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Messages - TheMirrorMan

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Dominion General Discussion / Re: Use for Fortress without Trash-for-Benefit
« on: September 02, 2013, 02:00:40 am »
One of the weirdest situations I ever encountered was this :

I've got an engine going and got all my cards played/in my hand but one. An upgrade. Last two actions I got are : upgrade + fortress.
And then my opponent got sore eyes. Upgrade the fortress to an upgrade (in the discard pile), the fortress returns in hand and ... ooh, I get an upgrade. Upgrade the fortress to an upgrade, the fortress returns ... well you see the deal. Gained me 8 upgrades in one turn.

Dominion General Discussion / Minions and putting cards back
« on: September 02, 2013, 01:42:29 am »
Got a strategy question on Minions.

Two possible scenarios, all starting with the same sort of starting hand.

1) In game one, your opponent plays minion, you've got your "normal" 5 card hand. You've got a secret chamber,  play it, get seven cards in total, of which you need to put 2 back. Your seven cards contain at least 2 minions (let's say 2). Do you :

a) Put the majority of the minions in your hand
b) Keep 1 in your hand and put the other one back on your deck
c) Put the two minions on your deck

Of course what you expect him to decide plays a big role in this.

2) Your opponent plays a ghost ship and you have your "normal" 5-card hand with at least 2 minions (let's say 2). Do you :

a) Keep the majority of the minions in your hand
b) Keep 1 in your hand and put the other one back on your deck
c) Put the two minions on your deck (that seems a bit weird to me, but okay)

Thanks for the advice!

I second a lot of opinions in the thread but the last weeks I've been cursing (!) over the forager. Really difficult to estimate for me when to go for it/what to do with it. And I'm not talking about forager/rats stuff, but what do you do when there is a lot of different kinds of money present and no trashing/engine ? I sometimes get slaughtered that way.

GokoDom / Re: GokoDom II: Round 3 Discussion Thread
« on: August 31, 2013, 03:07:04 pm »
Robz888 wins 3.5 - 2.5 over TheMirrorMan. This was one of the tensest tournament rounds I have ever played. All very interesting games and razor-thin margins of victory. I do think luck decided a lot of these games, unfortunately.

Yeah I am honestly very happy with my way of playing against a higher rated opponent and I agree, it was razor sharp.

Transmute, Black Market, Lookout, Sage, Wishing Well, Feast, Procession, Worker's Village, Apprentice, Adventurer
Actually, this was the only not very interesting game. My strategy was fairly unfocused; there's just so little going on here. Of course the power vacuum makes Black Market a compelling purchase. He manages to pull Sir Michael (the discard Knight) from the BMarket which is sort of super strong since I have no Knights to counteract. I think that basically decided the game.

That Sir Michael pulled off everything and I got it often enough to slow down your strategy. Very lucky to draw that one.

Crossroads, Hamlet, Black Market, Scheme, Bishop, Throne Room, Bazaar, Ghost Ship, Hunting Party, Minion
A more interesting game, although Black Market luck decided it once again. Our strategies do diverge from the get-go, though. He opens Bishop/Silver. I don't think I like that--the trashing will help me, and hitting $5 is so important! So I'm BM/Silver. He does hit $5 though, and gets into gear pretty quickly. Luckily, I pull Goons for the BM deck, and my deck comes roaring back. I really, really make use of the extra buy VP chips (I'm getting like a Duchy's worth of extra points every turn), and he's in a bad way by the end.

Well the idea was to thin out the deck making it optimal for the Minions and picking up VPs on the way. But then I bought a throne room in between and the colliding started. I had a hand where I minioned enough only to receive throne room + nothing, then I got one hand with no Minions at all. When I see the Goons appearing, yeah, there go my VPs, especially with hamlets on the board. In the end, Robz pulls it off. Indeed, a bit of luck with BM but it counters my luck in the first game.

Courtyard, Lighthouse, Warehouse, Navigator, Spy, Wandering Minstrel, Golem, Library, Venture, Nobles
I lose this game, but I would play it exactly the same if we did this set again. The engine just looks so weak to me without +buy or gaining, and Venture should be pretty good for the Courtyard BM play. Well, I never got a Venture, just because I never hit $5 until Duchy time, but I don't think that's such a big deal. Hate to blame shuffle luck, but all my good cards clumped at the end of my last shuffle, and that allowed him to go Province-Province-Province. Maybe you guys can tell me if I am wrong, and the engine is actually better?

