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Messages - pedroluchini

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Dominion General Discussion / Re: Interview with Donald X.
« on: September 27, 2014, 02:59:44 am »
I don't remember if this has been asked before... But why does Farmland say "exactly $2" instead of "up to $2"?

Dominion General Discussion / Re: JSH's Art Rankings
« on: September 13, 2014, 06:22:28 am »
...I just noticed that a book on Sage's desk has a Dominion "D" logo on its cover.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Craft Fair - Help needed
« on: August 28, 2014, 02:32:25 pm »
A couple of ideas:

- Look at the highest-cost, in coins, of all cards trashed by your opponents. This might solve the scalability issue.
- All players set aside a card, then they all trash at the same time. This might solve the kingmaker issue.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Using extra actions for more effects?
« on: August 14, 2014, 03:10:35 pm »
In fact, unless I'm just missing something, Parish will never really be better than Necropolis... Say you have a hand of 5 Parishes... you play the first 4 for +actions, so you now have 5 remaining actions. You play the last one (now you have 4 remaining actions) and you spend your remaining actions to draw 4 cards. And now you have 1 less card and no actions. Should have just bought nothing instead of Parish.

...D'oh, yes, you are right. I should playtest this to get a better feeling about the mechanic.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Using extra actions for more effects?
« on: August 12, 2014, 06:15:49 pm »
Curiously, I've mulled over this idea... I'd been calling it "actions as resources".

Action - $2
Choose one: +2 Actions; or spend your remaining actions and +1 Card per action spent.

It's cheap so you can buy a bunch of them, then play them all for actions and use the last one to draw cards.

Action - $4
+1 Action
Spend your remaining actions. Trash a card from your hand. Gain a card costing up to $1 more than it per action spent.

Essentally, a Butcher that uses actions instead of coin tokens.

Treasure - $5*
+1 Buy
While this is in the Supply, it costs $2 less per unused action you have.

In the first two turns, it's a Silver-with-a-bonus that costs $3. In later turns, it's a nice target for Remodel... or a simple non-Action source of +Buy.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: What should and shouldn't be an attack?
« on: March 31, 2014, 08:26:09 am »
I'm pretty wary of copper junkers in general, and this one can potentially fill your opponents' next hand entirely with copper, thus being a partial pin.

Sea Hag solves this issue by discarding the card on top before putting a Curse there.

Other Games / Re: Which Smallworld game to get?
« on: March 10, 2014, 03:02:17 pm »
I see what you did there.
What did he do?

He's referring to this exchange:

I'm asking this because i can't judge whether Underground is actually deeper or more interesting, as i read.
Well the underground is definitely deeper.

Asper was asking whether Small World Underground (the board game) is deeper (in the sense of strategic complexity). Archetype facetiously interpreted these words in the literal sense, noting that the underground (the region below the surface of the Earth) is deeper (positioned further down in relation to things on the ground).

Or how about the fact that they cost $0 while everything else is more expensive.

As far as teaching methods go, I think that's rather backwards. There are several reasons Copper is bad, and as a consequence it costs $0; if you teach it the other way around, they will come to accept this fact without gaining a deeper understanding of the underlying reasons.

...Then again, you might as well try this if all other options have failed.

Curses are supposed to be bad.  That's their thing.  Ruins are supposed to be occasionally good, that's their thing.  Pitch ruins to buy Golems instead (add Looter subtype so they are technically available etc)

Keeping Ruins and Golem in the same deck seems like a bad idea. Ruins are Action cards, and the Golem will start snagging on them when it could be finding your more worthwhile Actions...

I now begin to wonder about books translated into other languages.  Do the translators get "creative" for those as well?  Does the Dutch version of Harry Potter have an invincibility cloak instead of an invisibility cloak?  Is the French version of a Dan Brown book actually readable?  Is the Russian version of Twilight three times as long and contain two hundred pages of commentary on economic systems?

And going the other direction, is the original Italian version of Foucault's Pendulum actually as crazily messed-up as the English version was?  Because that was pretty trippy.

The Brazilian version of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets has a sentence missing in the Aragog chapter. It's a fairly important sentence, and a later chapter feels like it has a plot hole in it due to lack of context. (Aragog never tells Harry and Ron that the dead girl was found in the bathroom, so Harry's conclusion that the secret passage is in Moaning Myrtle's bathroom comes out of nowhere.) Y'know, besides the various untranslatable puns, tonal shifts, and myriad other things that get lost in translation.

