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Rules Questions / Re: Unexpected (to me) ruling on Smugglers
« on: October 03, 2012, 07:41:19 pm »
Ah, Donald. Always making up new rules.
Almost as if he's not such a forward-thinking design genius after all.
I note that the current isotropic behavior contradicts the ruling here:

User was temp banned for this post: "second offense".

Dominion Isotropic / Re: Question about optimal strategy
« on: October 02, 2012, 12:34:48 pm »
I wouldn't take seriously anything said by someone who complains about luck after opening 5/2 on a board with Witch.

Goko Dominion Online / Re: FunSockets Q&A - Part 2
« on: October 02, 2012, 08:50:40 am »
That is fine that you think Goko would gain nothing by it. What about the fans of the game? Do they count for nothing? I genuinely don't understand why the fans of the game should be disenfranchised just based on what is perceived (by you) to be in Goko's interest. Goko would gain nothing except good will by allowing the cards to be available on Isotropic. Do they think goodwill is important to them? Surely that is for them to answer rather than you?

The reason I posted this on this thread is I would like to see someone from Goko answer this point directly and as far as I know no one from Goko ever has answered it. They have just left if for other such as you to speculate as to what their answer would be? I'm interested to hear what they have to say on the issue.... I appreciate the time and effort you're putting into being the "gatekeeper" of questions but I think this is a perfectly legitimate question to put.

well obviously the fans and players have something to gain! they would be able to play with new cards at no cost to themselves. i'll leave it to donald x and the free pizza metaphors he has used elsewhere to explain the clear issues with this line of thinking.

i think that you are just attempting to rationalize your desire to play with the new cards here.  the only benefit to goko you were able to come up with was creating good will with the community, and i will go ahead and state that i find that notion downright laughable. i sincerely doubt that everyone here will suddenly support goko just because they let us play with dark ages on iso for a few weeks. and really, a case could easily be made that they have acted in good will already by allowing iso to remain up while they are in beta. they could easily have justified shutting down iso after their failed release or after their soft public beta release.

as i said last post, i encourage the questions. goko can choose to answer them or not answer it as they see fit.  but past asking the question, i think the discussion is better fit in the thread dedicated to the subject, especially as it is something that donald, dougz, and others have already weighed in on. if you would like to discuss it further i would just ask that you start the discussion up again over there. but of course, i can't and won't stop you from doing it here.

Well since you seem to be the only one "discussing" it here, you could just stop replying...

Rules Questions / Re: Trader question
« on: September 28, 2012, 05:10:58 pm »
I'd be alright with rules like: you may not reveal a Moat if you are unaffected by an attack; you may not reveal a Trader if you would gain a Silver from revealing a Trader. Revealing these multiple times does nothing, and is the #1 source of reaction annoyance on iso.

I assume you mean that you shouldn't be able to reveal Trader if you would gain a Silver.

No, I think BlueBlimp means you shouldn't be able to reveal a Trader if you would gain a Silver and that Silver that you would gain is being gained because you revealed a Trader to get it.

No, pretty sure LastFootnote has it right. Blueblimp clearly misspoke, but if you're already gaining a silver, there's no reason to be able to reveal Trader. (yes, yes.. some bizarre edge case where you want your opponent to know your Trader is in hand).

Help! / Re: How did I manage to win this game?
« on: September 28, 2012, 05:09:10 pm »
Yeah, your opponent was an idiot.
I didn't bother reading the whole thing, but I saw two early turns where he chose to return a curse over estate, let alone 2X copper.

Goko Dominion Online / Re: so this is out?
« on: September 22, 2012, 04:17:16 pm »
This second release is being absolutely put to the sword over on BGG.

Such a tragedy. So much time and effort wasted on developing the "nice to haves" like adventure mode, and the AI (and worst of all those ridiculous avatars).... and way way not enough time spent making sure of the basics like game play, and oh yes, a system by which people can actually log in and register....
It's no surprise that you underestimate the amount of time they have spent on load testing etc., because those things are invisible to outsiders. All you can see is the most visible stuff.

You really have no credibility on this topic anymore DXV.

Dominion Isotropic / Re: Miscommunication
« on: September 21, 2012, 09:43:59 am »
What a jerk!

Goko Dominion Online / Re: so this is out?
« on: September 21, 2012, 09:15:32 am »
And everything is still being served non-minified...

Goko Dominion Online / Re: Google + Walled Village
« on: September 18, 2012, 10:10:53 pm »
Right now, they are planning on incorporating ads. Poking around the source of the web page revealed several things:

