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Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #176 - Game Changer
« on: January 25, 2023, 08:01:38 pm »

Spirit market: a black market for trashed cards. Maybe should cost 4 or 5 idk. Also has silly interactions w zombie, rogue, etc.

I would suggest using the wording "cards in the trash cost less." As worded, cards you buy from the trash technically stay cost reduced, since they were trashed at some point, which leads to tracking issues. Another problem with the current wording is that it makes it sound like only cards trashed specifically by Spirit Market's effect get cost reduced, which also has tracking issues.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #176 - Game Changer
« on: January 25, 2023, 06:13:40 pm »
Let's try this:

Edit: Lmao Village Green.

If I have a non-Duration Action card set aside by Summon or Prepare, would I play it and then discard it, since it was played during the "start of turn" phase and is a card with no remaining effects?

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #176 - Game Changer
« on: January 25, 2023, 06:12:03 pm »
Archangel Hades
Action- Doom- Fate
Choose one: Recieve the next hex, each other play recieves the next boon at the start of their next turn.
Choose one: Gain a gold onto your deck and +2$, gain 2 silvers to your hand, gain 5 coppers to your hand and +1 buy.

In games using this, no player can buy gold.

Pretty extreme, but if you think about it you will see there is no real pressure, even on the copper pile. Ignorable with strong action payload, but well thats not always there. Probably pretty nice with BM, but thats ok.

1. Official cards separate choices with semicolons ( ; ), not commas. That's because using semicolons makes it easier to parse where one choice ends and another begins.
2. The Boon choice has tracking issues, since the card doesn't stay in play (since it's not a Duration card) and it doesn't make the next Boon stay out to remind people to receive it nor what it is. Also, as worded, it sounds like each other player would be receiving the same Boon, which has even more tracking issues since it would get discarded upon the first player to the left of the AH player receiving it.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #176 - Game Changer
« on: January 25, 2023, 12:39:39 am »
Currently, I believe Duchess (which is 1e only), Charlatan, and Shaman are the only official cards that would qualify.

There's also Changeling.

Trash this. Gain a copy of a card you have in play.
In games using this, when you gain a card costing $3 or more, you may exchange it for a Changeling.

Knew I was probably forgetting something. I realized partway through typing up the OP that I had forgotten about Shaman (my excuse is that it's on my banlist, so I never see it come up).

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #176 - Game Changer
« on: January 24, 2023, 11:22:23 pm »

Spotless Village only keeps its reputation through diligent work and no waste. It makes sure nothing (except Victory) gets left behind in your hand. They don't take "no" for an answer, so beware of colliding terminals.
If you only have pretty cards (+), they reward you with +2 Cards for preserving their image.

The bottom needs to say to reveal your hand in order to work, since it doesn't have any accountability otherwise. It should also probably specify "at the start of Clean-up," since just "at Clean-up" isn't very specific.

Weekly Design Contest / Weekly Design Contest #176 - Game Changer
« on: January 24, 2023, 06:54:47 pm »
My prompt this time around is simple on the surface, but designing an interesting card that fits it may not be; my prompt is to...

Design a card with an "in games using this" effect.

Currently, I believe Duchess (which is 1e only), Charlatan, and Shaman are the only official cards that would qualify. It is fine for a landscape to have an "in games using this" effect, but that shouldn't be all it does (so no cheesing your way into qualifying by wording Landmarks or Edicts using the required phrase!)

I will be judging based on creativity, balance, if it looks fun to play with, how big an impact the "in games using this" effect has, and how well the top and bottom tie together, in no particular order.

Without any further ado, create away and have fun!

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #175 - Super Expensive
« on: January 24, 2023, 06:33:45 pm »
Wow, thanks for the win! Ceremony is actually a redone version of an Event I tried more than half a year ago (dang, it's really been that long already? It feels like it just happened) and had given up on, but this contest gave me the inspiration to come up with a fix for it. Here's hoping it's at least as much of a winner in practice!

Anyway, the next contest will be posted shortly.

EDIT: Next contest is up.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #175 - Super Expensive
« on: January 21, 2023, 03:35:17 am »

Sorceress is already the name of an existing card:

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #175 - Super Expensive
« on: January 21, 2023, 03:31:19 am »

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #175 - Super Expensive
« on: January 19, 2023, 05:53:20 pm »

Set aside a non-Victory Action card from the supply next to this and place your project cube on it.
When scoring +2VP per card you have from that pile.

- Not happy with the wording regarding the scoring but I am trying to imply that if this is put on a split pile all cards in that pile score 2 points each.
- The non victory clause is to prevent a player claiming the Castles pile by setting aside one that is also an action.
- I am a bit unsure of the pricing for this. For the number of points it can potentially score without adding cards that clog your deck it needs to be expensive. I feel it has to be more then Colony but other than that I am not sure.

I don't think this is really worth the price. You need a LOT of cards from a given pile to justify spending $12 on it imo.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #175 - Super Expensive
« on: January 19, 2023, 11:08:31 am »

So i made a few cards for a set. Here is one.

$14 Victory
14 Victory

There's already an official Event that basically accomplishes this:

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #174 - Super Expensive
« on: January 18, 2023, 06:41:27 pm »
This should be 175, not 174. 174 was the last one.


You might try:
Set aside any number of cards from your hand, then draw that many. The next time you shuffle, discard the set-aside cards.

I would even suggest either "after the next time you shuffle" or "discard the set-aside cards afterwards." To make it clear that it happens after shuffling (which I assume is the case).


Supply Lines
+1 Action
The next time you play an Attack gain a Loot.
Regardless of the whole Silver+ discussion, this card is much too strong. It's stronger than Courtier. (if you connect Courtier with an Attack, you can get +$3, gain a Gold. This doesn't need to connect, and gains a card better than Gold.

It also stays out until you play an Attack and is thus an overpriced, one-shot Silver without Attacks, whereas Courtier is not.

I do, however, agree that it's too strong for just $4.

Donald X: Don't make silver+ power level cards costing 4$ or less, they're too good.
Community: k
Donald X: here's Patron lol
Community: oh yeah >:( look at what we got

And now we have Gondola, which really is truly a strict Silver+ for . And Drachma, the card people were arguing about, isn't even actually truly a Silver+. You have to gain a Victory card to get it back to be able to play it again, and it can also Exile Victory cards you'd want to keep in your deck, like Nobles.

The wiki was missing Gondola
No, it wasn't. I am afraid you missed it.

You took the quote out of context.  ::)
The wiki's Treasure page is still missing a picture of Gondola (they are in alphabetical order) and almost every Treasure from Plunder, but Gondola can be found on the Plunder's page (where the cards are in cost order, then alphabetical order).

