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Let's Discuss ... / Re: rēs cornūcōpiae consultēmus: remake
« on: May 18, 2016, 08:32:51 am »
Let's say I draw Remake-Copperx2-Estatex2 on turn 3/4.

Do I trash the Coppers, hoping to get thin faster, or do I trash the Estates, hoping to improve my deck faster? What if there are no good $3s? What if there are OK-ish $3s? What if there are amazing $3s?

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Card Name Themes
« on: May 17, 2016, 04:30:18 am »
Wilderness draw: Hunting Grounds, Ranger, Scout, Guide?, Pathfinding
+ Journeyman, maybe Expedition and Caravan?

FYI, the "journey" in Journeyman does not mean "travel". Rather, it comes from French "journée" = "day", i.e., a worker whose pay is based on a daily rate.

General Discussion / Re: Adventure Out
« on: May 03, 2016, 04:32:51 am »

There are cards outside of Adventures
I know, they're so overdone
It feels like we've known them for centuries
But they can still bring you many hours of fun

Just forget those Events
You know, for all intents
They're just a glorified overpay!

There are cards outside of Adventures
So shut up, get out there, and play

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Credit
« on: April 22, 2016, 07:41:20 am »
The concept of "get benefit now, pay for it later" is cool, but your Event is waaaay too wordy. I would start with something simpler and take it from there:

Cost: $0
+1 Buy
Once per turn: gain a Curse. If you did, +$2.

Let's Discuss ... / Re: Let's Discuss Base Set Cards: Moat
« on: April 13, 2016, 10:44:44 am »
How is Moat worse?

In order to protect you, Moat needs to be in your hand during another player's turn. Typically, you will have five cards in your hand at that time.

In order to protect you, Lighthouse needs to be in your hand at any time during your turn (so you can play it). Typically, you will be cycling through your deck with +Cards, meaning you will see more than five cards during that period.

Assuming an ideal situation where you can draw your whole deck, you only need 2 Lighthouses to be protected every turn (one in your play area from last turn, one in hand to play this turn).

Contrast with Moat, where you need 20% (1 in 5) of your deck to consist of Moats in order to maybe be protected every turn.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Negative vanilla boni
« on: April 12, 2016, 05:16:29 am »
You could word it like this: "Pay an Action. If you do, ..." The rules could clarify that you can only pay an Action if you have 1 or more.

That said, the card should come with some sort of Village-type effect built in, otherwise it's completely useless in the absence of other Villages.

General Discussion / Re: Random Stuff Part III
« on: March 15, 2016, 08:52:55 am »
I watched Shutter Island around the same time I watched Inception. I started to wonder whether Leonardo-DiCaprio-plays-a-mentally-unbalanced-man-who-can't-get-over-the-death-of-his-wife was a new cinematic genre I was unaware of.

Rules Questions / Re: Smugglers + cost reduction
« on: March 10, 2016, 09:29:12 am »
Is this easier for you to parse?

Among the cards that the player to your right gained on his last turn, choose one that currently costs up to $6. Gain a copy of it.

Feedback / Re: F.DS is awesome!
« on: February 18, 2016, 04:00:35 am »
Recently I've started paying more attention to the RSP sub-forum. I really appreciate this little corner of the Internet where we can hold intelligent level-headed discussion about interesting and controversial topics.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: German translation
« on: February 09, 2016, 03:41:36 am »
The English language really needs more gender-neutral pronouns.

That's weird. For me, the main takeaway from this thread is the opposite: modern English already has an unusually high degree of gender-neutrality built into it (at least among Western European languages), as evidenced by how difficult it is to translate from English to German/French/Italian/etc.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: German translation
« on: February 05, 2016, 06:56:26 am »
I am pretty sure that if we had a card called Policeman and showed a woman, people would think it was a mistake. At the very least they'd think we were awful. And we're just not doing that, in English, even if there's a chorus of voices saying how totally fine it would be.

The card Hero shows a woman. Do English speakers commonly use the word "hero" this way? (Not a rhetorical question; I genuinely want to know. I always assumed that "hero" is male and "heroine" is female.)

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Dominion: Empires Announced!
« on: February 01, 2016, 09:39:08 am »
Proposed solution: translate the card as "Bakery".