  • You can get rid of them by paying (enough) money : "Please support our sponsors – their ads help us bring you games for free. If you would like to skip these ads in the future, buy an individual Dominion expansion, Complete Expansion, or Super Pack with Gokoins in the store." Parade of Misfits is not a complete expansion, so LastFootnote will be stuck with ads until buying more. I bought all the expansions when I logged into the reset beta and haven't seen any ads.
  • The ads will play for 35 seconds with width of 660px and height of 400px (on my computer).
  • Currently, the ads are for Wild Tangent(which apparently is still in buinesses after installing bloatware on millions of computers? According to wikipedia, they make money now by selling 'WildCoins').
  • The ads make a call to doubleclick. Between that and the frequent google-analytics throughout the goku client, I don't think anyone is losing that much privacy by logging in with their google ID.
  • The ads will play no more then once every 13 minutes.
  • WildTangent ads don't work on iOS and aren't allow in google hangouts, so there are no ads on those platforms (for now).
  • Code comment: 
            // There are two scenarios of show ads:
            // 1. Multiplay game
            // - show ads or not base on host table (showAds flag in table setting), the flag should be set
            // after owner create table
            // 2. Single play (campaign, single play .. no table or no showAds in table settings)
            // - if player is premium user, not so ads anymore
            // - if not, ads will be showed if reaches due time (aka "13m")

Wow, they're still publishing comments in their served code? Super professional.

Goko Dominion Online / Re: Google + Walled Village
« on: September 18, 2012, 06:01:56 pm »
It might cost you (being the collective of Goko / RGG / DXV) some fans?
I don't follow you. Are you morally opposed to Google? You spend a few seconds on Google and you're done. Personally I am on multiple Google sites every day.

It's so funny how you think you can tell people what things they will mind.

Game Reports / Re: Sabotage
« on: September 17, 2012, 08:15:47 am »
Doesn't look like he had much strategy at all. Many turns when he could have returned copper but didn't, some weird buys (1 NV?). Buying duchies in a colony game. Buying saboteur.

If he had played the ambassador game a little better or had just kept building up to colonies once he got that money lead I think he would have creamed you.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Dominion Servers?
« on: September 16, 2012, 06:56:58 pm »
I'm pretty certain we've been over this before.  No.
No what?

Rules Questions / Re: Trader question
« on: September 14, 2012, 10:18:44 am »
Unfortunately you can't do that
I would say this is quite fortunate actually - this would be a pretty stupid exploit.

Help! / Re: What would you have done here?
« on: September 13, 2012, 09:08:32 am »
Call me crazy, but I would go with Silver/Silver hoping to spike an HP on T3/4 and an Ambassador on the non-$5 turn.

Tempting... but no ;).

However, I'm very convinced that would be a losing strategy.
Starting removing your cards with ambassador turn 5/6 on a kingdom like this is too late.
Your deck gets clogged up and you don't end up with enough hunting parties to make up for it.

So guys, what's a better opening...

Ambassador/Wishing Well (!?!?!)

(Did anyone notice Tohuwabohu's first few buys? Ambassador, then 2 Wishing Wells! Crazy, or does this somehow make sense?)

Call me crazy, but I would go with Ambassador/Wishing Well, and plan to add more Wishing Wells.

Wishing well is awesome in this situation, with the card tracker and a bit of attention you should have an excellent chance of hitting your wish.
Helping cycle and increasing the chance you can return 2 cards per amb play is huge.
Would be interesting to see how a sim which always guesses correctly does, anyone know if that is possible to program?

Copy online poker's rules and use a time bank.
Neat, I hadn't heard of this before. I don't think a per-tournament time bank would suit Dominion well, but maybe per-series would make sense.

FWIW, the original reason I was thinking of time controls was for AI-vs-AI play, where you need some sort of automatic rule. It seems reasonably important for online tournament play between humans too, because that seems awkward to manually admin.

Why? Just work off chat/play logs, and if deliberate slow playing is known to lead to an ejection I doubt you'd have more than one or two issues per tournament, if that.

In a commercial product or a tournament setting this is trivial to fix: just make it possible to call for a judge/admin to observe.
A human can easily tell whether someone is griefing or playing a slow strategy/genuinely puzzling over difficult decisions.

Dominion Isotropic / Re: Dark Ages on Iso a Possibility?
« on: September 07, 2012, 12:47:31 pm »

I suppose. I still can't see how someone can lose interest in the game itself. The game doesn't change--just the medium. I've heard of people using chips instead of cards. It's different, and I probably wouldn't like it. It still wouldn't make me lose interest in the game.

I can see where you're coming from; I just can't wrap my brain around the idea of claiming to enjoy the game only as long as it's on Isotropic. It sounds like hyperbole to me, but I'll accept that such a thing is possible.

Hey look, I'm taking away your pinball machine. But I'll give you the cardgame version of it. You can do all the same things with all the same rules, you just need your whole living room floor to do it and calculate the physics yourself and it happens at 1/10,000th the speed. What are you complaining about? Implementation doesn't matter.

I take it you've never played Solitaire with real cards, then.

Sure I have? I even prefer it. Solitaire is a simple enough game that the satisfaction of handling real cards is worth the slight increase in micromanagement.

While we're making random guesses about each other, I bet you've never eaten a green-frosted donut.

I believe the point is that Dominion is a fun game to play IRL with other people, so why should you lose interest just because isotropic is going away?  That you even like Solitaire with real cards suggests that you should like Dominion with real cards too.  The satisfaction of handling real cards AND face-to-face interaction with other players is worth the moderate increase in micromanagement.

Is micromanagement even the right word there?  Meh.