In the List of Treasure Cards, all Treasure is listed.
Ain’t it always fun to see Freudian kettle logic in action. Gondola has never existed, it has never been on the wiki, it is but there is no picture of it.
trolls gotta troll  ::)
If I first claim that the Earth is flat, second that it is certainly not a sphere and third that opinions on its size differ people will respond to my bullshitting.

Next time simply admit that you were wrong instead of accusing other posters of taking stuff out of context or trolling.

Also, what's with that colour thing?

BryGuy: OH, this is why I was wrong!

segura: yOu'Re MaKiNg CoNtRaDiCtOrY cLaImS iNsTeAd Of AdMiTiNg YoU wErE wRoNg!!1!!!

What BryGuy ACTUALLY did was, he first mistakenly didn't realize Gondola was present because he doesn't own Plunder, and then in the next post, he mistakenly thought that the Treasure page was missing Gondola completely and explained that, then he lastly explained that he merely thought that the page was missing Gondola because it is, in fact, missing the picture of Gondola.

People are allowed to correct themselves. If you're going to act like a troll, yes, people are going to accuse you of being a troll.


This is practically a Silver+ for the same cost...

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Hall of Fame
« on: January 12, 2023, 01:53:37 am »
Weekly Design Contest #156: When Gain
Hey everybody! We're on the eve of Hinterlands 2E reveals this week, but to prevent the weirdness of doing a 2E-themed contest the same week as the official reveals (like with Prosperity), I'm going to keep this week's contest a bit more general while still paying homage to one of Hinterlands' major themes.

Design a card or landscape that features a when-gain effect.

Acceptable submissions include:
  • Cards that have a when-gain effect when players gain them (usually using a below-line clause) such as Mint, Border Village, Inn, Ill-Gotten Gains, Embassy, Lost City, Emporium, Villa, Cemetery, Blessed Village, Skulk, Ducat, Experiment, Silk Merchant, Lackeys, Spices, Camel Train, Cavalry, or any of the Night cards that gain themselves to your hand.
  • Cards with effects that can trigger when another card is gained, such as Sailor, Pirate, Watchtower, Collection, Tiara, Duchess, Trader, Duplicate, Groundskeeper, Tracker, Changeling, Black Cat, Sheepdog, Falconer, Livery, Guildmaster, or Skirmisher.
  • Landscapes that grant an effect when a card is gained, such as Travelling Fair, Battlefield, Guildhall, Innovation, or Architect's Guild.

Other rules and suggestions:
  • Your entry must feature a when-gain effect that can trigger the moment a card is gained.
  • Cards and landscapes that check gains later in a turn but don't grant immediate "when gain" effects (like Triumph, Conquest, Monastery, or the errata'd version of Merchant Guild) will not be accepted.
  • Cards whose gain effects are tied to if clauses and handled separately from the gaining event (like Ironworks or Dominate) will not be accepted.
  • As of today it looks like, Overpay cards are now technically "when gain" thanks to the new errata, so they are acceptable.
  • Take into account the recent shift we've seen away from when-buy triggers, and try to stick to when gain language, adding clauses like "When you gain this, if you bought it" or "When you gain this during your Buy phase" when necessary.
  • I will accept split piles or non-Supply cards as part of your submission, just try to keep things to no more than two cards if you can.
  • Don't make me squint. Eliminate unnecessary words and complexity where possible.

Judgement Details:
  • Entries and revisions must be submitted by 5:00 PM CDT (10:00 PM UTC) on Sunday, July 3. I'll have results posted on Tuesday, July 5.
  • Entries will be judged on ingenuity, balance, simplicity, and creative/appropriate use of the when-gain mechanic.

Have fun! As I was pulling examples of official cards with when-gain effects, I was shocked at how many there are (and I eventually stopped including them all). Thus, there are a wide variety of directions people can go this week, it seems Hinterlands really started a trend here!

I'm excited to see your designs!

Winner: Silverbug by Augie279

Runner Up: County by Mandioca15
County (Victory, $6)


When you gain this on your turn, trash your hand.

Honorable Mentions: Healer by Gubump, Pawn Shop by Builder_Roberts' brother, Barrows by MochaMoka, Hound by X-tra, and Flea Market by NoMoreFun

Flea Market
Action - $2
+2 Actions
You may exchange this for a Silver
When you gain this, you may play it.

Weekly Design Contest #157: Token of Appreciation
Contest: Design a card or landscape that adds Tokens to a card.

So uh, Garrison. Needs to use a bit of a contrived way to track gains this turn for Cards next turn, but there's probably more that can be done with the concept. I've come up with a couple ideas in my own fan expansion, (note to self: remake this when I know a bit more about making expansions and also when it's not 2am) and now I think it's time to have everyone else throw their hats into the ring.

Acceptable submissions include:

-Cards that only use the term Tokens (Garrison)
-Cards that add Coffers or Debt tokens to a pile (Tax)
-Gathering cards (Temple, Farmer's Market)
-Cards that add any of the four above to a different pile (Defiled Shrine, Aqueduct)
-A new or unique type of token (Embargo)
-Adventures Tokens or Adventures-adjacent Tokens (e.g. Plan)

I will not be including:

-Cards that add tokens to a mat (Trade Route, Pirate Ship)
-Cards that use tokens but don't interact with piles or cards in play (e.g. Butcher)
-Landmarks that only have tokens on themselves (e.g. Baths)

Judgement ends July 14th, by Midnight PST. I plan to have the results posted two days later. (July 16th)

Entries will be judged on creativity, balance, use of the mechanic, and anything else I deem interesting or arbitrary.

Best of luck to all who enter!

Winner: Hidden Village by Commodore Chuckles
Hidden Village
Action - $5
+1 Card
+2 Actions
If there are any Action Supply piles that your +1 Card Token hasn't been on this turn, move it to one of them.

Runners Up: Architect by 4est and Wartime by spheremonk

Honorable Mentions: Endure by Gubump, Oratory by AJL828, Crooked Smithy by Xen3k, Wine Cellar by Builder_Roberts, and Busker by NoMoreFun

Action/Duration - $2
+1 Action
Add a token to a Busker in play
While any tokens remain on this, at the start of your turns, remove a token for +1 Card and +1 Action.

Weekly Design Contest #158: What Happened To My Estates?!
Your challenge this week is to do for another expansion what Shelters did for Dark Ages: design 3 cards to replace opening Estates, themed on one of the official expansions other than Dark Ages and Base.

