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Solo Challenges / Buy a Colony on Turn 2
« on: March 12, 2018, 05:09:06 pm »
Looked briefly and didn't see this in a post -- sorry if I missed it.

Using at most 2 Events/Landmarks, buy a colony on Turn 2 in a solo game.

Rules Questions / Charm + Inn
« on: December 11, 2017, 07:13:34 pm »
I buy an Inn with Charm in play for the on-buy effect.

In my head, step 1 is to resolve Charm's on-buy effect. Say I select Witch.
Do I then resolve Witch's on gain (e.g., going to discard) or Inn's? (going to discard + shuffle in cards). Can I shuffle in Witch?

To make this an actually relevant case we can say that Witch is embargoed so I have a real reason to not just buy Witch and gain Inn.

Also, I don't own cards on ShuffleIT but I believe no matter the order of buy/gain ShIT won't let me shuffle in the Witch, which would probably be a bug.

Dominion Online at Shuffle iT / ShuffleIT end of game bug
« on: May 02, 2017, 06:52:32 am »
apologies if there's a dedicated sticky for this, I looked briefly and couldn't find one.

I briefly disconnected almost exactly as I bought the last province/clicked end turn (not quite sure when in that sequence i DC'd). I ended up on where the next hand has been drawn and the provinces are empty, but the game hasn't ended.

My opponent resigned/left soon after I'm guessing, but I'm stuck loading into this screen every time I reconnect, and clicking "cancel and resign" on the reconnecting screen doesn't do anything. Resigning in game just leads me to an infinite loading screen with the castle loading animation.

Game Reports / Move over, mint-FG
« on: September 30, 2012, 02:29:05 am »

In which I use the ever-so-well-known mint-secret chamber-quarry-grand market combo to shoot ahead 5 grand markets by T9.

game of note mostly only because I've never really successfully opened mint-X before, where X was anything but fools gold.

Game Reports / In which I ignore both Ambassador *and* scrying pool
« on: August 30, 2012, 06:22:04 am »
Amb is hard to ignore. Scrying pool is hard to ignore with support. Amb/Scrying pool with support is.. well.. I've never ignored it before successfully :D

keep in mind that with a bit more support (see: villages), this probably would have failed horridly.

Game Reports / Clear P2 advantage
« on: August 28, 2012, 05:18:51 am »
I'm sure it's been documented before but it's hard to get any worse than this in terms of a P2 advantage:

Non-Mafia Game Threads / Resistance III: Revenge of the Isotropic Users
« on: August 27, 2012, 12:20:26 am »
You are on a mission to save your beloved Dominion server, Isotropic. Isotropic is being shut down by the evil totalitarian government agency known as GOKO. The government, however, has placed spies in your resistance to thwart your attempts.

note: Donald X is awesome and that one line of flavor is just that, flavor

This is the thread for Resistance III, all of it (but this line and the flavor) shamelessly stolen from Tables.
Rules of Resistance

Resistance is a mafia-like game of social deduction. There are two teams - one consisting of a number of Empire Spies (between 2-4 depending on number of players), each of whom knows all the other spies - and one team of Resistance members, who know nothing but the fact that they themselves are Resistance. The Resistance are trying to overthrow the empire by conducting three successful missions - each requiring the full co-operation of everyone on the team. The spies, on the other hand, want to sabotage said missions - if they can sabotage three missions, then the Resistance crumbles and they win.

At the start of the game, the leader is randomly chosen, as well as the succession of the leader. The leader's job is to choose a team of between 2-5 operatives (depending on number of players and mission number), to attempt the next mission. After the leader proposes his team, everyone (including himself) gets to vote yes or no to that proposal. If a majority say yes, the mission goes ahead with that team. Otherwise, leadership passes to the next person in the succession (this goes in a circle - the last person passes leadership to the first person). Voting is done simultaneously - to simulate that here, all votes will be sent via PM to the mod (that's me!).

Be warned: if 5 proposals fail in a row, for any reasons (plot cards can affect this, if they are being used), then the Resistance fails due to it's lack of leadership and the spies instantly win!

