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Messages - BlackHole

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There's the same problem with -1 Action. Either it's strong enough on its own and too strong with +actions or it's too weak without +actions.
Well, we already know some ways to get around this issue. I don't really think this kind of card is ever going to happen, but you can make it like "-1 Action. If this is the first time you played a [crazy card] this turn, ..."
If then it is ok to play this card with only one action left (of cause you would need to buy two villas to have an action again - not so great rules-wise), you can make it strong, but playing further [crazy cards] may not be overpowered any more.

But then it isn't such a simple concept anymore, is it.
Definitly not. :D Thats why I said I don't think this will appear as a real card.
I'm sure though Donald already thought about cards like these ;)

There's the same problem with -1 Action. Either it's strong enough on its own and too strong with +actions or it's too weak without +actions.
Well, we already know some ways to get around this issue. I don't really think this kind of card is ever going to happen, but you can make it like "-1 Action. If this is the first time you played a [crazy card] this turn, ..."
If then it is ok to play this card with only one action left (of cause you would need to buy two villas to have an action again - not so great rules-wise), you can make it strong, but playing further [crazy cards] may not be overpowered any more.

Other Games / Re: Temporum: Alternate Realities speculation
« on: April 28, 2017, 02:27:53 am »
Anything new here? We've alredy waited another weak... :(

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Interview with Donald X.
« on: April 14, 2017, 07:56:07 am »
What about the Temporum Alternate Realities preview? :)
I heard the expansion is going to be released in about a week, so... :)

Other Games / Re: Luciferous' Temporum Client
« on: January 24, 2017, 05:05:37 am »

I lost, naturally, but this was a good board.
It was just super fast :)
And as close as it can get

I found another small bug :P : while having 4 crowns in time 3, i went there and played anubis statuette to go to information age (quite silly but ok :D). I had another turn in time 3, though that is not allowed because of information age blocking zones in which you already were in any given turn.

Other Games / Re: Luciferous' Temporum Client
« on: January 23, 2017, 04:06:04 pm »
I've made an update to include wero's fabulous scans of the Temporum artwork.

If you hover over a card it shows you the card detail, not sure if that's the best solution, particularly as you cannot see the score costs.

Also, anyone know what the card font is? (or a similar font?)

Wow that just looks awesome!!
I think its ok without the score costs, though the cards hovering over the score bord is maybe not optimal. Well at least i think one of these points would be good to keep an eye on so one can calculate the scoring options better. ;)
edit: and i'm just thinking that maybe a warning sign for police state is needed.

Other Games / Re: Luciferous' Temporum Client
« on: January 16, 2017, 10:30:54 am »
I found another small mistake  :)
Warm Globe is an age 4 zone, though it is implemented as age 3 zone

Other Games / Re: Luciferous' Temporum Client
« on: January 13, 2017, 04:53:43 pm »
I'm up for some games in the evening if you want, that means 8 pm UTC  ;)

Sorry dude - I'm out this evening. Thanks though. Tomorrow?
I'm not sure right now. Maybe, but certainly later than 8 pm UTC, more like 10 or so. :)

Other Games / Re: Luciferous' Temporum Client
« on: January 13, 2017, 08:51:41 am »
I'm up for some games in the evening if you want, that means 8 pm UTC  ;)

Other Games / Re: Luciferous' Temporum Client
« on: January 11, 2017, 12:09:07 pm »
Thanks MicQ. Was this issue with Friends in Old Place the 'not enough coins!' message - i.e. it let's you try to select a card rather than just moving to the next player? Can you remember if your total coins was equal to the reduced score cost? I can see the issue if so. (That wasn't it. )
Maybe you are thinking about the game between us? We had a problem with iron age, but the total coins weren't equal to the reduced score cost, at least once not. And I found another small mistake: robot uprising has the card text of mere anarchy, didn't check what it does if you go there though.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Interview with Donald X.
« on: October 26, 2016, 10:14:01 am »
Can you tell us a bit more about that extra turn debt card that you mentioned in the secret history of the empires cards? Eg. did it have a restriction or was it just very expensive?

