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Messages - Dingan

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Puzzles and Challenges / Re: What Card Am I?
« on: December 16, 2014, 08:56:42 am »
(1) I usually make Upgrades a lot worse.  What am I?

A discard Attack? Poor House?

(2) Having all 10 of me in your hand at once will give you, guaranteed, at least $55 in coins.  What am I?


(3) I can require a potion to be in supply, even though there are no cards with potions in their cost in the supply.  What am I?

Black Market

Correct!  I guess there are other cards that make Upgrades worse (Swindler, Golem?, Possession?, etc.), but I was thinking Poor House.

Puzzles and Challenges / Re: What Card Am I?
« on: December 16, 2014, 08:41:58 am »
(1) I usually make Upgrades a lot worse.  What am I?

(2) Having all 10 of me in your hand at once will give you, guaranteed, at least $55 in coins.  What am I?

(3) I can require a potion to be in supply, even though there are no cards with potions in their cost in the supply.  What am I?

Puzzles and Challenges / Re: Easy Puzzles
« on: December 10, 2014, 03:25:04 pm »
What's the only missing card in this set?


You have draw, +buys, a gainer, so... a village?  :)

Puzzles and Challenges / Re: Easy Puzzles
« on: December 10, 2014, 02:13:01 pm »
What is the one missing card in this list:



"light" and "house" are English words.
"watch" and "tower" are English words.
"work" and "shop" are English words.
"up" and "grade" are English words.

Puzzles and Challenges / Re: Easy Puzzles
« on: December 09, 2014, 03:35:46 pm »
$16 in T3, two players

Player 1 opens $5 Stonemason+Masq+Swindler / $2 Crossroads, draws Necro, Masq, Swindler, Crossroads, Copper for T3
Player 2 opens $3 Stonemason+2xPoor House / $3 Stonemason+2xPoor House, draws 4xPoor House and Necro for T3
Player 1 T3 plays Necro, Plays Swindler trashing OE (P2 draws Copper), plays Masq, passes Xroads and receives Copper.
Player 2 T3 Plays Necro, Plays Xroads, Plays 4xPoor House, gets $16 to spend (just 1 buy!)

Wow, nice!  I always forget the possibilities with Stonemason.  I was thinking:
Player 1 buys Masq
Player 2 buys Library
Player 1 buys Coppersmith
Player 2 buys Pawn
Player 1 plays Masq, passes Coppersmith, receives Overgrown Estate
Player 2 plays Necro, Pawn for action+coin, Coppersmith, Library, draws 6 more coppers for a total of 7 coppers -- they would have $15 and 1 buy (yes, my original question was for $14).

Puzzles and Challenges / Re: Easy Puzzles
« on: December 09, 2014, 02:43:54 pm »
EDIT: Oh, the puzzle changed. Well, that's no longer an easy puzzle.

Yeah, I thought of a way to make it a bit more interesting.

If there is no player limit, I think you can easily get all your Coppers in hand through Masqed Apothecaries and even play a number of TR/Processioned Coppersmiths, which would give a lot more than $14. You can also do some TR/Death Cart tricks. So, I think you should limit the number of players and start over :P
Number of players = 2

Puzzles and Challenges / Re: Easy Puzzles
« on: December 09, 2014, 02:21:16 pm »
EDIT: Oh, the puzzle changed. Well, that's no longer an easy puzzle.

Yeah, I thought of a way to make it a bit more interesting.

Puzzles and Challenges / Re: Easy Puzzles
« on: December 09, 2014, 02:05:12 pm »
What is the maximum amount of money I can have on my third turn, without Noble Brigand, Baker, nor Nomad Camp starting in the supply or in Black Market pile (because hey, those just complicate things)?  I can think of 1 way to have $14.

EDIT: Ok, after editing this question 100 times, I'm done.

Puzzles and Challenges / Re: Easy Puzzles
« on: December 09, 2014, 01:43:00 pm »
2-Player game, opponent plays Witch, Curse pile is not empty, no Lighthouse or Trader in supply, nor Black Market.  I don't gain the Curse.  Why?
Uhhh.. cus you have a Moat?  Is that a joke or am I missing something?  Also, you could have played a Lighthouse -- all 10 are gone and hence not in the supply anymore (or, similarly, you have a Trader that have all been bought up as well).

Puzzles and Challenges / Re: Easy Puzzles
« on: December 09, 2014, 01:32:11 pm »
you can play 2 highways, and then proceed to steal all of his provinces playing 14 rogues. buy the last province, and you have 8*6 - 9 vs 14 + 8*3 = 39 vs 38 points and win.
Yes.  Ok I guess that was really easy.  I was tempted to say there are no such trashers -- in which case, the answer would be they quit haha.  This would work as well:

Super megaturn with a bunch of Saboteurs, Swindlers, Graverobbers, and other such cards, plus lots of trashing (2 Chapels or something) for your curses???

How can your opponent have all 14 Estates without Ambassador or Masquerade?
Oh, didn't realize that.  Idk... is there a way?

Puzzles and Challenges / Re: Easy Puzzles
« on: December 09, 2014, 01:20:41 pm »
My opponent has all 14 estates, 8 duchies, and 7 of the 8 provinces.  I have 9 of the 10 curses.  There is no other card that gives victory points (Gardens, Vineyard, Goons, Bishop, etc.), no Masquerade, no Ambassador, and no Possession.  How can I win the game?

(There are probably a bunch of ways this is possible -- what is *a* way?)

Dominion League / Re: Signups Season 5
« on: December 08, 2014, 07:24:34 am »
Sooo.. now what?  How do we find out who we play / who is in our division?  I don't see a results thread for season 5.  Does one exist yet?  Lets get this party started!!

Just saw this thread.  Name the time and place and my girlfriend and I will be there.  DC area or northern Virginia would be best as I live in Arlington.  Evening of Friday the 23rd, or evening of Saturday, or Sunday during the day would be best.

Help! / Re: Does Fools Gold + Tactician just suck?
« on: December 04, 2014, 08:31:07 am »
Correct me if I'm wrong, but Fool's is not so good in Colony games.  This is an awesome engine board, with tons of villages+draws+economy, plus Haggler and Stonemason can help you get there faster too.  Then again, they say uncontested Fool's Gold is devastating, so if your opponent goes Fool's you might have to.  So yeah, not sure what I'd open with, but I'd aim for engine.  Heck, just try out the deck with a friend a couple of times and see what happens!

Dominion League / Re: Signups Season 5
« on: November 20, 2014, 01:01:17 pm »
I would like to play!

User: Dingan
Time: US East Coast, so UTC-5 (I think)
Option: (b)

However, I am new to these forums and have never done these "league"s before.  Can someone explain the gist of how they work, or point me to a thread that does so?

Tournaments and Events / Re: Dominion Team World Cup Signup
« on: November 04, 2013, 03:33:37 pm »
I'm new to Goku, and this is my first post, but I'm an ok player (I think).  Found this forum by Googling "Dominion tournaments".

Goko name - Dingan
No cards other than Base
From USA

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