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Help! / Re: Posting losses in an attempt to get better.
« on: February 10, 2018, 08:19:02 am »
Lost Arts + Gear is really, really good.

It’s going to build up much faster than golem, maybe by 3-4 turns.

Dominion Articles / Re: The Worst Card in Dominion #1
« on: February 09, 2018, 12:07:47 am »

Dominion General Discussion / Re: help! i'm horrible at lurker
« on: February 01, 2018, 10:13:51 pm »
Without a combo, Lurker is a fine-but-middling card that acts like half of a super workshop. In engine decks, you usually want to trash first, then add Lurkers as payload.
Do you still approach it like this if your opponent opens with lurker? I mean, even if they just start with one then they can trash stuff worry free and easily pick it up later.  I'm not disagreeing, just sincerely asking.  When my opponent gets a lurker, I always pick at least one up to keep them honest, but I'm not sure if this is the right play.

It’s usually worth contesting Lurker to deny your opponent the chance of “saving” powerful actions in the trash. Depending on the board, this could mean getting 1, 2 or more Lurkers - or just threatening to gain one mid-turn.

Dominion Videos and Streams / Re: Dan Brooks Dominion
« on: February 01, 2018, 01:07:08 am »
I'm back!

First round of the 2018 World Cup:

Dominion General Discussion / Re: help! i'm horrible at lurker
« on: January 31, 2018, 11:06:54 pm »
Well, Lurker does two things. 

The first (and more important) is gaining action cards from the trash. Two of them is like a super-workshop that can gain good actions like King's Court and Grand Market. 

The second is trashing cards from supply. This gives Lurker decks a lot of pressure on the piles and leads to shorter games that involve dancing around lowered piles. 

Trashing cards from supply also leads to combos with cards with on-trash abilities like Fortress, Catacombs, Hunting Grounds, and Cultist. These combos are quite powerful and generally worth prioritizing early on.

Without a combo, Lurker is a fine-but-middling card that acts like half of a super workshop. In engine decks, you usually want to trash first, then add Lurkers as payload. Somewhere around the mid-game, you'll have to make a judgement call on whether the game is likely to be determined by piles or total VP. If it's piles, add additional Lurkers. If it's VP, stay at just a few Lurkers and build a deck that has enough money to buy VP.

A lot of it depends on the board, but a lot of playing Lurker well comes down to paying a lot of attention to the threat of three piling endings.

Tunnel vs. Warrior

Gaining a Gold from Tunnel prevents it from being trashed to Warrior's attack due to the lose track rule.

Dominion Articles / Re: Overdrawing
« on: January 02, 2018, 05:04:46 am »
 “Fraction of deck drawn” is greatly correlated with buildup speed. Overdraw with midturn gaining gets that number greater than 1, which is awesome. Having less dud turns is a nice bonus too.

But you never buy Tournament/Province that early, because it's not a very good play.

I would encourage all of my tournament opponents to follow this advice :)

Simulation / Re: Testing Big Money Ultimate
« on: December 07, 2017, 03:26:58 pm »
So we PM you, you give us credentials for the BMU account and we play some games with it?

That's exactly how this works :)

I don't keep a running tally, but I've probably drawn 20 or so cards on a Scrying Pool a number of times.

Storeroom/Scrying Pool combo rewards big Scrying Pools in particular (discard a bunch of actions for coins, draw them back).

Rats is another nice enable - turn all your junk into drawable actions.

The greatest part of a big Scrying Pool is the pause as the client is loading the cards you've drawn. The more cards you draw, the longer the pause.

Simulation / Re: Testing Big Money Ultimate
« on: December 06, 2017, 10:53:49 pm »
So I think my original post might not be the most clear and the request is a little bit odd.

I'm looking for volunteers to play the Big Money Ultimate strategy in ranked games against random, similarly leveled (~35ish) opposition.

There have been some pretty interesting games so far (21 games in)!

Simulation / Re: Testing Big Money Ultimate
« on: December 06, 2017, 12:49:59 am »
Tell me when you guys are doing this, I volunteer to play against the BMU player.

Markus was suggesting that I test BMU with him ... on my main account :)

Simulation / Re: Testing Big Money Ultimate
« on: December 05, 2017, 05:31:52 pm »

The idea is to see what ranking BMU corresponds to on the shuffle IT leaderboard. The "Big Money Ultimate" account doesn't have a subscription, so it will be mostly base games.

This can serve as an approximate anchor between bot-on-bot matches and the shuffle IT leaderboard. Any new bots that we create will play a number of games against the BMU bot to initialize their expected ranking.

