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Dominion General Discussion / Re: Thank you to dougz and isotropic.
« on: August 14, 2012, 09:57:58 pm »
Count me in.  Thank you.

And thanks to rinkworks, especially for his contributions to the fan card design portion of the community.

And Geronimoo for his work on the Dominion simulator.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Official Version Launching 8/16?
« on: August 14, 2012, 11:29:34 am »
I'm sure Hasbro Scrabble has rebuilt a community by now, but it's not the same people.

I'd bet not.  People play Words With Friends instead because Zynga's clone works better than Hasbro's correct version ever did.  And we know how people around here love clones.

The parallels are uncanny. If this train wreck continues, I probably won't see most of you in a game again and it won't even be my conscious decision.

I'll admit I'd forgotten about the Scrabulous debacle, but yeah.  It's missing the lawsuits, thankfully.

There's still time to label the GenCon release as a public beta

/crosses fingers

Well, Hasbro (the company owning the rights to Scrabble) is actually releasing (Words with Friends) in physical board game form; this is sadly, not a joke.

Dominion: Dark Ages Previews / Re: Rationalizing the Dominion Theme
« on: August 13, 2012, 08:07:04 am »
A friend of mine once tried to rationalize the Chapel's trashing ability as representing "atoning for your sins," this makes sense with the Bishop too, if it represents confessing to a Bishop (this is an idea found in Catholic, Orthodox, and several protestant branches of Christianity).  Not that the game has any hidden religious message or anything like that!
Given that this is a medieval theme, perhaps the Bishop is selling indulgences?

That's perfect!  The +1 coin represents the money received, and maybe the +1 VP is lands the church is acquiring, or prestige the church is receiving.  But indulgences are sold to all, so your fellow players can trash too.

As for Peddler, I think the discount is either because they have more locations or people to sell to (economies of scale), or, and this is how I always thought about it, you're sort of bargaining (haggling, but then there's Haggler for that) the price down with the more influence (actions) you have in play this turn.

Dominion Isotropic / Re: Dougz - I would like to send you money
« on: August 12, 2012, 08:32:50 pm »
Or maybe we could pool some funds together and buy a worthwhile, memorable gift?  No idea what though.

Dominion: Dark Ages Previews / Re: Rationalizing the Dominion Theme
« on: August 12, 2012, 05:40:50 am »
A friend of mine once tried to rationalize the Chapel's trashing ability as representing "atoning for your sins," this makes sense with the Bishop too, if it represents confessing to a Bishop (this is an idea found in Catholic, Orthodox, and several protestant branches of Christianity).  Not that the game has any hidden religious message or anything like that!

The Bureaucrat ties up people's property in red tape, freezing their assets for a while, and somehow (legally or otherwise) acquires money, which itself takes some time to free up.

Two cards I don't really get are Feast and Talisman.  Maybe you form new connections at the Feast, which is a one-time thing, so you get to know a Governor, Witch, or Mandarin, you hear about a Festival, or you've invited the whole City, or manage to make a deal to get a Duchy there?  And maybe the Talisman is magical?

On Funagain's storefront on Amazon, it says that DA will be available August 17th. I pre-ordered from there but I don't know exactly how that works when it's released everywhere else on September 1st.

I think this has happened with past Dominion products as well.  Generally, there's no set release date, as they're supposed to hit US markets as soon as possible after their debut, but that depends on a variety of factors, such as shipping.  Therefore, the different stores give their estimates, although they'll probably ultimately end up getting it and shipping them out on the same date (or only a few days apart).  That said, I don't know whose estimate is more reliable, Funagain's or Amazon's.

Hmmm... my first thought was that BM+X is even stronger with these three cards in your starting deck. 2 Smithies + money is marginally faster thanks to Necropolis, and Hovel can be moved out of the way when you ghit that first province, so that the first province doesn't damage your deck.

This is significant to me, as it means that if BM+X is stronger, then a lot of the funky combos we've been talking about on other previews are going to be edged out, by sheer fact of relative lack of tempo.

Then there's the whole develop/remake thing. Now we've got $1 cards instead of $2 cards, any opening based on trash for benefit / remaking are going to be weaker.

