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Dominion General Discussion / Re: Favorite Expansions in 2018
« on: February 09, 2018, 08:36:35 pm »
Here is how I rank the expansions nowadays. My main criterias are :
- Creativity : expansions with cards that creates weird or counter-intuitives strategies that actually works will be ranked higher. Alt-Vp things and Trash-for-benefit are especially nice about creativity.
- Mechanic elegance : I tend to prefer simple things that works elegantly to more complicated things that involve more stuff. That's why I like Duration, Reserve and Night cards more than Split piles or Fates.
- Balance : Sometimes you know you are going to buy a card, at first glance, even without seeing the others. The edge cases are too uncommon. I usually like average/situationnal cards way more than must-buys.
- Tactical / on turn decision : A (very little) downside in Dominion (which is still my all time favorite game) is the predominance of strategy over tactic. Sometimes everything is scripted from turn 1. So, cards that adds touch of tactical decisions in the game get my preference.

So here is the list :

1. Cornucopia : My love for cornucopia is a bit irrationnal. But this little set is very solid. With the exception of tournament, I like every single card in it. Menagerie and Horn of plenty are easily in my top 5. The variety theme works very well for me, and brings lot of fun to the game.

2. Adventures : The +card/action/coin/buy tokens (+plan and ferry) are in my opinion one of the funniest things in dominion. The reserve mechanic is great too, it mitigates shuffle luck in a nice way. Those travellers are a little bit overpowered and inelegant, but I still like the Peasant line. Some cards are a little bit too similar too earlier cards, but i don't consider that in my ranking, because the release order says nothing about the inherent qualities of an expansion.

3. Dark Ages : It's a shame we have cultist and Rebuild (and Knights that turns almost every game into a knight battle) because the rest of the cards is absolutely awesome. Procession and Rats are two examples of how dominion can be fun and very complex at the same time. This is clearly one of the best expansions about creativity.

4. Hinterlands : I feel Hinterlands is little bit underrated. Overall it has a great balance : very few overpowered cards. There are maybe too many underpowered cards but in my opinion it matters less than the overpowered ones. It's also one of the very few sets that aren't too engine-friendly. Cards in this set are interesting and adds lot of subtle decisions.

5. Intrigue : With very simple ideas, this expansion brings the game to new thinking paths. Think about it : Conspirator, Baron, bridge, Duke, Coppersmith (still lives in my heart) all needs very different kinds of decks to work at there best. The 2nd edition is not particularly needed, especially considering we miss coppersmith, but still adds interesting cards.

6. Seaside : One of the most simple expansions, still with very different interesting concepts in it. Durations are very well designeed.

7. Base : Simplicity again. I would rank the 1st edition much lower though. The 2nd edition is almost perfect.

8. Guilds : I like a lot of the cards there too. Overpay is a nice mechanic but not enough used and not in the best way IMO. For example Herald would be fine without overpay. But coin tokens is a good mechanic.

9. Empires : On one side, I love Empires. Really. I feel bad it is so low on the list. The concepts are very, very interesting. But on the other side, I feel a lot of the cards ends up being uselessly complicated. Especially split piles. I like Fortune but not so much Gladiator. I like settlers but often don't have the opportunity to but a bustling village. Catapult/Rock is fun thematically but doesn't work that well in practice. Same for gathering. The events are not as elegant and interesting as in adventures.
I'm divided about landmarks : sometimes the game is very weird because of them, other times, they do add depth (and alternate paths of victory) to the game.
But I like the debt cards a lot : it's always hard to find the right moment to buy them.

10. Nocturne : I may rank it higher in the future but right now i'm simply not fond enough of neither boons nor hexes. That's randomness at it's most uninteresting way. And non-supply cards are just a little bit too much of design complexity for my taste. The rest is fine, Night cards are fun and Heirlooms add variety to the opening hands in a subtle way.

11. Alchemy : It's a fun engine expansion. My only problem is the overall balance and how attacks are devastating. But I still like possession.

12. Prosperity : Same here, Prosperity is the least balanced set in my opinion. Too much power-creep ruins the fun. I still enjoy Prosperity a lot, it's just that I like the rest more.

13. Promos : Again, we have too powerful cards. I learned to like governor though. Also, Prince and Summon are very fun.

I don't get how Crown could be better than Royal Carriage really, the fact you can't RC a RC isn't enough to justify that difference in the rankings. Royal Carriage is way more flexible and more efficent to enable nice megaturns.

