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I think you missed DXV's entry for this week, although it seems like he didn't read the rules as he submitted nine cards instead of just one.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Prosperity 2E Preview 2
« on: May 31, 2022, 07:53:25 pm »
I've seen multiple people saying that VP token cards are all staying, but did DXV actually confirm that? In the preview yesterday, he said:

And, the set had VP tokens, and I wasn't getting rid of them, so I wanted to get a little more use out of them if possible.

I took "them" to mean VP tokens themselves, not VP token cards, which would mean Goons isn't necessarily safe. That said, given the relative few new VP token cards we've seen so far, Goons may stay after all, but from my reading, it's definitely not a sure thing.

Surprised that the Allies recommended sets ended up including removed 1e cards, but I suppose it's very possible that the sets part was drafted before 2e was finalized.

Edit: haha chipperMDW ninja'd me here.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Prosperity 2E Preview 2
« on: May 31, 2022, 08:27:16 am »
Sad to see Loan go, but Crystal Ball and Investment both look cool and more than make up for it. Crystal Ball is Junk Dealer with fewer trash options, but still useful when you flip good cards.

We can finally buy our own Goats! Investment's mini game will be a lot more worthwhile in Prosperity-heavy games, but still fun elsewhere too.

Clerk looks less like mini Ghost Ship and more like a fixed Bureaucrat (who looks sadder than ever).

Nice to see lots of new, more playable Treasures!

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Prosperity 2E Preview 1
« on: May 30, 2022, 06:04:56 pm »
I really want to like Magnate, Treasure-Madman is such a simple idea, but it suffers from Counting House's issue of drawing it at the wrong times. When Magnate's good, it's really, really good. But you'll also get the turns where you're forced to play it as a Moat or a Ruined Library. Not quite as bad as drawing your Counting House with an empty discard, but still less reliable than I'd like. Multiple Magnates stack far better than multiple Counting Houses, and it's for sure a more interesting card overall, but I keep finding myself wishing my Magnates were Smithies.

Ironically, Magnate does actually combo nicely with Counting House.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Prosperity 2E Preview 1
« on: May 30, 2022, 10:37:11 am »
How does multiple war chests work, if I play a second war chest, then can I gain the card that was named for the first war chest, or are they both banned?

The banned cards stack for each War Chest you play, just like Contraband (i.e. "named by War Chests this turn").


Pendant is a $5 Copper that gives out VP when you gain expensive cards. You're going to need some way of affording those cards though as Pendants alone won't get you there.

This doesn't replace anything specific, though I suppose it could go in the Royal Seal, Venture, Contraband slot ($5 Treasure) or the Goons slot (VP on-gain).

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Prosperity 2E
« on: May 23, 2022, 07:52:32 pm »
Interesting find on the recommended sets. If it's accurate, I could see Trade Route staying but perhaps with errata to eliminate tokens and mat, using language like “+$1 per Victory supply pile that isn't full.“ Still weak, but eh, trashing is trashing. I could definitely see Mint and Talisman staying too, both of those cards are fine.

My Prosperity 2E predictions:
  • Mountebank, Goons, Royal Seal, and Venture are all out.
  • Counting House gets replaced with something with something else that cares about Coppers.
  • We get three new VP token cards, including a Treasure.
  • We get a card that lets you play Treasures in your Action phase.

*Edit: forgot how the update packs work, most likely 100 cards, which means 9 new cards and probably 9 removals.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Seaside 2E Preview 2
« on: May 23, 2022, 04:06:21 pm »
Sailor has some nice interactions with Tidal Pools as well. Apart from gain and play stuff since it's a Duration (works best with gainers of course), if you can play your Sailors on the same turn you play your Tidal Pools, you can often still get some benefit out of your "bad" Tidal Pool turn by trashing a junk card or two (pick Sailor's Duration effect first), and then you'll get a chunk of virtual coin to buy something even after Tidal Pools eat your hand.


A slight variation on a similar submission from a few months back (that one cost $3 and drew/discarded one fewer card). It's a big sifter you can use as many times as you like! Well, at least until you run out of cards.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Seaside 2E Preview 3
« on: May 19, 2022, 10:46:41 am »
Fall expansion?!?

Fall expansion!

Y'know, assuming not too many delays.

Wow, that's neat! We're getting a lot of Dominion this year.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Seaside 2E Preview 3
« on: May 18, 2022, 07:53:44 am »
If I play Sailor and then play Blockade, gaining Caravan, do I get to play the Caravan? Or no, because Blockade set it aside?

