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Messages - TheMirrorMan

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Puzzles and Challenges / Re: Easy Puzzles
« on: May 12, 2014, 01:29:41 pm »
Okay another one I thought of, with a simple puzzle.

All cards are in the supply. Pick 5 cards out of them and put them in your hand (nothing else is in your deck). Now end the game with a three (or more)-pile.

Dominion League / Re: Signups Season 1
« on: May 11, 2014, 06:30:18 pm »
* Insert honorable mention of markusin here * :p

Puzzles and Challenges / Re: Easy Puzzles
« on: May 11, 2014, 03:39:21 pm »
Good one, scott_pilgrim, but ... I never had a potion in my deck :)

I'm changing it to :

I never gained a potion, neither did my opponent. Yet I win my game by winning the vineyard split.

What cards are in the deck ?

Edit : right, scott. As as sidenote, one of the reasons why Possession isn't an attack :)

Puzzles and Challenges / Re: Easy Puzzles
« on: May 11, 2014, 03:27:56 pm »
Just a little quicky I thought of yesterday.

I never bought a potion, neither did my opponent. Yet I win my game by winning the vineyard split.

What cards are in the deck ?

Dominion League / Re: Signups Season 1
« on: May 09, 2014, 03:11:13 pm »
Seems okay to me.

I get back to base ... Chapel. It's elegant, simple, powerful and can be tricky at the same time (with Pirate Ship, thief, Rogue, Saboteur and the like). But there is rarely a board where you can "just skip it" and if it is on the board, you better look at it!

Dominion League / Re: Dominion League?
« on: May 02, 2014, 09:52:20 am »
But we don't have days in the same time... time zones...

True for the top division, not necessarily for the lower ones. And like I said, it's just an indication of when the best day could be to schedule the match.

Dominion League / Re: Dominion League?
« on: May 02, 2014, 09:29:49 am »
A little suggestion for the Dominion League :

How about putting together a small Doodle per division, showing the days that people are unavailable ? Not in the sense of time, but more days off with other priorities (holiday, festivities ...). That way you can quickly organize who to play when.

Goko Dominion Online / Re: Goko Dominion Salvager Discussion
« on: April 30, 2014, 04:37:21 pm »
As far as I know, the only broken functionality is the user detail popups.  Automatch, of course, won't work until I get the server back online, nor will autokick by Isotropish rating.  Is there anything else that isn't working?

Well, not really. As far as I can see :

* I'm not getting my avatar (although I do see yed's e.g.) - but this is most probably because I cleared my cache earlier.
* I can join a game, but my opponent doesn't notice (I don't appear in his box) - Edit : this seems to be working now.
* When I create a game, nobody joins (but maybe I'm just that wicked :) )
* We can't get the details of the player (as you mentioned)

I don't know how much of these relate to Salvager or not. I'm on Google Chrome with Salvager ? Somebody suggested not using Chrome ... I dunno.

GokoDom / Re: GokoDom III: Playoff Round Results and Discussion
« on: April 26, 2014, 09:51:56 am »
Well soulnet, you're ranked saboteur for a reason :p

GokoDom / Re: GokoDom III: Playoff Round Results and Discussion
« on: April 26, 2014, 08:39:28 am »
Well it could be a new trend, like the following :

There's Kirian on the board, but given the synergy between SheCantSayNos and WanderingWinders, possibly upping it with a few Qvists and Stefs, the engine looks more plausible. And you can always disrupt your opponent's deck with a soulnet  ::)

GokoDom / Re: GokoDom III: Playoff Round Results and Discussion
« on: April 24, 2014, 04:14:49 am »
I like the fact that Adam apparently buys Wandering Winders instead of Wandering Minstrels :)

Rules Questions / Re: Baker questions
« on: April 20, 2014, 11:54:46 am »
I know, but those are effects of the cards themselves. What is the deal if you omit "Each player starts with a coin token" on the Baker card ?

General Discussion / Re: I just got engaged!
« on: April 20, 2014, 10:44:30 am »
And why hasn't anyone put forward the most obvious question ...

Robz, how does she feel about Pirate Ship ????!

Tournaments and Events / Dutch/Belgian Dominion championships 2014
« on: April 20, 2014, 10:40:49 am »
Hi guys,

I have read that The Hague will not be organizing the "spellenaanzee" games fest, so there is not going to be a NK/BK Dominion there in any case.

They also said that they would see with 999 if somebody would take over the organization.