About the rest, well I'm overtaken by the new ranking standards. I remember once I asked how to rank good junker vs good drawers, I took the example of Wharf vs. Witch. At that time, everyone said it was obvious that witch should be ranked higher. Time has passed since...

Wharf at #1 doesn't shock me, but Junk dealer second I don't get. The main difference between Wharf and Junk Dealer is that Wharf is like always the best drawer in the board. You can't skip it. But Junk Dealer... it's so expensive and there are other very good trashers in the game, I'm thinking about Chapel, Forager, Steward, Remake, Bonfire, Forge (which is expensive but can trash a lot in one play)...

I think Vampire is overrated and is the same kind of trap as University. And the bat is simply not very good. With no other trashers in the board it's ok (but still comes late) otherwise it's a dead card in the deck.

Also I don't get Groundskeeper yet. I like the card a lot but I never had lot of VP with it. Wild hunt seems way better to me. Can someone explain me why groundskeeper is so good ?

Dominion: Nocturne Previews / Re: Nocturne Initial Impressions
« on: November 19, 2017, 07:58:05 am »
Devil's workshop : For the moment I simply dislike that card, it's just so weird, and I don't think it leads to interesting decisions. Imps are too easy to play, and rarely going to be bad anyway. I agree that you want to get it mainly for the imp, but a nonterminal workshop is a pretty good consolation prize. A strong card.

Necromancer : It's weird how if one key card get trashed by accident, suddenly necromancer become very strong. It once happened for me in a minion game. I think most of the time you should skip necromancer early, but mid-game it can be an interesting investment, trash your key $5/$6 card with zombie apprentice, then with +buy it become more profitable to get a few necromancers than that card. Not too much because you can't play the same trashed card more than once, but the zombies add flexibility options. I think this scenario could happen reasonnably often in weak engine games, where the key card I'm talking about is draw maybe.
All zombies are obviously weak but surprinsingly I find myself using often (again, in the very few games I played) the mason. I remember it hit my estates quite often but this is pure luck I guess. An interesting card design.

Shepherd : That's a strong card, because of pasture. I think without pasture it would have been way weaker. But shepherd can draw a lot, really, and pasture makes the starting victory points more important than usual. I mean more often than not I would keep my starting estates because of shepherd/pasture. But I see people on shuffleit overbuying shepherd, and drawing shepherd with no victory cards is very sad so be careful. It's a kind of sifter but paradoxically in games where the number of cards in hands is more important than the quality of the cards themselve, shepherd is awesome.
Very flavorful card, it works with victory cards, it makes estates better : I'm always wishing for more card like this. One of my favorite from the set.

Skulk : I read somewhere that Donald X didn't like saboteur because it's purely destructive. When you play it, you gain no benefit yourself. I'm surprised to see skulk (and, to a lesser extent, werewolf) because they are quite similar. Of course getting the gold is very good. I guess later in the game skulk can become a dead card but I had game where I was completely destroyed by multiple hexes. I don't get hexes completely yet.

Cobbler : I love in hand gains. Nice.

Crypt : One of the most puzzling cards for me. I like it.

Cursed village : Hexing yourself is not scary especially during the buy phase, and getting to draw (usually) 2 cards the first time you play it makes cursed village a very solid village that only suffer the bazaar syndrome. Hexes are a purely random thing especially on this card, because the majority of these are not going to affect you during the buy phase (or slightly) but a few (locust, war, plague) really hurt. I like self-hurting things but why are hexes/boon so random ?

Den of sin : Lab variant, variants are good, and as I already said, the few in-hand night gains (ghost town, guardian, and this) are really interesting for the tactical dimension of the game. Probably slightly weaker than lab.

Idol : One of the best $5 treasures. Still not awesome. I think this rank close to relic, but idol is way funnier to play with. And here I don't mind so much the luck dimension of boons, because unlike fool/bard, Idol is nonterminal so you know you are going to play it anyway. It's not like hesitating between playing fool and monument and getting useless boons, then lose lost in the wood right the turn after. And all boons are usually useful in the buy phase, even the one that give +action also give coins, so the boon is nearly always going to be good. The fact cursing doesn't stack is good. A well designed card.

