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Game Reports / Re: Masq-Bm strategy beats mine
« on: September 17, 2011, 09:09:13 pm »
Your topic title is misleading; I thought you were playing a strategy involving Mine the card at first.

Anyway, you always drew your Baron without estates after turns 7 (for a total of 5 times). After your turn 8 though, your deck had only one estate to try to hit with your baron, and that's about as likely as activating treasure maps.

Game Reports / Re: Two Stinkers
« on: September 17, 2011, 03:11:09 pm »
I was surprised nobody went Treasure Map in the last game, given that warehouse and apothecary feel like decent enablers. I'm not sure how much the extra gold would clog up the apothecary engine, and salvager + peddler was probably a superior strategy, but getting $12 in Treasure in your deck is fairly nontrivial (and you can salvage the gold for $6 if needbe).

Game Reports / Re: Best. Scrying Pool. Ever.
« on: September 12, 2011, 06:06:49 pm »
That actually looked like a game where scrying pool would be the best strategy, simply because you're going to want a potion for familiar anyway. Minions/Festival would be interesting, but I doubt that it would compare to Scrying Pool's ability to pull in KCs, especially given the amount of cursing in this game.

Before the last turn, you had 32 actions out of 44 cards total, whereas your opponent had 22 actions out of 41 cards. I feel like it was probably inevitable that you would be able to get an amazing draw like that, given that density of actions.

Rules Questions / Re: Possession + Goons
« on: September 11, 2011, 09:44:14 pm »
When possessing an opponent, it's super fun to play their possessions.  Your opponent will thank you for it!

It's totally viable if your next hand was bad (e.g. $2 or less with no important actions).

Dominion Articles / Re: Courtyard/Venture or Loan
« on: September 10, 2011, 03:17:41 pm »
I think the combo suggested was Apothecary/Courtyard, and I too do not see it. If he meant Apothecary/Venture then surely he would have pointed out Scout/Venture and Navigator/Venture too, no?

Scout/Venture pulls all the green into your hand, which means the only things you can skip over with Venture are actions and curses, so I feel like it might be the worst out of the three. Scout also doesn't have that +1 Card.

Navigator/Venture lets you skip past green and curses, but you might still only be able to hit a copper if that's all you have in your next five cards. It's still terminal though.

Apothecary/Venture is nonterminal, pulls all the copper into your hand (which is usually at least as good as the +2 from Navigator), and also decreases the probability of Venture hitting Copper, because the copper should be in your hand. That's probably why it was worth more of a mention than either of the other two.

Dominion Articles / Re: Combo: Apprentice + Hoard
« on: September 10, 2011, 01:31:08 pm »
Hoard works fairly well with most trash for benefit cards, especially in games where you can draw most of your hand so that you can trash the early green for some better card.

E.g. Hoard + Forge, every Estate you buy can be forged with the gold into a province, Remake/Upgrade can turn Duchies into more Golds and Estates into Silver, Remodel will let you get rid of Green or turn new Gold into Provinces, etc.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Magistrate
« on: September 08, 2011, 08:57:00 pm »
I just want this card:

+1 Action.
Look at the top 3 cards of your deck.
You may discard any of them that you choose.
Return the rest to the top of your deck in any order.
Then, +1 Card.

I've got to say, there is already enough there to stop writing on the card.

How would you price this? It's better than Lookout and maybe even Warehouse. I'd pick it over Spy. Does it need to inspect one more or one less in order to match a full integer $ figure?

I'm not sure it's better than warehouse because it doesn't let you discard from hand, but the effect feels similar to an apothecary; it's slightly worse than early game apothecary in that you can't pull copper into you hand, but it's probably better than late game apothecary in that you can get rid of green (although it suffers from the same problem that the more good cards you have in your deck, the worse its effect becomes). $2P or $4 is my best guess.

Dominion Isotropic / Re: Decline of civility on isotropic?
« on: September 08, 2011, 08:54:41 pm »
There's something about the tracking of rank and "skill level" that totally changes the dynamic of resigning for me. I've played other online games where opponents resigning really annoys me -- at least when the game isn't a total lock -- but as soon as a rating is introduced I change my opinion. When there's no consequence for winning or losing, resigning strikes me as rude, but when my opponents' resignations mean that I get to steal a few hundredths of a rating point from them, I love it when they rage-quit.

This despite the fact that those ratings points don't really matter.

What do you mean epeen isn't everything? :P

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Messing with Treasures
« on: September 07, 2011, 09:02:38 pm »
This makes first turn advantage potentially really strong. There are situations where the first person can be the only person who owns a silver in the entire game, (e.g. first person buys silver, second person buys Paper Currency), and this certainly will be an advantage, especially on boards where there are no good $3 cards other than silver.

...Well, if the first person bought Silver and the second person bought Paper Currency, presumably the second person is cool with never buying Silver, as they could've always, you know, bought Silver instead of Paper Currency.

