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Messages - Turambar

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Refugee A-Norway

Turambar 4
lekkit 2

I would like to play

user: Turambar
Country: Norway

Goko Dominion Online / Re: Why aren't *you* playing on Goko?
« on: December 23, 2012, 10:54:05 am »
The problem with Goko isn't this or that minor bug, but that a priori an interface with animations and lots of unnecessary pictures makes the game tedious.

Would I think this if isotropic never had existed? Maybe, since I didn't like Brettspielwelt for this exact reason. And even if not, this isn't relevant, you cannot pretend isotropic never existed. Simply put isotropic is the best implementation of a card/board game I've seen online, and going from 5-6 min avg game to 10-12 min (or more?) isn't really an option.

2012 / Re: Gardens Division: Bracket and Results
« on: December 08, 2012, 02:04:51 pm »

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Homage to the Best Card
« on: December 07, 2012, 06:43:12 pm »

2012 / Re: Nomad Camp ("Help! I can't find my opponent!")
« on: December 06, 2012, 10:44:27 am »
On monday I was supposed to play against nstender49 at 16.00 GMT. He overslept and we agreed to play Wednesday 16.00 GMT instead. He didn't turn up then either, and he hasn't answered the message I sent 23 hours ago.

Dominion Isotropic / Re: Using bots to hack your shuffle luck?!
« on: December 04, 2012, 05:00:00 pm »
Incredible that no one is more understanding, when human civilization has been destroyed by super-intelligent robots who look exactly like us, it is no wonder Adama is a bit paranoid while playing Dominion.

I've never submitted to these mainly because I don't know the criteria to use. Many of the discussions after the lists are announced goes:

"Card X is better than Y because it is good in every game, while Y is only good sometimes."
"Card Y is better than X because when it is good it is game-changing, while  X is just always decent."

These persons agree on the card, but disagree on criteria. I will not be submitting this year either, unless there is some strict criteria for ordering the cards.

2012 / Re: Rule questions 2012
« on: December 03, 2012, 12:13:02 pm »
I'm just pointing out that people are using faulty logic. The reason PCE is allowed is not (as many claim) that it cannot be enforced, but that the people deciding the rules (whoever they are) arbitrarily chose it to be so.

Now if I dislike it, I can choose to not participate. I only wanted to point out that (several) people are (repeatedly) using bad arguments.

Of course it is the reason. Maybe it is not the only one, but would PCE be enforcable, we wouldn't have the discussion last time, and probably it would not be allowed this time.

1. Banning PCE is not enforcable
2. We cannot ban things which are not enforcable
3. We cannot ban PCE

1. Banning simulators is not enforcable
2. We cannot ban things which are not enforcable
3. We cannot ban simulators

At which point do you disagree?


Basic logic works great when you only have one factor contributing to the conclusion. Real world tends to add a lot of confounding factors. It is not unreasonable for the unenforceable to be a part of the conclusion along with many many other things.

I agree. But in this thread I haven't seen any other arguments for allowing PCE other than "enforcement". Maybe they exist, who knows?

2012 / Re: Rule questions 2012
« on: December 03, 2012, 12:07:25 pm »
I'm just pointing out that people are using faulty logic. The reason PCE is allowed is not (as many claim) that it cannot be enforced, but that the people deciding the rules (whoever they are) arbitrarily chose it to be so.

Now if I dislike it, I can choose to not participate. I only wanted to point out that (several) people are (repeatedly) using bad arguments.

Of course it is the reason. Maybe it is not the only one, but would PCE be enforcable, we wouldn't have the discussion last time, and probably it would not be allowed this time.

1. Banning PCE is not enforcable
2. We cannot ban things which are not enforcable
3. We cannot ban PCE

1. Banning simulators is not enforcable
2. We cannot ban things which are not enforcable
3. We cannot ban simulators

At which point do you disagree?

2012 / Re: Rule questions 2012
« on: December 03, 2012, 11:33:15 am »
I've learned that there will be people who complain no matter which side we take.  We've tried banning it, permitting it, and not saying anything on it, and apparently none of the three options are complaint-proof.

Look, no matter which side we come down on, you can say, "By that logic [some unreasonable thing] is OK!".  Go ahead and criticize all you want, but it doesn't really get anyone anywhere unless you can also come up with a ruleset immune to such criticism.

The way I see it, we have two options, both with serious flaws.  Unless you are suggesting a third option, or comparing the flaws between the options, pointing out that yes, flaws exist in the current option, is not particularly helpful.

I'm just pointing out that people are using faulty logic. The reason PCE is allowed is not (as many claim) that it cannot be enforced, but that the people deciding the rules (whoever they are) arbitrarily chose it to be so.

Now if I dislike it, I can choose to not participate. I only wanted to point out that (several) people are (repeatedly) using bad arguments.

2012 / Re: Rule questions 2012
« on: December 03, 2012, 10:51:04 am »

Come on man, that's not cool. Why would you even bring that up?

Obviously I'm not going to do what I said.

My point is just that from the previous discussion it seems that more than 50% of forum users  consider unofficial point counter extension cheating, and the only real argument provided in favour is that you cannot enforce rulings against it.

Hence by the same logic I could help other players.

And what about simulators? Can I spend 2 min simulating the board before starting the game?

Again I'm not doing any of these, I'm just pointing out that the argument "you cannot enforce it" is a really bad argument. Ofc the people arranging the tournament can say "point counter allowed because we arbitrarily want it to be", but I have yet to see a good argument for why it should be.