Pooka : When discovering this card I didn't realize how often that card miss the shuffle. Drawing 4 cards seems to make shuffle miss significantly more likely than drawing 3. Of course it's a good starting card, and as expected it gets weird when the number of treasures in your deck decrease.
And Cursed gold is diabolic. Very interesting to play it, though it makes the opening buys sometimes very disappointing. In any case, you have to be very careful in pooka / cursed gold games.

Tragic hero : Me and other people have talked about the potential of mega-turn. I agree, though, that this is rarely going to happen, so overall it's a weak card. If it's the only +buy in the kingdom, it's might be hard to play around it. I like Tragic hero for the same reasons I like Rogue : you know, from the begining of the game, that at some point it can turn into real crap, but sometimes it's still worth it.

Vampire : A very powerful opening card. Probably a bit weaker at turn $3 or $4, because that $5 you gain come a bit too late. But gaining a $5 + hexing is as strong as it sounds. Bat is very good at trashing estates / curses especially considering that if you play bat by turn $6/$7 you are likely to draw them with another terminal draw card, say a $5 you gained via vampire. You may want to skip vampire/bat if you have quicker trash or economy building options, or if trashing copper quickly is particularly important. Otherwise a deck with Vampire/Bat can be very potent, especially at turn 8-9 right after you exchange bat for vampire again.

Werewolf : A self-synergic draw, I think it's weaker than wild hunt but I'm not sure. Giving 1 hex doesn't seem that good to me, but as said about skulk I already got destroyed by hexes. I was expecting something more exciting for werewolf so I'm slightly disappointed.

Raider : The attack part never did anything in the games I played with raider, but I really want to see that someday.

I will talk about the rest when they will appear in my future games. I remember the last card I discovered in Adventures was peasant, and in Empires it was legionnary. I'm curious to see which one it'll be now.

Dominion: Nocturne Previews / Re: Nocturne Initial Impressions
« on: November 18, 2017, 08:03:36 pm »
Here are some thoughts about card-design and power level, after very few plays (not all cards) :

Druid - Some of the Nocturne cards has a very well thought flavor. Actually Druid and Faithful hound might be the most flavorful cards of this expansion. I think Druid is a very cool cards for the same reasons as pawn : each effect taken aside is really weak, but versatility makes the whole difference. Druid is probably weaker than pawn, because only 1 boon give +action.
Overall I love Druid, I think it's my favorite from the set, design-wise.

Faithful hound - Cute tricks to do with it, never awesome, more versatile than moat but obviously weaker at defending against attack. Below average.

Guardian - Some people there seems to hate the fact it's similar to lighthouse. I actually think this card is a very good addition to the game (we needed more defenses) and its existence is legitimate. Playing it right after buying it makes the whole difference, really. It's more subtle, more tactical. The fact it provides $1 like copper (while lighthouse is more similar to silver), makes you don't want to have too much of them. I think lighthouse is stronger, because the +$1 the turn you play it makes lighthouse more stackable, but I love guardian.

Pixie - This is another card I really love. The choice between receiving boon and playing pixie mitigates the luck element of boons (which I dislike) a lot. Very elegant card. Quite solid, too. You surely don't want to rush for it but for $2 it's nearly always a nice addition to your deck. I think you don't want to keep pixie too much, and I usually (after, as I said, very few plays) trash it right after the first useful boon.
About Goat : makes 4/3 slightly better than usual. It's fun to play around it. I dislike the fact that some cards always play with their assigned heirloom, in the case of pixie/goat, I think pixie would work fine alone.

Tracker - I don't know yet what to think about that one, but I guess it depends on the top-deck tricks you could do mid-turn. I have to play more with that one, but I guess I could like it a lot.

Fool - What an appropriate name for a card that does litteraly only random things. I don't see any reason to go for fool other than denying Lost in the wood to your opponent. Because, playing Lost in the wood several turn in a row is very powerful. But otherwise, there is nothing predictable about fool and you never take a fool in your deck for another particular reason. Randomness in all its glory. I don't like this card very much, but I have to admit it's a very unique one. (Someone compared fate cards to tribute, I think the comparison is very relevant, at least for fool).

Ghost Town - I think it's same power level as village. I know it's not exactly the same, but I can't find situations where the difference really matter (except about that on-buy in hand thing). It's not as obvious as shanty town / village. If both Ghost town and Village are in the kingdom, I will have a hard time to decide which one of those I would buy more.