Not really. Even face-to-face I'd much rather everyone get their laptops out and we play on iso.
I tried this once, I was able to play 5 2p iso games in the time it took for one 3p paper game to be set up and played out.

I even preferred playing on a single laptop (multiple browsers and passing) to paper, although it was tricky not having people see each other's hands.

Goko Dominion Online / Re: FunSockets Livestream
« on: August 24, 2012, 08:14:52 pm »
I was quite worried about her responses to point counters and card tracking through third party software. It seems as if Goko have heard the voices asking for point counters without considering the full implications of giving some players access to information that is not available to others, and even encouraging this data collection by anyone who wants to find an advantage by this method. Perhaps someone should send Goko some quotes from the blow-out on data collection before they walk blindly into this.

Bolded is untrue.
Maybe they are just bowing to the reality that this can and will be done, whether you like it or not.
Viva la point counter!

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Official Version Launching 8/16?
« on: August 24, 2012, 08:07:11 pm »
No, a failed launch is still a launch.

DXV is technically correct -- the best kind of correct.

Also, it's technically still in private beta, rather than public beta.  So technically correct on both counts!

And of course there's that pesky second clause, about iso staying up until it's ready...

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Official Version Launching 8/16?
« on: August 24, 2012, 04:57:01 pm »
There's still time to label the GenCon release as a public beta and keep Iso up until it's ready.
You are not going to like the over/under on this one!

I really wish I had taken this bet if the odds were that good! I have rarely seen Donald X. be so wrong.
What? There was zero chance they were going to not launch and instead have a public beta at GenCon. And they didn't! They did take down the launch version and go back to beta, but whatever. Your hope that they would not launch was dashed.

lol @ equivocation.
another victim of the "I'm always right" f.DS curse.

Goko Dominion Online / Goko as a Dominion card
« on: August 24, 2012, 11:22:38 am »
From the BGG:

my favorite so far:

Type: Curse. Do you see any actions?
Cost: All of your licenses.

Reveal any number of game licenses. Trash the highest cost one. Then trash the rest.
When the community reacts in a bad way, you may reveal nothing.

The blu-ray has IP on it that you didn't pay for yet - the little bits showing you the stitches on James Bond's coat or whatever.  You can't use the basic DVD to create a blu-ray version.

I can use paper dominion to create zombinion online.
That's the dif to me
Your logic seems inconsistent. If you want to the crispness of Bond's coat, why not say that paper dominion doesn't hold any electronic stuff? I mean, I can use the lower resolution to make the high-res thing to, it's just a lot of time and work.
How can you use the lower res thing to make the high res thing?  Do you mean by reshooting the movie? If you want to reshoot the movie, you won't get the exact same production, of course, Pierce Brosnan will never deliver the line the same exact way.  But it's fine for you to do that, you're just reusing the blocking, script,  screenplay, etc, that you already paid for. 
Really? That's fine? So if studio X want to remake huge summer blockbuster Y and release it next summer, that's fine?
If I buy a book, can I type it up word for word, and go get it published, and try to make it as an author?

P&P is public domain.  To my knowledge - nothing new has entered public domain via the expiration of copyright in my lifetime.

That's a separate issue - but we've already established that Zombinion online would not be prevented by copyright.

The blu-ray has IP on it that you didn't pay for yet - the little bits showing you the stitches on James Bond's coat or whatever.  You can't use the basic DVD to create a blu-ray version.

I can use paper dominion to create zombinion online.
That's the dif to me
Your logic seems inconsistent. If you want to the crispness of Bond's coat, why not say that paper dominion doesn't hold any electronic stuff? I mean, I can use the lower resolution to make the high-res thing to, it's just a lot of time and work.
How can you use the lower res thing to make the high res thing?  Do you mean by reshooting the movie? If you want to reshoot the movie, you won't get the exact same production, of course, Pierce Brosnan will never deliver the line the same exact way.  But it's fine for you to do that, you're just reusing the blocking, script,  screenplay, etc, that you already paid for. 
Really? That's fine? So if studio X want to remake huge summer blockbuster Y and release it next summer, that's fine?
If I buy a book, can I type it up word for word, and go get it published, and try to make it as an author?

Goko Dominion Online / Re: Is it really that bad?
« on: August 23, 2012, 10:10:20 am »
Where's the setting that lets me just click on the card to play it, instead of having to click on the tiny + in the bottom right hand corner of the card?

Also, where is the undo option akin to isotropic's?

The + is for BUYING the card.  That's the Supply, not your hand.  And iso NEVER HAD AN UNDO BUTTON.

False!  You can undo basic treasure plays - so if you accidentally play copper and you f'd your grand market buy - you can fix it.

That wasn't an undo button so much as a "are you sure you want to do that?" button.

Um, it says "UNDO" on it. Why do people on this forum have such a hard time admitting they could be wrong about something?

I'm pretty sure you would have to do more than just change the names of the cards to avoid legal problems.

Yes, you'd need a new name and new art.
But you can't copyright something like "+2 cards +1 action", and copyright law specifically excludes game rules.
This is half the reason RGG has been so "cool" about unauthorized apps.

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