I was actually considering exactly the same thing (going for Big Money), but still decided to go for the engine. The main point was : how to pick up money here ? So lighthouse + navigator, although it seems slow, it seemed to pull it off. Unfortunately Robz drew terribly in the end - I thought I was lost.

Courtyard, University, Steward, Bridge, Remodel, Talisman, Bazaar, Jester, Rogue, Grand Market
I love sets like these. I notice the Bridge/University for GMs interaction right away, and I plan to build my deck for that purpose. He focuses more on Rogues, which could just be a symptom of his draws. Anyway, I really prioritize Steward trashing, I draw my Bridges at the right times, and my engine goes off big time. I drain GMs, Bazaars, and $0 Courtyards all at once to end the game in a decisive win. I played well, but I also drew really well here. Think his Rogues wouldn't have helped him enough here, though--you really want to be playing more Bridges and Courtyards.

Nah, I disagree. Luck had nothing to do with this. I didn't see the combo of bridge - university - big market and when I suddenly saw you buying it ... Well, game over. Too late. I thought the Rogue would help me trash your thinned out deck but it rewarded me with a talisman dropping and needing to be picked up. It also serves me right for not picking Steward. *Slap on the head*

Doctor, Masterpiece, Swindler, Conspirator, Farming Village, JackOfAllTrades, Throne Room, Inn, Mandarin, Adventurer
I get the 5/2, which is sort of manifestly worse here, I think. Should just be a Jack game. Again, there IS an engine here with Conspirators and Inns and Throne Rooms, but without +buy or gainers, it just seems too slow to me. So I'm Jack/nothing to his Jack/Swindler. I actually don't like the Swindler here against Jack. And then he ends up going for the engine anyway, which delights me. Well, maybe I underestimated it. What he CAN do is definitely Province every other turn (on the other turns, he buys Inn to set himself up). And he Swindles a bunch of my Silvers into Masterpieces, which is quite bad. But, I have enough of a lead that all he can do is take the tie.

Again, was doubting on going big money, but saw Swindler and Masterpiece on the board. Reducing your Silvers to masterpieces and then the engine (Inn - Jack - Conspirator) seemed plausible. I pulled it off a bit too late (bought an Inn when there were no actions in the deck - yuck).

Poor House, Apothecary, Mining Village, Rats, Remake, Apprentice, Baker, Counting House, Outpost, Hoard
I see Remake, but then I see that Poor House obsoletes it here. Well, there's Rats, but is Remake/Rates really a thing? I think not. Then I notice Apprentice, and Apprentice/Rats is definitely a thing. The Baker token makes it sort of interesting, what order to do what. The presence of Shelters makes an opening Apprentice a little less appealing. I go for that anyway. He opens Baker instead. Yeah, Baker is pretty good, I've found. I spike an early $6 and grab Hoard--Gold trashing with Hoard and Apprentice is really nice. My Rats come a little unevenly, but soon I have it under control and my deck is going nicely. He has a bunch of Bakers, and that's good, too, but what I am doing is just a tad better. I play my last three turns very cautiously, taking Duchies instead of risky trashes, because I assume he can't Province-Province (he is too reliant on Baker tokens). That works out, I trash my Hoard, and win.

Well the rats - apprentice engine was quite clear, but where to get the extra money from ? That's why I went for the baker. You were more than right to go for the hoard. The engine was soaring, also due to an "error" of my part - my two apprentices decided to trash my two remaining rats, leaving me a bit helpless.

All in all, like I said, very happy with the games.

Two sidenotes :

* For once, Goko decided that it would give out the starting player as it should (last time I had to restart games 7 times).
* We both forgot half the time to put VPON :)

Dominion World Masters / Re: Dutch Championships 2013
« on: August 28, 2013, 09:53:31 am »
Net post gezien op Facebook :

Voor mensen die willen weten hoe de opzet zal zijn van de dominion wedstrijd op 8 september.
-18 man ( en vrouw)
-zwitsers, 6 rondes (1 on 1)
-dan finale met laatste 2, best of three

Het tijdschema etc komt eraan. Daar wordt door onze wedstrijdleiding hard aan gewerkt!

