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Dominion General Discussion / Re: Interview with Donald X.
« on: June 08, 2022, 02:58:38 pm »
Does Prosperity 2E make any changes to the method for deciding whether to use Colony/Platinum?

I'm wondering why Dark Ages needs a second edition. That feels like a solid set with almost no duds. I'm struggling to think of a single card in the set that feels like it needs replacing actually, despite it being a very large set.
Rebuild is pretty much guaranteed to go away if there is a 2E.

Cornucopia feels like a very solid set with the only card that could be potentially considered a dud being Fortune Teller.
A Cornucopia 2E could, potentially, just add cards, turning it from a small set into a normal-sized set. (If that happened, it would presumably have to be done at the same time as something similar happening to Guilds.) I'll bet some Prizes would be replaced, though.

Rules Questions / Re: Not enough Banes
« on: June 05, 2022, 06:42:24 pm »
Grabbing a suitable pile from the Kingdom and randomly selecting a new eleventh Kingdom card (like you said) is the most sensible, I think. Note that this can allow for the paradoxical case of Young Witch being in the game due to Black Market, but Black Market then being selected for the Bane, so you might want to disallow that case by special exception (or not; it doesn't hurt anything aside from being apparently impossible).

If you do disallow stealing Black Market from the Kingdom as the Bane, you can end up with the case where the kingdom initially has Black Market, no Young Witch, and no other suitable bane piles, but then you select Young Witch and (cards from) all suitable bane piles to be in the Black Market. Then, you also have to be willing to steal the Bane pile out of the Black Market. (Of course, Donald's suggestion of not using setup cards in the Black Market would also solve this.)

Way of the Mouse is also in this, but it's pretty similar to Young Witch.

I suppose that also means that we have a good idea of some cards that are not leaving: Cartographer, Crossroads, Farmland, and Stables.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Interview with Donald X.
« on: June 03, 2022, 02:08:11 pm »
Could a second edition update potentially turn a small set into a normal-sized set?

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Prosperity 2E Preview 2
« on: May 31, 2022, 07:53:08 pm »
(assuming that the other "removed" one is a blank)
I think it is confirmed that it is not a blank (as there are not ten blanks in Prosperity to remove); there are still three actual cards left to be removed.

EDIT: I had Goons listed as a possible removal but then noticed a post from yesterday about the cards that give VP chips staying.
If we're talking posts on this forum, I don't think Donald actually said anything about cards with VP tokens staying; he said that the VP tokens themselves were staying. Someone then misparaphrased him as talking about the cards. So Goons could still be on the chopping block.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Interview with Donald X.
« on: May 22, 2022, 07:43:39 pm »
That post was from 2013 also let's not link fan card related threads here.
Oh, good point; I picked his oldest post, but it does go to the variants forum, so don't accidentally read the thread if you click on it, Donald.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Interview with Donald X.
« on: May 22, 2022, 06:06:47 pm »
I just found this forum
Pfft. Look at this guy with over 1500 posts trying to claim he "just found" the forum.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Prosperity 2E
« on: May 20, 2022, 12:37:01 am »
I wonder whether 2E will change the "recommended" method for deciding whether to use Platinum/Colony.

Rules Questions / Re: Blockade
« on: May 16, 2022, 03:33:10 pm »
I guess it could have had "non-Curse" on the gain requirements. I know it's never been established whether that would mean "not named Curse" or "without the Curse type," but it probably wouldn't matter.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Prosperity 2E
« on: May 13, 2022, 12:00:00 pm »
If it weren't so far from April 1st, I'd suspect ClouduHieh was trolling us. Honestly I'm still not sure that isn't the case.

I'm pretty sure he's serious. Given his thoughts a few years ago, it's not surprising he wouldn't be a fan of Mint for its on-buy ability:
Sure a lot of people like to get rid of there starting cards. I’m not one of them.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Interview with Donald X.
« on: April 23, 2022, 09:27:54 pm »
Are there any ideas for mechanics you have that have simply not worked out?
(Of course not ones that could come into a future expansion)
I don't hold back on these stories in the secret histories; anything I've given up on shows up where I gave up on it. Though I've also done mechanics I'd given up on, e.g. "choose one: cantrip or thing" which now is in Allies.
Since the asker looks new to the forum, I'll just leave a link to those Secret Histories.

I guess, if you can Possess someone with a Lich in their deck and make them play Lich on each of their (final) Possession turns, you can keep them from ever getting a normal turn.

Voyage puts cards in your discard pile. It's useful for say, Emissary, Courier, or Swashbuckler.

How does Voyage behave any differently with regard to your discard pile than taking a regular turn?

It's not a regular turn so you're not going to draw your deck. Voyage + Courier especially is a legit Thing¨™ that comes up reasonably often in Allies-heavy games.