If the proposal passes, then each person on the mission can choose to sabotage or support the mission. Spies have free choice in this, and while they need to sabotage to win they might support as a strategic move. Resistance members MUST support the mission. After everyone has chosen, the results are revealed. In real life, this would be done with cards which are then shuffled and revealed. Here, I only need the spies decisions, all done via PM.

If a mission has even a single sabotage*, it fails and the spies get a point. If a mission has nothing but successes, however, it passes, and the Resistance gets a point. Regardless of if a mission passes or fails, leadership moves on to the next person. Whichever team reaches three points first wins.

*The 4th mission requires TWO sabotages to fail. The mission will succeed if only one spy sabotages.

We are using the Plot Thickens plot cards variant in this game

Plot cards are a deck of 15 cards which are drawn by the leader at the start of each ROUND (that is, the very first leader of the game, and then every leader after a mission only). 2 cards are drawn each round and must be immediately distributed.

here is a picture of the plot cards. These are the following numbers of cards:

No Confidence x3
Keeping a Close Eye on You x2
Opinion Maker x2
Overheard conversation x2
Strong Leader x2
Establish Confidence
In the Spotlight
Open Up
Take Responsibility


For the first leader in each round, the leader will have a 5 day deadline for giving out the plot card, and a 6 day deadline running concurrently to propose a team (the plot card must be distributed first). Missing the plot card deadline will result in a random person chosen, missing the team proposal deadline will result in a random team being chosen.

For the second and onward leader in each round, the leader will have a 5 day deadline for proposing a team.

Voting will have a 2 day deadline from the team being proposed. Failure to vote will result in a no vote being cast. Voting will end early once all votes are in and I have seen them all.

Missions will have a 1 day deadline. Only spies need to submit a decision for the mission. They may submit their choice in advance with their vote for the mission. Missions will never end early unless the game will end as a result of the mission - this is to protect the spies right to think in cases they need to make a non-trivial decision (e.g. both are on a mission). In the rare case of a spy missing the submission for a mission they will default to sabotage.

I will not wait for plot cards people have in cases they can be played, with the exception of Opinion Maker (see below). If you have a plot card, please leave CO (conditional orders) for when you want to use them. If you are very likely to want to use a plot card but need to see certain results to decide on whom (this mostly applies to Keeping a Close Eye on You) I will allow you to CO for me to wait for you on that.

If/when opinion maker is in the game, I will give a minimum of 1 day for voting after the opinion maker's vote has been cast. You may still wish to CO (conditional order) your vote depending on how the opinion maker does vote.

The role PMs in this game look like this:

You are a resistance operative

You win if the resistance succeed on 3 missions. You lose if the spies sabotage 3 missions

You are a spy

The (two/three/four) spies are:

You win if the spies successfully sabotage 3 missions. You lose if the resistance complete 3 missions

Finally rules. Shamelessly stolen and adapted from Axxle, who stole them from Mafiascum.

General Gameplay and Etiquette:
1. You may not quote private Moderator-supplied information (either real or fabricated) of any kind. Paraphrasing is acceptable.
2. There is to be NO personal communication outside of the forum postings. This includes Spies!
3. As a general rule you should aim for one post every 48 hours, minimum, to keep the game moving.
4: You may talk at ALL stages of the game. This means during proposals, voting, and missions. There is never a period where communication is banned.

1. Bold, blue text is reserved for the Mod.
2. No invisible/small text is allowed, nor is cryptography, or obscuring text in any way.
3. If you have an issue/problem with the game, please PM the Mod privately. Do not post issues/complaints in the game thread.
4. The Mod may make mistakes - please point out any mistakes gently. Mistakes will be corrected where possible, but sometimes mistakes are made that cannot be reversed. These will stand as final to be commiserated over after the game.
5. Please bold and double hashtag ## all requests to the Mod so that they don’t get missed. This includes all final actions (giving out plot cards, proposing a team, public vote if you have Opinion Maker).
6. Prods of missing players will be issued automatically after 72 hours of no activity or upon request after 48 hours of no activity. A prodded player has 48 hours to respond or risks replacement. A player who has been prodded 3 times is subject to replacement without further notice.
7. Rule violations will be dealt with according to their severity.
8. If you anticipate being unavailable for more than a 48-hour period please post a notice to that effect in the thread. Treat this game as a commitment. Be considerate – don’t leave us hanging.