The winner will be decided based on how well the cards fit with the expansion, as well as how well they work as opening cards. Please keep in mind that, as these are opening cards, they are cards you should want to trash a lot of the time. You can also make up a new type and color for them to share if you like, but in my opinion the Shelter type is only thematic for Dark Ages. Also, please give the name of the expansion you are using as a base.

Winner: Hibernation Cave/Remote Lake/Wild Pasture by emtzalex

Runner Up: Signpost/Roadside Inn/Empty Cave by faust

Honorable Mentions: Broker/Stall/Gatehouse by xyz123, Flower Stand/Savings/Seaside Shanty by CaptainReklaw, Compass/Tavern/Hut by segura, Martyr/Brigand/Warden by Jonasssss, Alchemical Still/Extract/Forlorn Tower by Firestix
Some Shelter equivalents for Empires.

Treasure - Castrum

When you discard this from play take 4 debt tokens

Reaction - Castrum

Whenever you gain a card you may reveal this from your hand and discard it for +1 Buy

Victory - Castrum

Worth 9VP if you have 1 Broker, 1 Stall and 1 Gatehouse.

Weekly Design Contest #159: Some Nights
So, even before Commodore Chuckles had us designing Shelters for other expansions, with the restarting of the Set Expansion Contest, I'd been thinking about set-specific mechanics (i.e. those that are only in one or two expansions). Many of them (Debt, Reserve) require additional components (like tokens, mats, etc.) that would make it hard to casually include a single example of them in a set. One notable exception to this are Night cards, which, while exclusive to Nocturn, don't require anything but a different color card and an explanation of how they work in the rules.

Thus, I have come up with this week's challenge:

Design a Night card that would "fit" in an expansion besides Nocturn.

The easiest way for a card to fit into another expansion is for it to use a mechanic/component specific to that expansion (see follow-up post for an incomplete list). It may be possible to make a card fit thematically with a set without using such a mechanic, and they certainly aren't required. But the card should feel like it fits in that set.

You may use multiple cards and/or landscapes, including non-Supply cards. There's no limit to the number (but keep in mind that simplicity is a judging criteria). But, at least one of the cards in your submission needs to be an original Night card you designed. Also, please be sure to identify which expansion you are using.

Also, since the card needs to  "fit" in one of the official expansions, it cannot have any set-specific features from a different set (aside from being a Night card). That means no Reserve cards that gain Horses, no Allies that give Villagers, etc. It also means no fan mechanics which would require additional rules etc.

My main judging criteria is whether I would be excited to see the design in a Kingdom. Important factors for me are:
  • balance -- is the card useful, but not overpowering (both in general and in a variety of Kingdoms);
  • playability -- the card is fun to play and works in more than one type of deck;
  • simplicity -- this doesn't always mean fewer words; a card with lots of text that, once you understand it, can be easily and intuitively be played is better than one with four lines of text that is hard to understand; and
  • topicality -- the card (or cards) uses the mechanic in an interesting way--here, this means both that the card works (and makes sense) as a Night card and it fits the set.

The deadline for submissions will be 06:00 UTC / 2:00 a.m. Eastern/Forum time on Thursday, August 4, 2022.
Please let me know if you have any questions.

EDIT: Because whether a card's flavor and/or mechanic "fits" in an expansion is subjective, I'm not going to disqualify anything for not being sufficiently like the set. The only grounds for disqualification is using a different set's mechanics/card.

Winner: Thieves' Guild by scott_pilgrim
Submission (for Guilds):
Name: Thieves' Guild
Types: Action, Treasure, Night
Cost: $6
Text: +3 Cards, +1 Buy; +1 Coffers per card you've gained this turn.

Second Place: Jubilee and Fireworks by LTaco

Third Place: Embark by Dubdubdubdub

Honorable Mentions: Cat Burglar by Xen3k, Wolf by 4est, and Tomb Raider by Captain Reklaw

Weekly Design Contest #160: Two Base Cards
This week's challenge:

Design a card/landscape that contains the names of two base cards in the body of its text.

Base cards include Copper, Silver, Gold, Estate, Duchy, Province, Curse, Potion, Platinum, and Colony. I recommend against using Platinum or Colony, as they won't be present in every game; but if you can find a way to make it work, they are options.

Official card-shaped things that would qualify include Count, Bandit Fort, and Explorer (explorer even names three!).

My judging will mostly be based on simplicity and novelty. I will allow things like split piles, but the more things I have to read the grumpier I will be and therefore you will be less likely to win. I will not be too concerned about balance, as long as I think the card is balanceable with reasonable changes.

Some other clarifications:
  • Naming the same base card twice is not sufficient.
  • If you use multiple cards (e.g. a split pile), at least one individual card must have two or more base cards named on it.
  • Designing a new doom card does not automatically qualify just because hexes have two or more base cards on them. But you could design a new hex (like Locusts) that has two or more base cards on it. Similarly for Fate cards/Boons.

Winner: Forest Village by AJL828

Runners Up: Beachcombers by Dubdubdubdub, Gilders Guild by NoMoreFun, Ledger by nyxfulloftricks, Homestead by segura, Old City by J410, Serenity by arowdok, Offering by Gamer3000, Lycantrope by n_sanity, and Burglar by Gubump

Gilders Guild
When you gain a Silver, you may spend 2 Favors to exchange it for a Gold

The post containing segura's Homestead has been deleted.

Weekly Design Contest #161: You Spin me Right Round

Allies might not be brand new anymore, but there's still one of its major themes we haven't touched on much for WDCs. And that is of course... rotating split piles. This week's contest is for you to design a rotating split pile with 4 copies of 4 differently named cards (also steadily increasing in cost from top to bottom). That's it. The cards can be any type (including types not present in Allies). Keep in mind that the cards in the pile should complement/interact with each other in some way.

My favourite kinds of cards in Dominion are ones that are relatively strong and have many interactions with other existing cards, so take that as my judging criteria.

I'll close this contest on August 27 at 11 PM EST (might need a bit of extra time for judging on this one, we'll have to see).

Winner: Statues by X-tra

2nd Place: Vendors by Xen3k

3rd Place: Loots by Gamer3000

Weekly Design Contest 162:You Can Trip at $5
Design a cantrip card costing or more.

I have always found creating such cards to be hard. And yet, Dominion wants these cards to exist, somehow. We have Cartographer, Groundskeeper, Swap, etc... The task of this challenge is for you to add a new card to that list!

A cantrip is a card that gives you +1 Card and +1 Action. Base yourself upon the "List of Cantrip Cards" listed on this page.