I had a quick talk with -Stef- on the subject. He was the one who proposed last year to maybe do online preliminals for the tourney. It has advantages of course - not dragging along tons of sets, quicker to organize etc.

Aside the organization, which somebody will have to think about ... Are there any other suggestions ?

-Stef- e.g. also had the idea of making the tourney an "open" tourney - open for all nationalities. German, French, British ... Of course the Belgian/Dutch champion would only go to our countries.

I'm posting this to see if there are any other ideas around. Feel free to comment!

Rules Questions / Baker questions
« on: April 20, 2014, 07:01:06 am »
Don't know if this has been answered in the secret histories ... Or any other thread. But here goes.

Does anybody understand why we only get a coin token in the beginning with Baker on the board ? But not with Butcher, candlestick maker or any other Guilds card etc. ...

Why would Baker be so special ?

Also, according to dominion online, if Baker is in the black market deck, we get an extra coin token. I'm wondering if this is correct.

General Discussion / Re: I just got engaged!
« on: April 12, 2014, 09:34:03 pm »
Congrats Robz!

Dominion League / Re: Signups Season 1
« on: April 12, 2014, 01:40:23 pm »


Game Reports / Re: The one where I can't distinguish my deck anymore
« on: April 11, 2014, 08:33:18 am »
Okay, I admit, I played this quite loosely. The initial idea was to keep the options open : Potion + storeroom gets the SPs in, then we'll see. But I think if you're taking this, Fortress + Bishop probably will be beaten by double tactician + storeroom. In any case, in both scenarios, Scrying pool still is handy if not necessary.

Game Reports / The one where I can't distinguish my deck anymore
« on: April 11, 2014, 04:07:13 am »
It's this one :

Code: [Select]
Scrying Pool, Black Market, Scheme, Storeroom, Bishop, Fortress, Graverobber, Pillage, Tactician, Expand
This has an engine board to make all Dominion adepts go crazy : SP, Black market, Fortress with all sorts of TfB, double tactician, Storeroom.

Admittedly I pull out all the good stuff from the black market.

But turns 16,17 and 18 just turn out crazy. On t16 I already have problems seeing what exactly I can put back with my Scheme. On t17 and t18 I draw 30 (!) cards in my deck to the point where I can't even see what is what anymore. Jeez.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: In Soviet Dominion...
« on: April 10, 2014, 09:58:47 pm »
In soviet dominion, chapels and beggars are vetoed!

GokoDom / Re: GokoDom III: Round 7 Discussion Thread
« on: April 10, 2014, 09:03:20 am »
"He who begins, wins!"

TheMirrorMan - Breezy : 3 - 3

Yeah it is over. The last straw has been pulled. And it ended with an acceptable result for both Breezy as myself - we agreed on that. We are both around the same level, so no more fair than this. We weren't that focussed anymore either - nothing at stake for us.

Game 1 : "Stonehenge" - Breezy begins + wins.

Code: [Select]
Embargo, Pearl Diver, Vagrant, Cutpurse, Gardens, Spy, Cultist, Market, Rogue, Harem
Probably the most interesting game of the lot.

Of course you see the quarrel - Cultist vs. Gardens. We both open Silver/cutpurse in order to get as quickly to $5 as possible. Then a surprise : his turn 3 is a Market! Ok that signals going for Gardens. Fine, I don't believe in it and take a cultist. And maybe I can snatch a few Gardens myself, that should work, no ?

I get snowballed quite quickly - he stocks up on Markets, picks up the gardens on the way and adds some extra coppers/estates to get his card count up. I mix up my strategies way too much (at one point I even DON'T play my cultist). I lose badly.

Now the only thing I'm wondering here is ... Is cultist really that bad against gardens or did I misplay this horribly? Comments welcome.

Game 2 : "Fool me once ..." - TheMirrorMan begins + wins.

Code: [Select]
Fool's Gold, Lighthouse, Apothecary, Oracle, Salvager, Smithy, Bandit Camp, Butcher, Cartographer, Trading Post
Sometimes 3/4 or 4/3 is important to not show too much strategy. I'm starting with $4, buy Salvager. He starts with $3 and buys silver. Then $3, I buy FG ... Breezy realizes, takes a Salvager, but is trailing all the way. First player, not much to say here. He tries to do some Shenanigans with FG > Gold, then salvage the gold ... But my 6 FG vs. his 4 is just too much.

Game 3 : "Trash and swap and trash and swap ..." - TheMirrorMan begins + wins.