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Seaside 2E Preview 1
« on: May 16, 2022, 08:27:37 pm »
I think all this talk of obscure interactions to pile out the Curses (which will NEVER happen in 99% of actual games) is distracting us from Blockade's real power: seeding your next hand.

After playing some games with it, Blockade really makes other "gain to your next hand" cards like Armory and Cobbler look quite silly. Obviously Armory can allow for this turn gain and play and Cobbler is nonterminal, but even still Blockade's ability to maintain consistency by adding an extra Village or a draw card to your next hand is clutch. Even without the Cursing, a Duration Workshop that gained to next hand would probably be a pretty solid $4. The Attack is really just icing on the cake.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Seaside 2E Preview 1
« on: May 16, 2022, 10:50:52 am »
As it currently stands, Crypt can still have an odd interaction with Astrolabe, though that issue had already existed since Renaissance introduced the Capitalism project. Will Crypt also get errata to no longer work with Durations?

Counterfeit, Herbalist, Mint, and Mandarin all have similar problems with trashing or otherwise moving in-play Duration-Treasures, as with Bonfire and Crypt. There are probably others I'm missing.

I know from Allies reveals DXV said Counterfeit was getting non-Duration errata. I imagine we'll see something similar with Mint for Prosperity 2E (if it isn't just removed all together). Mandarin will surely get removed in Hinterlands 2E, and well Herbalist probably won't get printed again but should maybe still have errata.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: WDC 151: Now or Later
« on: May 06, 2022, 11:46:15 am »

Recast is a Duration that Upgrades to hand on this turn and next. Excellent for trashing Coppers and turning Estates into $3s in the early game, but the uncertainty of your next turn's starting hand always makes it a bit of risk to play, especially as the game goes on. Usually you can get creative and find something beneficial to trash and gain, but be ready for some unfortunate draws too.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Prosperity 2E
« on: May 05, 2022, 11:18:21 am »
Personally, I hope Loan stays. I never got the Loan hate, I think it's honestly one of the better Copper trashers in Dominion. It's often a $3 Junk Dealer in the early game and helps cycle through your Estates. And it can even do a Chancellor thing in the late game if you have no other Treasures. Yes, it plays worse on boards without $ from Actions and the classic Loan hitting Silver and Loan hitting Loan opening fails are always funny, but I still think it's easily the best Kingdom Treasure in Prosperity apart from Quarry.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #150: Half!
« on: April 29, 2022, 02:57:11 pm »

I like this idea, but I think there are more rules issues that you need to address related to the fact that you now have multiple supply piles with copies of the same card:

- if you return a card to the supply, which pile do you return it to?
- with e.g. Talisman, can you gain a copy of the card that comes from a different pile?
- if I Swindle a card of yours, who gets to choose the pile the replacement comes from?
- with e.g. Tower, it matters which pile your card came from, but there is no way for a card to remember which pile it came from

This list is probably incomplete.

Yep, Adventures tokens too. Let me think about these and I'll update the FAQ.

Okay, I've added a few more FAQs below and to the OP to clarify. In general, I think going by a pile's randomizer card should resolve a lot of these issues regarding the "which pile is it's pile" questions. Gaining is different, and you can always go with whatever card is on top.  Let me know if anyone comes up with any other wacky things that Graft breaks, I'm sure there are plenty more.

FAQ (cont.)
-You may only buy/gain the top card of a Supply pile. When a card instructs you to gain a copy of a card (like Talisman or Duplicate), you may gain it from any pile where it's the top card. For Swindler, the attacker chooses which pile the gained card comes from.
-When something asks you to return a card to the Supply, you return it to the card's ORIGINAL pile (these can be tracked using the randomizers), not a different Kingdom pile that happens to have those cards in it.
-Adventures tokens placed on a Kingdom pile only affect cards represented on that pile's randomizer (this is slightly different from the official Adventures tokens rule, which says all cards from that pile are affected, so uh errata? This change still allows tokens to affect multiple cards from the same normal split pile).
-Tower checks the randomizer of empty piles and only cards that match those randomizers are counted.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #150: Half!
« on: April 29, 2022, 12:43:28 pm »

I like this idea, but I think there are more rules issues that you need to address related to the fact that you now have multiple supply piles with copies of the same card:

- if you return a card to the supply, which pile do you return it to?
- with e.g. Talisman, can you gain a copy of the card that comes from a different pile?
- if I Swindle a card of yours, who gets to choose the pile the replacement comes from?
- with e.g. Tower, it matters which pile your card came from, but there is no way for a card to remember which pile it came from

This list is probably incomplete.

