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Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Toll Station: Interactive Duration
« on: October 23, 2016, 01:51:17 pm »
I realized that I did not consider that the first version does not provide extra buys each turn so I changed it.
It might require some other wording though, the idea is that you don't get the extra buy on your current turn if you have played 5 Action cards.
The card sound superstrong ... but that's just for buildup, in the endgame it is just a Necro.

About an Event variant, I don't like that. You'd need tokens that could stack and these very tokens would need too much words on them so card it is.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Toll Station: Interactive Duration
« on: October 20, 2016, 03:59:14 am »
Type: Action-Duration

+2 Actions
Until any player has played 5 or more Action cards on their turn, +1 Buy and Actions cards cost less on your turns.

OK, a non-drawing Village that is only good during the early part of the game for engine building. On itself it does provide 1 or 2 quasi coins and if you have two in play it does provide up to 4 quasi coins. So conditionally temporarily better than Festival but fairly useless for greening. Probably a no-no in Kingdoms without virtual coins.
Not sure about the stop parameter set at 5, this requires testing.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Kru5h's card ideas
« on: October 20, 2016, 03:51:52 am »
I like "+2 cards, +1 action now, or +2 cards each turn for your next two turns."
It is novel and there are some subtle differences between Archive's immediately setting apart and this version of Inventor.

You could also combine your option duration with market squire's semi-permanent durations. In this instance it could be something like "until another player does XYZ, +2 Cards at the start of your next turn."

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Kru5h's card ideas
« on: October 20, 2016, 03:38:36 am »
You are of course totally right that 6$ Actions are powerhouses and not problematic if they are slightly overpowered. Goons and Hireling are definitely extremly strong for 6$ but probably a tad too weak for 7$.

I'd say it depends on the Kingdom whether you choose Inventor over Hireling. If you hit 6 early and the game will not be a rush Hireling is probably the better choice.
I'd try twitching the duration part to nerf Inventor slightly , e.g. "+3 Cards, +1 Buy" or something like that.

Bronze is not super exciting but seems balanced. You probably will not mass trash your Coppers as the opportunity cost (1 coin less during the current turn) is too high and the marginal benefit of extras Bronzes is decreasing (unless it is a Peddler game or something like that) ... but hey, it is still a cheap source of non-terminal extra buys.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Kru5h's card ideas
« on: October 20, 2016, 03:26:37 am »

Inventor - Action Duration, $6

Choose one: +2 Cards, +1 Action now, or
+3 Cards at the beginning of your next turn.
I think I like this a bit more, but I'm unsure.

Also, Rabbits is awesome.

Definitely. +4 cards at the start of your next turn is like playing 4 labs at the start of your next turn! Choosing the lab now would almost always be terrible in comparison. Event only +3 cards might be too strong; it's like playing 3 labs next turn. 1 lab now, or 2 labs next turn, might be closer in power. (Which would be +2 cards next turn).
In general you want whatever you get now and not next turn but terminal draw is the only exception to that, i.e. Haunted Woods sans the attack part would be roughly equal in strength to Smithy.

Your analysis ignores what happens at the current turn. Inventor provides a choice is between a Lab now and 4 Cards at the start of your next turn at the cost of the currently played card being dead.
Now I still think that such a card is too good for 6 as it provides a choice between one of the best 5s, a Lab, and something which is similar in strength to Hunting Grounds, a 6.

Your "+2 Cards at the start of your next turn is a DOUBLE LAB !!! next turn and thus super great" would probably be too weak for 2 or in general too weak at any cost. Sure, it might be bought on some boards with decent village support and no drawing at all but the card is still roughly equal in strength to "+2 Cards".
It's like saying that "+2$ next turn" is a DOUBLE PEDDLER !!! next turn while ignoring that it is dead now and probably too weak to be bought at all (it is worse than Duchess which is rarely taken, even for free).

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Kru5h's card ideas
« on: October 19, 2016, 02:27:43 pm »
The "attack" is mostly a Super-Embargo that makes me gain a Ruins AND spend a buy. Ass it also never ends but even makes itself continue, it seems like it could really drag out a game.
That's definitely a risk. But you only have an incentive to go for Rabbits if players pursue different strategies. In this case you don't view Rabbits as a liability, as quasi-junk, but you are actually happy that you get the Rabbits back from the liberated pile because you wanna use it to ruin your opponent's most valuable pile.
What I would mainly worry about is whether Rabbits totally ruins a pile in alt-VP games (without comfortable extra buys in the Kingdom). One player loads Rabbits upon Provinces while the other loads Rabbits upon Gardens/Vineyard/whatever. Or BM vs engines, one player ruins Gold while the other Rabbit-ifies a crucial engine card like the only Village.