1) Glooble
2) Voltgloss
3) Robz
4) Qvist
5) Insomniac
6) Galzria
7) Ftl

Dominion: Dark Ages Previews / Count v. Mandarin?
« on: August 19, 2012, 01:53:25 am »
Count is strictly better than mandarin after the on-gain, and in reality is much better. Most agree that the Mandarin on-gain actually sucks 85% of the time.

==> Count means DXV agreed that mandarin is incredibly mediocre?

Game Reports / Ghost Ship's a tarp.
« on: August 13, 2012, 07:03:00 pm »
Mis Qsenoch opens 5/2 ghost ship native village to my militia -BM strategy...

I buy provinces turns 8, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 19.

Puzzles and Challenges / Dominion Puzzle Hunt?
« on: August 09, 2012, 07:46:50 pm » for the unaware

So, a year ago a puzzle hunt at a program I attended had a dominion-themed Meta for the puzzle hunt, which got me thinking. I was wondering if:

A) There is interest for a dominion-themed F.DS puzzle hunt
B) People think it is possible for a few people to write a Dominion/other boardgames themed Puzzle Hunt (run on F.DS) that wouldn't suck.
C) Anyone would be interested in helping me write a puzzle hunt.

The most likely answers are maybe, probably not and no respectively, but if there's any interest its something I would love to attempt to run. College starts September 23rd for me so I have plenty of free time until then (the only other thing I'll be doing is learning LaTeX probably.)

Dominion Isotropic / Yet another possession issue.
« on: July 17, 2012, 03:46:57 am »
(not a jab at Isotropic, more at Possession).

Not sure if this has been previously mentioned but heres an important edge case:

Played possession
<possessing> plays minion, discards
<possessing> plays another minion
I can't see my 4 card hand (only original hand is shown), but I am given the option to reveal a moat from it.

This can occur from attacks with any of the following:
Council Room

Game Reports / Pro-combo: Horse Traders and Secret Chamber
« on: July 11, 2012, 11:52:06 pm »
You'd think I was kidding... but check out turns 17, 18, 19 for +coin comboing as well as turns 5 and 7 for reaction comboing  ;D

Basically get optimal shuffle luck on the last 3 turns to overcome a 7-3 conspirator split.

Game Reports / Transmute as the key card + the only potion card
« on: June 26, 2012, 12:33:40 am »

Maybe this should be in challenges? Create a strategy using this board that defeats Mine/Perdhapley's

Honestly, I never expected transmute/great hall/smugglers/gardens to get 33 points/16 turns or 30 points/15 turns. That pretty much beats BM-smithy, which looks far better than any other BM-province strategy on the board.

I'm pretty convinced our strategy was optimal; don't mirror gardens and you lose when transmute gets 6-8 gardens to 4-5 pts, go Workers Village/Smugglers/Gardens and your economy probably dies to quickly (though maybe not with smugglers)

Dominion Articles / Shanty Town
« on: June 22, 2012, 08:59:59 pm »
Disclaimer: I am not an authoritative expert on shanty town, but I haven't really seen someone who is. Constructive criticism is welcome and encouraged.

Shanty Town is the oft-maligned cousin of Village. At 3$, it shares a price point with the vanilla Village, which alone tells us something. It is not a village+ (like Worker's Village, Mining Village, Walled Village and Mining Village at 4$) or a Village- (Native Village at 2$). It is a card that plays entirely different from the plain old Village, and shares only the characteristic of giving two actions.

A good way to think of Shanty Town in many (but not all) games is as a restricted lab.

When is Shanty Town a good buy?

Shanty Town does not have a single thematic board type that makes it powerful. Rather, a piecemeal combination of a bunch of different cases make it a card that I would argue is more often a good buy than a vanilla village

1) Terminal-Less decks

In games where there are no terminal actions worth getting (notable cards to cause this are Familiar, Caravan and Tournament) early on, Shanty Town functions identically to a laboratory if you buy one, and each additional one functions as a slightly riskier lab (as your two shanty towns can combine). A lab for 3$ is nothing to scoff at, and while shanty-town is not deck making in these games it provides a significant boost.