Yep, Adventures tokens too. Let me think about these and I'll update the FAQ.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #150: Half!
« on: April 29, 2022, 10:46:37 am »

Graft is an Event that lets you create your own split piles! When you buy it, you get a choice of taking the top half of one Kingdom pile and putting it on top of another (e.g. I take 5 Villages from the Village pile and put them on top of the 10 Markets), or rotating any Kingdom pile, similar to Battle Plan. I restricted it to Kingdom piles to prevent obnoxious things like putting 23 Coppers on top of the Provinces, etc. Players can use Graft sort of like Tax or Embargo to put a stack of bad cards on top of ones their opponent might want, but it also allows for some interesting pile control, adding more cards to low piles or halving a pile to threaten a pileout. It also always feels good to buy a card then rotate the pile away from your opponent.

-A Kingdom pile is any pile in the Supply that is not a Basic card (Copper, Silver, Gold, Estate, Duchy, Province, Curse, Platinum, Potion, Ruins, etc.). You may not take from Basic cards or put other cards on top of these with Graft.
-If a pile has an odd number of cards, round down the number you take off the top (e.g. take the top 4 cards from a 9 card pile). You may not use Graft to take from a pile that has 1 card left.
-Always take half of the pile, even if there's cards from multiple piles (e.g. if you Graft from a pile of 7 Villages on the bottom and 5 Moats on top, you would take 5 Moats and 1 Village to put on another pile). You may not reorder the pile you take from or the pile you place on.
-Graft uses similar rules to official split piles--you can turn the bottom cards sideways to indicate multiple cards in the pile. Players may look through the pile (the one exception is Knights--if Grafting Knights, count the pile without looking at the cards below the top one).
-You may place cards onto an empty Kingdom pile.
-You may only buy/gain the top card of a Supply pile. When a card instructs you to gain a copy of a card (like Talisman or Duplicate), you may gain it from any pile where it's the top card. For Swindler, the attacker chooses which pile the gained card comes from.
-When something asks you to return a card to the Supply, you return it to the card's ORIGINAL pile (these can be tracked using the randomizers), not a different Kingdom pile that happens to have those cards in it.
-Adventures tokens placed on a Kingdom pile only affect cards represented on that pile's randomizer (this is slightly different from the official Adventures tokens rule, which says all cards from that pile are affected, so uh errata? This change still allows tokens to affect multiple cards from the same normal split pile).
-Tower checks the randomizer of empty piles and only cards that match those randomizers are counted.

WDC #149: The Resurrection

Commentary & Results

Appreciate y'all's patience. Thanks everyone for the submissions, there were some tremendous entries this week, and I went back and forth on a winner for quite awhile.

OPs are linked, shortlisted entries are bolded, enjoy!

Pawn Shop by Gubump
Salvager or gain to hand from the trash. Still nice for Estate trashing, though harder to open with, and feels a little weak at $5 when you’ll mainly use it as Salvager at first. It feels like the gain from trash to hand will most often be used on Treasures like Silver or Gold since it’s rare you’ll trash useful Action cards with Pawn Shop, and Treasures can be played non-terminally. I like the player interaction here too—do I trash Gold for $6 and risk my opponent picking it up next turn? Clean design overall.

Gravedigger by Carline
The on-play here will not see much use in the early game (and in some kingdoms, perhaps not at all), though it can help seed the Duration part if you have nothing else to set aside which is neat. On the Duration turn, you either Salvage the set aside card or get +$3 if it cost $0. I find it a little awkward as a Duration, since you don’t get much the turn you play it, and the money doesn’t come until next turn. I do like that it trashes both Estates and Coppers though, unlike Salvager and Moneylender which deal with only one of them.

Reclaim by xyz123
Another Salvager variant, this one grants a guaranteed +$2 and does a neat thing of letting you buy stuff from the trash, Black Market style. I’m always a fan of ways to get Treasures into play during the Action phase. The differently named clause makes it much more interesting since you can’t just rebuy what you trashed. And like Pawn Shop, you get the player interaction stuff. I like it.