Some extra rules include:
  • Please, do not make a Village, Laboratory or a Peddler variant. That opens up the design space a little too much for my taste and well, we want to have some kind of challenge here! A Village generates +2 Actions. A Laboratory increases your handsize by making you draw 2 or more cards. A Peddler is a cantrip that also yield + (or more).
  • Normally, a cantrip starts with a vanilla +1 Card and +1 Action. That's the purest and easiest form of a cantrip, you should aim to do just that. However, some cantrips can be creative, as is the case with Sorceress. The +1 Card aspect of it is hidden in the non-vanilla text. You can try to do that, but please be careful.
  • Ideally, your card would cost . But you can make a cantrip costing , or , etc...
Judging will attempt to be completed by 2022-09-08. I'm giving myself a week and a buffer of two extra days to account for the inevitable delays I always put you guys through (sorry)!

Winner: Farrier by binbag420

Finalists: Bookkeeper by Builder_Roberts, Land Claim by NoMoreFun, and Medium by Chappy7

Land Claim
Action - $5
+1 Action
You may reveal a hand with no Duchies in it to gain a Duchy to your hand. Either way, afterwards, +1 Card.

Semifinalists: Bootlegger by Gubump, Cavalcade by Gamer3000, Countess by 4est, Mad Scientist, Pearl Diver/Pearl by MrHiTech, and Sewing Circle by emtzalex

Mad Scientist
$5  - Action
+1 Card
+1 Action
You may trash a card from your hand costing at least $2 for +2 Cards. If you don't, gain a Silver.

Weekly Design Contest #163: Cleaning The Banlist

Design a card to replace your least favourite card (or a disliked card).

It should keep at least some aspect or idea from it the same, like Explorer being replaced by Pirate. It doesnt need to be a widely hated card, just one you personally dont like for whatever reason and think you can improve the concept of.

Keep the mechanics to the set you're replacing the card from. For example you cant replace an intrigue card with one that gives horses. And please tell me the card youre replacing with your submission.

Im mainly judging cards on how much I think I'd enjoy it, and how well it replaces the terrible one. I dont mind complicated submissions but im more excited by simple but effective ideas.

Judging ends about a week from now (midnight 18th September BST).

Winner: Circus by Gamer3000

Second Place: Bal Masque by emtzalex

Runners Up: Rent by X-tra and Reconstruct by JW

Action - $5
Trash a card from your hand. If it is a Curse, Ruins, Shelter, or Victory card, gain a card costing up to $3 more than it. Otherwise, gain a card costing up to $2 more than it.

Weekly Design Contest #164: Read the Fine Print

Your challenge this week is to design a card with text under a dividing line that makes the card weaker than it would be otherwise.

You can use mechanics from any expansion. The drawback must be an effect that would normally be placed below a dividing line. These include effects that occur sometime other than when the card is played (e.g. on trash, gain, or discard), setup instructions, and cost changes. While I will be judging based off my perception of the card as a whole, I will have a slight preference to cards whose penalty feels like a natural complement to its above-line text.

Some existing cards that would be eligible are: Cursed Village, Grand Market, Charlatan, Cache, Lost City, and Capital.

Submissions will close on the 28th. Good luck!

Winner: Crumbling City by NoMoreFun
Crumbling City
Action - $3
+2 Cards
+2 Actions
+1 Buy
When you discard this from play, if you have Actions remaining, return this to its pile.

Runners Up: Eldritch Dealer by Builder_Roberts, Landlord by X-tra, Sombrero by faust, Affair by exfret, and Treasure Island by Udzu

Weekly Design Contest #165: More Favorites, More Fun

For this contest, think about your favorite cards. The ones you picked on Dominion Online. What do you like about them? What makes games with them fun? Why do you like seeing them pop up in a kingdom when you're playing full random?

Your challenge this week is to create another card that replicates what you like about that card, as if to simulate the card being twice as likely to pop up. Maybe it's the mechanic. Maybe it's the niche it fills in kingdoms. Maybe it's just the way the card feels to play. It's not for me to say why you should or shouldn't like a card, so there are no formal rules for entering this competition. But it will help me with judging if you identify the card (shaped thing) you like and why. I also don't think saying a broad category of card ("Villages", "Trashing", "Terminal Draw") is what I had in mind.

This is basically an open round. I will be assessing on whether I think games with the card would be fun to play, but also on how creatively they fit what you find fun about a given card.  If Village is your favourite card and you submit Village but with +3 Actions instead of +2 Actions, I'm happy for you, but try and be a bit creative if you want to win. Again, your explanation of why you like a card you like is very welcome.

If they seem like they're brand new cards, but would also be talked about as "Original card/Your card" in threads here, you're on to a winner.

Winner: Commander by Udzu

Runners Up: Herder by faust and Sepulcher by Gubump

Weekly Design Contest #166: Who still cares about buying?

With recent errata, the "when you buy" trigger has been mostly removed and replaced by "when you gain" (or sometimes "when you gain a card you bought"). The buys are sad; noone pays attention to them anymore!

Therefore, your challenge today is to design a card or card-shaped object that cares about buys. It could do things upon buying stuff, or care about the number of buys, or maybe about the number of things bought by some player.

Note that you should keep to the spirit of the errata, and avoid direct "when you buy" triggers unless there is a very good reason to have them. Also note that the official Overpay mechanic is still tied to buying, so any Overpay card would be a valid entry for this contest.

Winner: Symposium by emtzalex

Runners Up: Thriving Market/Silent Market by J410, Picky Patron by Xen3k, and Lumberjack by xyz123

Action - Night - Duration

If it's your Action phase +2 Buys $2. Otherwise add a token here per unused buy you have. At the start of your next turn, remove them for +1 Card each.

Weekly Design Contest #167: Monster Mash
Have you ever noticed that, while cards can have multiple types in any combination (including, since Intrigue, otherwise independent types), every landscape is just one type. But with Halloween coming this week--a time when barriers are breached and things aren't always what they seem--your task will be to break that rule and mash two kinds of landscapes. Specifically, this week's challenge is to:

Design a landscape that uses at least 2 official landscape types.

Originally I was going to limit this contest to two WELPs, but I'd prefer to leave the design space more open. If your combo has implications on the rules, please clarify. For example, if you design an Event - Artifact that can only be bought by the player that has it, you need to make that clear.

In addition to the multi-type landscape, feel free to use any number of supporting landscapes and/or cards (including non-Supply cards), and any official or fan mechanics (if you use a fan mechanic, please explain how it works or post a link). While fan mechanics are acceptable, the main landscape you submit needs to use at least two official mechanics (Acts and Edicts don't count). Also, if one of your submission's types is reliant on a kingdom card (i.e. an Artifact or State), make sure to include the card that gives players access to it (if necessary).

