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Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Have fun with this.
« on: March 30, 2018, 07:09:09 am »
Play Rummage Sale, reveal Fortress, Imp, Colony.

What happens to Imp? Im not sure as its not really from the supply.
But yeah Colony. Gainers tend to exclude Victory cards (eg. Jester) or limit themselves by cost. Thats what makes it hard to cost. It could be just trash one card (if you draw three coppers) or insanely good.

I actually find Bureaucrat not too shabby as is. It can be a great first turn buy if there is chapel on the board as you can then trash coppers without fear and later trash itself. And it can hurt an opponent worse than militia sometimes.
 Minor improves Id consider....
1. Give it a debt cost of 4 debt instead of its usual cost and it would be a great defense against knights.
2. Have it trigger when you buy it or play it like noble brigand.
3. Maybe just say 'you may gain a silver' for when you have too many.

Variants and Fan Cards / Have fun with this.
« on: March 29, 2018, 11:29:35 pm »
Try pricing this very swingy card. Give your reasons. No need to criticise others as its just a bit of fun.

$????Rummage Sale 
Reveal the top three cards of your deck. Trash one, return another to the supply and discard the third. Gain a copy of the discarded card.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Dominion: Metropolis
« on: March 15, 2018, 08:28:02 pm »
Dismissal $4
Action - Reaction
Return up to two cards in your hand or discard pile to the supply.

If Dismissal is returned to the supply gain a card costing up to 5 from the supply.

I'm just wondering - do I have the wording of this right here. Does it know who is gaining the 4 cost card (the previous owner of Dismissal is who it should be) or does it lose track of that? It seems identical to Hunting Grounds so I assume no problems.
I also think this version becomes quite useful to the set. You can Dismiss a Dismissal to gain a Doomsayer and then return your excess Doomsayers later rather than be choked with them. And returning them to the supply makes gaining them useful again.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Addressing the first player advantage
« on: March 15, 2018, 08:42:09 am »
I suggest that you would need a handicap or bonus that can scale for more than two players.
Eg. In a four player game, players 1, 2 and 3 would all add respectively 3, 2 and 1 coppers to their deck. To be clear that means Player 1 in a four player game has 3 extra coppers in their deck. Player 1 in a two player game would only need to have one extra copper in their deck.  You have to be better at instructional writing than me to figure out how to express this as a rule.

The problem is of course that this can be a huge deal in some games compared to others. Extra coppers early on can even be a benefit. But the beauty of using coppers is they are in the core set. No need for more pieces.

I'd also add that the having a little bit of imbalance due to turn order is not a terrible thing. As I am more experienced than my mates I can go last. Its not a huge difference but it can help balance things a little.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Dominion: Metropolis
« on: March 13, 2018, 10:42:19 pm »
Thanks for the extensive feedback.

My intention for Merchants Pass was GendoIkari's option b. "After buying, if you still have a buy and a card you can afford, you must buy."
So if you get to a point in which you have no money and there are no 0 cost cards to buy you don't have to buy anything.  I can see the ambiguity raised but not sure how to fix it. I'll go through the rest of the cards in order.

Defaced Coin - Probably a fairer comparison than the 2 cost action trashers would be to Monastery as it costs no action or Loan as it also generates $1. I personally like the way it is one use only. Play with two coppers, buy a silver and you have a nice effect on your deck that you don't have to bother with again.

Recycle - The return to supply rather than trash is key here. In a game with Witches it could just prolong the pain or give you a curse to give back. It also has synergy with the gainers (what I'll call the cards that gain themselves for brevity's sake.).

Market stall - I agree with the meh assessment but I wanted to keep cards as simple as possible. It can be worth $6 so I think it's certainly up there with Poor House or Fools Gold depending on whats around it. I just realised I wrote this card to give +$1 for each empty supply and meant it to be +$2. Too strong?

Broker - I'd like to keep the choose one ability but happy to lose the rest.  The following version would also let you trash or return curses which could either defend or enable a curser. I want to prevent Salt the Earth but maybe I shouldn't?

Broker $3
Choose one: +2 cards or +2 actions,
Choose one: Trash a non-victory card in the supply or return a card from the trash to the supply.

Shadow Council - I don't think its anywhere near as strong as people think. Its generally like drawing a Shanty Town at the wrong time until you have an engine up and running. If there are ways of dealing with curses and any other way of gaining actions this is a trap card that will punish the person who buys it.

INTERLUDE: This idea of a trap card is really the secret theme for this set and owes a lot to rats as an inspiration. I like the idea that in this set you want to beware the cards you buy in the same way that rats works. I am sensing that people don't see the benefits as enough to outweigh the risks for some cards and hear this isn't appropriate for card types like villages. See Hawkers Village, and Investor....

Hawkers Village - Yeah. What I've put here is awful. Would I buy it over village? Probably not even in a two player game and definitely not in a four player game. Terrible in my own opinion. Sorry. So how about something that helps with the rats like cards rather than being one;
Hawkers  Village $3
Discard a card, +1 card.
If the discarded card cost three or more +$2.
If the discarded card was an action card +2 actions.