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Who's summoning who?
« on: December 14, 2015, 04:14:49 am »
unless you find that mask from Prince of Persia 2 that truely lets you alter the past - man, what a dumb game twist

I have to disagree! Warrior Within is a very flawed game, but this is one of the (few) things I liked about it. It paired a plot twist with a gameplay twist! Plot-wise, the Prince was on a very tight schedule in order to meet his other self; game-wise, the player had to rush because of the Prince's constantly-depleting health.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Who's summoning who?
« on: December 11, 2015, 07:22:06 am »
If you try to change history through time travel, you will inevitable fail - you already have failed.

The future is going to will have been what it already was all along.

Minor quibble: You can omit the "SETUP" and add the "Looter" type to the card.

Haunted Castle
I like how this works around the common criticism for alt-Curse cards -- you can't get rid of it once you put it in play! (Procession and other edge-cases aside.)

This is the opposite... It's way too easy to get rid of it near the end of the game.

Siege machines
Minor quibble: This should have the "Looter" type.

Puzzles and Challenges / Re: Guess the Flavor Text
« on: November 25, 2015, 05:16:19 am »
"My charade is the event of the season"

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Candlestick Master
« on: November 13, 2015, 05:56:04 am »
Still works out of your turn thanks to the miracle Caravan Guard is.

Is that a problem? From what I understand, the +Action and +Buy will simply be lost (the rulebook explicitly mentions this case) but you do get to keep the coin token.

Goko Dominion Online / Re: Four Weeks Without Dominion ...
« on: November 11, 2015, 05:48:25 am »
Or could they be a penny if you'd already bought them?

...That's an interesting loophole. Are app developers really allowed to charge different amounts depending on the user?

2015 / Re: Goko May Shut Down This Month! What Will We Do?
« on: October 27, 2015, 07:01:33 am »
Quick question: are cross-platform Unity applications designed to run on all target devices using the same executable, but with different segments of the code running depending on the device?

You build different executables for different platforms. This is what it looks like -->

There is also platform-dependent compilation, meaning that the binaries (even the project-specific .NET DLLs) are most likely different between platforms.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: JSH's True Art Rankings
« on: October 22, 2015, 05:26:36 pm »
I've always been puzzled by the art in Island. Is that a snowy mountain or just a weird-looking cloud?

I think this is a dead-end:

Some/most/all of these might be impossible without patching the .exe file, so if someone figures out how to decompile that thing that could help as well.

As far I know, the game code is entirely contained in the .dlls and the .exe file is just a stub that launches them.

My basis for this claim is this: a few years ago I played around with Unity and I still have builds for 3 different projects on my hard drive. The .exe files for these 3 projects are identical (I did a binary comparison, and every single byte matches).

Sorry I can't offer any concrete help... The MF client doesn't even run on my laptop.

TL;DR: Don't judge a programmer by his decompiled code.

So I don't know much about RE, and I've only done a little work in school with C#, but some of this *has* to be the result of you only being able to look at the code after it was compiled and then decompiled, right? Like, the compiler could make optimizations that are less readable, right? For my own sanity I just need to know a human didn't actually write that code.

I can't speak for C#/CLR, but in the world of C/assembly that's exactly what happens. For instance, these two snippets of code...

Code: [Select]
if (a && b)

Code: [Select]
if (a)
   if (b)

...would be indistinguishable when compiled to machine code; i.e., both of them would become something like this (very roughly speaking):

Code: [Select]
compare a, 0;
jmp_if_eq after_if;
compare b, 0;
jmp_if_eq after_if;
call do_stuff;
call rest_of_program;

A decompiler has to look at that sequence of instructions and try to figure out which logic structures would produce such a sequence, and the result is usually incorrect (i.e., it doesn't match the structure that the C programmer originally wrote).

I have absolutely zero sympathy for MF and their piece of junk software, but criticizing their craftsmanship based this reverse-engineered chunk of code is misguided. We have plenty of legitimate reasons to criticize their craftsmanship, after all.

Other Games / Re: Hanabi
« on: September 14, 2015, 10:45:47 am »

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Dominion One-Liners
« on: September 10, 2015, 04:39:59 am »
Moat only protects you from attacks if you have it in your hand. Don't count on it unless 1/5th of your deck consists of Moats.

Exception: your opponents are playing Council Room or Governor

Does it really have to be limited to the card on top of the Lieutenant deck? You could reword it to use a Lieutenant mat and then say:

Set aside a card from your hand. At the start of each of your turns, you may set aside a copy of it from your hand. Return them to your deck at the end of the game.

The Lieutenant mat then allows you to keep track of which cards are allowed to be set aside.

In any case, for extra clarity I would add "(This stays in play)" like Hireling.

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