Finally, while not grounds for disqualification, I will be awarding points for landscapes with a flavor that fits the Halloween theme. Anything that involves or references monsters, spirits, magic, the occult, or anything supernatural will have a paw up on the competition.

My main judging criteria is whether I would be excited to see the design in a Kingdom. Important factors for me are:
  • balance -- is the landscape useful, but not overpowering (both in general and in a variety of Kingdoms);
  • playability -- the landscape is fun to play and works/helps with more than one type of deck;
  • simplicity -- this doesn't always mean fewer words; a landscape with lots of text that, once you understand it, can be easily and intuitively be played is better than one with a couple lines of text that is hard to understand; and
  • topicality -- the landscape combines the types in an interesting way.

The deadline for submissions will be 05:00 UTC / 1:00 a.m. Eastern/Forum time on Tuesday, November 1, 2022.
Please let me know if you have any questions.

Winner: Blood Oath by Chappy7

Runner Up: Way of the Beast by nagdon

Honorable Mention: Mummy and Way of the Dead by 4est

Weekly Design Contest #168: Turkey Time[/img]
Often overshadowed by Christmas, Thanksgiving is a favorite holiday of mine.  I recognize that it isn't a global holiday, but for my sake, I'm theming the contest after Thanksgiving.

Design a card or a WELP that involves food or beverages.  Existing or old cards that qualify would be Feast, Horn of Plenty, Baker, Fisherman, Greed, Farmer's Market, Wine Merchant, Forager, Harvest, Vineyard, Herbalist, Fishing Village, etc. 
Others like Swap, Demand, or Blessed Village are not necessarily related to food, but have food in the picture (or in Demand's case, an empty plate) These can still qualify but lose out on some thematic points when I judge. 

There are a lot of cards loosely related to food or drink, but the more related the better.

I'll try to keep tabs on this contest but I will warn you up front, I don't check DSF much over the weekend.  I plan on Closing the contest on Thursday November 17th, then Judging on the 18th or possibly the 19th.

Winner: Cupbearer by 4est

Runners Up: Smorgasbord by kru5h, Grand Banquet by Commodore Chuckles, Marmalade by nagdon, Granary by JW, Turkey by AJL828, Way of the Turkey by Erick648, Granary by Gubump, and Salt Pans by NoMoreFun

Grand Banquet
Event - $6
Gain a copy of each card you have exactly one copy of in play.


At the start of your turn, you may discard a card from your hand. If it cost $4, $5, or $6, +2 Cards.

Salt Pans
Action - $3
+1 Card
You may play an Action from your hand twice, ignoring +Card, +Action and +$ amounts from it this turn.

WDC #169: I Am Not Throwing Away My [One-]Shot

Hello again, everybody! Here's this week's contest:

Design a card that is (or can be) a one-shot.

As a reminder, a one-shot is a card that can remove itself from your deck after playing it, via trashing itself, setting aside, returning to its pile, etc.

Acceptable submissions include:
  • Mandatory one-shots which are always one-use only, such Island, Treasure Map, Pillage, Distant Lands, Changeling, Acting Troupe, or the now removed Feast or Embargo
  • Conditional one-shots which are optional or only trigger at a certain threshold, such as Mining Village, Investment, Horn of Plenty, Fool's Gold, Death Cart, Hermit, Knights, Urchin, Raze, Engineer, Encampment, Farmer's Market, Small Castle, Pixie, Tragic Hero, or Acolyte.
  • Non-supply one-shots, such as Madman, Spoils, Horses, or Wishes

Other rules and suggestions:
  • While many Travellers are technically optional one-shots, for the sake of this contest (and my judging time), let's stick to a max of two total cards per submission.
  • I prefer submissions where in most instances, the one-shot trigger permanently removes the card, vs. only temporarily (excluding edge cases like from-trash-gainers). So try to avoid Reserve cards like Rat Catcher or Wine Merchant which can bring themselves back into your deck, back and forth exchangers like Vampire and Bat, or things like Stockpile which is often only removed temporarily.
  • Your submission itself must have a way to be a one-shot on its own vs. requiring other cards, so things like Procession, Way of the Horse, or Way of the Butterfly will not be accepted.
  • I know there's a bit of nuance here on what constitutes a one-shot, so to make things easier, if I believe your submission meets all the requirements, I'll give it a +1.
  • Your submission should have a clear and compelling reason to have a one-shot trigger, and especially for conditional one-shots, it should make for interesting decisions of when to use it or not.
  • As mentioned above, I will accept non-Supply cards or split piles as part of your submission, just try to keep things to no more than two cards if you can.
  • Don't make me squint. Eliminate unnecessary words and complexity where possible.

Judgement Details:
  • Entries and revisions must be submitted by 5:00 PM CT (11:00 PM UTC) on Saturday, November 26. I'll have results posted on or before Monday, November 28.
  • Entries will be judged on ingenuity, balance, simplicity, and creative/appropriate use of the one-shot mechanic.

Have fun! While it feels like one-shots have gotten increasingly rare in Dominion these days, it was surprising to see how many there still are, and it feels like there's a lot of design space people can go with both mandatory and conditional options.

I'm excited to see your designs!

Winner: Mask Salesman by kru5h
Mask Salesman Action - Command,
Trash this.
Play a non-Command Action card from the Supply costing up to , leaving it there.

Runner Up: Sieve by majiponi
cost $2 - Action
Trash this.
Gain a Copper to your hand.
Gain a Silver onto your deck.
Gain a Gold.

Honorable Mentions: Excavate by Augie279, Hero's Demise by Sumrex, Prospecting Town by JW, Crusader by czzzz, Morgue by NoMoreFun, Trailblazer by Erick648

Hero's Demise 4$
+2 cards
+2 actions
If you have 3 or more unused Actions (Actions, not Action cards), set this aside and trash it at the start of clean-up.
Prospecting Town
+1 Card and +2 Actions.

In games using this, at the start of Clean-up, if you have multiple Prospecting Towns in play, you may exchange any number of them for Golds.

Action - $3
+4 Cards
At the start of your buy phase, you may discard an Action from your hand. If you didn't, return this to its pile.

Weekly Design Contest #170: 2/7 Offsuit

Design an Attack card that costs either or .

Official cards that meet the requirement are Black Cat.

Card/card-shaped-things that do not qualify no matter the cost are as follows: Raid (Not a card), Masquerade/Possession (Not Attacks.)

Just because an Attack card has a high cost doesn't mean it needs a powerful Attack part. Look at Goons as a past example.