(Fried rat anyone?)

Doomsayer - I want to keep this in because I think all you need is a remodel, scavenger or bishop and this card becomes spectacularly good. That's bad design - to rely on other cards being in the kingdom - but I think even on its own its not terrible. It's name is a good warning though. This dude brings down the party. You might be tempted to remodel into it too or workshop for it just for the gainer benefits.

Pentitents/Blessing. - One thing I forgot to mention is that I intend that you'd play with only as many blessings as there are players. I can't imagine anyone wanting more than one and they are intended to be a bit of a strategic pick that you might want to forego. Penitents doesn't fascinate me especially but I think its pretty well balanced; either a 2VP or a 4VP for one less than a duchy. Maybe 20 is too few cards though. Hard to achieve.

Extravaganza - Oh boy the rules headaches I didn't predict with this one. Thanks faust for picking that up. I really dislike cards that lead to rules confusion. The options I can think of are all more boring. Anyone know how to deal with the problem faust raised? The buy on this card btw is to enable pile emptying. The capacity to out kings court, kings court makes it worthy of its name. If it can be saved from rules confusion I would see this as potentially as much of a card to work towards enabling as City or Kings court.

Theatre Village - I like it for its simplicity but even I'm not hugely impressed. It could easily be a dead card that no-one wants in a number of games. Happy to drop it. Not sure what to replace it with. The set needs a simple village.

Dismissal - Way too strong, I agree. Thanks for pointing that out. I was probably being too pessimistic about having one in your hand and one in your deck. Would people see it as too strong/weak if you gained a card costing up to five when the card is returned to the supply instead of the two golds? Dismissal a Dismissal into an Inventor for a turn of deck thinning.

Inventor - I like it at Five myself. There isn't meant to be an easy path through this set to victory without buying some money making actions or treasures. 5 feels right for what is a pseudo fusion of remodel and workshop.

Banquet - I thought the risk of a terminal silver for $5 would be enough to make this balanced. People are probably right in saying its not.  I've played a number of games where this card would be worth $20 pretty consistently. Capping it feels inelegant though. Would it still be playable if it was reduced to $1 for each action in play? Then its like Bank but for actions, making the name "Bank-ette" funny. Except Banquet is taken as mentioned. So maybe Credit Union? In games which don't enable engines though its unviable.

Merchants Pass - see my first comments. Not sure how to word it.

Poisoner - Oh cmon. Its awesome. It's poisoning everything. Until everything is crap. It's like saboteur in its sheer awfulness. Functionally its perhaps more like Ill-Gotten Gains but I prefer it to Ill-Gotten Gains myself because at least you can defend against it and it requires an action. Imagine its on the board - Would you buy it? What sort of a person are you? OMG you would. How do you live with yourself?

Token of Fame - I agree its probably too weak. Its a 5 cost gold that gains itself but the drawback is just too harsh. What if it was worth $1 if its supply pile was empty? Or if it had "When you play this you may gain a Token of Fame." Which of those options would people prefer?

Founding Families - Appreciate the catch on fewer. I think this could be interesting as people have to decide if its going to be worth a lot or little depending on how the games going and there could be a race for them. Its like City in that way. In fact it could be worth a bucketload - Maybe even too much. Maybe it doesn't even need the reaction but I liked it. Its only mildly helpful as was pointed out but its still a little on theme. Real question; Is it balanced?

Investor - Yeah. I feel the meh. I don't like this anymore myself, which is funny because it was the first gainer I thought of. How about the following? These investors let you buy gold cheap but have no effect on provinces. Too weak for a 6 card or too strong? On one hand its $6 with a buy and up to 6 includes a lot of cards.

Investor $6
+1 Buy.
Cards costing up to 6 cost you three less this turn.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Dominion: Metropolis
« on: March 13, 2018, 12:29:34 am »
I should have said... I really need fresh eyes on these. Happy to hear if people see cards as broken or underpowered (or both?).

Variants and Fan Cards / Dominion: Metropolis
« on: March 13, 2018, 12:19:49 am »

The theme of the set is about playing around with the supply, gaining cards without buying them (which also depletes the supply), and cards which depend on their being either depleted or non-depleted supply piles. This is meant to emulate the notion of a huge urban environment which is depleting its raw resources and markets while growing its infrastructure.

Defaced Coin $2
During clean up trash this and up to two other treasures you have in play.

Recycle $2
+ 1 card, discard a card.
Return a card in your discard pile to the supply.

Market Stall $2
+$1 for each empty supply pile.

Broker $3
+1 Card, +1 Action, +1 Buy
Choose one: Either trash an Action card in the supply or return an Action card from the trash to the supply.

Shadow Council $3
Action – Attack
+2 Actions.
If there is another Shadow Council in play each other player gains a curse.

Hawkers Village $3
Whenever you gain a Hawkers Village without buying it, +1 Card and +1 Action.
+1 Action, Gain a Hawkers Village.

Doomsayer $4
Whenever you gain a Doomsayer without buying it, +2 Cards and +1 Action
Gain a Doomsayer. Discard a card.