So actually, I'm not convinced that these three cards instead of estate encourage engines. Instead, they up the power of Dominion's most basic winning strategy: BM+X.

It would be nice to see simulations, but I think it's quite a small boost.  You might take a while before you buy a victory point card on a turn where you have a Hovel, and if you only have two Smithies in your deck (as you probably should), it won't be that often that they'll line up with Necropolis.  You might get a single strong early turn.  But I'm still not sure if this means you should get your second smithy much earlier.

Is anyone else freaking out that Necropolis should be red on the top and not the bottom, to match the other two? Maybe I need to get my OCD checked...

Yes.  I'm telling myself it won't be as bad when I'm actually playing, rather than seeing them all right next to each other like that, but I don't think I'm convincing myself.
I don't think I'm getting something about the colors in general.

Shelters appear to be orange, like durations.
Ruins appear to be brown.

But Shelters that are Action-Shelter are white/orange, whereas Ruins that are Action-Ruins are all-brown.

I know Donald has said that coloring is used to alert you when you're holding your hand that you might want to do something (ie reveal a reaction card). Can someone help me out on why Ruined Market shouldn't be brown/white, or Necropolis only orange?

I was wondering the same thing a few posts up.  I think solid colors are appropriate to use with Actions if they are not permissible as a card's only type.  Like it probably makes little sense for a card to be only a Duration or only a Ruin, and although a card could certainly be a Reaction only, I think we've heard that we'll never see a card like that (though Hovel comes awfully close).  All this points to Necropolis being a solid color card, since I doubt we'd ever get a Shelter only card, especially as I think these three are the only shelters (and what would a Shelter only card be?).

As an aside, I think Shelters are supposed to be Red, but when I first saw them I thought they were orange too.

Is anyone else freaking out that Necropolis should be red on the top and not the bottom, to match the other two? Maybe I need to get my OCD checked...

Yes.  I'm telling myself it won't be as bad when I'm actually playing, rather than seeing them all right next to each other like that, but I don't think I'm convincing myself.

Does anyone have a plausible explanation for this yet?  Is there some inherent ordering of which color goes on top when two types interact?  It might have just been better if Necropolis was all red (after all, Action-Reaction cards are solid blue, even though other card types can be Reactions, and Action-Duration cards are solid orange, although only actions can be Durations).

Harvest is pretty sweet now. Never would have guessed it could become a decent opener (shuffle dependent).

That's true. Opening Harvest on 5/2 might be pretty cool.

And be prepared for a rage-quit when someone draws on his third turn: Harvest, $2 buy, Necropolis, Overgrown Estate, and Hovel.

Okay, maybe not that bad.

It's a bit like drawing Coppersmith, ($2 or $3 buy), 4 coppers, except if the $3 buy is a useful terminal, that's slightly better.  Also, considering the $2 or $3 may be have draw (like Courtyard), that Coppersmith opening is actually pretty solid.

Looking at only the first shuffle, I think the first Harvest turn with the Harvest/$2 (with shelters) opening will be about as good (probably a little weaker, especially given a $2 opening over a $3 opening) as the first Coppersmith turn with a Coppersmith opening (with Shelters).  Though at least you can play the $2 card then still play Harvest for a single coin.  This could buy you a silver if you opened Embargo, Duchess, Courtyard, etc (though you should probably Courtyard the Harvest) and can get you an estate replacement with many other openings that give you at least a +$1.

Okay, so this is supposed to be like Col/Plat in that you only play with it with a probability of N/10, but I wouldn't mind always playing with them!  :D

Unfortunately, it also introduces some extra early game variance.
We've accepted the 5/2 vs 4/3 start and we can even enforce same starts on Iso, but I could see how it would matter even more with Shelters.

Same start Shelters?


But the opening shelters hardly matter, unless you plan on buying a victory card in the first two turns on a non-5/2 opening, in which case you'd want Hovel to line up with 4 coppers for buying Island/(anything), and Hovel to line up with 3 coppers for buying Great Hall/($4 card) or Tunnel/($4 card), and I guess similar rules for rarer situations where you want to open with another card.

