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Messages - Trogdor the Burninator

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Margrave doesn't come into it: sometimes it even helps you to progress.

Dude, Library is such an awesome counter to Margrave it's not even funny sometimes

Dominion General Discussion / Things Dominion Players Say
« on: March 29, 2014, 10:37:31 am »
Do any of you know any sayings that people sometimes say while playing Dominion that could easily be misinterpreted by non-Dominion players?

Things like:

"Harems are great"
"I have an overwhelming desire to Butcher a Border Village"

General Discussion / Re: 2-Player Strategy Game Ideas
« on: March 26, 2014, 11:35:49 am »
If no one has recommended them yet, Agricola and Puerto Rico are great strategy games.
Puerto Rico happens to be only good with at least 3 players though but it's still a really good game

General Discussion / Re: How to destroy hard drives
« on: March 25, 2014, 06:28:53 pm »

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Dominion jokes/pick-up lines
« on: March 25, 2014, 04:32:19 pm »
Yo mamma is so dumb, she bought a Scout.

Edge Case: Swindler is on the board and she needs the Scout as fodder for it

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Interview with Donald X.
« on: March 25, 2014, 02:57:11 pm »
Say you make another full expansion, what sorts of ideas will you explore with that? (Sorry if this has been asked already)
I'd be interested to know if you ever had any ideas for an entirely new type of card along the way (sort of like how Duration cards were a new kind of action card in Seaside when it came out), and if you were to make another full expansion, would you try making a new type of action card?
(sorry this is rather weirdly worded)

Goko Dominion Online / Re: Dominion Online set selection
« on: March 23, 2014, 10:21:15 pm »
I was never really on Isotropic but a Veto mode sounds good

Scrying Pool is also a card that you might want to add, the attack isn't very powerful but the card is and the attack makes it annoying.


GokoDom / Re: GokoDom III: Round 4 Discussion Thread
« on: March 18, 2014, 12:59:40 pm »
Trogdor defeats Factotumjack 3-0!

Game 1:

Code: [Select]
Transmute, Poor House, Death Cart, Fortress, Horse Traders, Mandarin, Mine, Saboteur, Soothsayer, ForgeVery interesting Colony game, but I think my Mine was able to power me ahead in this one.

Game 2:

Code: [Select]
Hamlet, Alchemist, Familiar, Pirate Ship, Band of Misfits, Counterfeit, Margrave, Rebuild, Nobles, BankHere I win the Curse split by four, get into the Rebuilding late, but he Rebuilds his Duchy into the last Province with nowhere else to go giving me the win

Game 3:

Code: [Select]
Cellar, Secret Chamber, JackOfAllTrades, Moneylender, Quarry, Taxman, Worker's Village, Minion, Mountebank, Royal SealSelf-explanatory Minion game. Factotumjack didn't realize the power of Minion, which allows me to win the Minion split 9:1. I do accidentally trash a Minion with a JoAT on a misclick, but that ends up not mattering to much (I find it really annoying that the chat bleeps out "crap") as I win this one 52-35

Thanks Factotumjack for the games and good luck in your next rounds!

GokoDom / Re: GokoDom III: Round 4 Results ONLY
« on: March 18, 2014, 12:51:27 pm »
Trogdor defeats Factotumjack

Minion? Like...Minion? How is that not here? Ambassador is but not Minion?

Ok I've added it. I really only put up the ones that came to mind, besides the ones already suggested.

Not because they are my least favorite ones (besides Cultist), but Witch, Cultist and Amb deserve definitely to be mentioned in this list, imho.

EDIT: Voted for Swindler, because of it's randomness. But if available, I'd go Cultist

Cultist and Ambassador? Ok I added them

I know there are many more attack cards in the game than these 6 in the poll, but these were some of the more powerful ones, so I thought it'd be interesting to see which among these were the most hated.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Favorite Alt-VP card
« on: March 18, 2014, 11:20:23 am »
I love Feodum. I think that it can be pretty powerful with Masterpiece, Trader, and Goons on the same board.
(With Goons you can get up to $7 and with the extra buy pick up Feodum and Silver in a single turn and get at least two VP for it, all while forcing your opponent to stall)

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Interview with Donald X.
« on: March 18, 2014, 12:36:26 am »
Not to step on Donald's toes here, but he has said many, many, many times that he doesn't look at fan cards at all.

One of the reasons he gave was to avoid something looking like a rip off of a fan card (even by coincidence). Now that all cards are out...
In fact there will probably be a physical Dominion promo this year - I finished my work on it, it's just up to when Jay decides to put it out.

Do you have any updates on to whether or not/when Jay will decide to put it (the promo) out? Will it be a single card, or a full set? (I know "promo" makes it seem kind of obvious that it'll be the former, but I'm asking anyway :) )

Introductions / Re: Trogdor the Burninator's late introduction
« on: March 17, 2014, 11:25:49 am »
What is there to tell? Besides the fact that I really like to play Dominion and other board games like Power Grid, Agricola, Puerto Rico, Settlers of Catan, etc.

