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Messages - WrathOfGlod

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Non-Mafia Game Threads / Re: Resistance: The Empire Must Fall
« on: June 13, 2012, 11:54:34 pm »
I propose the same team
WrathOfGlod, Robz888,ThisIsNotASmile

Non-Mafia Game Threads / Re: Resistance: The Empire Must Fall
« on: June 13, 2012, 06:13:53 pm »
I like the team too but it is guaranteed to fail and then we have to vote for Morgrim's team so is it worth it?

Non-Mafia Game Threads / Re: Resistance: The Empire Must Fall
« on: June 13, 2012, 11:16:59 am »
Who do people want me to send. I am putting myself on the team but am open for people to give reasons for teams

Goko Dominion Online / Re: Unofficial Interested in beta list
« on: June 12, 2012, 08:02:30 am »
Can't we just add everybody on this forum to the list and save the trouble

Non-Mafia Game Threads / Re: Resistance: The Empire Must Fall
« on: June 11, 2012, 09:44:32 am »
I voted no for the same reason you are planning on it, I wanted to be on the team. However I have a chance of getting on the team while you don't (I plan on putting myself on the team if made leader and Morgrim is a likely spy so you won't get on the team unless you are a spy).

Non-Mafia Game Threads / Re: Resistance: The Empire Must Fall
« on: June 11, 2012, 12:16:51 am »
I get what you are saying, and my estimate of P(TINAS Spy|Galzria not Spy) has gone up, but i still think you are more likely to be a spy than TINAS

Non-Mafia Game Threads / Re: Resistance: The Empire Must Fall
« on: June 10, 2012, 11:16:38 pm »
I've voted No, for pretty much already stated previous reasons. I'm not on it, and TINAS is. One of those I KNOW hurts Resistances chances, the other I suspect does. Combined, I see no reason to vote for this assignment at this time.
Can you explain why you distrust TINAS?

Non-Mafia Game Threads / Re: Resistance: The Empire Must Fall
« on: June 10, 2012, 05:10:17 pm »
We can also be certain that at least 1 of TINAS+Robz is not a spy (not that useful but still)

What makes you certain?
If they were both spies then they wouldn't have voted in favor of a team containing both spies (2 "no"s equals resistance win)

Non-Mafia Game Threads / Re: Resistance: The Empire Must Fall
« on: June 10, 2012, 09:11:12 am »
We can also be certain that at least 1 of TINAS+Robz is not a spy (not that useful but still)

Non-Mafia Game Threads / Re: Resistance: The Empire Must Fall
« on: June 10, 2012, 09:09:42 am »
Not sure who the second spy is but I think Morgrim is the most likely to be a spy (possibly could be inexperience) but his mistakes have seemed to be things which could help spies out

Non-Mafia Game Threads / Re: Resistance: The Empire Must Fall
« on: June 09, 2012, 11:40:50 am »
I think you have a point with Morgrim, I personally am interested in seeing his vote for the next mission which doesn't include him. I also think that I will probably vote yes on the next mission (unless it looks overly scummy) because as a resistance member control over the plot card is pretty important

If we let it go to the fourth mission, Morgrim proposes it and maybe it fails, but then TINAS gets control, and I would be OK with that.  It's just the Morgrim proposing that is a little iffy (pending his response).  Another option is that we approve Morgrim's proposal but Galzria vetos it with his plot card, and then TINAS proposes the team.  That would give positive points to Galzria in my book, and I would be OK with him distributing the plot card after that.  But that No Confidence may be more useful down the line.

The tough part here -- even if Morgrim did slip up (and it's hard to say because he IS kind of an oddball in the Mafia games), we have to remember that there are two spies around.
Remember we have to accept mission 4 because of no-confidence

Non-Mafia Game Threads / Re: Resistance: The Empire Must Fall
« on: June 08, 2012, 08:13:08 pm »
So I'm not sure if people have reads on anyone yet.  I know that TINAS and Galzria were rather antagonistic earlier, though it's understandable on both sides.

For my part, TINAS has looked least scummy (to borrow Mafia terms) so far.  Galzria and Morgrim have both been a little off, but only a little.  Galzria because of "if we get to mission 5 I won't veto and prove myself RO" (and I know it was just a passing comment, not a full out suggestion -- not gonna twist that ;) ) and Morgrim because of his many "yes" votes.  I was mostly neutral on WoG and Robz.

I proposed TINAS and Robz hoping to see something interesting from the votes re: Robz.  I included TINAS because of my RO read on him.  Didn't want to pick Morgrim because I expected him to say yes either way.  I was inclined to exclude Galzria as well just because he it would be too easy to vote yes for it (given that we were both on the mission 1 success).  Then, it was just a toss up between Robz and WoG.

And I got more than I thought I would.

