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Messages - Deadlock39

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Philosopher's Stone counts your deck and discard.  I have yet to play with it irl, but my idea was that if anyone wanted to buy it, you would just need to keep a tally of how many total cards were in their deck (adding or subtracting one any time they gained or trashed a card).  Then when they play PS, you just have to take this total number and subtract the number of cards they have in hand and in play.  I don't know how well this would actually work in practice, but I think it could work.

My least favorite card is definitely Saboteur.  As with all of these cards, I think our opinions usually come down to personal experience.

I think my perspective just comes from having bad luck and negative experiences with it (more than the other cards that can cause the same type of experiences).  I know I have lost a few games to players who bought one or two in the game and got lucky destroying my best cards instead of all the silvers I tried to block it with.  I know it is a bad card in this context and it is always frustrating to lose a game you probably statistically should have won. 

I also had a bad experience with it once when I was getting beat pretty handily by an opponent who had successfully built an engine that drew his whole deck each hand.  He ended up buying a Saboteur, and started blowing up my deck as he cruised to victory.  I may have brought this upon myself because I can't remember if I made the first move in buying one in a last ditch effort to get lucky, but still felt like an unnecessary course of action when he had the game in hand.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Make up your own card?
« on: June 17, 2011, 10:45:20 am »
Terracotta Warrior
Trash an Attack card. If you do, gain a Terracotta Warrior.
Worth 1VP for each Terracotta Warrior in your deck.

It's a variation of Duke/Duchy with a taste of Remodel. Are you ready to trash your Goons/Pirate Ships to acquire the victorious terracotta army?
Massively overpowered. It's not that hard to get to $6, and if you can get 5 of these, it's better than 4 provinces...

Perhaps if it could be worded in such a way that you could only buy one of them from the supply, but could only obtain additional ones by gaining them with the action.   I think this would be pretty hard to actually squeeze into the rules, and the card text would be crazy.  "You can't buy this if you have any Warriors in play."  "When you buy this card, reveal your hand, if you have any warriors in it, trash this card."  Then you would have to reveal and set aside your entire deck to search for warriors too, so buying your first one would have a free chancellor effect too.  It would probably be better to just play with the house rule of being honest and following the "buy only one" rule instead of forcing actual verification.

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