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Messages - RevanFan

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I love Fortune, but Chapel is just supremely useful, and has had more of an impact in my games than Fortune.

1 Champion

9 City Quarter

20 Inheritance

28 Disciple

6 Goons

3 Donate

10 Chapel

2 King's Court

1 Champion

16 Trusty Steed

8 Mountebank

9 City Quarter

4 Teacher

20 Inheritance

28 Disciple

12 Rebuild

11 Wharf

6 Goons

19 Tournament

3 Donate

10 Chapel

7 Fortune

15 Possession

2 King's Court

So, I just saw this and decided to vote. How on earth did Scout make the list, and how did it make 23rd seed?

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Dominion and Intrigue second editions
« on: October 11, 2016, 10:31:20 pm »
I'm planning to get a game in with some of the new cards on Thursday. I may have to post my thoughts after I do.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: I made a randomizer
« on: October 11, 2016, 07:57:16 pm »
There is one feature I'd very much like: the ability to sort results alphabetically, rather than by cost. Sorting by cost helps setup, but my cards are all organized alphabetically.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: I made a randomizer
« on: October 09, 2016, 11:34:04 pm »
Thanks! Your randomizer is one of my favorites. If you want to look at it again in the future, though, I'd probably recommend putting the new cards into Base and Intrigue, and making "Old Base" and "Old Intrigue" for the removed cards.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Interview with Donald X.
« on: October 04, 2016, 07:57:35 pm »
There is also the computer game angle - the early Ultima games, Heroes of Might and Magic II & III.
Ah, Heroes of Might and Magic III. I still play that to this day. I've never played II, though. Is it good?

Dominion Online at Shuffle iT / Re: "Features" threads
« on: September 29, 2016, 03:32:08 pm »
I don't think they should be available in ranked games or in default full random situations, but they should be able to be turned on for casual games. Sort of like how you can turn shelters or platinum/colony to always on, even if it doesn't meet the rulebook specification. And there could be a feature that would only match you up in casual games with people who also allow the removed cards.

Dominion Online at Shuffle iT / Re: "Features" threads
« on: September 28, 2016, 07:28:38 am »
Not sure if this is the right place to ask, but here goes:

Now that the base set and Intrigue have had their cards changed, will the removed cards be available on the new client? I would like to be able to play with them still, but I understand that they were removed for a reason. Maybe if they're only available in custom games?

We won't have them at launch. If people continue to ask for them we might add them later but honestly I don't see the point. Those cards were removed with good reasons.

It's very much like adding a Copper to your deck. Yes being able to spend $1 more now is nice, but are you still happy when you realize that drawing that Copper prevented you from drawing your Laboratory?
I, for one, would love to have them available, but in a separate set. They shouldn't be a part of Base or Intrigue.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Seaside 2nd generation
« on: September 28, 2016, 06:45:40 am »
I would add a Throne variant. Maybe something that turns non durations into durations.
That could actually work really well as a Promo, I think

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Dominion and Intrigue second editions
« on: September 27, 2016, 05:18:21 am »
I preordered the second edition of Base and the update pack for Intrigue from Miniature Market. Does anyone have a good guess as to when they'll get them in stock and shipped out?

Dominion General Discussion / Re: I made a randomizer
« on: September 26, 2016, 07:46:35 pm »
The way I'd do it is put the new ones as base and intrigue. The old cards could be a separate set, I guess.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: I made a randomizer
« on: September 26, 2016, 12:21:57 am »
How are you going to handle the changes to Base and Intrigue? I'd still like the removed cards to be available, but the new cards should be listed in their sets.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Dominion and Intrigue second editions
« on: September 25, 2016, 02:27:56 pm »
Where (online) can I get the Update pack?
When I didn't see it on Amazon, I was hoping to order it from the RGG website, but you can't.

EDIT: nevermind I found (and ordered) it on
How reliable is Miniature Market? I don't want to wait for Amazon, and my FLGS is unreliable for getting games on time.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: New Promo Card
« on: September 24, 2016, 01:29:45 am »
Will this promo eventually be sold on the BGG store?
A number of other people could cause that to not happen, and not even feel obligated to tell me; but the same or similar people could have stopped the other promos from being in the BGG store, and yet they are all there.
Well, all except for Black Market. I got my copy before they took it off the site, though.
"Took it off the site" surely can only actually mean "sold out and haven't received more yet."
I hope so. It hasn't been available for months, though.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: New Promo Card
« on: September 24, 2016, 12:56:18 am »
Will this promo eventually be sold on the BGG store?
A number of other people could cause that to not happen, and not even feel obligated to tell me; but the same or similar people could have stopped the other promos from being in the BGG store, and yet they are all there.
Well, all except for Black Market. I got my copy before they took it off the site, though.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: New Promo Card
« on: September 23, 2016, 10:37:25 pm »
Will this promo eventually be sold on the BGG store?

Dominion General Discussion / My (Very) Early Thoughts on Empires
« on: June 27, 2016, 06:44:44 pm »
I played my first several games with the physical Empires cards yesterday. Had some friends over and just spent the whole day playing Dominion. I've a few thoughts so far.

EDIT: I realized after writing this that it is more of a review than a collection of "simple thoughts." Oh well. If this needs to be in a different forum, please feel free to move it if you're a moderator.