Penitents $4
2 VP +2VP if your deck has less than 20 cards.
Whenever you buy this you may gain a Blessing.

Blessing 0*
*This card is not in the supply.
+2 Cards. Trash up to 2 cards in your hand.
Your opponents may chose to either draw 2 cards or trash up to 2 cards in their hand.

Extravaganza $4
+1 Buy.
Choose an action in your hand. Play that action once for each supply pile with three or less remaining cards.

Theatre Village $4
+1 card for each supply pile with three or less remaining cards.
+2 actions.

Dismissal $4
Action - Reaction
Return up to two cards in your hand or discard pile to the supply.

If this card is returned to the supply gain 2 golds.

Inventor $5
Whenever you gain an Inventor without buying it; You may trash a card in your hand. Gain a card costing up to 2 more than the trashed card.
Gain an Inventor or any card costing up to 4.

Banquet $5
For every action card you have in play (including this) +$2.

Merchants Pass $5
+2 Buys
You must use all your buys if possible.

Poisoner $5
Action - Attack
Whenever you gain a Poisoner without buying it; Each other player gains a curse.
Gain a Poisoner. Each other player reveals the top card of their library and discards it unless it is a curse.

Token of Fame $5
When you play this gain a Token of Fame
$3 or $0 if there are no Token of Fame cards left in the supply.

Founding Families $6.
Victory - Reaction
2 VP for every each non-victory supply pile with three or less remaining cards.
Whenever any other player gains a treasure you may discard a Founding Families from your hand to gain a copy of that treasure.

Investor $6
Whenever you gain an Investor without buying it; Gain a Gold into your hand.
Gain an Investor.

Cathedral: Based on how broken Lurker+Hunting Grounds is I'd be careful with Cathedral, I don't think it's too strong but it seems pretty one dimensional. Like you rush Duchies with it and that's about it, I think a Crossroads/Shepherd like thing would be more interesting to someone who likes to green early? Something to incentivise early green rather than just Duchy gaining.

This is a really good idea. I think I'll head in this direction. It feels like gaining Duchys is just too situationally beneficial or not.

Possibly this idea:

Cathedral Cost:6
Draw 3 cards
Put this card on your tavern mat.
During your buy phase you may reveal a hand with three or more victory cards.
If you do return Cathedral to play and +$3

This could be a little weak at 6 but at 5 cost it feels way too strong. Its potentially +3 cards and +$3 in the same turn. Particularly in games with tunnel or nobles.

I'm not so sure Arcane Chest is so bad as people feel though. I'd rate it about as highly as contraband except unlike contraband you might actually want to play multiples of this. It wouldn't be the first 5 card I bought but it might be in there.

I am coming round to the view that the drawback (the benefit to others) on Blessing is too high. I still want to combine some card draw with trashing and that is significantly strong. I'll keep tweaking that one I guess.

I appreciate all the comments. Thanks.

Oops Sorry Squirrel should mean plus one action (so the card becomes non terminal) and yes I meant the discard pile not the graveyard. I haven't played Magic for years but its stuck with me it seems.

So the text of the squirrel card should be

Squirrell Cost:2
+1 card, +1 buy
Gain a Squirrel.
You may reveal a Squirel in your hand. If you do +1 action, and you may put a card from your discard pile on top of your library.

Variants and Fan Cards / Your advice. Some signature cards for my friends.
« on: February 25, 2018, 08:23:08 pm »
I  want to make these cards to be custom ones to match different players playstyles in our usual group. We have one guy for whom trashing is crucial and another who buys Green early and so on. I figure I can make up nice looking representations and we can use one per game represented by the blank cards.
We haven't playtested them as I would like them to be a surprise. Would you see them as fun and balanced? Would you tweak the costs at all? Is Cathedral broken? Is the second Cathedral (at the bottom better or worse?)

Cathedral 4
Gain a duchy or three estates then reveal your hand. Your opponents may gain a copy of any treasure in your hand.

Blessing Cost:2 ?
Draw 2 cards. You may trash up to two cards in your hand.
Your opponents may either draw 2 cards or trash up to two cards in their hand.

Arcane chest Cost: 5 ?
+1 Buy
When you play this the player to your left chooses either Action, Victory or Treasure. Cards of that type cost you 2 less to buy this turn.

Shadow Council Cost: 3 ?
Action, Attack
+2 Actions
If you have another shadow council in play other than this each other player gains a curse.

Indulgence: 4
+1 Buy
Gain a Gold to your hand. Each other player may gain a Gold.

Squirrel 2 (use twenty in the supply)
+1 card +1 buy
Gain a squirrel
You may reveal a squirrel in your hand to gain an action and put a card from your graveyard on top of your library.
(Second version)
Cathedral 6
Gain a duchy or three estates then reveal your hand. You may reveal any number of victory cards in your hand to gain +1 (coin) for each card revealed in this way.

Edited to add +1 Buy to Indulgence (which was always meant to be there). I'm not sure if this fixes the card or anything but I meant it to have it. Perhaps adding one coin instead of one buy would make it more worthwhile as it essentially gives everyone a gold for an action.

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