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GokoDom / Re: IsoDom 5: Round 5 Results Thread
« on: August 07, 2012, 09:56:58 am »

NOTE: Remember that the tie-breakers on Challonge ARE NOT CORRECT due to byes, drops, etc.  Here are the standings for the two known brackets:

Bracket B:

Isn't actually set yet.

Bracket C:

Wizard of Woz
yudantaiteki (chriskern)
Grujah (SpajderDzerusalem)

I want to express some thansk to bedlam and Insomniac for actually sticking around and playing out their last matches!

Is this one official or the one on Challonge? I'm ranked 6th in this one, but 7th on Challonge due to a tiebreak point placing clb ahead of me. Just asking so I can coordinate with the right opponent. Thanks!

Edit: nvm- I see the first sentence of my quote. I assume that's what we're doing.

Dominion: Dark Ages Previews / Re: Dark Ages Preview #1
« on: August 07, 2012, 12:51:43 am »
Unsurprisingly, I think people are going a bit crazy over the new cards. Yeah, it's easy to envisage situations where they are great, you can do that with any card (okay, hi scout), but these things aren't going to be so game-breaking as people think.

And put me down for shocked if Poor House is anywhere close to as good as fool's gold, if for no other reason than it is a terminal action.

This was very accurate to what I experienced.

When I first saw the cards this morning, I had a freak out moment where I lamented the demise of balanced sets in Dominion. $1 cost cards?!? Gain from the trash?!? What have you done to my Dominion?!?

But then I played them, and it was fine :). They weren't even so dominant that each player NEEDED them, and they were quite fun and especially useful in the last game I posted above. Ultimately, I found them to be mostly situational (Sage seemed the least so), like almost every card in Dominion.

Dominion: Dark Ages Previews / Re: Dark Ages Preview #1
« on: August 07, 2012, 12:17:23 am »
Played 4 games with 3 kingdoms using all three of the new cards tonight in each kingdom. Here were some things I learned about each card:

Poor House: This card was super fun to play with. I generally observed that this card has some great combo potential, especially in a deck loaded with actions and Throne Rooms (or King's Courts). Heavy trashing helps this card immensely, and its flexibility is fun. This is also especially good with extra buys and shines with Bridge.

Sage: Something I didn't expect is that Sage is a fantastic counter to Ambassador, more so even than the enabling that an opponent gets from having Sage to play their Ambassador more often. Sage is easily my favorite of the new cards because of its ability to give you a key card to your engine reliably. Sage makes it especially tempting to bypass Silver altogether.

Graverobber: This card was extremely situational. The first 2 kingdoms didn't see this card played at all, but it was amazing in the last one (which we played twice because we liked it so much). Throne Room, Remodel and Feast with this card were all pretty awesome.

Here were the key cards is the kingdoms played:
First game: City, Bridge, Herbalist, Talisman, Fool's Gold, Sage, Poor House.- We just messed around and played with the new cards.

Second game: Minion, Ambassador, Menagerie, Lighthouse, Sage, Poor House. (This game I did an almost mirror match, with both players taking a Minion based strategy. One player played Ambassador a bunch more (due to shuffle luck) and the other ended up play Menagerie and Sage to counter. Menagerie/Sage won out in the end by the estates passed with Ambassador).

Third game: Throne Room, Sage, Great Hall, Graverobber, Poor House, Remodel, Masquerade, Feast, Courtyard (Witch was the other card, but nobody took one). This one was fun! We played two games with this kingdom. We both ended up using the Throne Rooms like crazy with Sage, Feast, Poor House (since we wiped out all the copper and estates with Masquerade and Remodel) and especially Graverobber. I would recommend this kingdom to anybody to try out these new cards.

GokoDom / Re: IsoDom 5: Round 5 Results Thread
« on: August 06, 2012, 11:58:19 am »
jmieden 3 - bedlam 2

Council Room doesn't have our games yet- I will post when I can. Here's what I remember

Game 1- bedlam 55, jmieden 54

Game 2- bedlam 52, jmieden 61

Game 3- bedlam 36, jmieden 30

Game 4- jmieden 43, bedlam 36

Game 5- bedlam 36, jmieden 37

I'm not sure why council room doesn't have them up- we played last night at 8p-9p pacific time.