Huge fan. I love the way they change how you construct your deck, and the way the game plays. My only concern is that my friends and I kept forgetting about the one that gives you two VP when you buy a card that you have a copy of in play. I particularly enjoy the ones that give negative VP, as they completely modified our normal strategies. Definitely breathes new life into a game that, honestly, I didn't even think needed it. Also, I went 11 into debt for Mountain Pass' 8 VP. I don't know if it was worth it, but I won that game, so I'm not going to overthink it.


Oh, Dominate and Donate are my friends. I, just for fun, set up a game on my own with the single purpose being to combine Donate and Windfall. A little underhanded, but still fun. Advance is also one that came to my mind as one I'd love to use. Especially if you have an expensive set of actions and you get a few crappy hands having to buy that only $2 action that you didn't really want. With the Events from this set and Adventures, and the Landmarks from this set, I can't really imagine playing Dominion without them anymore, and when my randomizing app doesn't select at least one, I feel sad inside.

VP tokens and Gathering

I am incredibly happy that VP tokens are back, as they are one of my favorite mechanics. Now there's so many uses for them... it felt like Christmas early. As for the Gathering mechanic specifically, I didn't get much chance to use Temple, but Wild Hunt and Farmers' Market are both fantastic cards. I love the tension the game has when you and another player are battling for the VP off the Farmers' Market pile. This set may not be as attack heavy as some sets, but there's certainly a lot of fun interaction.

Split Piles
Another form of fun interaction in the set is the fight for the Split Piles. Encampment/Plunder and Gladiator/Fortune stood out as favorites of mine. They also play very differently. Gladiator's Pile barely lasts, basically wanting you to quickly have access to Fortune. Encampment basically fights for its life to protect that Plunder. In addition, though we only played with Castles for one game, you can tell how much their presence changes the game. If one player starts going for them, it's basically a declaration of "I'm going Castles, come and stop me."

Kingdom Cards

I have a few thoughts on some of the kingdom cards, some of which I'm already able to list as favorites. First, I don't know exactly how useful Archive is, but it sure is fun to use. Engineer is fun to use, and it has nine lives. Engineer appeared in EVERY SINGLE SHUFFLE that we did to select kingdom cards. EVERY. ONE. City Quarter and Overlord are well worth the cost, and Overlord can even be good early game if you have a large amount of $5 cards in the Kingdom, or a large amount of $6-7 actions with cost-reducers in play. Or even just with cost-reducers, turning your Overlords into cost-reducers. While Catapult/Rocks may not be the best cards ever made, they're quite fun to use. Legionary is brutal if you have Gold. I'm a huge fan of the way Villa changes turn structure, and Capital's "deal with the devil" feeling. And I always love Throne Room variants, so Crown is a favorite.

So, in conclusion, Empires is awesome.

While I can't play the physical game yet, I did get in a game with my dad via Tabletop Simulator (forgive me, please.) I won 93-86. Those Landmarks are incredible. I gained 26 points from Museum, lost 12 from Wolf Den, and bought a Curse for 8 VP from Defiled Shrine. Never really got to explore the split piles, though. We only really went for Encampment/Plunder, and often drew Encampment without any Gold in hand. By the time we got down to Plunder, we either never had enough money, or had too much and had to go for Province or Colony. Gathering is also a fantastically fun mechanic.

I've only played one game, and it wasn't with the physical game, but I think this will be my favorite expansion yet. Thank goodness my FLGS finally got it.

My game shop finally got Empires today. Other than a slightly wrinkled insert, everything was great. The new tokens are particularly fantastic. I won't be using the insert for much longer anyway. I have all my cards in three boxes using Ultra Pro 9-card sleeves.

I won't be able to play with it until either Sunday, Tuesday, or Friday, but I greatly look forward to that time.

Would you consider adding either of these features?

1. Include all of the extra materials you need after a shuffle, such as tokens or mats.

2. Include the option to click on a card to see its effect.

If not, that's fine. I'm just curious.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: I made a randomizer
« on: June 16, 2016, 02:44:42 pm »
Thanks for the event/landmark settings. Works great!

Dominion General Discussion / Re: I made a randomizer
« on: June 15, 2016, 05:32:16 am »
Any chance for an update that allows for more than 2 events/landmarks? I like to play with a max of 3 rather than 2.

I also didn't add the extra base cards from Intrigue to my storage solution, as I have the American-printed version, and the coloring is way off (especially on curses. They look absolutely horrible.)
Intrigue was the first Dominion game I got, and since I live in Texas, I'm guessing I got the American-printed version, and they look fine. However, I just now finally got the base set (after getting all the others except Alchemy and Empires) and in it, the colors are way off: the curses are pink.
I guess it's like that in the more recent Base and Intrigue sets. I don't remember hearing about this elsewhere. weird.
The original Base Set curses are dark purple. My American-printed Intrigue curses are bright pink. Also, all of the base cards that came in my Intrigue box had the Base Set "keep" logo on the cards. I found that to be extremely strange.

This won't make anyone feel better. I have Empires but haven't played yet because everyone I play Dominion with has moved away.
Almost everyone I play with is moving away by September. I'll be in your shoes soon. Just, with the way things are going, I won't have Empires. Yeah...

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