Cards."
Made a Wharf-Fleet hybrid; I think I got the wording (and self-shapeshifting) right so there aren't infinite Jetty turns at the end of the game. Lemme know if that wording works or not, yeah?

I don't think this needs the end bit "during which Jetty reads as +2 Cards." Jetty already gives +2 Cards on play.
right but during the Jetty turn, if someone plays Jetty, it would trigger an additional Jetty turn if it didn't have that clause. Would it be less ambiguous if it said "there is only one round of Jetty turns"?

also @Kudasai - you've got a typo in your card image - "Kindom card"

Thanks for the typo catch and yes, I now see what you're saying about Jetty. I think it's less ambiguous to go with your "there is only one round of Jetty extra turns" phrasing!

As for the card, I do like the balance of it. Wharf without buys for the same price is strictly worse, but if you can get that extra turn it could be worth it. The value of that extra turn doesn't necessarily go up with each purchase though. So given two players who both get the same value out of their extra turn, a player who can manage say 2 of these versus a player who has 3 or more will technically be getting a better value. That makes sense right? Or am I way off? Anyways, I think this card is very straight forward and easy to understand, but offers a lot of subtle yet complex strategy. Very nice!

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: October 01, 2019, 03:30:58 pm »

Examples: A player can choose Market 4. Market being the Kingdom card and 4 being the card position from the top. If another player (not you) gains the 4th Market, you reveal your secretly recorded note and you get 4VP tokens. More tokens are rewarded the further down a pile you choose as the risk is often greater. You can call the 10th Market going and maybe it never gets gained!

A few things to clarify:
-Card position - The top card of a pile is card position #1, the next card is card position #2 and so on.
-Secretly record - Can be any means of recording a card and position. Paper and pen or a phone work best.
-Kingdom cards - These are the 10 random cards selected for each game. They do not include the standard Victory cards and standard Treasure cards. So for instance you cannot choose the Province pile for Blockade.
-Kingdom card piles must be different and card positions must be different. So if you choose say Market 4, you cannot then choose Smithy 4 as the 4th card position can only be chosen once.
Blockade -Landmark
At the start of the game, secretly record 3 different Kingdom card piles and positions (from the top of that pile). When another player gains a card/position you recorded, reveal it for +1VP equal to its position.
While I'm not sure I can identify the equilibrium strategy, "the first time" only adds one word to the card and is probably overall helpful with respect to the concerning possible disincentive to ever buy Province in an Ambassador game.

Yes, Ambassador makes it possible to gain the same card/position twice or more in a game. Is this bad? I'm not sure, but I kind of like the interaction. It will rarely come up and even so once a player has revealed their card/position for VP points, everyone will know not to gain that card. This could lead to blocking piles, but again I kind of like this niche strategy.

As for the Province comment I don't follow.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: September 30, 2019, 09:41:04 pm »

Jetty • $5  • Action - Duration
Now and at the start of your next turn, +2 Cards.
If the game would end while this is in play, there is an additional round of turns for players with Jetty in play, during which Jetty reads "+2 Cards."
Made a Wharf-Fleet hybrid; I think I got the wording (and self-shapeshifting) right so there aren't infinite Jetty turns at the end of the game. Lemme know if that wording works or not, yeah?
Name taken from this post that I saw like five years ago:

I don't think this needs the end bit "during which Jetty reads as +2 Cards." Jetty already gives +2 Cards on play.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: September 30, 2019, 08:32:48 pm »

Changes: v0.2 - Changed the choice to just one card/position choice. I like two to three choices better, but one has less chance of overwhelming players. Less opportunity to score VP points, but even a 2VP token swing can drastically change the end game.

Examples: A player can choose Market 4. Market being the Kingdom card and 4 being the card position from the top. If another player (not you) gains the 4th Market, you reveal your secretly recorded note and you get 4VP tokens. More tokens are rewarded the further down a pile you choose as the risk is often greater. You can call the 10th Market going and maybe it never gets gained!

A few things to clarify:
-Card position - The top card of a pile is card position #1, the next card is card position #2 and so on.
-Secretly record - Can be any means of recording a card and position. Paper and pen or a phone work best.
-Kingdom cards - These are the 10 random cards selected for each game. They do not include the standard Victory cards and standard Treasure cards. So for instance you cannot choose the Province pile for Blockade.
Blockade -Landmark
At the start of the game, secretly record 3 different Kingdom card piles and positions (from the top of that pile). When another player gains a card/position you recorded, reveal it for +1VP equal to its position.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: September 29, 2019, 05:30:44 pm »
Thank you Commodore Chuckles

Challenge #46: But it wasn't even your turn!

Design a card (shaped thing) that can do one of the following things on another players turn:
  • Increase your VP (either with VP chips, an alt-VP formula, or other means) and/or decrease the VP of other players
  • Give you a say in when the game ends (eg it can gain a card, prevent gains, return a card to the supply, etc.)

The idea behind this challenge is cards that change the endgame so that players need to think about more than their own deck's capacity to gain a VP lead and end the game, because other players have cards that will change the VP balance, or it might not be up to them whether the game is going to end on a given turn. Cards which add a level of complexity to the endgame, while still being fun and fair, will have the best chance of winning.

Would the following format be accepted?

"At the start of your next turn, while this was in play, if any player condition, take reward."

This technically gives you something on your turn and not your opponents, but it is conditional on something happening during your opponents turn.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Replacement for Royal Seal in Prosperity
« on: September 26, 2019, 03:42:02 pm »
I'd say most "bad" cards are just situational and more geared towards Victory card rushes versus engine building. If you can identify when to go for such cards you can really punish players who try and build.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: September 24, 2019, 12:03:42 pm »
Okay, after thinking about this some more, I'm afraid I am going to have to reject the card as it currently stands. I'm very sorry naitchman, and I feel especially bad about this as you were the one who gave me the win in the last contest. But in the end, the point of the challenge is to make a card that does something usually considered awkward (drawing a single card and not letting you play it if it's an Action card.) Parade can always play an Action card if there's one in your hand, so the challenge simply isn't there.

I'm not rejecting the idea outright; I'll accept it if the ability to Throne is based on some condition that's not always met (besides an Action card being in your hand, of course.)

Given the new rules, does Escort still qualify?

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