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Messages - PitrPicko

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Goko Dominion Online / Re: Automatch development thread
« on: July 02, 2013, 03:17:12 pm »
Oh I'm so excited about automatch option! Really! If this will work it will be best feature of Goko... :D

Just a minor feature.

While selecting kingdom feature, it would be nice to have option to specify number of sets and/or sets directly. I hate playing base, but difference between all sets and 3 sets is small. So that for minimum sets.
But many could be fine with 3+ sets or for example prosperity (as their favorite). So that for specific set.

GokoDom / Re: GOKODOM I: Round 4 Results and Discussion
« on: May 09, 2013, 11:20:57 am »
Yeah. Thank you too. This wasn't really interesting at all. Maybe first two games. In first one I didn't get Bishop and it was probably a mistake. I should also built my "engine" better.

In second one I went bishop fortress and was really scared when you got your fifth duchy, but in each of last turns I was able to do 9VP, so that was pretty secure. First time bishop fortress for me and it is really nice :)

Third one was doubleJack vs Cultist and doubleJack showed his power.

And in last one I've got lucky with 5/2 opening gaining vault on vault/countryard/tunnel/BM board. Well when my vault and countryard colided... on turn 5... I wasn't happy at all, but as you were having trouble to colide vault with tunnel I had some economy lead. Nothing you could do there...

Anyway thanks again for games and good luck in round 5 :)

PitrPicko defeats D Bo 3-1

Thanks for the games and good luck next round! Overall, kind of a dull series I thought. PitrPicko definitely outplayed me on the second game - I should've not bought the province and gone into Duke/Duchy earlier in that one if I wasn't going the Bishop route. The last two games were pretty boring, but you gotta win those too! Which I did not...

GokoDom / Re: GOKODOM I: Round 2 Results and Discussion
« on: April 23, 2013, 06:32:55 am »
Thanks for great games! I guess I will spend some time rewatching it for a while. :D So thanks for recording.

Game 1:
In the first game it was probably all about getting those Followers. They are so hard to beat when no other curser is on the board. Well I went heavily for Provinces rather than Tournaments and I would probably do it again if I had the chance. If I would get those Followers you would be most probably dead on arrival, but that didn't happend. What really bothered me was, that you won 3 tournaments before I was really able to put that prov/tournament together. But I still think it is just some luck. But I don't know... Maybe some AI simulation could help here :)

Game 2:
Yeah 5/2 was totally lucky, but when I saw how well you're going with that courtyardBM I was really scared. Fact that I colided vault and chapel in at least first two reshuffles was also scary. I still don't know what was a correct play. If Chapel 3 cards or get gold via Vault. But that lucky end was just lucky...Very lucky.  That's all.

Game 3:
I was thinking about that 2nd JD and it would come handy when trashing hounting grounds but we didn't reach that point. Also I think that Hamlet was pretty important here. It is cheap source of action when you are drawing whole deck. But I played that Hamlets really poor. And I didn't track my deck well. I think it was the worst play from me in these 5 games. I was so scared of discarding monuments for action and I should have known that I well draw them again anyway. But as you said my combo pieces came together earlier.

Game 4:
Oh my! This was so exciting. Recounting poins every single turn. I was really thinking that I got you when I hit those double goons. Well not. What I thought will resolve this, was fact that I had more quarries. I was looking for grabbing some more actions with double goons and double quarry. But that didn't come together. I could really end anyhow it was just matter of luck in the end. But you kept your calm and finally got some poins. Maybe I shouldn't play that BoM as navigator or I should do better decisions there. Maybe BoM as feast would helped me more. I really don't know.

Game 5:
Just wow. I knew that market square hermit is good. And I also know that it is fast, but 12 turns?! Just wow. When I rethink it, countering that with getting MS is not very viable. If you get 3 you are fine. you can get like 12 golds from it and that is just enough.
I should take here those hermits. No doubt. Your opening was much much better than mine. So this is deserved win.
Trader MS Rats are pretty good. Flooding your deck with silvers and golds. But not so fast. Those KC was totally a mistake. Prov was correct play. I could get 4 prov in 14 turns. But, eh...  you could bought 6 in turn 12... nevermind :D You made better play here and deserved that win.

I really enjoyed playing with you. I have some chances to reach top half, but that's all. But I'm really looking forward to GokoDom II :D
It was great to see you thinking about each board and about each turn especially in that goons game. I think we had same thoughts in that game. If I don't buy this one stupid estate, he will buy this two smithies and win. And later, If I buy that one stupid estate, he will buy last two and win...

Rules Questions / Re: Hagler + Grand Market
« on: April 23, 2013, 04:15:16 am »
Yes I do... :-[  :D

Rules Questions / Re: Hagler + Grand Market
« on: April 22, 2013, 08:46:29 am »
Thanks all, it makes sense. I totally overlooked it.. :-\ But still it says something about that interface. I really wanted to buy it ;) and still overlooked it...

Rules Questions / Re: Hagler + Grand Market
« on: April 19, 2013, 04:52:42 pm »
Well I didn't post it afterall. I rechecked it and it is possible to buy it. But it is really messy. When we played it we both had chance to get it, we both tried it, focused on it and still failed. Good to know that it can be clicked and gained somehow :)

Rules Questions / Re: Hagler + Grand Market
« on: April 19, 2013, 06:37:41 am »
getsatisfation here I come  ;D

Rules Questions / Hagler + Grand Market
« on: April 19, 2013, 05:59:23 am »
Simple question:

Is it possible to gain Grand Market while coppers are in play? (For example with Hagler effect.)

It is not possible on Goko, question is if they are wrong. :)

I would say it is possible, because gain ≠ buy. Can someone support me?

GokoDom / Re: GOKODOM I: Round 1 Results and Discussion
« on: April 16, 2013, 05:57:57 pm »
I belive that chance of using Plat/colony in every single game is: number of decks from prosperity/number of decks total.
So when 3 decks are from prosperity, you have only 3/10 chance of playing with plat/colony.
I think it is overall very low...

GokoDom / Re: GOKODOM I: Round 1 Results and Discussion
« on: April 16, 2013, 05:53:26 pm »
Yeah, it was super fun to play with you, ftl. I think in last game I wouldn't stand any chance if we both started with some duchy dancing. Your engine was quite dependend and would totally outplay me in long run. (With good hand you could possibly double province.) And since my vault deck was build for "get 4 prov ASAP" it wouldn't stand any chance, so I broke PPR. Also I was betting that you will miss your +buy(gain). That would give me some chance in endgame :)
I was terrified when you will buy 2nd, 3rd and 4th bridge because I think that will be gg for me. Your deck had great potential for double or maybe triple province turn :)

GokoDom / Re: Announcing GokoDom I: From the Ashes (Sign-Ups Open)
« on: April 02, 2013, 04:48:37 pm »
Sadly I have no expansions :(

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