Keep in mind that you can often still keep 1-2 terminals in your deck if your deck is large enough, the collision chance is small enough that buying Shanty Town will still benefit you.

2) Draw to X Engines

The draw to X engines that Shanty Town works best with are Watchtower, Library and Minion (which functions as a draw to X). It's an iffy prospect with Jack of All Trades that I would not recommend.

Shanty Town is superior to the vanilla village in Draw-To-X engines, though it is still inferior to Fishing Village (what isn't?). This is because there are three possibilities with shanty town in a draw-to-x-engine:

A) It is drawn with with a Draw-To-X-enabler card (Library, Watchtower, Minion)
B) It is drawn with no other terminal
C) It is drawn with another terminal that is not draw-to-x

Possibility A is a relatively likely option, and in this case, Shanty Town is nearly identical to a vanilla village. (Its ever so slightly worse with Watchtower and basically equivalent with Library and Minion, due to library's filtering and minions discard mechanic)
Possibility B is the second most likely option, and in this case Shanty Town is +2Cards +2Actions, far superior to village.
Possibility C is relatively unlikely in most draw-to-x decks, and is either significantly worse (no need for +actions, terminal not draw) or slightly worse (need for +actions or terminal draw card).

Conclusion: While Shanty Town is not amazingly better than village in draw-to-x, it is enough of an improvement to merit significant consideration in these decks.

3) As a counter to attacks

Shanty Town is much more likely to activate fully when you are playing it against attacks, primarily discard attacks. Shanty Town reacts slightly different against different ones, however.

Militia Shanty Town is only so-so against Militia. Often you would rather keep another terminal (say... a militia   ;)) as opposed to trying to recover your deck with Shanty Town.
Ghost Ship Shanty Town is an excellent counter to Ghost Ship. This is because instead of discarding your terminal actions, you can topdeck them and then draw them with your activated shanty town. This actually is almost a complete counter to ghost ship in many cases, because if they hadn't play ghost ship your Shanty Town would not have activated (both situations leave you with 4 cards and 2 actions).
Margrave Shanty Town is nice with margrave because not only does it provide a bit of a counter, it also facilitates the terminal draw aspect of margrave if you have it in your own deck.
Followers If your opponent has followers, then it is a tournament game. In which case you probably wanted a shanty town anyways to go with your tournaments.
Torturer Shanty Town does not really counter torturer very well because you're unlikely to have actions outside of +actions and torturer itself. However, since torturers are on the board you probably want a good amount of Shanty Towns anyways...
Goons See Torturer, really.

4) In games flush with actions
Fishing Village is your biggest culprit here, though certainly it's not the only case. If you have enough +Actions available to you on a given turn, you can simply play your terminals before your shanty town and then use your shanty town as a lab. In practice it plays similar to case 1, terminal-less decks, just with less of a guarantee.

5) When you need the +Actions regardless.
OK, so shanty town is worse than village in cases. Suck it up, sometimes you will still desperately need +actions in your engine. This tends to be true in torturer games, megaturn games involving terminal draw, and many others. Even when it's worse than a normal village, it's still a village variant and sometimes that's what you need. A good litmus test in these cases is that if Shanty Town has no support, if you would buy native villages for your engine, you probably should still buy Shanty Town.

6) With Massive, bloated decks
If you have 15 coppers and 5 curses in your deck, Shanty Town is far more likely to give you +2 cards. 'nough said.

When is Shanty-Town a bad buy?

1) With medium to heavy trashing! Trashing your starting coppers/estates makes it much more likely to collide and not activate. In these cases you need to evaluate if there's better alternatives and only get shanty town if you desperately need the +actions.
2) Most Terminal Draw goes pretty terribly with Shanty Town, especially envoy, embassy, smithy, and council room. Attacks are less bad because you more frequently want to build an engine around them, and because shanty town counters some of them. Vault is meh-probably take silver instead, but it makes little difference either way.
3) Big Money games involving a few terminal actions, draw or not (Jack of All Trades, Merchant Ship, Masquerade, etc.)