I don't think having a one-Silver advantage is actually that big an advantage, even if, say, player 1 opens $3 -> Silver, opponent opens $2 -> whatever, player 1 $4 -> Paper Currency.  It may slow down player 2 a little, sure, but it'll slow down player 1 almost as much.  Ultimately, it's just a one-Silver advantage, in the presence of an alternate $2 Treasure.

If Player 2 buys silver with $4 then Player 1 buys the paper currency, what will P2 do with his $3 if there aren't any really good cards priced at that level? If Player 2 doesn't buy Paper Currency and instead gets an action with his $4, then he's forced into another action with his $3,  risking collisions. When there are 3 or 4 players, it gets worse, as they'll probably be forced to open Paper Currency if P2 gets it, as they wouldn't get more treasure into their deck otherwise.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Discard Attacks
« on: September 07, 2011, 08:52:25 pm »
My idea for this:

Tree Pruner
$4 - Action/Attack
+2 Cards
Each other players draws 1 card.
Each player (including you) reveals his hand.  You choose one of the revealed cards for him to discard.

Stronger attack part but little harm for you too.

It doesn't really directly harm you: Revealing your own hand won't really affect you much on your own turn, and the only case I can think of where it would be bad is in Contraband games.

I feel like that's probably normal behavior. Veto just lets you remove a card from the kingdom so that you can't buy it in the buy phase as one of the ten kingdom cards. However, Black Market explicitly contains cards which aren't in the kingdom, so it doesn't seem surprising that Steward would be in the Black Market after you've vetoed it.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Messing with Treasures
« on: September 06, 2011, 08:00:31 pm »
Paper Currency
$4 - Treasure/Victory
$2, 1 VP
If anyone gains a copy of this card, put a Forbidden token on the Silver supply pile.  A supply pile with a Forbidden token on it may not be bought from.

Since it's a lot less painful to try to reach $4 instead of $3, than $7 instead of $6.  The main problem there is finding something that's "a little better than Silver."

This makes first turn advantage potentially really strong. There are situations where the first person can be the only person who owns a silver in the entire game, (e.g. first person buys silver, second person buys Paper Currency), and this certainly will be an advantage, especially on boards where there are no good $3 cards other than silver.

Dominion Isotropic / Re: Optimizing your level
« on: September 05, 2011, 10:59:36 pm »
Presumably that's what the veto system is for, though whether that's what you'll get... well, I think this too is gameable. There's not going to be a perfect solution from all sides.

At the very least it's much less gameable than what Paralyzed (who incidentally, is now Level 50 and #1) has been doing.

Dominion Articles / Re: Apothecary
« on: September 05, 2011, 07:57:59 pm »
One more card that Apothecary synergizes really well with is Farming Village. Deck Greening will severly clog apothecary engines in the endgame, and will prevent you from pulling up a ton of copper. Rearranging all the green to the front lets farming village skip them and hit better cards.

Game Reports / Re: Feedback on this board
« on: September 04, 2011, 03:21:55 pm »
Actually I lost using Pirate Ship, halfway through the game I figured it was a bad strategy! My opponent went for what you suggested so I actually helped him by taking out some of his coppers. Is Pirate Ship only good when your opponent is going for some sort of big money strategy?

To make Pirate Ship good, you generally need +actions/KC/TR to play it multiple times, the board to have no money giving actions, and no trashing. More players will generally make Pirate Ships better as well (in four player games, with every person going Pirate Ship, your deck will not have any treasure in it after a few turns).

Otherwise, you're usually helping the opponents trash copper while they build up an engine using +$ actions.

Dominion Isotropic / Re: Decline of civility on isotropic?
« on: September 04, 2011, 02:24:18 am »
There's a guy called "Plenty of Horny" who continually comes online only to challenge spam everybody in the room (checks everyone, proposes game with, continues ad infinitum just to troll). Is there some way to deal with people like him?

Puzzles and Challenges / Re: Another What's Missing? puzzle
« on: September 04, 2011, 01:29:19 am »
Some really gory Possession interactions would accomplish that.

You'd have to have one already though, and Possessions cost Potions

Dominion Isotropic / Re: Decline of civility on isotropic?
« on: September 03, 2011, 12:56:38 pm »
I came here to vent my frustrations about this game in particular:

After turn 12, this happens:

22:45 ddubois: nice luck fag
22:46 perdhapley: is that really necessary?
22:46 ddubois: no your rfucking luck is not necessaery

...And then, well, you can see the log. At the end of the game he immediately returned to the lobby. I don't believe I played this game particularly well or anything, but I certainly wasn't the only lucky one.

It really bums me out to see such unprovoked attacks, however rare they may be. Isotropic is such a friendly place most of the time that I never know how to deal with these kind of people when I encounter them.

This guy is the only culprit I've actually had to deal with in the past month of being extremely uncivil. He acted similarly when I won a Minion split 6-4, claiming he played better but I was just lucky, then resigning.