Tournaments and Events / Re: Next One Day Cup - Aug 4th
« on: July 24, 2012, 05:38:05 pm »
I would like to play; I would prefer the official iso point counter to be on, but would be interested either way. :D

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Buying Physical Dominion
« on: July 24, 2012, 03:34:27 pm »
IMO, go after Base set, Seaside and Prosperity.

Hinterlands is a favorite as well, but not so good on new players.

...or just buy all of them. That's what I ended up doing. :)

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Why does Adventurer cost 6?
« on: July 14, 2012, 09:24:54 am »
From Secret Histories:

Adventurer: For a while the main set did not have an action costing 6. I thought it would be good if it did. At some point we decided to go with 25 Kingdom cards (it was 25, then 20, then 25 again), so there was space for a 6, and I went looking through the expansions for the most appropriate one - something interesting but not too weird that wasn't too tied to its expansion. I took Adventurer from the 7th expansion. I don't know how many expansions Dominion will actually get, all printed and everything, but my friends were insatiable, so I cranked out a lot of cards.

Now consider that we've only seen 6 expansions.  Though they are released out of the originally planned order, by #7 we'd have a plethora of special Treasure cards and probably Platinum as well.  Adventurer is stronger with those cards around.

But yeah, people still consider it a weak $6.

I just played a 3p game yesterday IRL where Bank, Venture, Adventurer, Thief and Platinum were the winning strategy. I agree that in the base set, it seems a bit expensive for what it gives you, but I've definitely played games in which Adventurer was a very important part of the best strategy and fit the $6 price well. It can be huge late game when slogging through VP too.

Adventurer can work really handily as well with chapelling, as your money density plummets once you start greening, but doesn't have copper to inhibit great return on playing Adventurer.

GokoDom / Re: IsoDom 5: Round 4 Results Thread (Vacation Edition)
« on: July 13, 2012, 05:40:20 pm »
Insomniac-X 1-1 jmeiden

Game 1 -- Young Witch, Lab, Nobles, Loan (bane)
Insomniac-X:23   jmieden:16

Game 2 -- Crossroads Haggler, Lab, Money
Insomniac-X:21   jmieden:33

Game 3 -- Tournament + Opponents Bishop
Insomniac-X:56   jmieden:38

Game 4 -- Govenor is quicker than wharf+Inn
Insomniac-X:19   jmieden:34

Game 5 -- Vault BM vs City/Bridge mega turn
Insomniac-X:33   jmieden:36

Game 5 is an example of why you should take just a bit longer to do your math before ending the game in a loss off of your megaturn. And I highly recommend giving it a browse if you pick any of them. Good games all in all though.

Great match against Insomniac. Here's my comments on the match:

Game 1: Insomniac-X 23, jmieden 16. Good game, weird set; I didn't really know how to approach it. I was hoping to get a bunch of actions and go crazy with Vineyards (at the end of the game, I ended up with 2 @ 4pts a piece). Game ended up being quicker than I wanted. Insomniac knew what he was doing and closed out well.

Game 2: jmieden 33, Insomniac-X 21. Good, short game. Mirror match with 5/2 starts of Crossroads Haggler. Lab, smithy and lots of money. I think my first turn advantage here won the game for me, as I was able to get out ahead first.

Game 3: Insomniac-X 56, jmieden 38. Insomniac crushed me here. I went Bishop, hoping to golden deck, he went tournament. I hadn't played with both those cards in the same set yet and was soundly defeated, as I didn't realize I was enabling him to thin his deck off my Bishops.

Game 4: jmieden 34, Insomniac-X 19. I went governor/remodel, he put together an inn/wharf engine. Mine was faster.