In conclusion: Shanty town is situational, and only sometimes can really be viewed as a village, and should not be maligned as a worse alternative to village.

Works with:
Draw to X, especially minion.
Ghost Ship
Caravan, Tournament, Familiar, Other cantrips and nonterminals.
Bloated games caused by cursers
Fishing Village (though they conflict at 3$ and FV is usually better)
Powerful Engines

Doesn't Work With:
BM-X, where X is terminal
Games with moderate to heavy trashing that aren't powerful engines needing +action

Puzzles and Challenges / Accursed Wealth
« on: June 11, 2012, 08:22:57 pm »
In a 2-player game with arbitrarily large basic money piles, what is the most (theoretical, not game-log)

A) Treasure overall (Copper/Silver/Gold/Platinum)
B) Golds only

that you can gain during your opponents turn? Measurement is in #cards, not value. You are your opponent are working together.

Obvious a few key cards here, but I'm interested in what secondary ones optimize it.

Simulation / Apothecary Golden Deck-Simulation help
« on: June 09, 2012, 07:27:15 pm »
The apothecary pseudo-golden deck is a combo which I always love to play. It's (from my experience) a highly variant deck that's the the second strongest province-based golden deck to play, behind ones set up by Chapel/Bishop. I find it a bit stronger than some of the better BM options (close to doublejack I think, though it would probably lose to doublejack due to jacks draw-to-x nature.

The main idea: have a deck consisting of 4-6 apothecaries, one province, one bishop, 7 coppers and a potion. Draw 7 coppers, bishop province using apothecaries, leaving 1-2 apothecaries on the bottom usually (apothecaries deck-reordering is crucial to this combo), for a result much like the golden deck. it has around, I don't know, an 85% rate of not failing in it's golden deck aspect for an entire game once it's set up with 5 apothecaries. For parity reasons/last turn bonus, you trash the potion and end with 2 provinces in deck.

I haven't really much ability to optimize this through solo play (as it involves bishop), so any help from people who know their way around simulators would be much appreciated?

1) Do you open Potion/-, Potion/Copper, Potion/Silver, or Bishop/Silver? (My guess: Potion/Silver)
2) You will often be stuck with dead turns early on. Do you buy a second potion ever? Is it worth bishopping a copper and buying it back for the 1VP (at the detriment of giving your opponent free trashing)?
3) How do you adapt this strategy based on whether or not your opponent has also bought a bishop?
4) Does *anything* other than a possible second potion help this strategy? (my guess: no)

Game Reports / Possible CR Bug + Questions about a pin
« on: May 31, 2012, 01:13:45 pm »

My guess is that this is not an intentional scoring thing, but my points are recorded as -2 after I trash estates passed through masquerade. More comically, I also have -2 apprentices, -6 coppers, and -1 silver at the end of the game. Can gardens be worth negative points?

My next question is: Could my opponent save himself by keeping TR-Masquerade in hand (my pin is 4 cards if he has no masquerade, 3 cards if he has one), waiting for his hand to consist of only Throneroom/Masq, and then trashing two of my own cards? (stealing one, maybe).

If he did, would I then be able to pin back 2 of his cards, because I only have throne-room masquerade, leaving him with a one card deck, and me with a two card deck?

There are some interesting parity issues if that plan came into fruition. I can't really figure out all the endgame strategy of the pin here.

Game Reports / 9 Turns, 8 Colonies, no presets.
« on: May 23, 2012, 08:23:32 pm »
*Tries to stop breathing so heavily*

I never had gotten The Flash or Megaturn achievements until today. I wasn't expecting to get both of them in the same game..

Embassy, King's Court, Bridge on the board. We both open 5/2 and I get damn close to an optimal game (You probably can pull off 8 provinces turn 7/8, I don't think colonies.

Game Reports / The Mythical Saboteur Pin
« on: May 22, 2012, 09:15:32 pm »
Q) What do you get with Golem, Apothecary, Saboteur, Stables, and King's Court?
A) An opponent with 6 coppers, 4 apothecaries, one Noble Brigand and no hope.