Debt Collector by NoMoreFun
A Moat that does a half Bonfire thing, trashing something you’ll discard from play. You’ll almost always use this exclusively on Coppers, and it’s nice that you get the money from playing them too (it’s better than Recruiter at Copper trashing, though this can’t get rid of Estates). When you run out of Coppers, this can become a Moat that Schemes itself (by trashing itself), which is still pretty useful sometimes. There’s also lots of Fortress-like shenanigans to be had here with the on-trash, though it’s weaker if you don’t have a lot of +Actions. A solid entry.

Copycat by Timinou
This could have worked for last week’s contest too! Copycat is Procession, except you gain from the trash instead of something costing $1 more from the Supply. Seeding the trash with a pile of $5 costs that you can usually only access with this card is super cool, and it ensures the first few plays of Copycat aren’t sad. Depending on the $5 cost it adds, this does feel quite a bit stronger than Procession, especially as it gets better the longer the game goes on and the more options you have in the trash. I do think it should say non-Duration somewhere like Procession now does, and yes, this can have tracking issues (also like Procession does, man that card), but I still really like this entry.

Crucifixion and Boulder by Ultimate Geek
Event Salvager (wow, Salvager was a popular inspiration this week) with some trash-gaining. There’s a couple of issues here. As others have pointed out, it’s WAY too automatic to mill Estates here (you even get your $2 and Buy back), and Province-milling in the endgame looks broken as well. The simplest fix is to disallow trashing Victory cards, similar to Enhance which does so for the same reason. The from-trash gaining feels a little tacked on, but most of all, I don’t like at all that you can trash and immediately regain the card you just trashed—pay $2, trash Province, gain Province, buy another Province is busted. The Boulder can help prevent things getting too out of hand, but really the event needs more restrictions than Boulder alone can provide.

Reforge by AJL828
Cantrip trasher, always a crowd pleaser, and this one can trash an Action to gain an Action from the trash. Given how rarely you want to trash Actions, I’d suggest buffing the from-trash gain, to gain the card to the top of deck or even to hand like Swap. The biggest issue I see here: outside of the combos like Border Village or the presence of trashing attacks, there’s going to be so many games where the Action gain just never happens, making this a much weaker Junk Dealer.

Locator by jakav
It’s sort of like cantrip-Lurker that does both things, gain from trash first, then trash from the Supply. Like Lurker, you want these in pairs so your opponent doesn’t nab the thing you trash before you do, and also like Lurker that is naturally going to create some awkward Locator dances where you have to buy Locator since you opponent did, and then no one plays them. I don’t like that you can be forced to take Coppers or Estates with this, and more critically, the cantrip nature of this means Locator is going to just eat piles so fast, particularly Estates. I’d recommend keeping Supply trashing to non-Victory cards, or perhaps even just Action cards.

Buried Treasure by Commodore Chuckles
On play, this is almost identical to Stockpile—a one-shot Treasure that gives +$3 and +1 Buy, but trashing itself instead of Exiling. However, it plays totally differently since the only way to get it back is to gain a Victory card. There’s a little more player interaction here which I like, and while it does make gaining VP earlier a little more appealing since it will nearly always come with a free one-shot Gold, I’m not sure how often players will go out of their way to green early just for extra Buried Treasure. Better of course with alt-VP.

Family Grave by Xen3k
A one-shot Night card that can trash from hand, gain a trashed Action, or gain a Spoils. On-buy, it also trashes an Action from the Supply, and you can gain a second Family Grave from the trash. Hm. The trash + Spoils option is terrific in the early game, though the on-Buy Action trash can set up a free gain too. There’s the Lurker issue here as well, of not wanting to put something too good in the trash that your opponent might gain first. Not totally sure what the right strategy is for these, but it’s definitely a unique idea.

Iron Mine by spineflu
An Ironworks-style trasher and from-trash gainer. Except in the very beginning of the game when e.g. only Estates or only Coppers have been trashed, this doesn’t actually help you thin since you gain a card for every card you trash. Early on, you’ll mostly be exchanging Estates for Coppers (and $2) or Coppers for Estates (and eating the Estate pile I guess?). Gaining something other than Victory/Treasure cards is going to be rare, unless you want Curses for +2 Cards, or if there’s other trashing. I definitely think there’s potential in this sort of idea, but I think this needs a little more workshopping. 

Undead Horse by LibraryAdventurer
Choice of non-terminal single trash or Moat. This would normally be a little weak for $3, but the on-trash lets you immediately play it, and there’s loads of cute little tricks to be had here. Remodel your Undead Horse for a $5 and +2 Cards, defend against trashing attacks a la Fortress, trash one Undead Horse with another for a janky Lab. A simple yet versatile card that’s different enough from Fortress to add something new to the “untrashable” card idea.