Leprechaun - Funny card, also very flavorful. The 7-card challenge is menagerie-style, so it's a ton of fun to play. Really like it. Pretty solid card.

Blessed village - I said it, boons are just luck, most of the time you can't predict what will come, so it's hard to play with them with a long-term perspective. This is my main complain about the nocturne expansion, but I know it's already discussed here. So Blessed village, well, it's village+. I would rank it among the best $4 village but still weaker than plaza, wandering minstrel, and port.

Cemetary - It's very similar to the simplest victory cards. I find it particularly effective to trash curses late in the game for end-game points. The haunted mirror / ghost thing is a sub-game in the game, not very interesting strategically but fun to play. I like victory cards, I like cemetary. It's as simple as that.

Will continue tomorrow.

Dominion: Nocturne Previews / Re: Nocturne Initial Impressions
« on: November 17, 2017, 05:12:55 pm »
The funny thing with tragic hero is, with a little trick, you can gain that treasure and draw it just after by another action, so it can enable nice megaturns.

Dominion: Nocturne Previews / Re: Previews #2: Shepherd, Pooka, Cemetery
« on: October 24, 2017, 12:40:31 pm »
These heirlooms cards are awesome !
Having played a few games with them, Cursed gold in particular is a real headache when no good trashers are in the game.

Alm/Cemetary is very strong when you can discard a necropolis to get the ghost (which happened in my last game, opponent quickly resigned ;D)

Little synergy I just discovered : Using Replace for Copper => Estate is a 3VP swing with pasture and obviously combos with shepherd

Very exciting previews !
Devil's workshop seems weird : all 3 effects have very different uses, and the $4 gaining would be most of the time the worst of the 3, which means you either want to play a lot of action cards or none. And imp has no obvious mechanical link with it.
I'm not very fond of those cards with a lot of different unrelated abilities, like that one or travelers, hermit, etc. It's hard to memorize instantly and I think it makes the game less fluid. Of all 4 new cards, that's my only disappointment. But I can change my mind by playing, it already happened more than once  :D
Raider's attack is very interesting, though it can be very brutal and luck-dependant sometimes.
I love how ghost town is another village that exploit the expansion's new mechanism. I have absolutely no idea of how powerful it could be. But it can mitigate the risk of early terminal collision.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Official Dominion Strategy Podcast
« on: September 17, 2017, 08:26:00 am »
I think the podcast would have more audience if it were shorter, I'am a bit discouraged by this 50min lenght (however, I'm not the main audience since I do not understand english very well, especially listening)

Game Reports / Re: Tricky engine board : how would you play it ?
« on: September 07, 2017, 04:21:01 pm »
Very interesting comments, thanks !

I completely ignored familiar in this game. It seemed to me that the card is obsolete here due to masquerade and good apothecary cycling. But Shark_bait has serious arguments to prove me it's untrue.

About masquerade, is the trashing ability useful with apothecary (digging for coppers) and expand (expanding estates ?) on the board ?

Game Reports / Tricky engine board : how would you play it ?
« on: September 07, 2017, 08:22:18 am »
Just had this interesting game :

Apothecary, Tunnel, Familiar, Masquerade, Mill, Ranger, Artificer, Haggler, Royal Carriage, Expand

Event : Travelling fair
Landmark : Aqueduct

How would you play it ?
I won with a lot of apothecaries and a few royal carriage using one tunnel I activated a few times with mill / artificer to gain gold. But I'm not very satisfied by my play : I think there is potential for a more efficient engine, using ranger for more draw, and maybe even masquerade ?

Building engines with Festival for splitting is almost as awkward as building engines with Ranger for draw. Council Room, on the other hand, makes it super easy to build engines.
Makes engines super easy for the opponent too. Ok I know this is obvious.
Still for me that benefit for the opponent is so huge for me. Even with discard attacks, you are still giving to your opponent some kind of sifting. So overall that drawback of cr is a bigger weakness than the lack of +cards in festival, which is quite important too but can be mitigatened by some cute combos (menagerie-watchtower), non-terminal draw (advisor, lab, opponent's council room lol), or sifters / deck inspection. Really all you need on a village is +2 actions, the usual +1 card is just a a bonus that makes things easier.

I would rank Festival, Duke and Treasure Trove way higher.
Winemerchant and council room lower (cr better than festival really ? :o ).
I think the new cards Charm and Forum are overrated. They are both useful but are rarely the $5 that you focus on.