What will really matter quite a bit, however, is the result of the reshuffle after turn 2.

Though I guess you might as well fix the position of the opening shelters for the few cases where it does matter if you want to have identical starting hands anyway.

I feel a little underwhelmed, though.

Hell, I can leave my Estates, Colonies, Platinum, and Potions at home.

Estates will still be in the game, just not in your starting hand. Don't leave them behind just yet.

And can someone remind me what the Platinum/Colony rule is? I've never played it IRL.

Probability of Colony/Platinum = 10% * (Number of Prosperity Cards in Game)

One way to implement it with the physical randomizer cards (mentioned in the rulebook) is to predesignate a position from the first to the tenth card dealt, say the first.  If the first card dealt is a Prosperity card, you use Colony/Platinum, otherwise you don't.

Assuming the rule is exactly analogous, we could designate the first card as a check for Colony/Platinum, and the tenth card as a check for Shelters (any two positions will do fine, just don't use the same unless you want the two to be mutually exclusive).

I believe it was Wandering Winder in yesterday's preview forum that mentioned that this expansion is shaping up to be much more tactical than previous expansions.  And just think, we have only seen 9 of the 35 kingdom cards so far.  And we are still yet to see Shelters and the upgrade card.  If these few cards are changing our whole approach to the game, what else does Donald have up his sleeve?  Whatever it is, it is going to be great!

At 26 kingdom cards left, it means there's a whole Seaside or Hinterlands worth of Kingdom cards remaining (plus the aforementioned upgraded card and Shelters, and the non-obvious Ruin).

50 are Ruins. It's likely that these too have randomizer cards, just as every other supply pile in the game.

It's not true that every supply pile has a randomizer card:

  • Potion from Alchemy
  • Colony and Platinum from Prosperity
  • The base cards from Intrigue
  • The base cards from Base Cards

Although the last two are functionally equivalent to the base cards from Dominion, so they don't really count.  It's also worth noting that the prize cards don't have randomizers, although they aren't supply cards.

I'm going to recommend some foreign cinema (classics and contemporary alike), if that's okay.  These are very critically acclaimed movies, so I'm pretty sure they're okay on the RT front without even checking.  They span a variety of genres.  I've also tried to stick to mostly accessible films (they're not too avant garde or experimental).

  • The Bicycle Thief (1948 - De Sica - Italy)
  • Tokyo Story (1953 - Ozu - Japan)
  • Seven Samurai (1954 - Kurosawa - Japan)
  • La Strada (1954 - Fellini - Italy)
  • The 400 Blows (1954 - Truffaut - France)
  • The Leopard - Italian Version (1963 - Visconti - Italy)
  • Fanny & Alexander - TV Version (1982 - Bergman - Sweden)
  • Ran (1985 - Kurosawa - Japan)
  • Wings of Desire (1987 - Wenders - Germany)
  • Yi Yi (2000 - Yang - Taiwan)
  • In The Mood For Love (2000 - Wong Kar-Wai - Hong Kong)
  • The Diving Bell and the Butterfly (2007 - Schnabel - France)
  • Still Walking (2008 - Koreeda - Japan)
  • Carlos - Miniseries (2010 - Assayas - France)
  • A Separation (2011 - Farhadi - Iran)

Watch Instant titles are bolded.

I don't remember from other sets, but do blank cards count towards the total?

Yes, they do.  Typically they're used for the leftover excess that nothing can be done with.  I think only one set had 11 or more blank cards (and hence, could have had an extra kingdom card, that didn't; the secret histories mention this): Seaside with 288 Kingdom Cards (and randomizers) and 12 blank cards.

But the ruins do partially explain why we need 500 cards for only  35 kingdom cards. Still 100 MIA, though.
Well, some of those 100 are victory cards, which get 12 instead of 10.

Well even if the other 30 kingdom cards are all victory types, we are still missing a ton.

Which is what I think ties into the idea of cards being gained only through other cards - I think there are piles of 10 cards (or some other number) that, like prizes, are not part of the kingdom, but can be gained byt specific in-game actions; trash a squire, gain a knight; trash a knight, gain a crusader, etc - knights and crusaders cannot be bought and would have a price (0?) that excludes them or includes them, at Donald's perogative, in grave-robber-like actions.

ninja'ed by Jonts. oh well.