Suspicion on Galzria is *slightly* up now, because of this post:

Generally, I should vote No, if it doesn't include me, and contains someone I believe might be a spy, correct? But I'll never have leader this round, so if I vote yes and we lose, it gives us valuable information (eHalcyon could be spy, hiding first mission, or one of TINAS/Robz is  - or a combination thereof).

What's the better move for me here? I would rather go up 2-0, so wait and hope to hit a pairing of my liking, but going 1-1 doesn't seen like the end of the world for us either. I'm so confused. ???

I'm leaning towards no, but am not sure.

Galzria, IMO, I don't see any reason why you should have voted yes.  Indeed, if the mission goes through and it gets red-carded, you do get information.  But as we said earlier (I think?) this holds true whether you accept the first mission or the fifth mission.  In the meanwhile, holding off on missions gets us MORE data.

But that's not all.  Earlier on you very rather against TINAS, so why wouldn't that continue into today?  If you meant what you said, it would make a lot of sense to vote AGAINST this mission, just to keep TINAS off the team.

All that said, I can imagine a few reasonable explanations for your questions, which is why I think it only makes you a bit more suspicious.  I really want to see your response.

MUCH more interesting thing that happened -- Morgrim votes NO for the first time and says that he wants to be on the team.  This is a strange change from his mission 1 vote pattern.  What happened?  I see two major possible explanations.  The first is that our arguments during the first mission (or maybe just Opinion Maker) convinced him to vote with greater care.  The second explanation... Morgrim could be a spy.

On the first day, Spy Morgrim doesn't really care who goes on the mission.  He votes yes to everything.  If the team passes, great -- less information available to the rest of us.  Otherwise, it doesn't really make a difference to him.

But now, the Resistance is up by 1.  It would majorly suck for the Spies to be down 2-0.  For all he knows, TINAS and I were going to approve the team since we were included (and Robz had already publicly voiced his intent to approve).  If he voted yes as well, the team would go through with at least 4/6 approving.  If there are no spies on that team, well, the safe thing to do is to vote NO and hope the team that is eventually approved has at least one Spy on it.

Therefore I am inclined to trust both TINAS and Robz a little more.

Morgrim, any comments on this?
I think you have a point with Morgrim, I personally am interested in seeing his vote for the next mission which doesn't include him. I also think that I will probably vote yes on the next mission (unless it looks overly scummy) because as a resistance member control over the plot card is pretty important

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Will Scout Ever Get Better?
« on: June 04, 2012, 09:37:42 am »
If scout had a bureaucrat attack added to it, then it would both be better and more interesting (scout counters itself)

Non-Mafia Game Threads / Re: Resistance: The Empire Must Fall
« on: June 04, 2012, 07:26:05 am »
Looking for insight from more experienced players.  WoG maybe (since he started the original "let's play Resistance" thread, I think?) and TINAS, I think?  Of course, if either is a spy, the suggestion they give is inherently suspect.  But I'd like to hear from everyone.  I mean, I can certainly random it, but I also want to get better at this game and Strong Opinion is something I'm unsure of how to handle.
I'm not experienced (played Resistance twice) I would say that Morgrim might be a good choice just because his no votes are likely going to be especially meaningful

Non-Mafia Game Threads / Re: Resistance: The Empire Must Fall
« on: June 03, 2012, 08:04:14 am »
Actually, I alluded to that earlier when I wondered if giving me the NC vote was deliberate by WoG knowing I would be 4th leader. It's that thought that kept me from choosing him.
I didn't really think carefully when I gave you the card it really was random

Non-Mafia Game Threads / Re: Resistance: The Empire Must Fall
« on: May 31, 2012, 10:10:58 am »
I don't trust Morgrim's support for every team offered

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Worst First Kingdom
« on: May 29, 2012, 06:28:15 pm »
There has to be room for torturer here somewhere

Non-Mafia Game Threads / Re: Resistance: The Empire Must Fall
« on: May 29, 2012, 06:21:06 pm »
Okay I checked just for you. It's because he voted yes for the first mission that he was not on. Still not proposing my mission yet though. Anyone want to convince me to choose them to go with me?
How do you think missions will be approved if we only approve missions we are on? We will have to approve one someday, and if it fails, we will learn something. If it suceeds, we know that those two are not spies, and we have one mission under your belt.
No we don't know that they aren't spies

Non-Mafia Game Threads / Re: Resistance: The Empire Must Fall
« on: May 29, 2012, 05:51:07 pm »
I voted down the mission because the resistance wants as much info as possible while staying safe. Because the dangers of a spy leading the first mission are low I plan to vote against ThisIsNotASmile's mission and then vote for Galzria's (obviously)

Non-Mafia Game Threads / Re: Resistance: The Empire Must Fall
« on: May 27, 2012, 09:53:15 pm »
It seems to me we don't really gain much information Round 1 no matter what happens, because the Spies pretty much have to vote to succeed the mission no matter what. So based on that, I would understand approving every mission. But if you really want me to approve it, you have to pick me!