Ranch by Joxeft
A Village that can be a Lost City if you have anything in your discard, and trashes itself if you don’t. You also gain a free Ranch from the trash (if there’s one there) when you buy one. Village for $6 is a really hard sell, even one that’s sometime a Lost City, but given how often discard piles are empty, especially at the start of your turn when you really want to play your villages, making this a one-shot feels really bad. I would price this at $4, and even then, I don’t know if I love the trash if no discard. Perhaps reversing it, where you trash it if you get the Lost City effect, might make it a bit more interesting. 

Phoenix by emtzalex
A powerful terminal sifter and trasher. Really great in the early game for cycling. But the most interesting thing of course is the on-trash, another Fortress thing. This should probably have a parenthetical clause explaining where the card should go when you play it (e.g. “putting it in play”). I’m assuming that’s the intent, correct? (vs. “leaving it there”). I think it’s also a little more interesting to make the trash mandatory (i.e. Discard one, trash one). Tons of combos with trashers obviously, and since Phoenix is a trasher, they can chain together (play a Phoenix, trash another Phoenix, play that one, trash another one, etc.). This might be a bit too strong, and I’d recommend playtesting to see how centralizing it is, but it looks like a fun card, nonetheless. Terrific theming too, Phoenixes are dope.

Ship Captain by faust
The only attack submitted, I was surprised not to see more! A terminal +2 Cards with a trash from the hand or trash Action from the Supply on the Duration turn (I didn’t realize at first that you can do one of each, that’s much better than only 2 either way). While it’s in play, the first time a player trashes a card, they gain a card from the trash, (which affects the player too). I’ve never seen an attack like this, and I love the idea of forcing players to gain stuff from the trash—it will often be junk, but not always. I do wonder if it would be more interesting to have the trigger be something other than trashing (perhaps when players gain a card?) since it most often just means that they miss a single trash (they can even just gain back the thing they trashed). Still a really creative entry that does something different.

Recycled Goods by X-tra
A similar idea to Buried Treasure, it’s a one-shot Plunder, but they come free with your Estates and Duchies. The VP is really nice of course, but again, I don’t know how much more appealing it will be to pick up Estates or Duchies earlier than you usually would. That said, it is really interesting to have this exclude gaining on Provinces as it means the player trying to catch up on Duchies gets the Silvers and VP from Recycled Goods.

Mass Resurrection by lompeluiten
I may be mistaken here, but I think +2 Cards, trash 2 cards is too strong for $5, and makes getting 4/3 against your opponent’s 5/2 basically gg. For that reason, I think I agree with trying at trash 1 card instead to compare with Recruiter. That top part aside, the gain up to 10 cards for +$1 each part is wild. Yes, it’ll be mostly junk, but +$10, gain 6VP (Estates) is solid payload towards the endgame. There will be a dance of who takes the trash first. Interesting idea.

Tenant by infangthief
A cheap Command card that can play Actions from the trash and return them to the Supply, with an overpay to put stuff into the trash. On play, it’s almost identical to Necromancer, except you return the card to the Supply instead of turning it face down. There’s a myriad of issues though. If you want these to keep working, you have to keep buying more or somehow get more Actions back into the trash. I don’t like how a big overpay can eat entire piles in one go (even with the turn delay). While your tracking suggestion of setting aside Coffers works, I guess, the delayed overpay effect still feels super awkward. And even apart from all those, DXV and others have found that 1:1 overpay for Coffers is busted, which is what this card is at the end of the day.

Enchanter by JW
A cantrip trasher with another Ironworks-style effect that depends on what you trash. Early on, these will just be weaker Junk Dealers, but eventually, popping an Enchanter with an Enchanter for an extra +2 Cards and a free Gold is a nice deal. If you’re lucky, you can maybe nab your trashed Enchanter back before your opponent and keep the Enchanter trash Enchanter thing going. You’ll want to keep a few Coppers/Estates around to make use of the trashed Action gains, and keeping tabs of how many Enchanters you have vs. your opponent has will help you know what you can safely trash and what you can’t. Really interesting card with several minigames to think about, and a delightful amount of player interaction. Love this one.

Honorable Mentions: Pawn Shop by Gubump, Undead Horse by LibraryAdventurer, Reclaim by xyz123, Debt Collector by NoMoreFun, Copycat by Timinou, Ship Captain by faust

Runner Up: Phoenix by emtzalex

WINNER: Enchanter by JW

Congrats to JW and thanks everyone for participating!