Split piles, non-Supply cards, and card-shaped-things are fine, but please limit your submissions to 2 cards/card-shaped-things. I don't want to judge a 4-way split pile or Traveller line.

Variable cost and overpay are allowed, as long as the original cost is either 2 or 7.

Contest will close approximately 168 hours from now (7 days.)

Winner: Broomstick by AJL828

2nd Place: Tree Giant by czzzz

3rd Place: Almoner by Erick648

Honorable Mentions: Malevolent Witch by JW, Assassin by Gubump, Faun by SignError, and Brats by X-tra
Malevolent Witch
- Action Duration Attack
You may discard a Duchy. If you do, each other player gains a Curse.
At start of your next turn, +2 Cards.

Quote from: Gubump
Cost $2 Action - Attack
+1 Action
Each other player puts their -1 Card token on their deck.

Weekly Design Contest #171: Gains Upon Gains

I've noticed a bit of a trend in a lot of my favorite official cards. I love when gainers can go absolutely nuts. There's something about scooping up a whole boatload of cards in a single turn that really appeals to that synergistic-combo thrill inside me. So hey, why not make it into a contest?

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to design a card (shaped thing) that has the potential to gain at least 2 cards at a time without other assistance. That might be a bit of a vague description, so I'll clarify exactly what types of cards I'm thinking of.

- Cards that unconditionally gain you multiple cards (ex. Beggar, it gains you 3 Coppers to your hand)
- Cards that conditionally gain you multiple cards (ex. Trader, it can gain multiple Silvers if it trashes something costing at least $2)
- Cards that give you a choice to gain multiple cards (ex. Weaver, you can take 2 Silvers if you don't want a single $4 card)
- Events that give multiple cards when purchased (ex. Populate, it gains you 1 of every Action card in the Kingdom) or sometimes do (ex. Pilgrimage, can gain you up to 3 cards you have in play every other time it is bought)

You can choose whether you want your submissions to gain specific cards (like Coppers or Silvers) or have a more general criteria (like multiple $4 cost cards)

Here's some examples of things I will not be accepting:
- Horse gainers (ex. Paddock) as these feel more like draw cards than standard "gainers" to me
- On gain/on trash effects, in the cases of Kingdom card submissions I would like to have the gaining happen on play as opposed to being tied to only on gain/trash effects. (However your card can have one of these effects if it is also capable of gaining multiple cards when played)
- +Buys. I would like the card to gain directly on its own rather than just providing you with more Buys to have extra gains in the Buy Phase. (Same as above, your card can provide +Buy if it is also capable of gaining multiple cards when played)

I'll close the contest at 8 PM EST on Dec. 16th, and judging should follow shortly after that.
Good luck and have fun designing!

Winner: Foundry by kru5h

2nd Place: Pandora's Box by faust

3rd Place: Redistrict by 4est

Honorable Mentions: Atelier by czzzz, League by xyz123, Forgers' Workshop by emtzalex


Gain 3 differently named non-Victory cards that you do not have a copy of in play.

I know I said I wouldn't post this until Monday, but the cards were revealed early, so here's your contest:

Weekly Design Contest #172: Trait Me Right

The rules are simple: Design a Trait. Your Trait may have another card/card-shaped-thing associated with it, but please limit yourselves to 1 Trait and a max of 1 other new thing. So, neither 4-way split piles, Traveller lines, nor whole new sets of 15 Loots will be accepted.

The contest will close on Wednesday the 28th, so you get a little extra time for this one if you're gone for the Holidays (like I will be.)

Have fun!

Edit: Grammar

Winner: Kindred by 4est

2nd Place: Possessed by Gubump

3rd Place: Undead by Builder_Roberts

Honorable Mention: Romeo and Juliet by arowdok

Hello friends!

Before I share the prompt, a quick intro:

Whether you're brand new to the forums or have been around since the Isotropic days, all of us likely first stumbled upon this curious little community for the same reason: We wanted to get better at this cool game we'd just discovered called Dominion.

For this week's contest, I want to try something a little different. Let's hone in on that specific drive of wanting to grow our personal skill, experience, and enjoyment in actually playing Dominion, while tying it into a tradition that often comes up this time of year.

WDC #173: New Year's Resolutions

This challenge has two parts:

1) Share your "Dominion New Year's resolution."

2) Design a card or card-shaped-thing that might help you achieve that resolution.

For part one, I won't really be judging the resolutions, so have fun with this! It can be something based on a specific Dominion skill/mechanic you're trying to improve in, or on how you personally play or enjoy Dominion. Some examples of resolutions include (and feel free to steal any of these if you want):
  • To learn how to trash down more quickly.
  • To not trigger so many bad reshuffles.
  • To get better at spotting three pile endings.
  • To play more multiplayer games.
  • To finally play expansions after Dark Ages.
  • To not hate attacks so much anymore.

For part two and the design piece, obviously this week's contest is super open-ended, so there aren't necessarily any rules or restrictions apart from ensuring your card/landscape is somehow tied into your resolution. Take this however you like :)

Split piles, non-Supply cards, and other components are allowed, just try not to go too crazy here (like maybe don't give me a brand new set of 15 Loots to judge or something). As always: Don't make me squint. Eliminate unnecessary words and complexity where possible.

Judgement Details:
  • Resolutions, entries, and revisions must be submitted by 5:00 PM CT (11:00 PM UTC) on Friday, January 6. I'll have results posted on or before Sunday, January 8.
  • Entries will be judged on ingenuity, balance, simplicity, and creative/appropriate connection to their Dominion New Year's resolution

Have fun! I hope everyone can spend a moment reflecting on the specific ways you'd like to enhance your Dominion skill and experience in 2023 and channel that inspiration into some creative submissions. Excited to see your resolutions and designs!

Happy New Year!

Winner: Amateur by D782802859

Runner Up: Gateway by SignError

Honorable Mentions: Gold Mine by NoMoreFun and Cutter by emtzalex

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Hall of Fame
« on: January 11, 2023, 10:31:19 pm »
Weekly Design Contest #148: Expand the Kingdom
Your challenge this week is to design something that introduces at least one additional Kingdom card into the game. Examples would be Black Market, Young Witch and Way Of The Mouse.

Winner: Merchant Road by 4est

Runner Up: Commune by spheremonk

Honorable Mentions: Fief by Faust, Crusader/Divine Right by Firestix, and Spellcaster's Guild by emtzalex

Weekly Design Contest #149: The Resurrection
With Good Friday and Easter right around the corner, I've got Resurrection on my mind. So here's this week's challenge:

Design a card or landscape that can retrieve another card (or itself) out of the Trash.

