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Messages - J Reggie

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Puzzles and Challenges / Re: Easy Puzzles
« on: February 11, 2016, 08:57:42 pm »
I bought a Pilgrimage and gained a Victory card.  There are no multi-type Victory cards in the Kingdom.  How did I do it?

Border Village, I would assume.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Really bad card ideas
« on: February 10, 2016, 02:12:58 pm »
What I think of whenever I see Shanty Town:

Shantier Town Action
+2 Cards
Reveal your hand.  If you have no Action cards in hand, +2 Actions.

Puzzles and Challenges / Re: Easy Puzzles
« on: February 10, 2016, 09:14:46 am »
Another card belongs on this list. Which one?


These can all get potion-cost cards into your deck (not necessarily gain them) without you having to play a potion. Is the missing card Disciple?

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Copper or Ruined Market?
« on: February 09, 2016, 10:16:32 pm »
Are you planning to add a fifth option for Curse?

Tournament, Island, Monument, Pillage, Madman and Baker all only have their normal types. Sure, you only need to get out VP tokens, coin tokens, Island Mat, Prizes or Spoils if they are used. But you could just as well imagine they always are there. It's inconsequential to the game if you put VP tokens on the game and no +VP card is in the kingdom.

I think the difference between these cards and the Spellcasters, and what made me think of this, is that the Spellcasters add an extra step to setup where you have to somehow pick which Spells are being used in that game.  I'm not sure how far you're planning on going with this expansion, but if you were to create a rulebook, it would be much easier to say something like "If any Kingdom card has the type Spellcaster, randomly select 3 Spells to be used in this game" and then whatever suggestions you want about how to select the Spells. 

What you say about it not mattering if Spells are available in games without Spellcasters makes sense to us as humans, but Dominion is supposed to run like a computer program.  I think without this rule it would imply that if you own this expansion, randomly select 3 Spells for every game and just let them sit there (if that makes any sense).  I'm just imagining having this on MF and for every game having 3 random Spells on the next page, whether or not they're doing anything.  But maybe I'm taking this too far.  Anyway, that's just my thought process for this.

Edit: Okay, another thought just came to me: All of those cards that you mentioned are either the only card that adds its thing to the game or deal with tokens (or both; in the case of Baker it's the only card that gives you a token to start with, but it says that on the card.)  With the tokens, it doesn't change the game in any way to have the tokens sitting there.  For instance, in my post here I noticed that one of the bots had a Journey token next to his avatar, even though there was no Journey token card in the game.  This, however, didn't change anything about the game, as there wasn't anything he could do with his token.  But with Spells, it does actually change the game, however inconsequentially, as it gives you more options (you can buy them), and there's more than one card that deals with them.  So I guess that's another part of my reasoning for why there should be a card type to decide when to include Spells. 

Okay, I'm done now.  This mechanic is really cool, by the way!

Another kind of wording thing: have you considered adding a card type to the spell-casting cards to signify that Spells should be available, similar to how Looters add Ruins to the supply?  Not sure if this is entirely necessary as the Spells aren't actually in the supply, but it might be neat and could potentially help with clarity/rules questions.

Goko Dominion Online / Re: Waiting for Adventures On-line
« on: February 08, 2016, 03:29:28 pm »
I was playing a game against the bots and I noticed one of them had a journey token next to their avatar. 

Has anyone else noticed this?  I wonder if there are going to be more random features from Adventures appearing.

Dominion Videos and Streams / Re: Dominion Live Streams
« on: February 07, 2016, 05:15:04 pm »
Hey everyone, I'm going to try streaming for a bit if anyone wants to come watch.  This is mostly a test to see if my system works but I will be playing Dominion so there's that.  And if this works you can expect more streams later!

I think Travelling Fair's top-decking is important here.  I was able to play CSM turn 2, getting 3 CSMs and a copper before my first shuffle.  In general, it sped up the game a lot, as I could play CSMs the turn after I gained them.  The coin tokens also really helped in making sure I always hit even amounts of money.  I don't think piling the coppers would have been possible if none of my opponents had contested, but then I would have had more Gardens anyway, and could have just gone for the estates.  I guess the point that's most interesting here is the usefulness of Travelling Fair's top-decking in rushes, however much that may be. 

Game Reports / Travelling Fair and Candlestick Maker as Gardens enablers
« on: February 03, 2016, 11:07:18 pm »

Code: [Select]
Candlestick Maker, University, Oasis, Smugglers, Envoy, Gardens, Cache, Count, Embassy, Inn, Travelling Fair, Raid
So I have a group of people whom I play with IRL weekly, using all expansions except Empires, because it isn't out yet.  This is one of the more intriguing games that I've come across (despite not having any cards from Intrigue in it).

Looking at the board, there seems to be a potential for an engine here, but it just doesn't seem worth it versus the Gardens rush.  I actually opened with Travelling Fair, buying a copper and putting a Candlestick Maker on top of my deck, enabling me to get two more Candlestick Makers next turn.  Normally, I wouldn't see Candlestick Maker as a Gardens enabler particularly, but with Travelling Fair it seems to work pretty well.  I got Cache a few times before just going straight for the coppers.  It took my opponents a little while to catch on (this was a 4P game), but the Gardens and Candlestick Makers were gone in no time.  The third pile ended up being Copper, making this the second time that's happened to me (the first was a Mountebank game). 

I have no idea if I played this board well at all, but I did win, so there's that.  I'm a big fan of rushes like this that involve a synergy between three or more cards (or events); they provide a nice break from the usual engines and 2-card combos.  How do you guys think Travelling Fair works with Gardens?  Would this normally be too slow?  Is Cache good here?

Dominion League / Re: Season 13 - Signups
« on: January 22, 2016, 06:05:53 pm »
I'd like to join the league (I am new)

MF Username: J Reggie
Timezone: America/New York
I don't have any sets yet, I'll update this if and when I get them

Edit - I now have all sets.

Introductions / Hi all!
« on: January 22, 2016, 03:53:20 pm »
After losing to Adam Horton twice on his stream, I decided it was time for me to stop lurking on the forums and make a name for myself other than the guy who isn't as good as Adam.  I was introduced to Dominion almost two years ago, and last year bought all of the expansions IRL.  I still haven't bought any online, but that might change soon.  I'm in my last semester of college, studying music composition, but I still make time for weekly Dominion nights.  My favorite cards are Coin of the Realm, Haunted Woods, and Bishop.  I hope I can add something useful to the forum discussions even though I don't have as much experience as some people here.  I'm also considering streaming at some point, for the experience. 

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