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Forced Wins Training Sessions
« on: October 21, 2016, 07:44:25 am »
Answer: Yes (I think) -- gain Moneylender w/ University, play WT (drawing nothing), play other WT, draw Moneylender, play Moneylender-Copper, gain 2 HoP's with 2 HoP's, gain 2 Duchies w/ 2 other HoP's, buy 2 Estates, win by 1 VP.

Gain Ratcatcher, then you can gain 2 Provinces with your 2 HoPs instead of Duchies because you still have the Copper and you can still buy a single Estate. This assumes that I can count.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but Reserve cards do not count as "in play" when they're played -- they do when they're called.  And therefore don't contribute to HoP.  So depending on what you drew with the RCer, you might only have 7 uniques in play (in which case I wouldn't be guaranteed a win).
Just use the 2nd Edition Moneylender and don't trash the copper ;)

Dominion Articles / Re: MDMA: deck types
« on: October 18, 2016, 03:13:14 pm »
Been thinking about this, and archetypes aside, I feel like most strategies can be plotted on 3 axes:

  • Turns to end game (speed)
  • Consistency
  • Control

"Number of actions played" is a good proxy for consistency but I really do think that a Bishop Golden Deck should be considered an engine because it has perfect consistency, even if it only plays 1 Action a turn. The existing definition AT provides has a thin deck that plays 3 Actions as less of an engine as a deck that is fat and big but plays 4-5 a turn.

The Control axis allows for, in a broad sense, anything that controls the state of the game and your opponent's deck / play. This ranges from attacks to number of gains to really even total economy. It's possible that Control is kind of a superset of "turns to end game" but I feel it should be more distinct than that, I guess?

Just spitballing here.

Your ideas are very interesting. You make a good case for the Bishop golden deck, perhaps one of the trickiest decks to fit into the current deck archetype paradigm, being an engine-ish deck.

But I'm not 100% convinced about the idea that consistency makes something an engine. A Feodum/Masterpiece deck is not an engine (it's somewhere near the BM-Slog border), but it's pretty consistent - with half of the Silver pile in your deck, it's very rare that you don't hit $4 or more every turn for a Feodum. On the other hand, a deck with Golem as the only splitter, a couple of non-terminals and a couple of strong terminal Attacks is not very consistent (prone to stalling), but it's definitely an engine.

As for control, I feel that's really just a property of many types of engines. Engines tend to have more control than other types of strategies, since they often incorporate extra buys/gains, but that's not always the case. Sometimes an engine can only buy a single Province per turn, but it's still better than BM, for example because there are strong attacks that BM cannot overcome.
Thats right, I´d say generally the control scales with the cards played in a given turn, so that is probably not so useful.
But what about replacing the axis "Number of action cards played" with something like "Percentage of total cards in deck used per turn". You can define "use" either by cards (not only action cards) played per turn or by cards that were eg. played and/or trashed. In trashing aspect the latter case surely pushes the "gaining of cards" thing so we have the control aspect here too.


-The bishop golden deck would be a pure engine, which is ok IMO

-most megaturn combos would be good stuff decks

-Feodum/Masterpiece would be in the corner BM/rush i think

-Scavenger/Stash depends on the definition of "using", but would be in the same area

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Forced Wins Training Sessions
« on: October 18, 2016, 10:02:53 am »
From a league game.

Maximize the number of points you can guarantee ending the game with. I can get to 22 VP.

Isn't it possible to get 24 VP?

Play University x3, gain Butcher x3.  Have 4 actions.
Play Apprentice trashing Potion, Draw Apprentice, Laboratory, Potion, and Butcher.
Play Laboratory, draw Butcher x2.
Play Butcher, trash Vineyard, gain Vineyard.
Play Butcher, trash Vineyard, gain Vineyard.
Play Butcher, trash Butcher, gain Province.
Play Butcher, trash Apprentice, gain Province.
Play Potion, buy Vineyard.

End with Province x2, Vineyard x3 w 12 actions = 24 VP.

