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Messages - Dulkal

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Dominion General Discussion / Re: "Strictly better" card
« on: September 04, 2012, 07:11:03 am »
You should probably elaborate on what you mean by 'strictly better'.

Because the examples you give doesn't match the way the phrase is generally used.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Shelters exacerbate 5/2
« on: September 03, 2012, 01:47:46 pm »

VERDICT: buying an estate with hovel in hand early in the game when you have nothing better to buy is a weak move that is occasionally correct, is usually incorrect, but very rarely matters either way, much like buying an estate with an extra buy late, but not very late, in the game.


Dominion General Discussion / Re: Shelters exacerbate 5/2
« on: September 03, 2012, 05:02:08 am »
In my opinion, you generally SHOULD be trashing that Hovel for an Estate if you have $2 and nothing better to spend it on. Essentially, its 1VP gained for no slowdown of the deck now, versus a one-card deck trimming that comes in the mid to late game. In the mid to late game, the effect of trashing is far less beneficial than in the early game.
In a game that is likely to be decided on the province split, I agree with you.

In heavy cursing games or alt-VP games however, that 1 point is much less likely to make the final difference.

Dominion: Dark Ages Previews / Re: Nombo of the day: Rats / most things
« on: September 02, 2012, 03:35:52 pm »
3 is the appropriate number to look at here, not 6. You could for instance buy one Caravan to get those three extra +Cards without worrying about hitting the Rats+trasher combo. You'll probably get them sooner and with a lot less hassle. Also the cards you draw will be higher quality because none of them will be Rats (which you might not even get to play, if your trasher is a terminal).
There's certainly quite a few ifs. Rats are only a good card if the table is right, but it is not the only card with that quality. I think Junk Dealer might be such a table. Then again, it may not be fast enough. It is, however, a mistake to say the cards you draw will be better quality because they wont be rats. Apart from the single rat you bought, all the rats presumably replaced poorer cards (shelters, estates, unwanted coppers)

I think Rats might be worthwhile on tables where you will eventually trash your cards, but won't be doing so right away. It may also improve performance in a double-jack because it can make your coppers 'not treasures' with a small trash benefit. In other words, I think rats has a lot of tables where it can subtly improve your odds in ways that are not immidiately obvious.

Their most obvious benefit is trash-for-benefit though. If you can grab a Forge, two rats make a province. If you have an Upgrade, your deck will turn from junk to Rats to Upgrade to Gold in short order.

Dominion: Dark Ages Previews / Re: Nombo of the day: Rats / most things
« on: September 02, 2012, 02:07:30 pm »
So, you think +1 Card is worth it?

Well, if you're going to trash your estates, turning them to rats first gives you extra cards twice. When you turn you estates to rats, you get to draw another card instead. When you trash your rats, you draw an extra card.

Basically, that means that buying the rats gives you a total of 6 extra cards in the early game (three if you count the hand-space the rat takes up against it), just for trashing your estates. Later on, when coppers are no longer good cards, you can swap them with your rats (which take up space in your hand, but no more than they did back when they were estates).

With shelters, it gets slightly better as your overgrown estate gives you another card, for a total of +7 cards for buying the rats, plus another card when you trash the original rat.

Whether that beats the other 4-cost card you could have opened is an open question, but it's not nothing.

(of course, this assumes that your final trasher was a five-coster you couldn't just have opened with in the first place, like junkyard)

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Shelters exacerbate 5/2
« on: September 02, 2012, 11:12:50 am »
Normally, getting a 5 is already a strong opening, especially with something like Witch on the board. Usually, you don't want to buy anything with your $2. But with Shelters, you can buy an Estate to trash your Hovel and gain a 1vp lead without slowing your deck! In games with heavy cursing, that point is often worth a lot because the game will end on piles.

In a game with witch on the table, I doubt one point is going to make that much of a difference. Whether or not a reasonable 2-coster is available has much more of an impact.

Dominion Articles / Re: Throne Room
« on: September 02, 2012, 06:16:47 am »
i think i get it... does it mean that when there is written "while THIS is in play," it means the EXACT card and not just any Haggler?
Yes, 'this' always refers to a specific instance of a card, not the card type. If a card refers to the card type, it refers to the card name.

So yes, you get one extra card for each haggler that is lying on the table in front of you.

Rules Questions / Re: Overgrown Estate & Market Sqare
« on: September 01, 2012, 04:57:47 pm »
That would be my thought too. 'When you trash this' and 'when one of your cards is trashed' sound like simultanous triggers.

The minion example is different, because the minion being played an the minion resolving are not simultanous.

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