I'll post results tomorrow, or possibly later today if I have time.


I've added the list of entries so far in the OP. Please make sure I've got your card (and its most recent iteration). Let me know if I'm missing anything!

I'll close for submissions tomorrow and will post results no later than Sunday.

Weekly Design Contest / Weekly Design Contest #149: The Resurrection
« on: April 14, 2022, 11:32:58 pm »
With Good Friday and Easter right around the corner, I've got Resurrection on my mind. So here's this week's challenge:

Design a card or landscape that can retrieve another card (or itself) out of the Trash.

Acceptable submissions include:
  • Cards that can gain other cards from the Trash, such as Lurker, Graverobber, Rogue, or Treasurer
  • Cards with when-trash clauses that pull themselves back out of the Trash, such as Fortress or Lich.
  • Trashing Attacks that trash and then "steal" from trashed cards, such as Noble Brigand or the now removed Thief.
  • Any other creative idea you can come up with that can "resurrect" trashed cards.

Other rules and suggestions:
  • Your entry must somehow facilitate moving a previously trashed card out of the Trash.
  • It doesn't necessarily have to be gained, or even return to a player. Returning trashed cards to the Supply or somewhere else is acceptable.
  • Cards that can gain copies of themselves when trashed (like Acolyte) or otherwise trash themselves into other cards (like Urchin or Hermit) will not be accepted.
  • Cards that only play other cards from the Trash but do not cause them to leave the Trash, such as Necromancer, will not be accepted.
  • Be sure to consider how cards might get into the Trash as not every Kingdom has a trasher. Notice that Lurker, Graverobber, Rogue, and Treasurer all have the ability to trash other cards. Fortress and Lich do not, though they still have utility apart from their when-trash clauses.
  • I will accept split piles or non-Supply cards as part of your submission, just try to keep things to no more than two cards if possible.
  • Also think about card interactions, particularly trash-for-benefit cards. Obviously these tend to play quite nicely with these sorts of cards, but be wary of making something that's too busted. (Although I guess there's plenty of crazy official stuff down this road already, ahem looking at you, Lurker + Hunting Grounds).
  • Don't make me squint. Eliminate unnecessary words and complexity where possible.

Judgement Details:
  • Entries and revisions must be submitted by 5:00 PM CDT (10:00 PM UTC) on Friday, April 22. I'll have results posted on Sunday, April 24.
  • Entries will be judged on ingenuity, balance, simplicity, and creative/appropriate use of the "resurrection" mechanic.

Have fun! With trashing historically always feeling like a very permanent act in Dominion, things like Fortress, Graverobber, and Lurker broke my brain when they were released, and I love the way they change up the game. There's a variety of directions people can go this week and I'm excited to see your designs!


Pawn Shop by Gubump
Gravedigger by Carline
Reclaim by xyz123
Debt Collector by NoMoreFun
Copycat by Timinou
Crucifixion and Boulder by Ultimate Geek
Reforge by AJL828
Locator by jakav
Buried Treasure by Commodore Chuckles
Family Grave by Xen3k
Iron Mine by spineflu
Undead Horse by LibraryAdventurer
Ranch by Joxeft
Phoenix by emtzalex
Ship Captain by faust
Recycled Goods by X-tra
Mass Resurrection by lompeluiten
Tenant by infangthief
Enchanter by JW

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Dominion: Allies First Impressions
« on: April 14, 2022, 10:38:09 pm »
The other thing I just realized Swap can do (that Overlord cannot) is trigger Swap pileouts.

As long as you have other non-Swap (or non-other-empty-pile) Action cards in hand or on top of your deck, you can repeatedly Swap stuff for more Swaps and churn through the whole pile to end games out of nowhere. I won a game on piles today with one Swap in hand that I chained together to gain the remaining 5 Swaps in the Supply. Look out for these pileout opportunities!

Wow, there were so many tremendous ideas this week, was not expecting the win, thanks Commodore Chuckles. I'll try to get the next context up later today.


Merchant Road is a Treasure that adds a non-Supply pile of Goods which are always non-terminal (to make it easier to get multiple in play). Your first few plays will gain Goods and later you can get rewarded for playing lots of Goods. It seems kinda fun to not have a cost limit on Goods so there's a wider range of possibilities, but it maybe needs one, there's a big difference between a Pearl Diver gainer and a Grand Market gainer. Thoughts appreciated. 

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