Dominion Articles / Re: Apothecary
« on: September 03, 2011, 12:34:15 pm »
Exactly. There's a lot of complexity within the apothecary. Even adding extra apothecaries to your deck can weaken the drawing power each individual apothecary you've already got.

What would be the ideal copper to apothecary/other card ratio? Let's assume there's some good source of +Buys so that you can have as many copper as ideally possible.

Rules Questions / Re: Throne Room - Tactician
« on: September 03, 2011, 01:08:33 am »
Donald made a different ruling back in the day that was quite difficult to adjudicate, but his latest ruling is that you only keep TR & KC cards that are directly modifying an in-play Duration card.

If you play KC/KC and then drop 3 Wharves, you do clean up the first KC (but leave the 2nd one out).
From here.

You don't get extra cards from KC/TR Tactician though, iirc, because you don't discard any cards the second or third time you play them.

Dominion Articles / Re: Apothecary
« on: September 02, 2011, 01:14:50 am »
You missed lots of cards Apothecary interacts with awesomely: Goons, Native Village, and Bank
See this post. Rearrangement allows pseudotrashing of green cards with native village, as stated in the post, which prevents deck clogging.

Later in that thread, thisisnotasmile mentions goons, which lets you buy coppers for VP without fear of clogging.

Bank is self explanatory. Of course you need +Buys, but you generally want +Buys to use with Apothecary anyway to get the extra copper so you're not stuck at $7 in copper.

I'm not completely convinced the rearrangement ability is as awesome as you say. Regardless of order, your next hand will consist of the same cards, so it only improves cantrips and the like, and rearrangement power trades off with putting-coppers-in-hand-power: you don't get to rearrange the next 4 cards unless there are no coppers in them, and if there are no coppers, then a good part of Apothecary's ability is wasted. On the other hand, if you draw lots of coppers from Apothecary, you might only get to rearrange two cards or none at all, which isn't an amazing benefit.

Council Room Feedback / Re: New images for new goals?
« on: September 02, 2011, 01:00:28 am »
From the Source Code: These are the ones which appear implemented

# BOM: Bought only money and Victory.
# BOMMinator: Won buying only money and Victory.
# NegativeSum: Won with a negative score.
# Salted Earth: Had a negative score.
# PileDriver: Owned all copies of a card.
#("I thought it was Golf") Winning with a negative score
# buy 6 differently named Victory cards
# Peer: Scored 60 points.
# Regent: Scored 70 points.
# Royal Heir: Scored 80 points.
# Monarch: Scored 90 points.
# Imperial: Scored 100 points.
# Archon: Scored 110 points.   
# ("Buzzer Beater") Winning by exactly one point
# Slam: 20 or more points in one turn.
# Crash: 30 or more points in one turn.
# Charge: 40 or more points in one turn.
# KO: 50 or more points in one turn.
# Blitz: 60 or more points in one turn.
# Onslaught: 70 or more points in one turn.
# Mega-Turn: you buy all the starting Provinces (or Colonies) in a single turn.
# ("Oscar The Grouch") Trash more than 7 cards in one turn

These appear unimplemented in the code
# Bought more than 10 green cards in a turn
# won without ever buying money
# played 20 actions in a turn
# Protego: Reacted to all attacks against you (and at least 5).
#("Penny Pincher") Winning by buying out the Coppers
#("Estate Sale") Winning by buying out the Estates
#("This card sucks?") Winning with an Opening Chancellor
#("Bully") Play an attack every turn after the fourth.
#("The Biggest Loser") Losing with over 60 points.
#("Puppet Master") Play more than 4 Possession in one turn.
#("Dominator") Have at least one of each type of available victory card (and at least 1 chip, if available).
#buying at least one of every kingdom card in a game
# gifted a Province or Colony to an opponent (through Masquerade or Ambassador),
# Researcher: Acquire 7 Alchemists or Laboratories.
# Evil Overlord: Acquire 7 or more Minions.
# Badges? We Don't Need No Stinking Badges: Win a game while holding no VP Tokens and your opponent holds 25 or more.
# It's Good to be the King: Acquire 4 Throne Rooms or King's Courts.
# 99 Problems: Acquire the majority of Harems.
# Crucio: Use the Torturer three times in a single turn.
# Imperio: Use Possession three times in a single turn.
# Game of Settlers Anyone?: Acquire 7 of a single Village-type card.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Am I reading this board correctly?
« on: August 31, 2011, 07:48:13 pm »
There is already a bunch of unused lobbies.  I'd love to see the councilroom lobby actually used.

A nice "board of the week" thread could be interesting.

The council room lobby was removed in the 6:00 server restart afaik, probably because it was never used.

Secret chamber still exists and fulfills the same purpose though.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: What's your dominion pet peeve?
« on: August 29, 2011, 06:38:00 pm »
For me, it's people who say "gg" in every single game, regardless of how good the game actually was; then it loses its meaning.

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