The only tweak is you want to Apprentice Potion after the first Uni gain to guarantee the Lab draw, then you use the other 2 Uni, then you play the Lab.
You dont have to do that in this order since lab is in his draw and University doesnt topdeck

Dominion General Discussion / Re: I made a randomizer
« on: August 08, 2016, 10:20:29 am »
Can you post a URL for where you are getting the Ghost Obelisk marker.  I think I might have an idea of what might be happening. I thought you were saying you got an Obelisk marker every single time you rolled, but I guess it sounds like it only happens some of the time?
oh s***, I forgot to mention that  ;D,0,10&include=empires
try this one, it happens ~ once in 15 attempts or so
actually I dont think you need the empires include only rule, I did it nevertheless

Dominion General Discussion / Re: I made a randomizer
« on: August 08, 2016, 04:59:29 am »
I am not seeing the Obelisk maker issue. Maybe one of the scripts is cached on your machine.  If you can, try pressing ctrl+f5 to force a reload. If you're using a phone, I'm not sure how to trigger it.  I will make sure I add a new version tag to all the scripts when I fix the bane bug. It might also be a browser difference or something. I pretty much only test this on Windows/Chrome, so let me know what you are using if you can't get it to clear up.
The Error still occurs, on my Phone (Chrome, Android) and in Firefox on my PC. I did the cltr+f5 thing, but it still occurs (ok, I used 'Empires only' and max Events/Landmarks to increase the chance that it happens again, but I dont think thats the reason and it even occured thrice).
Edit: checked it again, now after having the 'ghost Obelisk marker' a second marker on a different card spawned :o :D when I repicked landmarks untill obelisk came, they changed when I repicked one of them and disappeared both when I repicked Obelisk.

I'll think about the event/landmark thing.  The way it is was most intuitive to me, but there are lots of different ways it could be handled. (e.g. Jack of All Dominion adds more events in when cards are repicked as if you were just continuing through the randomizer.)  It might be nice to have a way to "re-roll" the entire set of events/landmarks.
yup, that was the direction in which I thought too, I really like Jack of all Dominion, but I am missing the pictures there, which you have implemented

Dominion General Discussion / Re: I made a randomizer
« on: August 07, 2016, 04:33:42 pm »
Those updates are awesome!

However I have to report a few bugs:
- it appeares like you cant repick the bane card
EDIT: wrong, is only the case if you pick: 'include only: cornucopia'
- the shelters dont disappear after repicking even if there are no more dark ages cards in the kingdom, looks like the condition isnt checked again, same with colony/platinum
- the 'obelisk marker' (very nice idea!) seems to appear on cards even if obelisk isnt in play. it doesnt go away if you repick the chosen card. Only when you finally get to play with obelisk (after repicking a landmark until it finally appears :D) and then repick obelisk, the marker disappears, too.

And I think it would be quite nice that if you repick an event it can change to a landmark and the other way round.
I really appreciate the simulator!! ;)

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Interview with Donald X.
« on: April 08, 2016, 04:49:19 pm »
How did the reserve concept develop? You mentioned in some secret histories that a mechanic like that already existed in (the) dark ages, but were there differences between the old and the new variant, or did you completely take over the old variant?

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Reserve-ifier
« on: March 27, 2016, 01:18:35 pm »
What about an event that lets you put a reserve token on an action-supply-pile? It could be like: when you play an action card from that pile, put it on your tavern mat. At the beginning of your turn or after resolving an action you may call that card to do the normal effect of it. I think that could lead to interesting strategic decisions - a bit like the tactician thing (one bad turn and one good turn are better than two mediocre turns), and big mega turns, especially when there are no villages around.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: New idea: Secondary deck
« on: March 27, 2016, 12:54:03 pm »
Yup, a world deck sounds cool too, and caused by the fact that its fixed for the entire game (i think paying money for a card that some other guy is profiting of isn't that popular :D ), you could play every time with it. :)

But apart from that, i really appreciate the idea oft a politics deck for each player!
Maybe we can say that when playing with that deck, at the beginning of a turn, you draw one card from the politics deck, and can decide whether to play. Otherwise you put it aside and can trash it when a played action or an bought event reads "trash ... cards from your hand". That would solve the problem with the bad starting cards. 8)

Really nice ideas!
Palace seems a bit cheap but its pretty hard for me to determine that exactly.
Maybe we could make a New type out oft that principle to make the handling easier, like

Palace  2$

When you gain a building it gets set aside for the rest oft the game and there it does what its supposed to do. Then you dont need to play it once etc. Thats a bit like an event but everyone has bis own copy and can have multiples. I think thats much easier than the duration thing. But apart from that i really like your design and the wording Arkenaut!