Game Reports / Re: Too much stuff going on here
« on: August 23, 2013, 06:02:19 pm »
That's what I thought, just checking :)

Game Reports / Re: Too much stuff going on here
« on: August 23, 2013, 05:45:38 pm »
Errr ... Really ? How about the engine ? Develop with king's court ? The duchy/duke combo ?

Game Reports / Too much stuff going on here
« on: August 23, 2013, 05:35:50 pm »
A game I played against kaiseki :

There is soooooooooooooooooo much going on.

Here's the log. Would love to have your thoughts on this.

Rules Questions / Re: Counterfeit + spoils
« on: August 18, 2013, 06:45:58 pm »
Well it's a bit weird for me. There was a forager in play and of course that makes it all the more important.

I always teach people Dominion by saying they need to execute everything in order you read it. So first card takes the priority for the rules.

On a side note, suppose you expand a spoils. Would it be returned to the pile too ?

Rules Questions / Goko : Highway and Hermit
« on: August 18, 2013, 06:42:16 pm »
Goko : I play a highway and then a hermit. I want to take a card costing up to 4 (3 now since lowered by highway), yet it won't let me select it. Is this a bug ? I believe so.

Rules Questions / Counterfeit + spoils
« on: August 18, 2013, 06:39:23 pm »
In one of the games I played (on Goko), I counterfeited a spoils. Now counterfeit says that the card should be trashed, yet spoils says it should be returned to the pile. Goko put it back to the pile.

What do you guys think ?

GokoDom / Re: GokoDom II: Suntastic Summerish Season Signups Sthread
« on: July 29, 2013, 08:28:10 am »
I'm in.

Own all sets + Envoy, Black Market, Stash. Gonna try to get the other ones asap.

Tournaments and Events / Re: International Dominion Team World Cup
« on: July 25, 2013, 08:20:32 am »
I think I may be able to get an online Belgian team together. Enough Belgian players on Goko that I know of.

Rules Questions / Re: Alchemy with the other sets
« on: July 22, 2013, 09:39:09 am »
Thank you. Very clear.

Rules Questions / Alchemy with the other sets
« on: July 20, 2013, 09:03:49 pm »
Two questions on combining Alchemy with other sets :

1) If you trash a squire, are you able to take a scrying pool ?
2) Can you use the band of misfits as an alchemy card ?

Dominion World Masters / Re: Dutch Championships 2013
« on: July 19, 2013, 08:12:19 am »
Hi Geronimoo,

First of all, my congratulations on your first place in the tournament. You deserved the win.

I had a few comments on your post.

Let's start with your village - smithy - bridge combo in round three. I found it great to see your table full of those cards (think there was about 23 - 24 cards in one turn) - yeah that was clear who had the better strategy.

As for my own tournament, I think I did fairly well except for one round. With a board of scout, shanty town, nobles and harem I thought I was going to be smart and bought 2 scouts (to get the harems and nobles in my hand) and 2 shanty towns from the beginning. Ye god, what was I thinking !!! I think it last until turn 11 until I got $6 in my hand, waaaaaaaay too late. Well, lessons learnt, never doing that again.

As for our game in round 2. The idea of the torturer was to use it at the end of the minion chain. The purpose ? Either giving you some trash in your deck, slowing your minion chain down, either having you to discard and force you to use the minion as a exchange into 4 cards instead of getting +$2 and picking up a new minion. I don't know whether or not this was a good idea, I'll have to download your simulator and see what it tells me.

The other thing was the secret chamber that I bought - if it were to appear at the end of my minion chain and I were to have rubbish in my hands, at least I could get some extra money out of it.

I think one of the reasons why I kept up was due to a bit of a disputable "rule" concerning the secret chamber I bought.

Minion is an attack card so each time it is played, I could use the secret chamber. Now the strange thing is that each time you played the minion, you already announced the action you were going to take. On Goko, this happens the other way around - first the opponent uses his secret chamber, then you announce the action.

The difference ? Each time you now announced that you were going to discard the cards and I used the secret chamber, of course I put my minion back on the deck and kept the rubbish in my hand. After the discard + take 4 cards, I was sure to have at least one minion there and possible get the chain going again. Worth a discussion I think.

Anyways, the difference in level was quite apparent between the players - 5 inexperienced and 3 experienced. Hope to test out my talents at the BK/NK Dominion in september (or get my ass kicked and learn !!!).

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