Game 5: jmieden 36, Insomniac-X 33. As Insomniac said, this was a cool game of Vault BM vs. City/Bridge megaturn deck. I was hoping Vault BM would be a touch faster to secure enough points to win and was right only because Insomniac didn't count up his points before buying on his megaturn. Good game; I think he had a better deck and would have won had the game continued. Exciting finish though.

overall jmieden 3, Insomniac-X 2. What a great match; there were two games that were decisively won by very different strategies (each of us won one of these), and the other three were very close. Thanks Inosmniac for some great games!

GokoDom / Re: IsoDom 5: Round 2 Results Thread
« on: June 20, 2012, 10:49:33 am »
SpajderDzerusalem v. jmieden TIE (2-2-1)

Game 1 (SpajderDzerusalem 36, jmieden 20)

He goes with an excellent Scrying Pool deck enabled by Trade Routes and Jesters; I made a Frankenstein deck with a bunch of random crap trying to do something cool with scry pool and big tactician hands. It actually ended up being ok, but SD had such a good deck by the time my deck started doing anything interesting that it wasn't even close.

Game 2 (SpajderDzerusalem 42, jmieden 42)

I went Big Money in this one with a Monument early, then adding a Rabble and another Monument later. SD goes for a deck with emphasis on cycling (I think) with Warehouse, Remake, Bazaar and some lighthouses to protect himself. Mostly just a BM game that ended square. I'm not sure if SD was planning to go for the tie, but it worked out that way. Close game all the way.

Game 3 (jmieden 42, SpajderDzerusalem 29)

He pulled Montebank and Margrave early from the Black Market deck and that subdued my deck for a little while, but I kept plugging away with a simple Vault BM strategy that provided enough stability to keep me consistently 5+. I got Sea Hag from the Black Market to mitigate the curses and a Tunnel from the Black Market (with Vault, Warehouse and Hamlet to discard) and Hoard to stabilize my cash flow and ended up winning this one rather handily.

Game 4 (SpajderDzerusalem 30, jmieden 20)

This was an exceedingly close Witch BM game. He got the Witch first and often early and we split 7-3. The finish was particularly exciting as I was down 7 points and had 8 coins and 1 province left, but had to settle for duchy. That left him open to take the game. Good, strong play by SD had him winning this one.

Game 5 (jmieden 67, SpajderDzerusalem 20)

Colony engine board. We both started 5/2, and I opened Rabble/Cellar while he opened Sea Hag/Cellar. I used the Rabble to get me to 5 often early and got the lion's share of the Cities and another Rabble as well as an Apprentice. I used Apprentice to get rid of my silvers, curses and lone sea hag and keep my good hands stable. Once City and Curse were out, the stage was set for a huge City Rabble Apprentice engine that got off the ground faster than SD's engine. I took 5 colonies and a province in the last two turns to win this.

Overall (SpajderDzerusalem 2, jmieden 2, tie 1)
Fantastic set of games- SD is a great opponent and would have probably beat me if it hadn't been so late in his time zone compared to mine. I was thankful to compete and would not be disappointed if the rest of my IsoDom games were this close. :)

GokoDom / Re: IsoDom 5: Round 1 Thread
« on: June 12, 2012, 09:06:47 am »
Smithe-3 jmieden-0

Game 1:
Game 2:
Game 3:

Game 1: Smithe 50, jmieden 39- I ignored the Ghost Ships and went with Nobles early and I think that was the defining feature of the direction of the game. I also picked up defenses for the impending curse war (Mountebank, Young Witch (WW bane), and Familiar were all out, but almost completely unbought) that never happened (I had 1 Mountebank in the end, he only stocked Ghost Ship and Nobles). He had 3 provinces by turn 15 and I greened early and stalled out.

Game 2: Smithe 74, jmieden 56- Goons game with potential for Workers Village/Rabble engine. I just couldn't get going at all. I didn't get $6 until turn 11, he had a lot of smart buys and this ended up not being close.

Game 3: Smithe 50, jmieden 47- Close game; I wasn't paying attention to how many colonies were left and had tons of collision on my Mountebanks early, whereas he pulled Steward with each curse I sent him. I was frustrated and wasn't thinking well and he outplayed me. 

