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Hearthstone / Re: Has anyone learned Hearthstone yet?
« on: July 31, 2014, 04:05:58 pm »
I started playing hearthstone a couple of months ago when it came out on the iPad -- or at least when I noticed that it was out on the iPad.

I really enjoy it.  Most of my gaming energies are devoted to that and DOTA these days.

I played a bit of pseudo-arena with Jorbles -- you pick a class and create a new deck using only the suggested card feature.  It was a ton of fun.  If ever you see me on (I've added everyone in the hearthstone player list thread), hit me up and let's play!

Hearthstone / Re: Hearthstone Online Resources
« on: July 31, 2014, 02:03:33 pm »

Hearthstone / Re: IsoHearth I: Signup Thread
« on: July 31, 2014, 12:52:20 pm »
p4ddy0d00rs #1485, NA, UTC-4

if this is happening pls send a PM as I don't hop on these forums a ton but the PM will generate an email

Hearthstone / Re: List of Hearthstone IDs
« on: July 31, 2014, 12:41:11 pm »
p4ddy0d00rs#1485 NA

I'll add ppl on this list =)

General Discussion / Re: Steam Group
« on: July 28, 2014, 02:16:56 pm »
Great idea, just joined the steamgroup.

General Discussion / Re: Dota 2
« on: July 28, 2014, 01:47:44 pm »
Doing my once-every-six-months drop in on f.ds, good to see there are some more dota players.

Silverspawn, Ichimaru, and anyone else who wants to: add me on steam (just search p4ddy0d00rs, you'll see a funky name but with the same "Incredibles" avatar).

I try to play with Jorbles and his friends as often as I can.  Watno and I play during the day sometimes (during the day for me, prob evening for him).  I'm East Coast US but work odd times so I am on pretty randomly.

I also love learning from people who are better and teaching those who know less, so please just add me so we can play!  Jorbles recently enlightened me about something I was tending to do in a lot of our games -- I have begun adjusting my playstyle accordingly and it has made my games SO much better.  F.DSers have been very fun to play with, IMHO.

General Discussion / Re: Dota 2
« on: May 18, 2014, 09:45:34 pm »
Not spending real world money on dota yet (if ever), sorry.  No compendium or fantasy league for me (fantasy league requires compendium, yes?).

Reading the recent posts in this thread for the first time: I've been away from f.ds for quite a bit.  Lekkit, what's your steam handle? Hit me up I'm happy to play dota with you man. Grujah and I have played like two games together and he's way better than me. Wagon and I played a ton together for a while and he's better than me too. Jorbles and his people are super fun to play with too, and they are also better than me except they have a newer guy in their group who is still learning obv.  Basically, if you're okay hanging with a noob, let's play. :-)

.... and then I lost one game and I'm now down to 5167 goko rating.  <3

1) Hi all been a while yes there is no punctuation in this line unless of course you consider the closed parenthesis at the conclusion of the point indicator to be punctuation i dont but you may

2) I honestly have never ever cheated the Dominion leaderboard, either on Dominion Online or Isotropic Dominion.

3) I've played a handful of games today after playing one yesterday, and that after not playing at all for probably six months or so.

My "Pro" ranking per goko: #2 with 6598 points
My Isotropish ranking: #60 at level 40

The difference is staggering!  I'm sure many of you already know this, but this is the first time I've actually been on Dominion since the Isotropish leaderboard was introduced, and it is quite nice.  Really brings my head down out of the clouds.  8)

General Discussion / Re: Why f.ds is such an awesome online community
« on: February 09, 2014, 10:52:19 am »
this community is full of nice and intelligent people? that's... great, wow, i haven't noticed.


Introductions / Re: Hi, I'm Andrew...
« on: January 31, 2014, 05:42:13 pm »
I floss.

Goko Dominion Online / Re: Furious
« on: January 14, 2014, 04:31:02 am »
Sorry robz, barry is a goko alt of mine.  The "b" is silent, fyi. (as is the "y" on 19 September every year.)

RE: our game... You caught me at a bad time -- I was unfocused on our game because my dog has just been run over.

By my cat, actually -- my cat ran over my dog.  More like jumped, to be completely accurate.  It was the funniest thing I've seen in a long time, and I laughed and laughed.  That's why my play was so slow, because I could hardly breathe and concentrate on the game for long periods of time because I was laughing at how my cat ran over my dog.

Anyways -- my apologies.  Will you forgive me?


Can't tell if serious...