Acceptable submissions include:
  • Cards that can gain other cards from the Trash, such as Lurker, Graverobber, Rogue, or Treasurer
  • Cards with when-trash clauses that pull themselves back out of the Trash, such as Fortress or Lich.
  • Trashing Attacks that trash and then "steal" from trashed cards, such as Noble Brigand or the now removed Thief.
  • Any other creative idea you can come up with that can "resurrect" trashed cards.

Other rules and suggestions:
  • Your entry must somehow facilitate moving a previously trashed card out of the Trash.
  • It doesn't necessarily have to be gained, or even return to a player. Returning trashed cards to the Supply or somewhere else is acceptable.
  • Cards that can gain copies of themselves when trashed (like Acolyte) or otherwise trash themselves into other cards (like Urchin or Hermit) will not be accepted.
  • Cards that only play other cards from the Trash but do not cause them to leave the Trash, such as Necromancer, will not be accepted.
  • Be sure to consider how cards might get into the Trash as not every Kingdom has a trasher. Notice that Lurker, Graverobber, Rogue, and Treasurer all have the ability to trash other cards. Fortress and Lich do not, though they still have utility apart from their when-trash clauses.
  • I will accept split piles or non-Supply cards as part of your submission, just try to keep things to no more than two cards if possible.
  • Also think about card interactions, particularly trash-for-benefit cards. Obviously these tend to play quite nicely with these sorts of cards, but be wary of making something that's too busted. (Although I guess there's plenty of crazy official stuff down this road already, ahem looking at you, Lurker + Hunting Grounds).
  • Don't make me squint. Eliminate unnecessary words and complexity where possible.

Judgement Details:
  • Entries and revisions must be submitted by 5:00 PM CDT (10:00 PM UTC) on Friday, April 22. I'll have results posted on Sunday, April 24.
  • Entries will be judged on ingenuity, balance, simplicity, and creative/appropriate use of the "resurrection" mechanic.

Have fun! With trashing historically always feeling like a very permanent act in Dominion, things like Fortress, Graverobber, and Lurker broke my brain when they were released, and I love the way they change up the game. There's a variety of directions people can go this week and I'm excited to see your designs!

Winner: Enchanter by JW
- Action
+1 Card and +1 Action
Trash a card from your hand. If it’s an…
Action card, +2 Cards
Treasure or Victory card, gain an Action card from the trash.
Enchanter, gain a Gold.

Runner Up: Phoenix by emtzalex

Honorable Mentions: Pawn Shop by Gubump, Undead Horse by Library Adventurer, Reclaim by xyz123, Debt Collector by NoMoreFun, Copycat by Timinou, and Ship Chaplain by faust

Undead Horse
$3 - Action
Choose one: +1 Action and trash a card from your hand, or +2 Cards.
When you trash this, you may play it (putting it into play).


Trash a card from your hand. +1$ per $ it costs.
Play any number of treasures from your hand. You may buy a differently named card from the trash.
Debt Collector
Action - $5
+2 Cards
This turn, at the start of Clean-up, trash a card you would discard from play this turn.
When you trash this, put it on top of your deck.

Weekly Design Contest #150: Half!
In honor of my son's upcoming half-birthday (which is also the first time he's excited about a half-birthday), here's this week's contest.

Design a card or landscape that contains the word or concept of "half" (or its equivalent). Sample card: Bishop.

Other rules and suggestions (adapted from 4est's previous contests):
"Per $2 it costs", "Divided by 2," "halved", etc. are all acceptable wordings.
I will accept heirlooms, artifacts, split piles, non-Supply cards etc., as part of your submission, but keep things to no more than two cards/landscapes.
Don't make me squint. Eliminate unnecessary words and complexity where possible.

Judgement Details:
Entries and revisions must be submitted by just after 5 pm UTC on Tuesday, May 3. I'll try to have results posted the next day.
Entries will be judged on ingenuity, balance, simplicity, and creative/appropriate use of the concept of "half."

Judging has been completed, here:

Winner: Test Site by spineflu

Runners Up: Pigs by MochaMoko and Graft by 4est

Honorable Mentions: Sexton by xyz123, Stock Exchange by Commodore Chuckles, Pawn Shop by Xen3k, Debt Relief by UltimateGeek, and Parade by AJL828

+1 Card
+1 Action

Trash a card from your hand

When you trash this, +1VP per 2 differently named cards you have in play (rounded down)
Stock Exchange
Treasure - $5
+1 Buy
+$1 for every 2 cards in your hand, rounded down.

Weekly Design Contest #151: Now or Later
Design a Duration that is either "Now and at the start of your next turn" or "Either now or at the start of your next turn"; Ideally, the card should not do other things - for example, Caravan wouldn't qualify as this, since it doesn't give +1 Action next turn; or Royal Galley (although it would if it also gave +1 Card on your next turn). The focus should be on the benefit from the "now and next turn" action, rather than something ancilliary.

So for official cards, Lighthouse Wharf would count for the former, or Barge would count for the latter. A non-exhaustive and lazy list.

As for additional rules, I'm not going to disqualify entries, mechanics, traveller lines, split piles, yadda yadda, but one of the core tenets you should be aiming for is to keep it simple. You will engender a great deal of goodwill from me, who will be judging, by keeping it simple.

Please let me know if you have any questions. Contest will close 5/12, around noon EDT, with judgment to follow.

also i was going to title this contest "( Now and Later ) xor ( Now xor Later )" but logic-wise that reduces to "Now or Later". oh well, i can be clever some other time.
Shout out to LibraryAdventurer for this suggestion in the suggestion thread.

Winner: Postal Cart by emtzalex

Runners Up: Churn by NoMoreFun and Galleon by Gubump
Action/Duration - $3
Now, at the start of your next turn, or both (decide now), +2 Actions, +$2, discard 2 cards

Weekly Design Contest #152: Play it Again
So, since Allies came out we have had contests to design Liaisons and Allies, and if you all submitted a full set of 4-card piles, the next expansion would likely come up before I could fully judge of all them. Thus, I have decided to go with the other mechanic/motif from Allies, recursion.

Unlike the very specific mechanic that is Liaison/Ally, the notion of recursion is much fuzzier. So, here is my definition:

Recursion is a card's ability to move itself after it's been played so that you get that copy of the card back in your hand to replay it more quickly than you otherwise would have.

Official manifestations of recursion include Optional Topdecking* (Merchant Camp, Tent), Conditional Topdecking (Student), Conditionally Optional Topdecking (Alchemist), and Duration-into-Hand (Conjurer), and (although a bit less obviously so), Duration-into-Discard (Highwayman).