Overall: Smithe 3- jmieden 0. I do think I got some bad luck in a couple cases, but was generally just outplayed. I didn't keep in mind basic principles like PPR and counting my terminals and he rolled right over me. Thanks to Smithe for 3 great games.

If anybody has any advice for me on how I should have handled these games better, I'd love to hear your feedback. Thanks!

Goko Dominion Online / Re: Unofficial Interested in beta list
« on: June 11, 2012, 10:55:29 pm »
I'd like to be in the beta :)

GokoDom / Re: IsoDom 5: Sign-Up Thread
« on: June 01, 2012, 11:02:23 am »
I would like to play, if there's room.

Ordered Base Game on Amazon first, but got tired of waiting and bought Intrigue before it arrived.

Prosperity (I intentionally saved the best rated one for last :) )

I think Hinterlands is one of the most complicated expansions.

Yes, I think it adds a layer of complexity; however, it doesn't add any more card types yet greatly increases the complexity of the cards' interactions with one another. I think this also drives a learning of the fundamentals. The questions you begin asking in light of how the Hinterlands cards work generally lead to more clarity and less sloppy play early. I'll probably discover that Hinterlands isn't the best starting place, but so far these are my thoughts :) 

IMO Seaside is another great choice for a second expansion. I don't like introducing Intrigue early as it usually paralyzes players with all the additional decision-making.

I have been trying to get several people to play Dominion lately and have taken the following tact when explaining it.

First, I only lay out victory cards and money (with no curses, trash pile or actions) arranged by cost in a row in front of the player. Then I explain that the goal is to get the most victory cards and that they must use money to buy. I explain that this game is like war and that you are trying to get the best deck. I then explain that the game ends when all the provinces are gone (I mention the 3 pile rule later). I also explain how Dominion is different from normal games in which you must "turn in" your money in order to use it. I play 5 turns (that way you get a partial deck reshuffle at the end of turn 4) for myself with this setup to explain buying (you can't use it now, it's for later) and reshuffles and drawing and only buying one thing.

Then we begin playing and after about 4 turns, I introduce Smithy as an action card. I re-explain that this card is for later and encourage them to just buy money if they feel confused. Then, 1 by 1, I add Market, Cellar, Adventurer and Woodcutter (they are all fairly straightforward, each cost a different amount). After playing a full game which is basically big money + a couple actions, I ask if they would like to play again with the same actions or a full set of 10. This is when I bring up the 3-pile victory condition.

I will generally then play 3-5 games with just the base set and the following time playing together add Hinterlands cards (Sometimes I jump ahead to this step with people who grasp the game easily).

Introducing the game this way generally teaches solid fundamentals and players are less likely to make mistakes like drawing from their discard pile or reshuffling at the wrong time if they are taught in this way.

I find that fronting the Big Money strategy does 2 things:
1) It skips the Village Idiot phase that every new player is generally inclined to go through.
2) It makes the player competitive out of the gate, which means that they are having more fun than losing and more likely to figure stuff out for themselves.

I like to add the sets in this order:
1) Base Dominion
2) Hinterlands
3) Seaside
4) Prosperity
5) Haven't gotten this far with anyone yet.

So far, it's worked extremely well. I've gotten to teach even non-gamers and they love it. This weekend, I got together with two people who own Dominion and a couple expansions and a new player. I walked through this with the new player (without actually playing the first game with them, just explaining). We played 3 games, 2 base Dominion games and 1 Dominion/Hinterlands split. The new player won 2 of the 3 games, and I won the other.

I found this method online somewhere and it has not failed to get people into Dominion yet.

Hope this helps :D

Introductions / Re: Introduction time.
« on: April 24, 2012, 03:31:38 pm »
Good to meet you :D

Introductions / Hello everyone :)
« on: April 23, 2012, 06:04:22 pm »
I'm an intern at a church in Indiana and am absolutely loving Dominion, having discovered it about a month and a half ago. I just got my last sets in the mail last week and am having fun learning the game via Isotropic and a growing group of friends I've introduced to the game in person.

I have loved this website as well as playing with some of you who are really good and learning new strategies by getting destroyed by them. :)

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