Simulation / Testing Big Money Ultimate
« on: December 05, 2017, 02:47:25 am »
Bots are often benchmarked against Big Money Ultimate (BMU), and I'm interested in how BMU performs in ladder matches.

In an initial set of 10 games, the strategy went 1.5-8.5. Attacks hurt a lot, but around half of the games were close.

To get reasonable statistics, I'd like to play around 100 games total. If you'd like to pitch in a few games, shoot me a message me on discord.

For reference, the BMU buy rules are:
- DUCHY when provinces left <= 5
- ESTATE when provinces left <= 2

The average online game only takes around 15 minutes. Real life games take much longer due to set up, shuffling and clean up.

Can we make this happen?

Taco Vendor
Cost 3
+2 Coins
Gain a Taco

Archive good on boards like this and can help set up City Quarter turns

Tournaments and Events / Re: Dominion World Cup 2018 Sign-Ups
« on: November 22, 2017, 11:32:54 am »
Due to work obligations, I’m sign up as an alternate.
Dan Brooks

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Payload first
« on: November 21, 2017, 05:57:10 pm »
It's easy to underestimate how good trashing a few cards early on is. Translated to coins, I'd estimate a single trash is worth around 4. So, if there's trashing, opening with it is usually a good idea.

Keep in mind the price points you need to hit. If there's Hunting Party, you'll want an early $5 hand. King's Court, you'll need to find a way to spike 7.

In general, I recommend erring on the side of trashing a little too much over trashing too little, particularly if mid-turn gaining is on the board.

Help! / Re: Mainly Empires and Hinterlands
« on: November 21, 2017, 12:25:41 am »
The only +Buy is Spice Merchant, so any really big deck is going to need that. With Banquet, you should always have enough treasure if you're careful enough.

I think I would get a Spice Merchant for thinning, add an Archive or two, and then build up an Archive/Crossroads draw engine with Mills and Highways and Spice Merchant for +Buy.

You can build pretty big with Crown and Plunder, but Provinces look like they will run relatively quickly on this board, so you'll have to switch into some of VP rather at some point. Duchies are actually OK if you need to extend the game, as an Archive/Crossroads/Border Village stack can draw through them just fine

Dominion Articles / Re: The Ten Lessons Of Villa
« on: November 20, 2017, 09:37:03 pm »
I have one rule for Villa, and that is "Buy Villa"

Game Reports / Re: 2017 Dominion Online Championship Finals Recap
« on: November 20, 2017, 02:32:06 pm »
What percentage of your rated games do you record?

If you're not recording, do you still narrate your thought process aloud?

When I'm recording, I usually have a reason to. This new youtube channel was created mostly to document the 2017 Championships. Of course, once the channel was up, I uploaded a couple more videos on engine builds and Nocturne previews. I'm often in offices that people are shuffling in and out of, so I don't usually have a chance to narrate out loud.

My old recording are up on twitch here:

There are some league matches, tournament finals, commentary, and of course, WeedGoku69 playing hangman in the waiting for game lobby.

Game Reports / 2017 Dominion Online Championship Finals Recap
« on: November 18, 2017, 05:21:41 pm »
Crossposted from:

The 2017 Dominion Online Championships were quite an exciting tournament. With a turnout of 389 players, it was the biggest dominion tournament ever, as well as the debut of new tournament-friendly features on the new dominion client.

To make it far in a tournament, you have to play well. Some games are one from clever plays on both sides. But some games are also decided by P1 advantage and shuffle luck. You need a little luck at precisely the right time, and boy did that happen here.

In the semifinals, I was down 1-3 against jsh357, then won a couple of engine games to force a game 7. I thinned down with Donate, built up a Plaza/Witch engine, and won the Plaza split, partially at least, due to P1 advantage.

Then in the finals, I was down 1-3 against Mercury444F, then won a couple of engine games to force a game 7. I thinned down with Remake/Bonfire, built up a Plaza/Witch engine, and won the Plaza split, partially at least, due to P1 advantage.

Recording of my matches (including the finals) are up on youtube here:

A big thanks to Shuffle IT for hosting the tournament. Another big thanks goes out to the moderation team -  drsteelhammer, assemble_me, Deadlock39 and irrationalE.

And finally, a big thanks to the community for coming out and competing, spectating and discussing. It was great to see so many people excited about competitive dominion come together for this event.

See you next year!
-Dan Brooks

General Discussion / Re: Brag Board
« on: November 18, 2017, 03:49:39 pm »
My flair is now "2017 Dominion Online Champion" :)

Dominion Videos and Streams / Re: Dan Brooks Dominion
« on: November 18, 2017, 04:41:08 am »

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