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Messages - Trogdor the Burninator

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Game Reports / Re: 2 fun games
« on: May 10, 2020, 02:08:21 am »
Goons games are always crazy. Especially when there's action multipliers involved.

Dominion General Discussion / Is Harvest the New Scout?
« on: May 10, 2020, 02:07:05 am »
Seriously, it's almost meme-worthy just how useless Harvest is. Is there any use for it at all?

Game Reports / Re: Dear My Opponent: I am Sorry
« on: April 18, 2020, 12:36:10 am »
Dear my opponent, I'm sorry you neglected to buy even one Sea Hag as my one Sea Hag and few Werewolfs slowly murdered your deck and you lost the curse split 0-10* and the game 0-54 as I managed to get all of the provinces

*Looks like my opponent trashed 2 of their curses so it they technically only lost the curse split 0-8

Way of the Horse + Ruins

Can function as a way to return Ruins to the pile

If there are cards that give out ruins and you have the actions to play them, then you can not only return the ruins to the pile, you can give them right back to your opponent

Although, if both players are Horsing around with the Ruins, then you run into a similar situation to Ambassador Estate Tennis

Dominion Articles / Re: Poor House + Capitalism
« on: April 12, 2020, 10:34:21 am »
Yes, but: Each Poor House also becomes a treasure, so if you have more than one in the same hand, you're going to have to lose money on at least one of them.

However, with Capitalism, if you have a hand of 3 Poor Houses with no other treasures or Village-Type cards to get extra actions, you can still use Capitalism to get a Province out of it where you wouldn't be able to otherwise

Way of the Sheep + Necropolis is a good way to get a better card in Turn 1 or Turn 2 than you would with an ordinary start

Dominion Articles / Poor House + Capitalism
« on: April 12, 2020, 12:49:46 am »

The Capitalism Project functions as an easy way to ensure your Poor Houses have maximized their potential.

The only thing you have to do with this after you've activated the Capitalism Project is play your Poor Houses after you've played any and all other treasures you have in hand that turn.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Really bad card ideas
« on: April 11, 2020, 09:50:19 pm »

Card image: either a photo of Rick Astley from that video or a photo of the guy from the  Trolololol video

Card Text:

Each other player chooses one:

They may reveal a "meme" card from their hand. If they do, they gain a curse on top of their deck, and exile a copy the highest value card in their hand. If they can't, they discard down to 2 cards in hand. Either way, they receive whichever Boon is at the top of the Boon pile. If there aren't any curses left, players must trash a treasure other than Silver from their hand, and they don't get a Boon.

Setup: Setup the kingdom with 11 supply piles. If there are any cards that cost $5 in the Kingdom, then one of those is the "meme" pile. If there are no $5 cards in the Kingdom, then the "meme" pile is whatever supply pile the players agree is the best.


- This card would have 9 cards in its supply pile just because.

- I haven't play-tested this or anything, but my guess is that it should cost like $7 + Potion or something. There might even be a way to add in some really screwy overpay mechanic on top of this.

- If players discover a card other than the OG meme card is the best, then they can agree to change the meme card in the middle of the game.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Really bad card ideas
« on: April 08, 2020, 10:56:52 pm »
Would it be possible to play dominion without normal supply piles? As in, you substitute Events/Projects/Landmarks/Ways/Other Non-Supply Cards in for supply piles?

Dominion General Discussion / Re: RIP IRL
« on: April 06, 2020, 10:57:34 pm »
Anyone I'd play with IRL has since gotten married (not to me) and I no longer have as frequent contact with them or they've moved away so online dominion has really taken over as the main way I play, even if I do play it with someone I know and/or am related to.

I have all the expansions IRL except Menagerie and a few of the Promos. This includes the first edition base game/intrigue (although my 1st edition Intrigue box is not in good shape because somewhere between when Dark Ages and Adventures were the most recent expansions, I'd experimented with carrying all my Dominion cards in that box and that ended ...badly for the box, as evidenced by it being held together with duct tape now) with the replacement 2nd edition cards. I'm sure I'll probably get Menagerie IRL at some point just so I can have a complete collection of boxes at least.

Dominion Articles / Re: Watchtower+Populate+Tomb
« on: April 03, 2020, 09:00:46 pm »
Tomb is not too important here, but Populate + Watchtower is. Generally, whether Populate is worth it or not comes down to how many Kingdom cards you want, how many you can tolerate, and whether you have ways to trash the ones you can't tolerate. Watchtower is good at the last one.

Yeah the Watchtower interaction was the main thing that inspired the bit with Tomb

Dominion Articles / Watchtower+Populate+Tomb
« on: April 03, 2020, 03:34:24 pm »

Not sure if this has been posted before, but Watchtower might actually make Populate quite interesting in Tomb games if there's enough useless Kingdom cards to be trashed right away. You could also put cards you actually use on top of your deck immediately, including Watchtowers, potentially enabling this multiple turns in a row, assuming you're able to hit $10

I mean, if you're hitting $10, then provinces are usually going to be the best way to go pretty much every time, but in situations where you're only using 3 of the Kingdom cards, getting 7 VP every time you spend ten without further piling out the province pile might be the better route to go, especially if you're down to 2 provinces left and are behind and don't want to risk getting the penultimate province.

This seems very situation specific and probably isn't all that useful most of the time but it strikes me a sort of combo that could come in very useful in the right situation.

Perhaps Big Money + Watchtower where you trash *everything* upon buying Populate would work the best?

I haven't tested this out in live play before, it just came to me as something that might work.

Title. This counts both supply and non-supply piles.

Dominion General Discussion / Feodum Appreciation Post
« on: March 28, 2020, 11:59:31 am »
Not sure if this goes here, but Feodum will never not be my favorite alt-victory card, and I say this is someone who generally tries to avoid getting too many silvers in their decks if possible.

