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Game Reports / Re: Double Lookout Fail...
« on: December 27, 2011, 07:49:31 am »
Not to mention, nearly half the cards in your hand were Gold.

Council Room Feedback / Re: Council room not updating?
« on: December 27, 2011, 06:10:38 am »
Yep, the games are all there!  Thanks.

Council Room Feedback / Council room not updating?
« on: December 26, 2011, 05:41:14 am »
I played a ton of games Christmas Eve morning when I was sick.  Some of them were really interesting -- I had a Chapel/City/Saboteur deck where Develop actually helped me win, and a Familiar game where Inn let me shuffle a bunch back into the deck for a brutal multi-curse attack.  Unfortunately, it's been 2 days and they haven't showed up on my CouncilRoom page!  Is the site taking a break for Christmas?

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Greatest Isotropic Moments of 2011
« on: December 12, 2011, 11:59:52 am »
I think the first ever game with a depleted Gold pile (due to heavy Tunneling) deserves a spot.

This was mine:
Provinces were gone as well, but hey.

Last turn:
Code: [Select]
  --- Davio's turn 19 ---
   Davio plays a Golem.
   ... (Davio reshuffles.)
   ... revealing a Gold, a Copper, a Gold, a Gold, a Silver, a Copper, a Copper, a Gold, a Gold, an Estate, a Copper, an Estate, a Copper, a Tunnel, a Gold, a Copper, a Province, a Gold, a Copper, a Gold, a Tunnel, a Tunnel, a Gold, a Golem, a Gold, an Estate, a Gold, a Duchy, a Gold, a Gold, a Tunnel, a Margrave, a Duchy, a Province, a Province, a Gold, a Potion, and a Gold.
   ... discarding the 2 Duchies, the 4 Tunnels, the 3 Provinces, the Silver, the 3 Estates, the 7 Coppers, the Potion, the 15 Golds, and the Golem.
   ... ... revealing a Tunnel and gaining a Gold.
   ... ... revealing a Tunnel and gaining a Gold.
   ... ... revealing a Tunnel and gaining a Gold.
   ... ... revealing a Tunnel and gaining a Gold.
   ... playing the Margrave first.
   ... ... (Davio reshuffles.)
   ... ... drawing 3 cards and getting +1 buy.
   ... ... Joy draws 1 card.
   ... ... Joy discards 3 cards.
   ... playing no other action card.
   Davio plays 4 Golds.
   Davio buys a Province.
   Davio buys an Estate.
   (Davio draws: 2 Coppers, an Estate, a Gold, and a Golem.)

All Provinces are gone.
Davio wins!
I ended up with 21/30 Golds that game.

If anyone has a better example of heavy Tunneling/Gold depletion, please post.

I depleted golds once not due to Tunnel, but due to Hoard; ended up with 27/30 of them.  (Does it count if 26 of these were gained on the final turn and never saw any action?)

The game was interesting because the ingredients were there for a megaturn (King's Court, Bridge, Smithy), but there were NO +Actions cards of any kind, not even +1 Action.

However, the Royal Seal let me top-deck KC/KC/Smithy/Smithy/Smithy on my next-to-last turn, all but guaranteeing I could draw my whole deck for the last turn.  Not to mention, my next five hands would have consisted of only Golds (plus a Duchy where I misclicked).

EDIT: I wonder what's the most Gold anyone has obtained? 27/30 is pretty close to PileDriver.  Seems unlikely anyone could get ALL the gold, unless the opponent is just awful (or is using some alternative strategy).

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Greatest Isotropic Moments of 2011
« on: December 12, 2011, 09:19:28 am »
I'll start it off!

It was a Tournament game, and I started turn 13 with no provinces.  In fact, my score was -3 at that point.  By the end of the turn I had all 5 Prizes, bought all 7 remaining Provinces, all the Duchies, and all but one remaining Estate.

Gaining all 5 Prizes on a single turn which I started with no Provinces is what I think makes this game noteworthy.

Council Room Feedback / Re: New images for new goals?
« on: November 23, 2011, 09:28:45 am »
What about a new goal for gaining all 5 prizes?  And maybe a second one if you gain them all on the same turn?

Last night I gained all 5 prizes in one turn, where at the start of the turn I didn't even have any Provinces.  I couldn't help but think, "there oughta be a goal for that!" :)

Council Room Feedback / Re: Achievements inaccurate?
« on: November 22, 2011, 12:41:41 pm »
Here is another one: I didn't get PileDriver for Venture:

This is particularly annoying because going for PileDriver ultimately lost me the game.  (Imagine if I had purchased a Duchy instead on my last turn.)

Is it because Venture is a Treasure card?

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