Same. For the quoted. Not the quoted quote.

Same. For the quoted. Not for the quoted quote nor the quoted quoted quote.

Same. And by that, I mean the quoted quoted quoted quote. I too am sorry for laughing at how my cat ran over my dog. Please accept my apologies.

The other other Barry

I hate it when the other other alt of my other alt appears.

General Discussion / Re: Gendered pronouns
« on: January 11, 2014, 03:44:13 pm »
Also.... She? Did I check the wrong box somewhere?;u=2488

I think I'm going to default to using "she" on forums until/unless someone's gender is actually determined.  Just to change things up a bit.

how modern of you

Goko Dominion Online / Re: Petition for the return of Isotropic
« on: January 11, 2014, 01:01:28 pm »
If we were going to nominate an "official representative", I'd prefer it to be someone we know that has some standing in the community like, say, Theory.

Do you really think a representative like Theory would work in practice?
Hey, I could become the official representative!

needs more practice

General Discussion / Re: Random Stuff
« on: January 10, 2014, 01:53:09 pm »
<iframe src=\"\" frameborder=\"0\" scrolling=\"no\" width=\"640\" height=\"480\" ></iframe>

Does it bother anyone else that the clouds never rotate, which implies that it is the road itself rotating and not the traveller?

Either that or the traveller AND clouds are rotating... frame of reference blah blah

General Discussion / Re: Dota 2
« on: January 10, 2014, 12:58:41 pm »
I just got into League of Legends.  Dota continues to scare me for now.  But if you're interested in getting into a MOBA like LoL or Dota, I highly recommend this series of articles:

I get it now.

Here's your reason to play Dota 2, a reason Dota 2 players don't articulate because they're too busy playing Dota 2 and, frankly, the last thing you want on your team is more noobs.

Dota 2 is fencing.

That's the skill, and the appeal. I finally see it. You're fighting back and forth down these lanes, looking for an opening in the other heroes' defense. The other guy's too close to your tower, or too far from his friend, his ultimate skill's on cooldown, his health is low. Fights in other games last seconds. Fights in Dota 2 are dramatic; entire minutes of feints and narrow escapes. Duels that can span forests, roads and rivers without coming to an end.

FYI, theory, thanks for sharing this article.  I've asked several potential dota players to read it before trying, and now each one loves the game.  I think something like this helps people steel themselves for the steep learning curve before starting to learn the game.  It helps curb the tendancy for one's "overwhelmometer" to top out.

Also, of a huge help and encouragement to me was Purge's new player page: Welcome to Dota, You Suck.

A few snippets from that page...

Quote from: Purge
However, I promise that once you get the basics down, and you start playing casually with your friends, that you are going to have a TON of fun.

Quote from: Purge
You are going to feed. You are going to ruin games, and someone is going to be happy to tell you why. DotA was originally played in Warcraft 3, and they had the most bad mannered, whining, assholes on the gaming internet. The only thing that comes close is Xbox Live. Luckily, with Dota 2, Valve has been making some really great strides to create a better environment for all players involved. The people playing the game are better than they used to be, but you are still playing a TEAM game that requires your allies to not be idiots for you to succeed. There will almost always be some levels of disappointment, and frustration between your aliies, and you.

Quote from: Purge
My #1 tip to playing Dota 2, is that if someone flames you, or is freaking out about your play in an OVERLY(key word) critical way, press the mute button on them immediately, and then enjoy the rest of the game from your peaceful, but mysteriously quiet ally. Ignoring them doesn't work. Let them say 1 mean thing, and let that be it. Your day will be much better this way, I promise.

Quote from: Purge
The last and best piece of advice I can give you is the reminder that DotA has a huge skill curve. I have been playing for about 3+ years. I have played THOUSANDS of games of dota. Every month that goes by, I think about how good I thought I was at dota a month or two ago, and it amazes me how much I’ve learned since then. Even players with good k/d(kills per death) need to realize that there is room for improvement on their game.

Jerks in pubs will tell you how pro they are and that their builds are the best. They are probably wrong, but THERE IS NO CONVINCING COCKY PEOPLE THEY ARE BAD. DO NOT ARGUE. Just know that with hard work and critical analysis of your mistakes you will someday pass their skill level. The greatest strength of ANY DotA player is knowing that there are always things to work on with your game play.