Edit: could it be that we found a mechanic thats in the direction of landmarks? 8)

Just because it has the word Scout in it doesn't mean it's automatically excellent
Well, at least that's right ;D

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Interview with Donald X.
« on: March 17, 2016, 09:15:52 am »
Are we going to see reserve cards again (ok not in empires but maybe post-empires 8))? Or at least do you have some ideas left to do for them?
I feel like there is still plenty to do and of couse you would need mats for them but that isnt a big problem is it?

Snow Witch: the thematical relation ist soooo nice, and in my view its good balanced too. Of couse you never have to underestimate the first player advantege at this point, I thougt quite a while about it but found no good solution and would play with the card anyway all the time
This has been criticized before but I don’t quite see how the first player advantage is any higher with Snow Witch than with other cursers. First player enters Fall and puts 3 curses into his opponent’s deck. Then the other player puts 3 curses into first player’s deck immediately after. Why is this problematic?

You're right its only a problem when player one manages to play like 7 or more Snow Witches when Fall begings, because a 7/3 curse split isnt that cool (at least for one player) and doesnt occur often when both players are going for Witch or something. Thats why I said I would play with it all the time anyway. ;)

Plantation: the mechanical star so far for me, it synergises well with itsself, but with any other seasons card its just amazing! All the cool synergies whith every single other card in this set... But actually i think you could buff it a bit, because the on-buy-effect, though it could be pretty strong could be pretty annoying too, actually it could be used as an attack too! Look at the combination with a card like restore and you just buy a plantation so your opponent couldnt trash his gold into a province any more! At least I can imagine wars between a player going for plantation and one initially not going for it, leading to a massive plantation pile drain and season confusing, which, though it seems funny not necessarily counts towards the 5$ price point. What about substituting the +1$ in Summer and Winter whith +2$ or at most +1$, +1Buy? That should really make the difference between a decent and a great 5$ card!
Do you own the Hinterlands expansion? Several cards of that set have costs that don’t seem to fit their respective power when played. That is because you pay, at least partially, for the immediate effect when you gain such a card. Plantation is no different. It comes off a little weak on-play sometimes (although the self-synergy ought not to be ignored) but its on-gain impact is significant and even allows you to assert control over your opponents’ plays. You pay for a bug effect and get a slightly weaker than average card with it. And Plantation is still decent.

Of cause I do. ;D
And of cause the comparison with Inn or other cards is, as said in this thread before, obvious. Thats why I pointed out that this effect could be both positiv and negativ, which I think should be seen and maybe also rated differently than on-gain or on-buy effecs that are only 'positiv' (like BV, Inn, Nomad Camp) or 'negativ' (IGG, Noble Brigand). But that doesnt mean the card is bad right now! Is was just an interesting part of the card that should be considered in the discussion.

Wayfare: I have to think about that one again ???, but a first sight i would consider I really strong for 4$, of course the timing is really important. But think about a 4/3 split with a Wayfare in turn!! Wouldnt your deck get a really huge boost with that?! Maybe that is a bit to strong... :o :o
Not sure what you mean by “a 4/3 split with a Wayfare in turn”. If you open Wayfare (Spring)/$4-cost card on 4/3, you have the Wayfare bonus for 3 more turns – granted, a significant boost in Spring. However, if you open $4-cost/$3-cost card and buy Wayfare sometime later, you get one more (potentially) good card into your deck early and have the Wayfare bonus for 5 full turns in another Season. Both options can be very good. It depends largely on the board if and when you want to buy Wayfare to boost which Season.

I forgot the 'one' at that point, corrected it!
I was especially referring to:
Turn 1: 4 Coppers, 1 Estate
4$, buy a Wayfare
Turn 2: 3 Coppers, 2 Estates
4$ (+1$ additionally by drawing another copper, which would be really nice and is for 80% true), buy something else good

The other opening possibilities are ok but not so good.