I still have absolutely no understanding of artificer, it seems so strong on paper but i never had a game where it was really useful.

I'm very surprised to see that there are many people on this forum that actually dislike some of the expansions. To me, all expansions are fun to play with, adds very cool cards and have only very few flaws.

That's how I rank today :

1- Cornucopia - I like basically all cards except Tournament (but still, I sometimes find pleasure in using the prizes in specific contexts) and Hunting party in IRL plays. Now that a lot of new expansions are released, my excitement about cornucopia diminished a little but I still feel a nostalgic love for this little expansion.

2- Adventures - I do not like everything in this set (I'm not too fond of travellers, not very excited by all events and I don't get why caravan guard is so pointlessly weird), but the things I like, I really like them. Reserve cards adds lot of very interesting tactical decisions to the game. Guide and Transmogrify are awesome. Lost arts, Pathfinding, Training and Seaway allows to reinvent the cards in a creative ways (and that's what made me love dominion : the creativity of the deck-building concept). And Swamp Hag and Haunted woods are very balanced and brillantly designed attack cards. So this set is really interesting.

3- Dark Ages - DA have very interesting kingdom cards that plays in very unique ways. I'm thinking about Procession, Rats, Fortress, Poor house, Death Cart, Rogue or Beggar… I'm very disappointed by Cultist, I think it could have been better designed, like, with no chaining effect I would be very happy. Using the ruins for only three cards is also disappointing. And the fact that every game with knights turns into knight battle… another disappointed. But overall, this set is very nice.

4- Empires - I'm still discovering this expansion, I haven't even tried all the cards yet. But Landmarks is the reason why I rank this expansion high. I love alternative ways to gain victory points. I think some of these landmarks could have been old simple alt vp cards (palace, tower) and I miss these alt-vp that creates so interesting assymetric games. But the interaction around VP added by some landmarks and gathering cards is very interesting as well and adds more hard decisions. I'm less convinced by the new kingdom cards, but as I said, it's still too new for me.

5- Hinterlands - I like how this set made Big Money better again, and more interesting to play. A lot of cards in this set involve very subtle tactical decisions. I particularly enjoy Tunnel and Develop.

6- Seaside - I find the duration cards introduced in this set very fun to play, especially tactician and Outpost. Overall I like a lot of cards in this set, for different reasons. Even the simplest cards like Bazaar or Warehouse.

7- Intrigue 1st and 2nd edition - Both Intrigue have a bunch of interesting cards. I always enjoy playing with Conspirator, Bridge, Baron, Mining Village, Duke, or… Coppersmith :( from the new edition cards, I like Mill, Replace, Diplomat and Lurker. These 4 could almost comfort me for the loss of coppersmith. Almost.

9- Guilds - I like a lot of the cards there, with no real preference. Coin tokens and overpay are nice concept that could have been used more, in a bigger expansion. Overpay especially is not very well used, it's just a small bonus for herald or doctor that rarely matters (and I really dislike the chance factor on doctor).

10- Prosperity - A cool set. My favorite cards are the $7 cost. I'm less excited by the rest and I dislike Mountebank and Goons because they are simply too strong and almost always worth it. And trade route is rarely more than just a weak trasher that sometimes provides money.

11- Dominion 2nd edition - Base game is fine, but I like expansions even more. Also, witch and chapel are too dominant but I'm ok with that, because new players won't necessarly see it and knowing that they are dominant don't make the game unintersting. The 2nd edition cards are fine as replacement for the 1st edition cards.

12- Alchemy - There are few problems about alchemy : the attack on scrying pool, the cost of familiar, the weakness of transmute and that's already 1/4 of the set. That's why I rank this expansion low, despite the funny cards.

13 - Dominion 1st edition - Because of the 6 duds replaced in the 2nd edition.