But these are just theoretical considerations; even if the card turns out to be broken it will definitely lead to some interesting games.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Kru5h's card ideas
« on: October 19, 2016, 03:17:32 am »
Option durations are an interesting idea but the most innovative thing here is of course Rabbits. I would just slightly buff it via giving it +1 Coin.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: A game where Relic was actually good.
« on: October 13, 2016, 03:13:34 am »
Relic is good in virtually all Kingdoms. Most 5$ Treasures on the other hand vary in strength much more, depending on the particular Kingdom. Of course we all love our Counterfeit for trashing or our Horn of Plenty for gaining and so on ... but as shark_bait has pointed out, Relic is an Anti-Lab. A Treasure attack which nullifies one of the best 5s is obviously good. Lab's versatility is also the very reason Relic is nearly universal useful.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Meta?
« on: October 12, 2016, 08:20:16 pm »
So here's an example of what I was talking about:

Opponent buys a Province on T6.  And wins.
So your opponent palys different then you, buys a Province on turn 6 and wins. Still missing the metagame part.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: A game where Relic was actually good.
« on: October 12, 2016, 08:46:46 am »
Robust means decent average power level and low risk, i.e. the card is good in virtually all Kingdoms.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: A game where Relic was actually good.
« on: October 12, 2016, 08:03:13 am »
The notion that Relic is a) generally bad and b) only good in particular Kingdoms is preposterous. It is one of the most robust 5s.

Also, comparing a handsize attacks with the -1 Card token is like saying that the attack of Ghost Ship is the same as Militia. . Militia allows you to discard junk whereas Relic makes you draw one less card the next time you draw a card.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Meta?
« on: October 12, 2016, 07:35:02 am »
Is there a meta in online Dominion?
Nope. Meta is usually referrs to some out of game thing going on, i.e. deck-building in CCGs/LCGs.
Players choosing different strategies and greening at different moments DURING the game, well, that's just the game and hardly a metagame.

But think of it this way. Would players be choosing Jack BM strategies or Rebuild strategies or Hermit / MS strategies, and all the detailed choices that come with them, without the outside influence of online discussion boards or learning from the examples of other players on the ladder? Certainly not. And it's unlikely that this play is perfectly, universally optimal, so the way these strategies manifest are themselves products of the Dominion metagame.
Sure, if you consider everything that happens outside of a game as metagame that's true. But then every game has a metagame and the concept becomes meaningless.
I view metagame as a strategic notion, i.e. considering e.g. what cards my opponents might put into their decks while preparing my own deck in an LCG. Chess is also an obvious example although here folks simply say opening preparation instead of metagame.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Meta?
« on: October 12, 2016, 06:23:01 am »
Is there a meta in online Dominion?
Nope. Meta is usually referrs to some out of game thing going on, i.e. deck-building in CCGs/LCGs.
Players choosing different strategies and greening at different moments DURING the game, well, that's just the game and hardly a metagame.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Why i love Dominion with all its Duds
« on: October 05, 2016, 02:36:00 am »
Yes i know about 10 curses 8 vp cards....
But we change even that. You play different for 8 then for 12 provinces in 2p....
Of course you can play with whatever houserule you like. But I am pretty sure that adding half of the amount of green to the already existing one in 2P games will change the game for the worse. Games will be longer, engines will become even stronger relative to BM, rushes will become more difficult.
With 12 Provinces you will never have tense games in which one player is still building up while the other is already greening; here both will have to built up longer.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Why i love Dominion with all its Duds
« on: October 03, 2016, 01:49:35 pm »
Noble Brigand suffers from only stealing Silver and Gold. Of course it is often better than Thief but as it cannot steal Platinum and Kingdom Treasure cards it feels like a bad Thief fix to me.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Alchemy 2nd Edition
« on: October 03, 2016, 01:47:25 pm »
Scrying Pool would also be game-dominating without the attack part. So cast the overpowered card out together with the underpowered cards, Transmute.
One can debate about Philosopher Stone, a decent card that is rarely good and Herbalist which is boring but IMO OK as it supports playing with Treasure cards.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Fan Card Mock-Ups 2.0
« on: October 03, 2016, 01:43:43 pm »
59mm x 92mm is not a format every printing company supports but there is one, I am happy with the quality and a single card cost less than 0.20€. Of course you run into the issue of having to scan the backs and the printing result of the backs not perfectly matching the look of the backs of official cards such that you can actually tell whether a fan card is on top of your deck if you really look ... but if that isn't an issue to you fully printed fan cards are only moderately more expensive than official cards.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Dominion: Civilization (Beta)
« on: October 03, 2016, 01:31:51 pm »
One less dead card in your deck is a non-trivial thing. This is why in the middlegame those 5 VPs can easily beat buying a Province. Sure 6$ and 5D could be "more" than 8C but you might not wanna green yet and want a little bit of extra economy going via that Peddler. Also, in the absence of extra buys if you hit 10$ or 11$ Gallery is a no-brainer over Province in the middlegame.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Why i love Dominion with all its Duds
« on: October 03, 2016, 01:29:14 pm »
Spy is just never worth it. Any cantrip serves as a pseudo-village if you throne it.
Thief and Adventurer on the other hand are fine. They are rarely good but this is not a problem IMO (I have a much larger problem with overpowered and game - dominating / -breaking cards like Scrying Pool, Goons, Rebuild, 2P Fool's Gold and so on). Interestingly they are more likely to be good in Colony than in Province games.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: New Promo Card
« on: October 03, 2016, 11:42:15 am »
I almost wonder if split piles like this would be cooler with 12 cards instead of 10. Someone having 3 and another having 2 doesn't seem all that useful. It's like the Fool's Gold effect: if everyone goes for it, it sucks. But if no one goes for it, it could be a really nice form of draw.
Totally agree. There are good arguments to make that you should set up some split piles like Victory card piles, i.e. 8 in a 2P game and 12 otherwise. For example 2P Catapult games will rarely reach Rocks or only reach them if it doesn't matter much anymore. This is why I don't use a dogmatically fixed number of 10 (or an even split) for my own split pile fan cards.