Perhaps this one was better suited for the "I'm sorry" thread.

Now, I've played plenty of games where repeated saboteur plays severely hampered someones deck. I've never actually managed to get to the point where they have only 1-2 more 3+ cost cards, though. Now, my opponent basically resigned and didn't replace his trashed KC here, but that would have been reduced to a silver at best at the end of my turn.

Hilariously, I think the key play here that gave me that advantage was buying/gaining Treasure Maps for economy. So two of the key cards in this game were Saboteur and Treasure Map, something I'm not sure i've ever heard before.

Help! / Familiar on a masquerade board?!
« on: May 22, 2012, 03:20:20 am »
I was behind the entire game.. Does Familiar actually beat masquerade? Did I buy too few masquerades (2)? I felt like he played pretty lousily otherwise, with bizarre bazaar (ha, ha) buys.

Luck didn't seem much in his favor either...

Puzzles and Challenges / Decks of only one card hijacked
« on: May 17, 2012, 06:36:30 pm »
sorry Jorbles!  ;D Your puzzle reminded me of one I came up with awhile ago and never posted.

You are in a 2 player game and have only 10 of one card in your hand/deck/nativevillagemat, no durations. Whats the most spending power you can get in one turn assuming you start with a 5 card hand?

I can think of only two solutions that beat 5X platinum

1: Pirate ship, derp. hit some ridiculous amount of treasure
2: Tribute; Hit: Nobles-Harem, Nobles-Action, Action-Action, Coin-CoinX7 = 30$ 

Game Reports / Interesting swindler game
« on: May 17, 2012, 06:21:00 pm »
Key Cards: King's court, Grand Market, Hunting party, Swindler, Farmland, Cache, Loan

With KC, Swindler, Loan and Hunting party, you know you're in for a degenerate game.

I open Swindler-Swindler (hopefully getting some heavy damage out first reshuffle) to my opponents erroneous swindler/worker's village, but fall behind very quickly as my terminals collide and my opponent quickly picks up some King's Courts, Hunting parties, and a loan to clean his deck out.

Fast forward through some more degenerate swindling. Despite some lucky hits, I am still behind significantly on turn 14 when he has more KC's, GM's and HP's than me. His lean deck is going to run through provinces relatively steadily or threepile quickly with a small VP lead.

My swindler hits a 5. Usually the auto-play rules here are to swindle into duchy, but not only am I hesistant to fork over 3VP (I already gave him 6VP via three farmland swindles), I'm also pretty sure his deck can handle an extra duchy and still roll over me.

I find what really is one of the few 5s that can be called worse for someones deck than duchy, Cache. The extra coppers (from this cache and a few others, including the lovely swindle cache->cache) clog his deck just enough that I pass by him turn 19, emptying the piles and buying a province to win 7-5.


Farmland, Golem, Great Hall♦, Highway, Market, Menagerie, Peddler, Potion, Salvager, Spice Merchant, Spy, and Young Witch

I open Spice Merchant/Silver seeing menagerie, highway, peddler, salvager and ignoring Young Witch. My opponent opens the highly dubious Great Hall/Young Witch.

The order of my first 6 buys were:
Spice Merchant
Great Hall
Farmland (Estate->Salvager)

If it seems like I am directionless with these buys... that's because I was. There were two pretty great options on the board: Menagerie-Accelerated Highway/Market with Spice Merchant as the primary trasher, or (once again Menagerie/Spice Merchant enabled) Peddler/Salvager with a market thrown in maybe. Either of these probably empty 8 Provinces in about 16 turns.

I combined the two, ignored menagerie and emptied it in 15 (one trashed by salvager). Still not sure how this worked out...



Relevant cards: Great Hall, Hamlet,  Horse Traders, Ironworks, Remake, Spice Merchant,  and Tunnel
Irrelevant cards: Herbalist, Stash, Treasure Map

We both opened IW/Silver, but here's a list of some of the openings that aren't (immediately at least) ignorable.

Spice Merchant/Silver
Spice Merchant/Hamlet

Also, if any of you would care to posit which opening is actually best, that would also be greatly appreciated  :P.

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