Nowadays, I always read/watch/play things in their original language if I can. It really makes a huge difference.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Graystripe77's Fan Expansion v2.1
« on: February 01, 2014, 07:12:07 pm »
Love these! They feel very different without being excessively wordy or complex.

I'm particularly intrigued by Missionary's reaction. It looks like a very versatile ability.

Out of curiosity: Is there a reason why Old Archives does this weird "set aside" thing, rather than a straight "+4 cards, discard 4 cards"?

Suggested in the Seaside rulebook:
  • Play your Durations in a row above where you normally play your Action cards
  • At the end of your turn, sweep all the cards from the bottom row into the discard
  • At the start of your turn, move the Durations from top to bottom row

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Why trashing attacks reveal two cards?
« on: January 18, 2014, 05:44:32 pm »
Cards which reveal 2 in a 2p game, reveal 4 in a 3p game and 6 in a 4p game, significantly higher numbers. Also, you can keep n Treasures with Thief in an n-player game, so it increases in strength rather rapidly. It turns from a nasty Workshop into a mega-Trader with regards to gaining Treasures.

Not that Thief needs to be made even weaker, but would you say it could be more easily balanced if it said "You may gain one of the trashed Treasures"?

Dominion FAQ / Re: Kings Court Timing & Trashing nonreal cards
« on: January 15, 2014, 07:08:21 am »
It's not really the lose-track rule, since a card can't lose track of itself, and it's Mining Village doing the trashing.

At the risk of sounding pedantic, Mining Village can indeed lose track of itself. This is relevant for Possession. If a possessed player Thrones a Mining Village --> the Village trashes itself, is set aside by Possession's effect, and then can't trash itself again because it's no longer in play. So you only get +$2 once.

"My finest work... A true masterpiece! The only one in existence. I assure you there aren't five hundred more in the back."

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Custom Fan Set Box
« on: December 05, 2013, 06:53:04 am »
These look amazing!

Would you mind sharing some info on your workflow? Everything looks perfect -- the Dominion logo, the expansion name, the RGG logo, the background texture... How did you do it?

Mini-Set Design Contest / Re: Fan Set Printable Card Sheets
« on: December 03, 2013, 06:49:00 am »
I'm curious about the Expansion Box Template.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Really bad card ideas
« on: November 29, 2013, 02:05:41 pm »
Cost: 5

Trash this card. If you do: Set aside all cards in the game. Play a game of Dominion, unless the current game was caused by playing a Metagame card. At the end of the extra game, put those Victory cards, Curse cards, and Victory tokens onto the Island/token mats of their owners in the original game.

Reminds me of this -->

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Pricing vanilla cards
« on: November 29, 2013, 06:42:40 am »
My memory fails me. What did DXV have to say about Silver-with-bonus costing $4?

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Remembering Your First Game of Dominion
« on: November 21, 2013, 02:44:19 pm »
A friend of mine wanted to show me this totally cool board game, so he brought over the base set and we played a few games. I had been shown Munchkin just the night before, and (being new to the whole board game thing) I thought that was really fun and Dominion was kind of boring.

Yeah. [facepalm.jpg]

Anyway, that friend (bless his soul) kept insisting to play Dominion and the game slowly grew on me. It was not until I played a few games on Isotropic with all the expansions that I was truly hooked, though.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Really bad card ideas
« on: November 04, 2013, 05:37:31 pm »
Faraday Cage
Action - Attack

Each other player may reveal a smartphone in sleep mode. If he doesn't, he trashes his smartphone.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Dominion Junior
« on: October 15, 2013, 05:35:19 pm »
I would definitely re-theme to a (elementary) schoolyard theme.

Locker (Cellar), Playground (Village), Bully (Thief), Cheater (Spy), Teachers (Harem), Principal (Nobles), Lunch Money (Cache), Secretary (Bureaucrat), Library (Library), etc.

...I love the re-theme. <3

I can't remember if it's mentioned elsewhere, but I've found that one of the coolest ways that Apprentice fits into Alchemy is that you can use it to trash the Potion itself for +4 cards.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Why isn't Hoard on-gain?
« on: November 25, 2012, 06:38:31 am »
Hinterlands wasn't out yet, so aside from Black Market Hoard would only trigger when you bought the Victory card.

I thought getting cards from the Black Market counted as "buying" them... That's what it says on the card and it's how I've been playing it. Have I been playing it wrong? (E.g., buy an Island from the BM deck -> gain Gold from Hoard)

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