About this card, it is probably so good in many Kingdoms that it would be best with the 8/12 treatment.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: a different and low-octane masquerade
« on: October 03, 2016, 11:13:27 am »
Masquerade is fun precisely because its very presence forces you to be careful about not trashing too much. This defanged version would take all the fun out of the card.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Dominion: Civilization (Beta)
« on: October 03, 2016, 11:11:02 am »
Sure, a hypothetical pure Peddler would always have been a good 4$, just like Lab has always been an extremly good 5$.

About the Duchy thingy, given that the one gains VP tokens and the other is a grenn card I don't see how Gallery could be easily compared to Duchy. Getting a Peddler and 5 VPs for 6$ and 5D sounds like a pretty sweet deal to me and in most Kingdoms you probably could not ignore Gallery. Then again 6$ Actions can rarely be ignored in any Kingdom and 7$ is too much for Gallery.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Dominion: Civilization (Beta)
« on: October 03, 2016, 03:02:56 am »
Whilen -> When

Furthermore Gallery compares far too favourably to Distant Lands. You basically gotta pay 7 (Peddler is balanced at 4 so the net costs of the VPs is 2 Coins and 5 Debt) for 5VPs so the VP/cost ratio is slightly worse than that of Distant Lands ... but you run no risk as you get the VPs immediately and you have no card in your deck that you gotta draw and play (spend an Action) or keep (if you wanna compare this to Province's 6VP for 8 Coins).

The only potential serious disadvantage is that you might not want all those Peddlers in your deck.

tavern -> Tavern

Settlement is fairly weak as an Action-Victory Card. 1,5VP and an effect which is, mainly due to its terminality, probably on average not better than Harem's Silver.
So as a mere hybrid card it is more often than not weaker than Harem. But of course there is the second option and the VP thing is more of a hedge against not using the one-shot than something you want strive for in itself.

The one-shot liquidation option is like playing a Market and 4 Peddlers and similar to a one-shot economy booster like Pillage. With TR (variants) on the board it becomes quite strong.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Woodchancellor
« on: September 28, 2016, 06:14:22 am »
Woodcutter and Chancellor have already been combined into Messenger in Adventures. That'S most likely why they have been cut out of the second edition of Dominion.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: MJ's Cards
« on: September 27, 2016, 04:04:54 am »
Ice Fairy
cost $9 - Action - Duration
Now and at the start of your next turn:
+1 Buy
You may put your deck into your discard pile.
From Toho project.

cost $5 - Action - Attack
Each player (including you) reveals cards from the top of his deck until revealing an Action. Either he trashes that card or you gain a copy of that card, his choice.
Ice Fairy seems a tad weak compared to Platinum but the extra Buys might make it worthwile.
Marisa is too strong. Most of the time you will gain a number of Action cards equal to the number of players. Exception are Ruins and the other player trashing an unimportant Action card.

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