Introductions / Trogdor the Burninator's late introduction
« on: March 16, 2014, 09:08:56 pm »
Hi Everyone!

This is Trogdor the Burninator here!

I've already been on the forum for awhile but haven't posted an introduction yet so I thought it was time to do it. In case any of you were wondering,
here's the inspiration for my username:

That's all!

P.S. Since I like to listen to classical music when I play Dominion online, does that make me sort of like those cheesy mad scientist characters from a bunch of cheesy movies?


I had 8 Fool's Golds and he had none so I thought I had it made. Apparently not. Any ideas as to what I could've done wrong here?

Code: [Select]
Fool's Gold, Scrying Pool, Great Hall, Market Square, Cutpurse, Death Cart, Herald, Graverobber, Mountebank, Farmland

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Dominion jokes/pick-up lines
« on: March 14, 2014, 07:37:02 pm »

Yo mama's like a Peddler, the more action she gets the cheaper she becomes.

Yo mamma is so fat, that if she played a Tournament it'd take ALL the provinces in her deck to win it.
Yo mamma is so fat, that even a Minion couldn't discard her hand.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Dominion puns/pick-up lines
« on: March 14, 2014, 03:40:30 pm »
Here's some yo mamma jokes (Should I just put this on a separate topic? Or open this thread to jokes in general?)

DISCLAIMER: No offense is meant to anyone by these; I'm just trying to come up with more Dominion-themed humor
Yo mamma is so ugly that I'd trash her for $3 any day
Yo mamma is so stupid that she couldn't win a game of Dominion even after getting all 10 Minions
Yo mamma is so fat that she only started playing Dominion because she'd heard that there'd be a Feast
Yo mamma is so dumb that I'd be willing to trade her for a Silver
Yo mamma is so dumb that I'd be calling the Doctor to get her out of my deck any ol' time.

(Sorry this is kind of unrelated)
Yo mamma is so ugly that whenever I play her, my opponent topdecks a Curse.
Oh yeah? Yo mamma is so dumb that she would never use Double-Jack BM even if it's the best strategy because she still thinks that "BM" stands for Bowel-Movement

Yo mamma's so stupid she thinks Rogue is for her cheeks.
Yo mamma's so ugly that she makes the lady on the art for Witch look like a hot swimsuit model

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Dominion puns/pick-up lines
« on: March 14, 2014, 02:55:04 pm »
Here's some yo mamma jokes (Should I just put this on a separate topic? Or open this thread to jokes in general?)

DISCLAIMER: No offense is meant to anyone by these; I'm just trying to come up with more Dominion-themed humor
Yo mamma is so ugly that I'd trash her for $3 any day
Yo mamma is so stupid that she couldn't win a game of Dominion even after getting all 10 Minions
Yo mamma is so fat that she only started playing Dominion because she'd heard that there'd be a Feast
Yo mamma is so dumb that I'd be willing to trade her for a Silver
Yo mamma is so dumb that I'd be calling the Doctor to get her out of my deck any ol' time.

(Sorry this is kind of unrelated)
Yo mamma is so ugly that whenever I play her, my opponent topdecks a Curse.
Oh yeah? Yo mamma is so dumb that she would never use Double-Jack BM even if it's the best strategy because she still thinks that "BM" stands for Bowel-Movement

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Dominion puns/pick-up lines
« on: March 14, 2014, 02:10:16 pm »
Here's some yo mamma jokes (Should I just put this on a separate topic? Or open this thread to jokes in general?)

DISCLAIMER: No offense is meant to anyone by these; I'm just trying to come up with more Dominion-themed humor
Yo mamma is so ugly that I'd trash her for $3 any day
Yo mamma is so stupid that she couldn't win a game of Dominion even after getting all 10 Minions
Yo mamma is so fat that she only started playing Dominion because she'd heard that there'd be a Feast
Yo mamma is so dumb that I'd be willing to trade her for a Silver
Yo mamma is so dumb that I'd be calling the Doctor to get her out of my deck any ol' time.

(Sorry this is kind of unrelated)

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Dominion puns/pick-up lines
« on: March 14, 2014, 01:56:26 pm »
Hey girl, wanna date? Cause I'm looking for an Upgrade

Girl, are you a Ghost Ship? Cause I'm seeing the same thing over and over again: GOLD!

Dominion General Discussion / Dominion jokes/pick-up lines
« on: March 14, 2014, 12:50:38 pm »
How bout some Dominion puns and pick-up lines to supplement the rap battle thread?
Like: Why are you sending that Spy over to my King's Court? Do you wanna stir up some INTRIGUE or something? (pun)
Or: Hey girl, that workshop of yours is so fine you wanna come help my Gardens out? (really bad pick-up line)

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