2012 / Re: Rule questions 2012
« on: December 03, 2012, 04:38:43 am »
Bah. I hate the PCE and would much rather prefer it be banned if one player in a match requests so.

sure, but as we have said we can't enforce anything. ideally, the approach to this situation would be similar to what you see from other competitions with strong DIY or community based roots: the '

Some of my irl friends are in the tournament, they are ranked between level10-30. I suppose there would be no problems with me helping them when playing against high-level opponents? I mean, since you can't enforce any ruling against it...

I like Small World especially because it's not so political.

I mean, it's not NOT political, but you're just trying to optimize points for the most part. So you'll almost always take areas with just 1 guy or them instead of one with 3 guys which happens to belong to the guy you loathe.

Sure, when deciding between 2 areas with 1 guy, one from you and one from another, politics comes into play, but I've never found it to be a problem.

Smallworld is the most political game in this list,whenever you decide which way to attack (especially after declining and starting over) is almost exclusively decided by who do I think is int eh best position to win. And this is very influenced by politics around the table.

On another note, I cannot understand (again) why not more people here like Agricola. Of the games on this list it is, together with Dominion and RftG, clearly the game with deepest strategy-elements. I cannot understand how people can rank Ticket to Ride, Smallworld or Settlers above it.

General Discussion / Re: A Song of Ice and Fire
« on: November 06, 2012, 08:06:10 am »
ASoIaF are really good books, definitely worth reading.

WoT OTOH isn't worth all the trouble. Rather read something quality, like Le Guin's Earthsea series or anything by Neil Gaiman. (Not that all of them are horrible, just that the compared to the length there are a lot of better books which you can read in a much shorter time).

General Discussion / Re: The Master
« on: September 27, 2012, 04:40:54 am »
I guess I'm the only one whose mind went Buffy?

No, you are not.

Although, on second thought, I agree that it could be Doctor Who related.

GokoDom / Re: The Uncertain Future of IsoDom
« on: September 17, 2012, 05:42:45 pm »
Well, I think there are quite few level 40+ players on Isotropic, who will not be buying all the sets at Goko (none of the good players in Norway are planning to as far as I know), so if hardcore players are defined as being among the top players in the world, then definitely not all hardcore players will have all sets.

General Discussion / Re: A joke thread
« on: September 14, 2012, 04:09:24 am »
And now for some mathematics jokes:

What is an anagram for Banach-Tarski? Banach-Tarski Banach-Tarski

There is no uninteresting natural numbers, because assuming the opposite, there has to be a lowest uninteresting natural number. But that's pretty interesting. Contradiction!

Why did the chicken cross the Möbius strip? To get to the same side.

General Discussion / Re: A joke thread
« on: September 08, 2012, 11:19:09 am »
René Descartes walks into a bar.

The bartender asks, "Would you like a drink?"

Descartes responds with, "I think not," and then vanished.

This joke depends on faulty logic, because if we assume Descartes is translated as:

"I think, therefore I am"

This is equivalent to "I am not, therefore i cannot think" and not "I do not think, therefore I am not"( which is equivalent to "I am, therefore I think").

When I think about it, writing this reminds me of this comic .

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Now I feel like a hipster...
« on: September 07, 2012, 09:23:27 am »
(The play-agricola website has about 10 players with 2000+ games. Considering a game of Agricola takes 90 mins and a Dominion game takes 10 min, this corresponds to 18000 Dominion-games in time-usage. And still they haven't quit playing.)
While that total count is very impressive, it's not quite that extreme. With the physical game the experienced players say it takes less than 20min per player, so 40-60 min for 3-4 player games. I did not find an estimate for online games, but unless the interface is very bad I would presume an average game between good players to be over in less than 30 minutes. It's certainly longer than an average Dominion game in Isotropic, but not by a factor of 9.

It does of course depend a lot on who you are playing, but I've played 325 games online (so I consider myself experienced), and claim that it takes 70-100 mins to play a 4-player game, which is the standard format (just as 2p is standard in Dominion). 2-player games obviously takes a lot less time(could easily be over in 30 mins), but almost all games are 4p.

I've never played a 4-player Agricola in less than an hour, an I used to be the fastest player on the site (never done it IRL either, even with 4 fast players). Remember people are drafting cards for the first 5-10 mins.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Now I feel like a hipster...
« on: September 06, 2012, 01:57:06 pm »
The correct answer is to have all of the expansions and make a merry mix from all of them.

People afraid of complexity can find better games to play.

There are better games than Dominion?

I think Agricola comes pretty close. It does have immense replayvalue, even if the games feels less varied than Dominion.

(The play-agricola website has about 10 players with 2000+ games. Considering a game of Agricola takes 90 mins and a Dominion game takes 10 min, this corresponds to 18000 Dominion-games in time-usage. And still they haven't quit playing.)

Dominion World Masters / Re: Coverage
« on: August 21, 2012, 03:54:25 am »
I remember the kingdom where Axiom, Manzi and a third I don't remember played, because it was the exact same kingdom i played at Essen last year:

DomAlc: Chancellor, Festival, Moat, Witch, Woodcutter / Apprentice, Golem, Philosopher's Stone, University, Vineyard (from )

Not really sure why this was reused, if Donald X reads this, maybe he'll comment?

Dominion World Masters / Re: So who's going to GenCon/Worlds?
« on: August 16, 2012, 11:59:02 pm »
I didn't manage to qualify for the tournament this year, however my brother did, he is Axiom on isotropic (he hasn't played there for a while). But I, Astonix, Caprica and Xeiron has traveled with him to support him (and to visit USA for the first time), so we are five Norwegian isotropic players here in Indy ;) .

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