Goko Dominion Online / Re: Petition for the return of Isotropic
« on: January 10, 2014, 02:31:37 am »
Guys I just want to reliably play Dominion online because I have a hard time finding IRL people to play with at the same time and place as me.  I own all the sets.  I'm willing to pay money to do this.

I like pro-rankings/leaderboards and tournaments and automatching according to preferences.  I'm willing to pay some more money for those too.

Does anyone know what I can do or where on the internet I should go to do this?

But it's like, someone has something you want, and you feel like you're entitled to get it just because you're willing to pay for it.  But sometimes life's not like that.  Sometimes the seller says "not for sale".

Goko's not gonna sell the license.  It's theirs for X years.

I don't feel like I'm entitled to it.  When did I ever indicate that?  I'm saying, "hey I have money -- anyone have some [insert the product I've specified above here] to sell me?" and "hey do any of you people know where I can go to buy [insert product specified above here]?"  How is that entitled?  It's literally how a marketplace operates.

Nowhere have I said that DougZ/Donald/RGG/Goko MUST do X or Y or Z.  I'm saying, "hey I have money -- anyone have some X to sell me?"

If the answer is no, then the answer is no.  That doesn't make me entitled for asking the question though.

Feedback / Re: Unable to Connect
« on: January 10, 2014, 01:46:12 am »
Theory licensed f.ds to Goko.

Aww, you just spoiled theory's April Fool's joke for this year!  Now he has to come up with something else to troll us with!

General Discussion / Re: Random Stuff
« on: January 10, 2014, 01:43:36 am »
I love tower defense games.

My favorite is probably the Orcs Must Die games by Robot Entertainment.  So much fun, adding in a 3rd-person-action-shooter twist to the TD genre.

Goko Dominion Online / Re: Petition for the return of Isotropic
« on: January 10, 2014, 01:39:18 am »
I don't know, WW -- doesn't the concept of money as a store of value come into play here?  We use money everyday to try to solve various problems -- I wouldn't classify doing that as childish behavior, although of course in some cases it can be.

You've correctly identified MY problem here... I even posted about it a few pages ago (emphasis is new):

Guys I just want to reliably play Dominion online because I have a hard time finding IRL people to play with at the same time and place as me.  I own all the sets.  I'm willing to pay money to do this.

I like pro-rankings/leaderboards and tournaments and automatching according to preferences.  I'm willing to pay some more money for those too.

Does anyone know what I can do or where on the internet I should go to do this?

Designing my own game doesn't help me play Dominion more (i.e. doesn't solve the problem).

Earning money and then going and telling people that I am willing to pay some of that money to anyone who can make me able to play Dominion more (given the constraints of my circumstances) might actually be a viable step towards solving the problem.

Suggesting that it is childish to do so is kinda... wrong.  We live in a society where you pay money to people who make it their business to provide you with things.  Literally the way humanity has lived for as long as the concept of money has been around.  So posting in a forum thread dedicated to finding a solution to MY problem -- in the hopes of gaining a greater understanding of how many other people have the same problem and hearing what their suggestions for solutions to our common problem might be -- certainly seems like a non-childish, reasonable thing to do.

Of course, you may have not been talking to me with that reference to childishness... and if that is the case, then nevermind -- I'll just pick up this gauntlet that seems to be lying here between us for some reason.  :-[

Goko Dominion Online / Re: Petition for the return of Isotropic
« on: January 08, 2014, 10:27:54 pm »
I told you guys Skypinion was the future but no one would follow me on the journey.

I'm down.  Do we have to set up all the cards manually to do it, or is there an appropriate piece of software that we can use to make it much more efficient?

Goko Dominion Online / Re: Petition for the return of Isotropic
« on: January 08, 2014, 10:23:56 pm »
Guys I just want to reliably play Dominion online because I have a hard time finding IRL people to play with at the same time and place as me.  I own all the sets.  I'm willing to pay money to do this.

I like pro-rankings/leaderboards and tournaments and automatching according to preferences.  I'm willing to pay some more money for those too.

Does anyone know what I can do or where on the internet I should go to do this?

General Discussion / Re: Dota 2
« on: December 31, 2013, 06:35:12 pm »
Just played a game with Jorbles and three of his friends last night.  Seriously good people.

I really enjoy this game a ton.  We had a game (or two?) last night when we had a blast even when we were losing.  Lots of fun.  :)

I have yet to play a game with Watno or Grujah -- hopefully our paths will cross soon?

General Discussion / Re: Random Stuff
« on: December 31, 2013, 06:31:41 pm »
Merry Christmas!

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