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2011 / Re: Schedule and Results: 2011 Championships
« on: December 02, 2011, 04:56:06 am »
Game 1
Michael Harris 80-Benguin 11:
Game was a perfect minion board with Festival-Minion-Oasis-Feast
I win the minions 7-3 and get all the colonies
Game 2
Benguin 66-Michael Harris 43:
Big-Money game with him going for Bishop-BM-Venture and me for Bridge-BM-Venture. I play sloppy in this game and underbuy a lot more than I should and the VPs from the Bishop keep me from trying for just the colony split.
Game 3
Michael Harris 4-Benguin -1:
This was an ugly game with Ambassador and Torturer+Actions: He opens double Amb and I open Amb-Horse Traders-Amb
I pick up a province and duchy and end it on piles on my last turn.
Game 4
Michael Harris 40-Benguin 21
We both open Margrave-nothing but I get really good shuffle luck and pick up the first familiar on turn 4. Also I pick up Menageries while he picks up shanty towns.
Game 5
Benguin 23-Michael Harris 21:
I go for IGG rush while he builds an alchemist stack. Because its a colony game Vault gives lets him turn the curses into enough money for colonies and I can't keep up
Game 6
Michael Harris 66-Benguin 44:
He grabs a quick lead with 2 mountebanks but my lab lead and superior trashing lets me build up to colonies while he is stuck at province
Good games from Benguin they were all pretty close and could have gone either way (except for the first one :P

2011 / Re: Schedule and Results: 2011 Championships
« on: December 01, 2011, 06:39:20 pm »
I (Michael Harris) beat Benguin 4-2 I'll upload logs and analysis when the games are available
Witch Division 15-50

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: The Seven Deadly Sins - Mini-expansion concept
« on: November 29, 2011, 08:53:33 am »
Lust- A desire for others cards so much that you are willing to hurt yourself for the chance at it:
Proposal- Lust-$(no clue about the price feels very variant): +1 card +1 action: All other players draw a card. For each player name a card costing up to $6: They reveal the top card of the deck, if that card is the card you named you gain the card from their deck otherwise they discard the card.
Analysis- This card avoids being overpowered in the same way that wishing well avoids being overpowered (it is really hard to know the second card from the top). Has the potential to be political (which is bad) but stopping you from stealing provinces (which limits the effect). A possible fix might be to name 1 card and check against all players but that lowers the strategic impact of the card. (I like cards which care about what others are doing).
This card feels a bit too spammable unless it is costed at 6 or 7 (which I think is too late to be interesting)
Possibly it could be switched to a one time card and instead of naming a card you name a card type
Lust-$4 Trash this card: All other players draw a card. For each player name a card type: They reveal the top card of the deck, if that card is of the type you named and costs less than $6 they trash the card and you gain it from the trash otherwise they discard the card.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: The Seven Deadly Sins - Mini-expansion concept
« on: November 29, 2011, 08:26:19 am »
Pride- A card which relies on confidence to control the game state
Proposal: Pride-$4 Action-Duration: Choose a card type (Action,Victory,Treasure).+1 buy +1 treasure, While this card is in play cards of this type cost 1 less and cards of other types cost 1 more.

There is nothing keeping this card out at the end of your turn. If you want it to stay until next turn, it must do something next turn, since Duration cards are discarded at the end of the last turn that they do something.
Also, if a bunch of these are in play, it's going to be extremely difficult to keep track of which cards have gone up or down and by how much, especially IRL. With Bridge and Highway it's much easier because they all do the same thing and they're all right in front of you. But if you need to check the play areas of two or three other people, it's going to get real confusing, real fast, especially since there's no way to record which cards have increased the cost of which types.

That is a problem IRL- To fix the first problem I think you can give it +1 buy on the next turn without it being overpowered.
(Especially because the +buy on the second turn is less useful)
For the second problem you could add circles at the bottom of the card and put a marker on the type being reduced.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: The Seven Deadly Sins - Mini-expansion concept
« on: November 29, 2011, 07:33:18 am »
Sloth- A card which slows down your game tempo, saving energy for the long game.
Proposal: Sloth-$4: +1 card +1 action +1VP discard a card
Analysis: This card has the potential to be extremely messy and possibly overpowered however the card is weak except for the infinite VP-sprawl that it feels ok (without enablers you are limited to +5 VP (similar to Bishop-Gold-Silver-Silver-Province).

Pride- A card which relies on confidence to control the game state
Proposal: Pride-$4 Action-Duration: Choose a card type (Action,Victory,Treasure).+1 buy +1 treasure, While this card is in play cards of this type cost 1 less and cards of other types cost 1 more.
This card is designed to attempt to lock out certain strategies: If your opponent is going for actions then you can use this to pick up cheap golds and lock him out of the good actions.
Also useful for endgame- PPR shenanigans (draw 8 treasure and use this card to push up the cost of provinces).