Feodum's a classic example of a card that may not seem OP at first glance,  but can be extraordinarily powerful in the right kingdom.

Feodum+Delve is one of my favorite combos in the game.

Feodum+Masterpiece is great, too.

Game Reports / Re: Dear My Opponent: I am Sorry
« on: March 27, 2020, 10:19:13 pm »
Dear my opponent, I'm sorry you trashed your King's Castle with Scrap to lose out on at least a Province's worth of points

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Dominion: Menagerie
« on: February 25, 2020, 11:30:10 am »
New Dominion expansions are always exciting. 

Now I'll have another box to add to my Menagarie of Dominion-related cardboard, further confusing my family as to why on Earth I have like 13 (or 14?) boxes just related to Dominion but oh well :p

Dominion: Renaissance Previews / Re: Your reviews of the previews
« on: September 29, 2018, 11:38:23 am »
I think Renaissance is going to be a very good expansion for facilitating the Engine-type strategies and decks. The Villager tokens are probably my favorite new mechanic that's been introduced so far.

My favorite cards were Mountain Village, Recruiter (I'm a big fan of Apprentice, it may be my favorite Alchemy card, so it's nice to see a similar effect on Recruiter with the Villager tokens), and Acting Troupe. I also thought that Ducat was really interesting. The Projects also look pretty cool, too.

Renaissance will probably be one of my top 3 favorite Dominion expansions, until the next one comes out  :P

Mountain Village is amazing when played after you play a card that gains you something. I just had a game (vs. a bot) with Magpie and it was really nice to be able to deploy gained Magpies immediately with the Mountain Villages, and I'm sure there's countless other similar situations, especially with the "gain a card costing up to X" cards where Mountain Village will come in really handy.

I'm not sure if this has been mentioned before, but Mountain Village + Villa has the potential to be a powerful combo because if you save a Mountain Village until after you buy a Villa, and you have bought card(s) previously, then Villa could be used to get those Mountain Village(s) in play, which could then be used to get all the card(s) you just bought that turn, in play that turn. This is purely theoretical at this moment, as I've not tested it but it seems like it could work, and work really well in some engine games.

Game Reports / Re: Dear My Opponent: I am Sorry
« on: August 24, 2018, 03:44:58 pm »
Is there an "awww"- thread? I just met an opponent playing with Rats for the first time. They ended up with a deck consisting of.. 20 rats. So cute.

By the end of the game they were probably thinking something along the lines of "oh Rats!"

Dominion Articles / Re: Feodum
« on: August 22, 2018, 06:46:17 pm »
Feodum is probably my favorite non-landmark or event way of gaining alt-vp. Managing to get your Feoda to the point where they're worth 6 vp or above each is one of the more satisfying things I can think of achieving in this game

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Smite
« on: August 21, 2018, 10:00:56 pm »
So, it's basically a super-de-duper reverse Tactician: Get a blowout turn now, forfeit all your other turns for the rest of the game. In principle it seems interesting, but in 2-player it will just be the other guy playing Solitaire for the rest of the game.

The natural next step, mathematically, would be something that costs $17 and gives 21 VP. Maybe:

Victory - $17
Worth 1 VP
When you gain this, gain 2 Colonies, setting them aside.

I do see the point about the card turning the game into Solitaire, but if you're at the point where you're able to get $74 (and a Potion) in hand at once through various means, which doesn't really happen that often, you're probably either neck-in-neck with your opponent in some sort of a Dominion version of an arms race or you've absolutely stomped your opponent into the ground and you're going for a final mega-turn. 

This could be a completely incorrect assumption of course, as I don't really see myself as an expert in the game, but in my experience, just getting to or above $20 with some extra actions or buys (if available) is usually seen as a mega-turn, and getting to $50+ is seen as a stratospheric sort of mega-turn and is usually a lot rarer (than getting to somewhere around $20).

The tl; dr version of the last two paragraphs I guess is that the card is designed to introduce a sort of "final blow" mechanic to the game.
(Which is why the it states that there's one less card than players in the stockpile, meaning that there'd be only one Smite in its supply pile in a 2-player game)

General Discussion / Re: Cities: Skylines
« on: August 21, 2018, 06:33:03 pm »
Cities Skylines is probably my favorite City sim I've played. Does anyone else use the free-build mode? I find that to be pretty nice.  I don't like having to wait to unlock a bunch of extra stuff.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Smite
« on: August 21, 2018, 05:47:21 pm »
I like it!

Variants and Fan Cards / Smite
« on: August 21, 2018, 05:40:07 pm »
I'm sure this sort of idea has been thought of before, but I was thinking of how a sort of upgraded version of Dominate would work as a card and not an event, and here is what I came up with:


You may gain a Colony. If you gain a Colony, gain a curse. If you do, +42 vp tokens
Trash your deck
Your Opponents must reveal their hands. If they reveal any victory cards, all victory cards in hand must be trashed.
Your Opponents must trash all victory cards in their discard pile.
The no. of Smites in the Smite pile is equal to the no. of players - 1.
This is not an Event or a Landmark, but an additional Supply pile
Cost: $75 $74 1 Potion

I know this is probably a really awful card concept, but it'd be interesting to see if it could be made into something workable, albeit completely insane.


This expansion looks like it could be pretty cool!

Both Empires and Nocturne have been really interesting expansions with some really cool, gimmicky and unique cards, so hopefully Renaissance will continue the trend. Looking forward to it!

One question: When the sneak peeks are released will it work similarly to the Nocturne previews for Dominion Online when we were allowed to play with just the sneak peeked cards for that day in the days leading up to the full release?

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