Although it's not really adding much to the discussion there will probably also be at least 35 randomizer cards, at 5 victory cards in the set (and I won't be surprised if there are no others, but 5 seems like a round number), that makes exactly 55 cards MIA.

Goko Dominion Online / Re: Dominion Strategy FunSockets Beta Signup
« on: August 06, 2012, 01:54:32 pm »
Your sign up may have not gone through.  I signed up on the first day, then asked Trisha, and she told me she didn't see me on the list.  I probably forgot to hit a submit button on the form, or something like that.

So there's two interpretations of "upgrading", and we seem to be focusing on one of them—i.e., effects like the card Upgrade (or Remodel or whatever), where you trash a card and gain a better card. Another possibility is that "upgrading" refers to cards that get better themselves, rather than being trashed and replaced by new cards. In existing sets there are already City, Trade Route, and Pirate Ship as cards that get "upgraded" in this sense.

I'm thinking more on the lines of Feast, but with specific upgrade paths, i.e. buy A from supply, trash it to get B* (not in supply), trash that to get C* (not in supply).  The description did mention many cards that "you can only get via specific other cards".

This could very well be it.  But it would be interesting if some B*'s were actually the upgrades to multiple As.  Or at least I think it could be interesting.  Imagine two very different As that can both upgrade to the same B (they would probably cost the same, or would have different upgrade conditions to cover the discrepancy).

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Homage to the Best Card
« on: April 29, 2012, 06:55:54 pm »
One of my first councilroom "achievements" was this, and I wondered how I got it.  Then I remembered one of my first Isotropic games was my brother and I playing with a custom Kingdom with no actions, haha.  It was actually pretty fun to play one game like that.

My roommate had Base, so I had played that a few times with him, then decided I needed to get my own copy.  I had also played a few times on BSW and read about the Intrigue cards online, so I went ahead and got them together.  Then I thought Alchemy looked cool (didn't know it wasn't a favored expansion).  I thought Seaside looked kind of stupid because of Pirate Ship and Embargo using tokens; then I realized I was just being silly.  I ordered Seasside and Prosperity a little bit (maybe a day or two) after discovering isotropic and trying some of the cards on there.  Then I ordered the promos the complete my collection.  Everything else, I bought as they became available.  Here's the order I bought them in:

Base + Intrigue
Seaside + Prosperity
Black Market + Envoy + Stash
Walled Village

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Throne Room
« on: April 28, 2012, 12:47:59 pm »
Olneyce, your tips on Throne Room are great, and could be the beginning of an article. But I'm confused about this:

The fact that Throne Room autoplays is one other reason that it's worse than King's Court.  That doesn't matter all that often, but it can be a real killer sometimes.

I know that KC says I "may" choose an action, while TR forces me to, but I wouldn't normally play Throne Room unless I wanted to choose an action. I can only think of two cases where that would matter. I can imagine playing Golem, revealing a Throne Room and something else, and only having a Trader (or another mandatory trasher) and good cards in my hand. That would have to be be pretty rare, I'd imagine, and would be no riskier than the direct danger of revealing the Trader with my Golem.

The other situation I can imagine is having 2 Throne Rooms and a terminal drawer in my hand. Simply throning the drawer would get me extra cards, but no way to play the actions I draw. Throning the TR and then choosing the drawer would allow me to draw and then play (twice) any action I draw... but would also require me to play it (twice). This could lead to an amusing Ambassadorial disaster, for instance. Is this the sort of situation you meant?
The second situation can really suck, and comes up more often than you might think (though still not very often). And it can be any drawer, not just a terminal one. Yes, if it's non-terminal, you can always throne separately. But if you have sufficient terminals in your deck... you may want the extra actions that throning throne provides you.

I think another example would be when you want to make Peddler cheaper (or Horn of Plenty stronger), but don't want to follow it up with an undesirable action (Ambassador or a trasher).  You'd play KC, but not TR in such a case.  The only other actions I can think of that you wouldn't want to be forced into Throning would be Tactician (in situations where the money in your hand is expected to be more valuable than the Tactician bonus in the following turn), and Outpost (say, during what is already an Outpost turn; though I don't know if many people buy multiple Outposts, but hay maybe you were Swindled into it).