Game Reports / Lurker + Fortress ends the game in 9 turns
« on: January 25, 2017, 10:01:23 am »
In a game on Shuffle it :
Plan, Witch, Fortress, Lurker.
I put plan on Lurker, then rush on lurkers, and gain a lot of fortress

Here is my last turn.
Code: [Select]
plays a Fortress
draws a Lurker
plays a Witch
draws a Curse
and a Lurker
gains a Curse
plays a Lurker
trashes a Fortress
puts a Fortress
into their hand.
plays a Fortress
draws a Secret Passage
plays a Lurker
trashes a Fortress
puts a Fortress
into their hand.
plays a Fortress
shuffles their deck.
draws a Fortress
plays a Secret Passage
draws a Copper
and a Fortress
topdecks a Copper
plays a Fortress
draws a Curse
plays a Fortress
draws a Lurker
plays a Lurker
trashes a Fortress
puts a Fortress
into their hand.
plays a Fortress
draws a Lurker
plays a Lurker
trashes a Fortress
puts a Fortress
into their hand.
plays a Fortress
draws a Copper
plays a Messenger
moves their deck to the discard.
plays a Silver
and 2 Coppers
buys a Lurker
trashes a Curse
gains a Lurker
buys a Lurker
trashes a Curse
gains a Lurker
shuffles their deck.
draws a Copper
, a Silver
, a Witch
and 2 Fortresses

To sum up : Fortresses and curses are gone. 2 lurkers are remaining, I buy both trashing two curses at the same time because of plan. That curse-trashing give me a win by one point above my opponent. (-1VP / -2VP)

I think my opponent didn't see the trick and that if he did, the game would be even crazier.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Favorite cards, and why - 2017
« on: January 25, 2017, 09:03:09 am »
Coppersmith is still living in my heart...

Overall I like cards with a bonus that only in specific conditions : Menagerie, Baron, Wishing Well...

I feel a burning love Develop - building engines with develop (with sometimes the help of something like King's court) is so satisfying. Also, I like the tricks we can do with the top-deck effect.

Adventures is still too new for me, but I love the events that adds bonus to a card (lost arts, pathfinding, seaway, training) and plan. Also, Guide and Transmogrify because they can save an otherwise really bad turn.

I have to name also Horn of plenty, Rats, Forge, Tactician, Island, Procession, Highway and other I'm forgetting.

Dominion Online at Shuffle iT / Re: Lord Rattington
« on: January 10, 2017, 05:45:23 am »
Contraband is overpowered against Lord Rattington : he names copper every single time

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Dominion and Intrigue second editions
« on: September 27, 2016, 06:09:38 pm »
But there are tons of awful cards in Seaside! There's Pearl Diver, Embargo, Explorer, Island, Pirate Ship, Haven, Lookout, Smugglers, and Navigator!
On this forum there is a general tendency to dislike weak cards and I really don't understand why. Except the unbalanced ones like Scout, weak cards are fine and add sometimes a lot more subtlety than strong cards. And using them just a little could sometimes be the key to win the game. They are never going to be the most important engine pieces, but they still have an influence on how the game plays. And we need them, otherwise the game would always be too heavy. I would prefer so much a board with Witch + Navigator + Pearl Diver than, say, Witch + Goons + Tournament.

Really, except pirate ship which is unbalanced, they are all fine.

I think updating the few broken-strong cards is more a priority

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Dominion and Intrigue second editions
« on: September 25, 2016, 11:22:18 am »
I don't know in which thread I have to post my thoughts, nevermind.
About Intrigue :
Removed -
Secret chamber : SC was always a weird card, certainly not an uninteresting one, but both part could have been stronger. The reaction was sometimes useful but never really exciting. And the relation between the action and reaction part exists (trading bad cards for another thing) but not so much obvious. I'm pleased that Donald used SC's concepts for new cards.
Great Hall : I like Great hall in the same way I like Pearl Diver. Both are never more than slightly useful, but they are never useless. Of course, they can hurt in some decks. If in every dominion game we had 10 game-changing card, it would be too much. So I think there were no need to remove Great Hall. But now, I'm happy with Mill.
Scout : I'm very happy with the new fixed version of scout. It's very different now that it's a terminal card, but the spirit is not lost.
Saboteur : I think Saboteur is quite a high-skill card, but I agree that it was too often useless. I would have liked a slightly improved saboteur, but losing saboteur is not the end of the world.
Tribute : Tribute was too swingy, otherwise I think the design idea was really great. I'm not very satisfied with Courtier.