Code: [Select]
Embargo, Herbalist, Wishing Well, Workshop, Pirate Ship, Quarry, Cache, Haggler, Junk Dealer, Minion
Again, not much to say here, it's a minion board, and I'm first. Bit surprised however, I open Silver/Quarry, he opens WW/Quarry. Okay, yeah, It's more interesting if you want to get your Minions out of the deck. But in essence, it's no more than a Silver here. So I like my opening better. And you REALLY want those Minions.

Well, it's pick up the junk dealer first, then the minions (win it 6 to 4) and then swap and trash. The extra 2 minions pay off.

Interesting to see that in the end Breezy had 2 gold in his deck and I had ONE copper :)

Game 4 : "Welcome to the jungle" : Breezy begins + wins.

Code: [Select]
Great Hall, Menagerie, Oracle, Armory, Monument, Talisman, Trader, City, Grand Market, Forge
Not the most interesting board. No real engine (City + Oracle ?), No early money actions except Monument, no early trashing. Hmmm.

We both open Monument, yet he takes a menagerie, I take a silver. I don't understand what he's doing here, but it seems to work out in the end. He picks up all sorts of cards : armory, Great Hall, forge, more monuments ... I get to forge quicker, but then probably do too much senseless forging (a lot of those GMs could have been golds ...). He pops over me in the last turn with 3 points.

Game 5 : Going in circles - TheMirrorMan begins + wins.

Code: [Select]
Chapel, Great Hall, Masquerade, Trade Route, Caravan, Conspirator, Mining Village, Trader, Baker, Cultist
Baker on the board - coin token in. It's a basic, but trappy board. Cultist is possible, but not viable with both chapel and masquerade on the board I think. The conspirator is screaming for an engine. We both decide not to use the cointoken, I open Caravan/Masq, he opens Caravan/Chapel.

I believe chapel is a trap because of two reasons :

1) you're not going to get quickly enough to the $4 caravans/conspirators
2) Masquerade counters it - trash down too much, you can hand over your better cards to me ...

Hence my decision. I think the log shows that my assessment was correct.

Game 6 : "Let's go dip in the Steward's Horse Traders Market Square Pool" - Breezy begins, Breezy wins.

Code: [Select]
Embargo, Pearl Diver, Scrying Pool, Market Square, Steward, Cutpurse, Horse Traders, Smithy, Witch, Expand
Sorry, my inspiration ran dry. The trashing/actions (Market Square) are central here. Conclusion for both of us : Potion + Steward. Problem is I'm getting Potion + 2 coins + Steward a few times, which really is not what you want. Can't trash stuff well enough, so I stock up on SPs. I get a Witch inbetween which is really a bad call, given the trashing possibilities.
However, Breezy pulls out a nice one which I didn't understand in the beginning. He buys a few horse traders. Well, me attacking him with his SP causes two things :

1) I most probably put back a bad card
2) He gets that bad card in hand but he doesn't mind - he can probably trash it with SP/Steward.

I feel outplayed in this match and rightfully so. Nice work Breezy.

Well it's over. I'm happy with my 3,5/7 (compared to 2/7 in GokoDom II). Thank you Kirian for organizing!!!

GokoDom / Re: GokoDom III: Round 7 Results ONLY
« on: April 10, 2014, 06:31:12 am »
TheMirrorMan ties Breezy D (Breezy)

Goko Dominion Online / Logs not showing my opponents history
« on: April 04, 2014, 01:02:28 pm »
I played a game against Simon (DK) a few minutes ago and looked up the logs...

For example :

The weird thing is, I can't see the history of his deck on the right hand side. Also, the VP chart shows him having 0 points all the time.

Is this something to do with him having brackets in his name ? The other logs seem to be fine.

GokoDom / Re: GokoDom III: Round 6 Discussion Thread
« on: April 04, 2014, 12:39:43 pm »
Round 6 : TheMirrorMan vs. Simon (DK) :

Let's make it a game of ... "Simon says".

Game 1 : "Simon says ... Get your grand markets!" - Simon (DK) wins.

Code: [Select]
Lighthouse, Lookout, Workshop, Count, Counterfeit, Highway, Junk Dealer, Mystic, Grand Market, Expand
So let's have a look at this. Key cards are going to be Highway and Grand Market. Support for Highway in Workshop (1 Highway > extra Highway, 2 Highways > Grand Market, 4 Highways > Province). Expand may play a role. For + buy Counterfeit is possible.

Second, you want to get that deck cleaned up. Junk Dealer, Lookout and Count can help with that - my plan is Junk Dealer asap to keep my deck rolling instead of the lookout. I don't want a count, because I want Workshop as terminal. I open Silver/Silver.

