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Messages - Dave970

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Dave, don't think I haven't challenged tat many times. He won't play me.

Thisisnotasmile, I can't tell if you're joking or not, but ok?

Well, that's a different story, then.  I suppose we need to know more about the formula used to produce the ranking, and what inputs are given what weight... but in the end, why does it matter?  Is there some cookie for being the top-ranked person for a simulated card game on the internet?

More than anything, I'd rather just see this discussion pulled from this thread.  It's irrelevant, and a distraction from the hopefully informative post that we're waiting for here on the next step in improving our game.

I agree like 100 % on Agrisios post.

The listing of his/her opponents is nice, but even more clear is a look on councilroom. Just check the stats by opponents, there you find Latvia/Artjoms and then a really long time no player I recognize over 30 (and I have played at lot..). I wont respect a player who only plays beginners and celebrates himself as #1.

Using automatch is imo only a nice excuse for this "noobbashing". If you are honest you know yourself when using automatch, that you play many beginners. Even when Blooki states, that he is doing it lately, there is a big difference. Blooki played many games vs. highlevel players, tat not at all.

I dont know, why one should use automatch in 2-player. U get games via proposing really fast these days. In 3 players its a complete change. I played 3pl alot, but you cant propose games to start a game. In this case you need automatch to get a game starting!

Anyone who dont think that rating isnt inflated by playing beginners is wrong imo. Many players stated this fact already.

@Brando Commando: Do you really think that "...beating someone who the system already thinks is worse than you doesn't improve your skill estimate that much..."
How should one get above level 45?

We're already way off the intended target of this thread, and while I'm not one to normally throw fuel on a fire, you come off sounding like an elitist jackass with your post.  I suggest you play the guy (or girl) if you think he/she is some kind of imposter at the top slot.  I'm not even sure tat is registered to these forums, let alone "celebrating himself as #1".  I know the person uses automatch, as it's tried to automatch me against him/her recently, and the recent history is easily explained in that way.  Automatch is no sign of how good or bad a player is... it just means the player wants games, and will play anyone.  You still have to win.  If you think otherwise, then propose matches directly with tat, and beat tat.

The title is still a bit unclear to me. Why excactly 42 and not like #1 Leaderboard :-)

For being and staying Nr. 1 (at least while Theory is inactive) there is already another method - however a very boring and strange one:

Here are the last 15 games of current nr. 1 "tat". It's a shame comparing this to the creative players like Blooki, painted_cow, Ben Warden and others ranked lower. And it reminds us not to take the leaderboard too serious.

Level 8 -> 94:11
Level 18 -> 31:23
Level 9 -> 62:26
Level 12 -> 31:0
Level 4 -> 25:33 (lost)
Level 4 -> 20:5
Level 5 -> 40:18
Level 6 -> 30:10
Level 11 -> 38:33
Level 1 -> 37:18
Level 4 -> 36:18
Level 0 -> 46:19
Level 7 -> 46:29
Level 15 -> 3:4 (lost)
Level 11 -> 40:43 (lost)
Level 8 -> 48:48 (win)

and so on

The guy (or girl) uses automatch; I have no idea what you're insinuating about this person.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Enlighten me about Gardens
« on: July 19, 2011, 01:50:38 pm »
As with most things, a Gardens strategy is contingent on what else is available on the board.  Since Gardens are worth more as your deck bloats, you have to consider things that can bloat your deck.  Lack of trashing, curse-givers, and extra buys are things that can accomplish this.  If you're going to get pounded with curses and have no way to trash them, Gardens will end up worth more to you, since your deck will be thick.  What's extra-difficult is if both players go for the same strategy, making a 4/4 split of the Gardens.  If you can find a way to get a 5/3 advantage, you should.  As with anything, study the board to determine if you think it's a viable way to win.

Just depends on what's in your hand at the time, and what's on the board, really.  Assuming you buy a remake with a 4/3 start, say you draw Remake, Copper, Copper, Estate, Estate.  Are there any good $2 cards on the board?  If not, make your deck smaller, since you weren't going to buy anything, anyway.  But if there is a good $2 card, why not dump the Estates to Silvers (at least, or something else useful), and also buy the $2 card?  Also, if you do decide on the Estate -> Silver route, when it all comes back around in the next shuffle, you're likely to have money to get something useful (via the Silvers) while still dumping the Coppers you wanted to dump anyway.  I'm sure the mathematicians will have a fact-backed answer soon  ;)  My answer is that the best choice will be different in any different game and shuffle.

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