I thought I'd make one for The Wire, my favorite TV show of all time.  But there's so much going on in this program, that I made three separate kingdoms (and a few extra black market cards) to cover everything I wanted.  Each covers a different "sphere" explored in the show.

The Docks of The Wire
Bishop (Catholic priest Jermoe Lewandewski)
Contraband (Stolen imported merchandise)
Develop (Andy Krawczyk developing the Grain Pier)
Harem (Human trafficking of prostitutes)
Monument (Stained glass window)
Smugglers (The Greeks)
Trader (Proposition Joe)
Torturer (The Greek himself)
Warehouse (Double G's warehouse)
Wharf (The docks)

The Law of The Wire
Black Market (Hamsterdam, established by Major Colvin)
Bureaucrat (Any police brass or city official)
City (Baltimore, MD)
Council Room (Baltimore City Council)
Fortune Teller (Madame LaRue, the psychic)
Governor (Carcetti)
Great Hall (Baltimore City Hall)
Laboratory (Crime lab)
Spy (Kima or Sydnor undercover or Santangelo)
Steward (Coleman Parker or Michael Steintorf, chiefs of staff)
Black Market Deck
  • Fool's Gold (Hot shots)
  • Goons (Many choices, but mainly Chris and Snoop)
  • Militia (Herc and Carver, Western District cops)
  • Minion (Could be pretty much anyone: Wee-Bay, Serge, Cheese, etc.)
  • Pawn (Ziggy Sobotka or maybe even Nick Sobotka)
  • + everything in "The Streets" (see below)

The Streets of The Wire
Conspirator (New day co-op member)
Lookout (Lookouts and hoppers)
Noble Brigand (Omar)
Peddler ("Pandemic!")
Salvager (Bubbles)
Shanty Town (Projects)
Scheme (Stringer's plan to eliminate Brother Mouzone and Omar)
Stash (Stash house)
Trading Post (Corners)
Tournament (Golden Gloves Tournament or East vs. West basketball game)

But then, would it be weird for a card to refer to another card that might not be in the game?
Apprentice refers to Potions.

Technically Apprentice doesn't refer to the card Potion, but rather to potion costs which occur in some kingdom cards (there are ten of these).  It is of course, entirely possible that potion costs are not in the game.  However, I don't think this is that different than referring than cards like Moat referring to "attacks" (which could be absent from the board).  Alchemist does refer to Potion, however, but Potion happens to be included in all games with Alchemist.

Goko Dominion Online / Re: Official(?) Dominion App Available on iTunes
« on: January 24, 2012, 12:45:35 pm »

The Decipher one is the only one I played (I think I still have cards... somewhere but haven't played in like 10 years).
I saw the Wizards and it was... unappealing.

Thinking back, it was actually pretty bad, but the most fun we ever had with it was.  But I only tried the base set for about a month or so (and maybe one of the expansions, but I don't think so), and perhaps it became a bit stronger afterward, but I still doubt it would have appealed to me much.  The fond memories I do have of the game were when we modified the rules to allow for some multiplayer shenanigans, haha.

Yes, I'm referring to the Star Wars CCG released by Decipher.  Lord of the Rings TCG was also what I was referring to.  I have not played SWCCG since 2006, the game just got too big in scope for me to keep up with.  I still visit the PC forums though, as "Nitsuj"

I find that dominion is a very popular game amongst the SWCCG crowd.  In fact, there are a lot of isotropic players that are still current SWCCG players - its cool to run into them in the lobby.

You can play LOTR online now, it looks pretty slick, and may fill the hole I'm gaining with Isotropic's pending shut-down.

I've run into at least one active player on isotropic, so that's pretty neat.

Has anyone tried "The Cube", it might be a happy medium between classic SW:CCG and self-contained style Dominion play.  It's a fixed sealed environment (with some virtual cards) for Star Wars.  I built a Cube and had a lot of fun with it with friends who used to play the game.

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