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General Discussion / Re: iOS / Android games
« on: November 13, 2014, 10:43:51 am »
Sentinels of the Multiverse is on android/iOS now.  The card game is very good, and the tablet implementation is pretty nice.  I highly recommend it.

FWIW, I think visualizing the rankings by set might be a fun/interesting infoviz problem.

You could imagine having one colored curve per expansion.  The x axis corresponds to the cost specific percentile in the Qvist ranking.  The y axis is the percentage of cards in that set at or above the given percentile.

But I am lazy. 

C'mon, be my minions, someone do it.  After all, I pay $300/year to keep the forum running just so you lovely people can talk about dominion ;).

Goko Dominion Online / Re: Update 28 August 2014
« on: September 11, 2014, 12:02:43 pm »
Can you talk to goko directly?  Why don't this listen to you?

(Better Q, why aren't they paying you, but I think that's a different discussion :P ).

Other Games / Re: Race for the Galaxy?
« on: September 03, 2014, 09:04:08 pm »
I played it a lot.  I recommend you find some equally unacquainted with the game and buy the just the base game.   It's complicated/a bit hard to learn, but very good, IMO.  The base game easy has 50 or 100 plays before getting remotely stale.  If you still like it, get the Gathering Storm instead of Alien Artifacts, IMO.

Why not play two games of chess before the game of dominion, and then play dominion as a tie breaker?  I assure you it will be higher skill than dominion.

Everyone against this should be sentenced to 100 games against Personman that include wishing well.

One thing to learn from CR.

Everyone second guesses the global stats because there are lots of games from crappy players.

Pick some decent heuristic metric for "good player", (say, in top 200 at time of game), and in addition to the global stats, provide stats just from that subpool of players.

One suggestion on implementation.  Don't worry about working around all the bugs/craziness you find the logs.  Detect a problem and just throw the whole game away rather than adding hacks to the parsing code.  Aim to parse say, 95% of the logs that are reasonably well formed.  Keep track of how many game logs you are discarding, but be willing to lose a few.

Writing log parsers and working around bugs sucks.

Advertisements / Re: Dominion Turnstyle
« on: August 30, 2014, 02:25:54 pm »
It looks really cool. Great job.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: How do you play this kingdom?
« on: August 22, 2014, 04:46:16 pm »
The only argument that I can think of is like why treasure maps become better with more players.  It's a swingy card, and you need variance to win (in say, a game with 6 strong players).  Against the 5 bad AIs, this argument is much less true.

Other Games / Re: Sentinels of the Multiverse!!!! POW!
« on: August 14, 2014, 01:48:52 pm »
It arrived today, hopefully I'll get to try it out soon.

I pwned the 2nd game in quarters with a bazaar/goons/warehouse/watchtower engine that was very pleasing to execute.  But I didn't think a 1st and 4th would advance me, so I mass gamed alien artifacts games against the AI instead of trying to be an alt (which sort of paid off.. :) ).

How'd it go for you?

I lost badly in the Torturer game in the quarters.  The opponents took the peddlers and then the curses, and I didn't really get much lockdown achieved before the game ended :(.  I have too much 2P bias.

I'll be there.

Goko Dominion Online / Re: New basic stats page
« on: July 28, 2014, 05:02:30 pm »
I think it's simple.  The winner won.  Everyone else lost.  You neither beat nor lost to the player who got third if you were 2nd.

Of course, it's basically not useful because who plays >2p :P.

What about Lancaster, PA on Friday, August 8th and 9th?

Just in time for this.

Both theory and I have a 2nd in this event, but no f.ds'ers have ever won.  Let's fix that this year.

I'll also buy large quantities of good beer for everyone of age.

General Discussion / Re: log war
« on: July 21, 2014, 09:44:14 pm »
As a computer scientist, all I've gotta say is that

O(log_a(x)) = O(log_b(x)) for all a > 1, b > 1.

So it doesn't matter, it's just a constant factor difference ;P.

General Discussion / Re: iOS / Android games
« on: July 14, 2014, 05:46:16 pm »
Final Fantasy Dimensions is awesome, if you are into old school JRPGs (you should be).

General Discussion / Re: rspeer's company featured on mashable
« on: July 09, 2014, 01:52:38 am »
And another article just popped up in my prismatic feed.

This quote sounds pretty bullshitty to me, but otherwise the article is good.

"Unlike other similar companies, Luminoso’s models are trained to “learn about things much like a person does, not like a machine,” Havasi added, referring to Luminoso’s work to eliminate the constant need for people to train such data models in order for them to improve."


Simulation / Re: Help me... building a Genetic AI over Geronimoo
« on: June 30, 2014, 10:00:11 am »
Have you read all of this?

There are lots of good ideas there.

Goko Dominion Online / Re: New basic stats page
« on: May 20, 2014, 11:35:04 am »
One interesting stat that I didn't have on CR but that would fit well with AI's system is this:

Your net change in rating after playing different players.  So you'll see who you've earned and lost your points from.  It's good for breeding rivalries, finding feared opponents, and discovering opponents who seem to love to make you look better.

(Of course, you'll need to hook into the trueskill implementation, not just the games database).

I did this for my previous race for the galaxy stats site.  EG, see here.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Homage to the Best Card
« on: April 24, 2014, 09:28:42 pm »
I was just lazy.  If some other meme generator site had that template and I could have hot linked it, I would have.  I thought I'd have to host that image somewhere and didn't really know where.  So I just figured I'd make f.ds host it.

TBH, I love sentinels, so I am cautiously optimistic.

I don't know if you've seen this data.  Most of the best openings are 5/2.

I don't think I ever aggregated 5/2 vs 4/3 across all boards though.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Homage to the Best Card
« on: April 22, 2014, 02:13:26 pm »

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