But that of cause depends on the board (ok but well which opening doesnt depend on the board?;))

Yey guys my fist post in this forum! ;D ;D

Im following this thread since the beginning and was looking forward to every new card is this set :)
I really like you card compositon so far, the thematical relation is great and I look forward to the card testing - especially the new dimension of strategic depth!
And the pictures are all pretty nice! Good job you two! ;)
Ok now thats enough of praise maybe i have a bit criticism for you ;) :D

For everyone who doesnt have the time to read over my opinion on the older cards: just go over to the next paragraph ;)
Sojourner: actually a nice idea, though im not sure at the pricepoint it seems pretty strong in fall, but at least the order of the bonuses fits good!
Bailiff: nice idea, but especially the second part is, as never known before, really hard to compare to other cards, further complicated through the season changing thing
Snow Witch: the thematical relation ist soooo nice, and in my view its good balanced too. Of couse you never have to underestimate the first player advantege at this point, I thougt quite a while about it but found no good solution and would play with the card anyway all the time
Student: one of my favourites, though i think i´d let you put the card token erlier on the card, because otherwise it takes such a long time to reach a card thats actually better than a village, espeially if you miss the spring bonus, which is likeley if you dont open with it. As a bad opener and the long long term bulid time to get it running, I think I would prefer the version with this order: Buy, $, Action, Card. I also like the synergie with Plantation but well that card doubles the fun of the whole set doesnt it? ;D ;D ;D
Sanitarium: another top idea which isnt realised in the offical sets, i especially like the mechanic and strategie of the gain part.
Ballroom: also one of my favourites, it was really fun to follow the discussion about that one, and I was thinking about the comparion with a board of throne room and BoM all the time and came out with the thought that ballroom is stronger, at least in average. :) :)
Plantation: the mechanical star so far for me, it synergises well with itsself, but with any other seasons card its just amazing! All the cool synergies whith every single other card in this set... But actually i think you could buff it a bit, because the on-buy-effect, though it could be pretty strong could be pretty annoying too, actually it could be used as an attack too! Look at the combination with a card like restore and you just buy a plantation so your opponent couldnt trash his gold into a province any more! At least I can imagine wars between a player going for plantation and one initially not going for it, leading to a massive plantation pile drain and season confusing, which, though it seems funny not necessarily counts towards the 5$ price point. What about substituting the +1$ in Summer and Winter whith +2$ or at most +1$, +1Buy? That should really make the difference between a decent and a great 5$ card!
Restore: on point I dont like with that one is the one that it makes a 5/2 split so much stronger. Apart from that I would still consider it a strong 5$ but with the season-depending nerf it seems still not op. Watch out for the time when the leaf is getting green again!  ;)
Trade Port: this one is pretty good two, for me this ones balace is ok. :)
Timberland: Of cause any set needs a Alt-VP card! :D I prefer the one for 7 because its much simpler and accelerates the game in contrdiction to the cheaper one, and I could imagine some situations in which I would just buy a duchy because of reliability. This cheaper one also has a devastating synergy with plantation. :o
Wayfare: I have to think about that one again ???, but a first sight i would consider I really strong for 4$, of course the timing is really important. But think about a 4/3 split with a Wayfare in turn one!! Wouldnt your deck get a really huge boost with that?! Maybe that is a bit to strong... :o :o

So here my second issue:
from Doom_Shark
on: February 20, 2016, 12:26:06 am

Well, I just had a thought. You have all your season cards, but what about a non-season card that does stuff when you have seasons? Like:

    Harvest Village-$4
    +1 card
    +2 actions
    You may discard a season card. If you do, +1 card

Or maybe an attack that deals with season cards but is not necessarily a season card itself. like:

    Forest Bandits-$3
    Each other player may discard a season card. Each player that does not discards down to three cards in hand
At first: nice ideas of cause, I always like new mechanics! :)
But I have one big issue, which often leads to conflics within my own ideas and is actually one of the core rules for me when creating my own cards, or just some overall new mechanics with a rough set of possible cards. In my opinion all cards that you dont use just in case of using it with another 'trigger'-card (like urchin-mercenery) or come in play through such things, should reach a recent power level on their own and without much variation, and a card like your harvest village is just an overpriced village in like 80% of the games, at least if you play a random game with all offical cards. But I think the ideas came just to your head didnt they? So dont take this so seriosly, it was just a good opportunity to say that about creating cards of your own!  :)

PS: Sry for the typos and the lengthy sentences Im producing all the time not such a good trait of mine 8)

EDIT: sry for messing up the quote I didnt find the right way :D

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