I would not consider cards that are gained to hand (e.g. Ghost Town) or gained onto deck (Nomad Camp) to be recursive, as the get-them-sooner is associated with gaining them, rather than playing them. That being said, I am not going to disqualify any card that has the capacity to move itself or to replay itself. But cards that play copies of themself (Cultist) don't count.

The contest is simple: design a card that uses recursion. While the recursion itself will have to be on a card (rather than a landscape--although a Way could work since it will be played through a card), feel free to use supporting cards and/or landscapes, and any other official or fan mechanic (if you use a fan mechanic, please either explain how it works or link to a post that does), keeping in mind that simplicity is important.

My main judging criteria is whether I would be excited to see the design in a Kingdom. Important factors for me are:
  • balance -- is the card useful, but not overpowering (both in general and in a variety of Kingdoms)
  • playability -- the card is fun to play and works in more than one type of deck
  • simplicity -- this doesn't always mean fewer words; a card with lots of text that, once you understand it, can be easily and intuitively be played is better than one with four lines of text that is hard to understand
  • topicality -- the card(s)/landscape(s) use(s) recursion in an interesting way

The deadline for submissions will be 16:00 UTC / 12:00 p.m. Forum (Eastern) time on Monday, May 23, 2022 23:00 UTC / 7:00 p.m. Forum (Eastern) time on Monday, May 23, 2022. Please let me know if you have any questions.

EDIT: Cards that replay themselves will also not be disqualified, but you should read this follow-up post explaining how I wouldn't consider many such cards to really fit the theme of recursion.

* While the term "topdeck" is frequently used on this forum and in Shuffle iT's user interface, it is not a term that's used in the syntax of official cards, so it should not be used in card designs (IMO).

Winner: Rowboat by Joxeft

Runner Up: Courser by xyz123

+4 Cards
When you discard this from play, you may Exile an Estate from your hand to put this on top of your deck.

Honorable Mentions: Wealthy Village by Augie279 and Reconstruct by Gubump

WDC #153: Prosperity Revised

Thanks to 4est for this idea.

For this weeks contest design a card that fits the theme of Prosperity/Prosperity 2E (you may have it replace a current card from Prosperity).

You may not use mechanics from other expansions so no landscapes, reserves, travelers, split piles, Coffers/Villagers, Exile, Debt, Horses, Night cards, etc.. Your card should be one that could fit in Prosperity 2E.

The contest will end in exactly one week from now.

Entries will be judged on balance, simplicity, and how appropriate they are for Prosperity 2E.

Expansion Icon.

Winner: Coronet by infangthief

Runners Up: Ruby by AJL828 and Pendant by 4est

Honorable Mentions: Central Mine by Galaxi and Scroll by Gubump

Weekly Design Contest #154: And another thing...
The contest this week is to design a new Artifact and whatever is needed to bring it into the game.

(I had a quick check and couldn't see an Artifact contest before - if it has already been done let me know.)

Here's the inspiration - Donald X himself thinks he should have come up with more / better ones:
Quote from: Donald X. on Dominion Discord 2021
For Renaissance, the Artifacts did not work out so great. Maybe the best move there is to save them for the next set and see if I improve them. ... I like Flag Bearer and Swashbuckler; so, two cards, not really enough, save Artifacts for when I have more.

  • An Artifact is something that only one player can have at a time, unlike States which generally have a copy for each player. Eg "Lost in the Woods" functions as an Artifact even though it is a State.
  • You will probably need to design some card(s) or landscape(s) in addition to the Artifact, in order to bring the Artifact into the game. And I am ok with an entry that introduces 2 Artifacts (like Border Guard does). However I would prefer entries to consist of no more than 3 things total (including the Artifact(s)).
  • Added 5th June I'll be attempting to judge not just the Artifact but the whole package of the Artifact + whatever cards/landmarks bring it into the game.
Until next week, good luck!

Winner: Witch in Training and Broom by faust

Runner Up: Night Porter and Mystery Box by xyz123
Mystery Box

At the start of your turn receive the next Boon.

Night Porter

Choose two: Gain a Horse; +1 Villager; +1 Coffer (The choices must be different).

You may discard a non-Victory card costing $2 or more to take the Mystery Box.

Weekly Design Contest #155: Warlord's bane
The challenge for this week shall be to design a card that can be played from somewhere other than your hand.

What place it can be played from is up to your choosing - the discard pile, the top of your deck, maybe the Exile mat or the trash? What is important is the card does not explicitly need a different card to play it: So for instance you can play any Action or Treasure from the top of your deck with Gamble, but that doesn't mean that any of these will qualify. Some examples of official cards that would qualify are
  • Village Green - can be played from your discard pile. (note that this only works if other cards discard it, but since those cards don't play Village Green, that is admissible)
  • Herald - a Herald can play other Heralds from the top of your deck
  • Necromancer - technically a Necromancer can play another Necromancer from the trash, though this is rarely useful
If you want, you can also design a split pile where one of the cards can play the other, Saunavanto-style, but from somewhere other than your hand.

Note: Despite the title of this contest, the card you design need not be an Action.

Winner: Town Gossip by 4est

Runner Up: Beacon by NoMoreFun
Action/Reaction - $4
Gain a card costing up to $4
In games using this, at the start of your Buy phase, you may  play a Beacon from your discard pile

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Fan Mechanics Week 54: At the Border
« on: January 10, 2023, 06:39:38 pm »
I assume gained cards to go the Border no matter where they would've been gained to, so e.g. Sculptor still gains to your Border?


My New Year's Resolution is to finish the all-landscapes expansion I'm working on. Designing this Trait automatically pushes towards that goal because it's another landscape in the expansion, but also it needs to help me playtest my other landscape cards:

Eventful - Trait

After playing an Eventful card on your turn, you may play a Treasure and you may buy the set-aside event (spending the associated $ but not the buy).

Setup: Set aside an unused Event

Needs to specify that the Treasure is played from hand, and the parenthetical is unnecessary. Cards like BM that say "you may buy a..." automatically don't spend any of your Buys.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Some Traits
« on: December 29, 2022, 01:28:32 pm »
Pirates' Den is really boring with Importer as the only Liaison, but aside from that, I like it.

I think Ducal is too strong.

I love Educated. It's very interesting imo.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #172: Trait Me Right
« on: December 28, 2022, 07:01:37 pm »
As soon as I saw Kindred, I was like "okay, contest over, not topping that one."

Congratulations, 4est!

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #172: Trait Me Right
« on: December 22, 2022, 03:41:16 pm »
When setting up the game, only put 4 Scarce cards in their pile.

How does this work with split piles? Would you randomly select 4 to have in the pile?

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