Simon wants to get the deck clean quicker. Silver/Lookout.

From what follows, I have to admit that the Silver/lookout seems more appealing, because we are playing with Shelters.

He follows up with a quick counterfeit instead of a Junk Dealer. Again, good call - he uses them to get to GMs quicker. I pick one up way too late.

I thought this was going to be tight, but I have to admit that his strategy is just plain out better.

In the end I can't go for provinces so go for Duchies. The moment his deck starts stalling I pull out a mega turn, but miscalculate (1 point too little). But I think the game was lost anyways, he would have probably picked up the last province.

Game 2 : "Simon says ... Go for the platinum!" - TheMirrorMan wins.

Code: [Select]
Stonemason, Scrying Pool, Loan, Watchtower, Taxman, Contraband, Mandarin, Mystic, Forge, King's Court
This is a colony board with not much happening to get to $9 quickly. KC + SP are screaming for an action board, but only with Forge/Loan for trashing and Mystic for +$ ... I don't know. And no +buy.

This probably explains Simon's choice : Silver/Taxman into Big Money.

I think long and hard (so does he) and come up with something interesting. Potion/Watchtower. Wait, what ?!

Well, the watchtower will do three things :
1) Topdeck the SPs.
2) When buying a Stonemason, trash the Stonemason (but keep one in the deck for point 3)
3) Use stonemason on the estates, turning them into coppers, trashing the coppers.

Okay, now where to get money from ? Well, KC + Mystic and some remaining money.

I stock up on a lot of SPs until I get to $7, then take 2 Mystics with Stonemason and then take the KC. With 7 SPs in the deck, I am capable to interfere with his top cards each turn and his Taxman in the end doesn't hurt my action deck anymore. He is indeed quicker to the platinum, but my deck picks up a colony each turn in the end while he is struggling with the forge he bought. I win.

Game 3 : "Simon says : Junk your opponent!" - TheMirrorMan wins.

Code: [Select]
Beggar, Vagrant, Doctor, Smugglers, Sea Hag, Cultist, Junk Dealer, Library, Royal Seal, Forge
Not really a deck you want to see as second player. So much junking with Cultist and Sea Hag, so expensive to trash. Doctor is there, yes as a (very) soft counter to the Sea Hag. I don't think it's a good call here, with all the ruins, unless you have $8+ ... And it's a colony board!

Simon open Smuggler/Sea Hag. Understandable : he wants to pick up the Cultists that I buy. However, I have stopped buying two terminals before the reshuffle, so I go Silver/Sea Hag and pick up a Smuggler after that.

Lucky draw in turn 3 gives him a Cultist - damn. That is going to hurt. I only get to $5 at turn 10 but then forget to pick up a Cultist and go Junk Dealer immediately.

I lose the ruins split badly (9/1) but then get a lucky turn where I can trash a cultist that I bought and get to $11 (with Silvers and coppers !!!). In the meantime, curses and ruins are gone and the vagrants are running low ... So I can pick up the last 2 vagrants to end the game.

I think I was extremily lucky here.

Game 4 : "Simon says : Ventures for the win!" - TheMirrorMan wins

Code: [Select]
Chancellor, Masterpiece, Pirate Ship, Taxman, Butcher, Cultist, Mandarin, Minion, Venture, Grand Market
Again a cultist game with only Butcher to trash stuff, which is very slow. Minion is an option, but I don't believe in a junked deck with Minions. Neither does Simon.

Simon opens nothing in turn 1 so yeah ... that's going to be a Cultist already. Aargh.
I open Silver and ... yes, Chancellor! I want to be able to play the Cultists by discarding the deck as much as possible. Yes it will hurt the Cultist/BM but you need to do something.

Fortunately I can pick up a Cultist turn 3 and discard my deck. Yet it's not going smoothly enough.

What follows is weird : split in ruins is 5/5 and Simon gets very disproportionate hands : $8 and then $4 and repeat. Nothing inbetween.

The $8s are used to buy provinces (who wouldn't ?) and $4 for Silver. I decide that I need some extra Cultists and Ventures to get through my deck and skip the trash.

He's up three provinces but then his deck starts stalling. I think (as he was amazed losing afterwards - honestly, I was amazed that I won this too), that after the first province, he should have picked up more Ventures and kept me trailing. I pick up more ventures and in the end hit $8 in a few consecutive turns and take the game. Really weird.

Thanks for the games Simon (DK). Hope to see you in the Dominion League!!!

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