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: The Seven Deadly Sins - Mini-expansion concept
« on: November 29, 2011, 07:20:18 am »
I agree with popsofctown that this expansion is unsalvagable but the concept of an expansion built on the 7 deadly sins is an intriguing one
For thematic appropriateness I think cards should have the following characteristics

Wrath- A powerful attack which does significant damage but also hurts yourself
Proposal: Wrath- $5 Every player gains 2 curses. Discard your hand
Analysis: This card feels like a reverse-tactician (unsure if its balanced but not obviously game-breaking)

Gluttony- A short term benefit with a long term (next turn) cost
Proposal- Sloth-$4 +2 cards +2 actions draw one less card in your cleanup phase
Analysis- Reverse caravan (first play is marginal damage later plays become more severe, excellent soft counter to militia etc.)

Envy- A card which damages you deck long term in order to hurt other players
Proposal- Envy $(4-5)? Trash a card from your hand all other players either trash a card costing at least as much as the trashed card or reveal a hand with no such cards.
Analysis-Crap as an early game trasher (Bishop w/o the vps or dollars) but late game can be extremely powerful especially if you have cards which have outlived their value (Wrath, Sea hag, etc.) Also combos well but not outstandingly with TR/KC

Greed- Quick Money at the expense of the future
Proposal- Greed-$5 Trash this card: Choose one either gain a gold or gain a card worth $4 and a card worth $3
Analysis- The second option doesn't really fit thematically (I guess you break down a decent card for parts?) However the first option alone is too strong for $4 and too weak for $5

Lust- A desire for others cards so much that you are willing to hurt yourself for the chance at it:
Proposal- Lust-$(no clue about the price feels very variant): +1 card +1 action: All other players draw a card. For each player name a card costing up to $6: They reveal the top card of the deck, if that card is the card you named you gain the card from their deck otherwise they discard the card.
Analysis- This card avoids being overpowered in the same way that wishing well avoids being overpowered (it is really hard to know the second card from the top). Has the potential to be political (which is bad) but stopping you from stealing provinces (which limits the effect). A possible fix might be to name 1 card and check against all players but that lowers the strategic impact of the card. (I like cards which care about what others are doing).


2011 / Re: 2011 Championships Registration
« on: November 21, 2011, 07:24:59 am »
Michael Harris
Jerusalem (GMT +2)

"But the effect of pushing one card closer is much smaller than the effect of skipping it. If, for instance, you're playing a no-trash sea hag game, and the only way you can really afford a province is on a tactician turn, playing sea hag while their tactician is not in the discard is probably a good idea. Even if hitting another card is N times more likely, skipping the tactician is probably more than N times as impactful. One mistake people make when analyzing stuff like this is assume everything is linear, but it's not."

If you don't track cards then playing a sea hag has the effect of making their N card deck play as if it was N-1 cards this means that they will marginally draw their good cards faster on average. My general heuristic is to play it after they have had a bad turn and not after a good turn (unless they shuffled at the end) as a primitive way of guessing the relative quality of the rest of the deck.

Puzzles and Challenges / Re: Longest Game with no reshuffle
« on: November 02, 2011, 09:51:29 am »

The best I can come up with for what to do after the first round is to pick up KC's (KC mandarin loses 2 cards per hand,Inn mandarin uses 5, plain Mandarin uses 4). However I don't believe it is possible to get a KC on the first inn.
My best so far for the second round is
4 Mandarin+Inn=Market (Draw Discard  Estate Mandarin) Return 2 Mandarin
5 Mandarin=3 Action (Arbitrary) Return Mandarin
Mandarin+2 Copper+2Estate=Inn Return Estate
We now have 2 Inns 9 Mandarins and a market in our deck and a mandarin+7copper+2 estate in our discard.

Puzzles and Challenges / Re: Longest Game with no reshuffle
« on: November 02, 2011, 09:12:52 am »
I hadn't considered the ambassador, with it you can easily get to an infinite length with the inn, an interesting thing about this puzzle is that with inn/mandarin/ambassador combo in play getting an infinite loop is almost trivial (if you start 5-2)

Puzzles and Challenges / Longest Game with no reshuffle
« on: November 02, 2011, 05:57:37 am »
Before Hinterlands the longest you could go before a reshuffle was 2 turns and the shortest was also 2 turns. However with Hinterlands the shortest you can go is zero turns (Player 4, players 1-3 open with a noble brigand).
The question is: In a solitaire game how many turns can you go before ending the game without triggering a single reshuffle of the discard pile.
(Assume that the order of cards can be chosen).

(I don't have an exact answer to this puzzle).

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Dominion Fan Card Contest
« on: October 26, 2011, 08:55:36 pm »
Bacchus - $6
Action - Duration

If you would draw a Card while Bacchus is in play, instead gain +1 <VP>.
I'm pretty sure this is worth infinite points when you play a library.
I would prefer the card if it somehow had a you may clause and gained coins instead of vp (the cost would probably have to change)
You still have to deal with the infinite library.

GokoDom / Re: IsoDom 2 Invitational Sign-Up
« on: October 23, 2011, 01:42:41 am »
Hey been lurking for a while but I would like to join in if there is space.

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