New cards :

Courtier : The thing is, it's too easy. You just reveal the card that has the most types, but there is no difference between revealing a harem or a militia, in contrary to the old tribute. I think it lacks of interesting decisions. I would have loved a card that said "reveal a card from your hand, if it's a [card type], you get [bonus], etc for all card types" that would fix the thing I dislike from tribute (randomness) and at the same time creates more interesting decisions.
Patrol : Love this new scout.
Replace : That's an unexpected new remodel. You may want to gain estates only for the junk part. I like it.
Diplomat : Seems awesome against hand-reducers, and hand-reducers tend to be sometimes quite boring, so I really like this card. I think activating the village effect will be almost as satisfying as revealing a hand without duplicates with menagerie. And I like how it's kind of the opposite of shanty town.
Mill : Mixing great hall and secret chamber was a clever idea.
Secret passage : I fear that this may slow down the game a lot, when played in chain. And I think "putting anywhere in your deck" will, in practice, mean either the top either the bottom of the deck. So I think I don't like it so much.
Lurker : I think I like it. It could be quite strong in games with TfB (replace!), otherwise if you manage to play it two times in a turn, which won't be so hard I guess, it could be very powerful.

I think unlike base game, there were no particular need to update Intrigue. Only Scout and Secret chamber were the bad-designed cards IMO (maybe tribute too because it scales too much on the number of players wrong). I'm a bit disappointed by courtier and secret passage, but maybe I will enjoy them after all. Otherwise, nice new cards.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Dominion and Intrigue second editions
« on: September 25, 2016, 08:43:38 am »
Thoughts on base game :
Removed -
Adventurer : Fine, it was too weak and even when it shined it wasn't that interesting anyway. Venture is the fixed version.
Spy : Not interesting, too annoying, it was a nice cantrip for conspirator but we have ton of those
Thief : Too weak and i'm glad with the corrected versions anyway (noble brigand has more flavor than bandit though)
Feast : I like feast, all cards don't have to be game-changers. But I can live without
Chancellor : We have messenger and Scavenger now, so it's ok to lose it. I liked the "puzzler" thing.
Woodcutter : No love for this card. I liked its simplicity, that's all.

New -
Artisan : Great, I like cards that gain things in hand, it creates interesting tactic decisions.
Bandit : I'm not so fond of gold-gainers, I'm the kind of guy who often skip gold just to buy more engine pieces. But why not.
Sentry : I like the trash/discard choice, if i remember correctly, lookout is the only other card who does that. Good spy variant.
Poacher : Interesting. I don't think this discard thing will hurt very often (late game, so can discard victory cards easily) so I guess this will be rarely more than peddler.
Harbinger : I would've like this card to be named "pearl diver"
Vassal : Interesting simpler version of herald

Overall I think Donald did a good job at designing simple cards that still link to the old ones. Maybe we needed another garden enabler, because workshop is a little bit boring.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Dominion and Intrigue second editions
« on: September 25, 2016, 06:47:24 am »
The problem with Coppersmith was that was largely useless in the expansion that it was present in. Intrigue is an early expansion that I imagine many people tend to buy when their only other set is Base, and there are pretty much zero effective uses for coppersmith in Intrigue and Base.

So given that the early sets are more likely to be played in a situation where the pool of cards to choose from is at its lowest, it's much better all round to have the cards in Intrigue provide much more general purpose utility and variety. This way the expansion is more interesting at the time when it needs to provide the most impact. Coppersmith was simply too narrow and weak.
That's a good point. As someone who always play all set mixed anyway, I deplore that dominion cards depends so much on the expansion they are in. Like, Cultist is a broken card I would be glad to see updated, but it is neither from base game nor from intrigue…

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Dominion and Intrigue second editions
« on: September 25, 2016, 05:26:54 am »
Seriously, I don't get it.
Dominion is a great game because there is no stated strategies, not every game of dominion is about trashing coppers and creating an engine.
Coppersmith was rather a weak card but there is nothing wrong about that. Bureaucrat is also a weak card, that has more text and that is harder to remember, yet it stays.
I will miss coppersmith / apothecary / bank combos so much. All the new cards are nice, but none is unique like coppersmith.

I feel very frustrated because that's the only card I will really miss. Well, not quite, I will also miss Saboteur a little. But I'm glad to see all the other go.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Dominion and Intrigue second editions
« on: September 25, 2016, 05:02:16 am »
Coppermisth…  :'( :'( :'(

Let's Discuss ... / Re: Let's Discuss Adventures Events: Pathfinding
« on: September 24, 2016, 06:32:04 am »
I love the fact that :
Lost arts ($6) on Laboratory ($5) = +2 cards, +2 actions, cost $11
Pathfinding ($8) on village ($3) = +2 cards, +2 actions, cost $11.

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