I can see Courier being useful with Voyage because it plays from the discard instead of your hand, but that's not because of anything Voyage did to the discard. I also don't see how Emissary and Swashbuckler behave any differently on Voyage turns.
I don't think they're talking about using those cards on the Voyage turn. They're talking about using them on your regular turn after your discard has a bunch of stuff you discarded on your Voyage turns.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Allies Preview 5: More Cards
« on: March 04, 2022, 06:59:29 pm »
Aside from Ruined Library, is Royal Galley the first straight-up example of a terminal with +1 Card?

Plenty of other cards can end up having that effect on a particular play --- Pawn, Ironworks, Salvager, Watchtower, Bard, any non-drawing terminal with Pathfinding --- but I can't think of any previous card that just always does it (again, excluding the intentional junk card).

Not that it needs a name, but what would you call this effect? Calling it terminal draw seems wrong, since "draw" is usually reserved for effects that actually increase your hand size. Is it a terminal cantrip? Terminal self-replacer? Terminal handsize-maintainer? Nontrip? Untrip? Can'ttrip?

EDIT: Eh, I guess it's not really a terminal since it gives you a fake +1 Action. I guess mostly never mind, but I'm not deleting the post.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Allies Preview 3: Choose One
« on: March 04, 2022, 03:47:35 pm »
Prediction: Architects' Guild is going to be the new Farmers' Market, where no one spells it right when it comes to the apostrophe.

I just can't figure out why that one worker was important enough to name the entire village after.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Allies Preview 4: Recursion
« on: March 03, 2022, 11:05:28 am »
If Lich is skipping your next turn, shouldn't it be a duration card?
It does not stay out, so no.
This way, you get to skip a turn every turn, not just every other turn.

Played a game (vs. Rattington) with Artisan and Odysseys. Early in the game, used Artisan topdecking to set up profitable things to do on Voyage turns. Later on, started a turn with Distant Shores on top of the Odyssey pile. Used Old Maps to rotate Odysseys back around to Sunken Treasure. Artisaned the three remaining Sunken Treasures to hand, then played all three of them to gain the remaining three Distant Shores.

EDIT: Meant this as a semi-interesting moment, but I guess it sorta works here, too.

Rules Questions / Re: Throne Room played multiple times
« on: February 24, 2022, 06:51:09 pm »
You also could tell him to look at the rule book's description of Throne Room, where it says, "If you Throne Room a Throne Room, you may play an Action card twice, then may play another Action card twice; you do not play one Action card four times." (That's quoted from the latest edition, but the first edition says the same thing with slightly different wording.)

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Seaside 2E Announced
« on: January 28, 2022, 11:40:56 am »
I wonder how the removed cards will be handled on It doesn't have the removed Base Set and Intrigue cards, but if I remember correctly, they had already been removed before it launched, so they were just never in.

I just noticed that the Steam page for the other (Temple Gates) electronic Dominion apparently has DLC for the removed Base Set and Intrigue cards.

Rules Questions / Re: Hunting Lodge sequence.
« on: September 14, 2021, 10:35:18 am »
Diadem Diabetes

+2 Skittles

When you play this, +1 Skittle per uneaten Chocolate Chip you have.

Dominion Articles / Re: Dominion is getting worse with each expansion
« on: August 12, 2021, 06:42:48 pm »
Unique Kingdom Numbering Lemma: Each kingdom can be assigned a unique natural number.

Proof: Assign a unique prime number to each of the following kingdom elements:

   each kingdom card pile
   each event, landmark, project, and way
   the inclusion of Colony/Platinum
   the inclusion of shelters

For the given kingdom, generate a number that is the product of the primes associated with the elements included in that kingdom.  This number will be uniquely associated with that kingdom by the fundamental theorem of artihmetic.

Optionally, depending on one's definition of what constitutes a kingdom, additional information may be encoded into the number.  For example, the prime associated with the Young Witch kingdom card pile may be raised to the power of the number associated with the pile chosen as bane pile.  A number of other examples have been included in the exercises at the end of the chapter.

Minimal Kingom Corollary: Every non-empty set of kingdoms has an element whose number is minimal for the less-than relation.

Rules Questions / Re: Aqueduct rule confusion
« on: July 21, 2021, 10:36:41 am »
Wow.  Thanks.  I totally missed the Capitalism text '... are also Treasures ...".  That changes how we will play the project in the future.  Awesome new discovery for our games now.

I'm curious. What did you think Capitalism said before you noticed that?

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Interview with Donald X.
« on: June 26, 2021, 11:17:41 am »
But of course I can't tell Donald what to do with his life, he already did 13 of them

What were your previous incarnations like, Donald?

Rules Questions / Re: Taking Artifacts from Border Guard
« on: April 24, 2021, 04:36:34 pm »
Is there any other card in Dominion that uses “or” without “choose”?

Hunting Grounds.

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