That's the boat I'm in. However, I hold one piece of information that I can share with all of you if I'm given the chance that will make our odds MUCH better: I am Resistance. If we make it to Assignment Vote 4 (or Mission 1.4 for you technical people), I will be leader. I will vote NO for my own proposal. Now, I fully understand that holding the Vote of No Confidence means that most of you will have to vote Yes for my assignment (and because of that, I will be putting myself in). However, if we get that far, and you vote NO with me and it fails, I would have the opportunity to end the game on the next vote. In my choosing not to do so, the Resistance will KNOW that I should be on every assignment for the rest of the game.

--I doubt this will sway many people to reject my assignment (again, should it get that far). But because that is the best way I could relay my role to you, I present the option to all of you.--
For the time being, I will still be voting "No". 

Even if we get to Galzria's leadership we are safe
If he is spy- There are 4 votes to pass mission
If he is resistance-Vote may fail but he won't play no-confidence

Non-Mafia Game Threads / Re: Resistance: The Empire Must Fall
« on: May 27, 2012, 09:37:22 pm »
I voted against the proposal in part to get some more information in the game (we still have 2 votes we can safely reject if need be) and also so that I wouldn't be the last in line for the leadership in the next round (as a resistance member I want to be sure that the third or fourth leadership position isn't a spy)

Non-Mafia Game Threads / Re: Resistance: The Empire Must Fall
« on: May 27, 2012, 09:33:24 pm »
That's the boat I'm in. However, I hold one piece of information that I can share with all of you if I'm given the chance that will make our odds MUCH better: I am Resistance. If we make it to Assignment Vote 4 (or Mission 1.4 for you technical people), I will be leader. I will vote NO for my own proposal. Now, I fully understand that holding the Vote of No Confidence means that most of you will have to vote Yes for my assignment (and because of that, I will be putting myself in). However, if we get that far, and you vote NO with me and it fails, I would have the opportunity to end the game on the next vote. In my choosing not to do so, the Resistance will KNOW that I should be on every assignment for the rest of the game.

--I doubt this will sway many people to reject my assignment (again, should it get that far). But because that is the best way I could relay my role to you, I present the option to all of you.--

For the time being, I will still be voting "No".  :)

Ha, I thought of that too, but I really don't think it is worth taking the risk.  I mean, if you were a Spy, why wouldn't you offer the same thing and then end the game?  And that would be a really sad first game of Resistance, to end on the first round.

On the other hand, I think it would be hilarious if you were a Spy and pulled this trick off to make it look guaranteed that you were Resistance, only to drag the game on to an inevitable Spy-win. :P

Nonetheless, not worth the risk!

For the record, you are absolutely right. A spy WOULD say the same thing. And I fully noted that I wouldn't expect anybody to actually be swayed by that argument. Still, my point IS true, even if I'll never be given the chance:

That's the boat I'm in. However, I hold one piece of information that I can share with all of you if I'm given the chance that will make our odds MUCH better: I am Resistance.

Honestly, I was just fishing for reactions, and amongst the three that responded right away, I got what I was looking for. I now trust you more than I do TINAS or Robz. If I were to give odds based solely on reactions:

Robz: Spy 60%, Resistance 40%
TINAS: Spy 55%, Resistance 45%
Morgrim: Spy 50%, Resistance 50%
WoG: Spy 50%, Resistance 50%
eHalycon: Spy 40%, Resistance 60%
Galzria: Spy 0%, Resistance 100%

Better position than I felt I was before.
So you think there are 2.55 spies?

Non-Mafia Game Threads / Re: Resistance: The Empire Must Fall
« on: May 27, 2012, 08:01:21 am »
Oh, and... I suspect Morgrim is the spy. We should kill him.

There aren't eliminations in The Resistance. :)
It's tragic how often an accident happens when a fellow resistance member is untrusted.

Non-Mafia Game Threads / Re: Resistance: The Empire Must Fall
« on: May 27, 2012, 07:59:35 am »
My choices here were pretty much chosen randomly, as the first leader I have absolutely no information to go on (except I chose myself because I know that I'm resistance). However the first mission is pretty safe if the leader chooses himself. We have the following possibilities
Spy,Spy= Probable fail in the mission but probable win in the game
Spy,Resistance (leader Spy)= The spy pretty much has to pass the mission or else he'll spend the rest of the game unmasked
Spy,Resistance (leader Resistance)=Highest probability of failure but the spy can cast suspicion on the leader
So the first mission should usually succeed regardless of who chooses it. Even if we are forced into accepting a spy's proposal on vote 4.

Non-Mafia Game Threads / Re: Resistance: The Empire Must Fall
« on: May 25, 2012, 12:11:02 pm »
## I propose WrathOfGlod and eHalycon ##

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