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Rules Questions / Overlord and Pirate
« on: April 24, 2024, 04:59:04 pm »
If I have an Overlord in my hand and someone gains a treasure, Can I play the Overlord as a Pirate and play it immediately so I get a gold in my hand on my turn?

Could you please explain why or why not.

Rules Questions / Playing Treasures in Buy Phase
« on: November 16, 2023, 06:48:11 am »
I've been trying to find in rules somewhere that spells out that you cannot play anymore treasures after making a buy (barring special cards).

The question came up in a game and even in the base rules I could not find anything in black and white to support it. I know you can't but I can't find it in writing to show someone who doesn't believe it. He believes that since you can play treasures in the buy phase, you can play them anytime. Thus if there is a Grand Market, have 2 buys, 2 gold, and 3 coppers, he believes you can play the 2 golds, buy a Grand Market, then play the 3 coppers and buy something.

Rules Questions / Enchanment and Throne Room Variants
« on: August 18, 2023, 08:13:39 am »
Play a Throne Room Variant on an Encampment.
1st play no gold or plunder.
On a subsequent play (2nd or 3rd), you get a gold or plunder.

Do you keep the Encampment or return it?
If you could, explain why it works that way.

Dominion General Discussion / New Card in Intrigue?
« on: August 10, 2023, 05:00:40 pm »
Just played a game online and there was a card I had never seen before. It was Farm, and Intrigue card. It is a victory/treasue. Essentially a silver worth 2 VPs.

I went into the set selection and looked at intrigue. It doensn't look like it replaced anything, but is a 26th kingdom card in Intrigue.

Rules Questions / Scavenger and Tunnel
« on: February 13, 2023, 01:23:21 pm »
When Tunnel is discarded other than during clean up, you can get a gold.

If I have a Tunnel in my deck and I play a Scavenger, it would seem that Tunnel is being discarded as I put my deck into my discard pile.

But that doesn't seem to be the case online. Should it be?

Rules Questions / Throne Room/Kings Court and Reserve Cards
« on: November 02, 2022, 06:42:41 pm »
I'm looking for a logical explanation so I can explain it to other players why reserve cards are treated differently than duration cards when it comes to TR and KC.

When you TR or KC a duration card the TR/KC goes with it and applies the next time it is played.

When you TR/KC a reserve card like a Ratcatcher or Wine Merchant, you play them the multiple times, then they go to the Tavern Mat without the TR/KC.

Rules Questions / Minion and Diplomat
« on: October 11, 2022, 09:30:30 am »
I have a diplomat. Opponent play Minion and discards. How is that supposed to play out?

The diplomat would seem to be of no use here.
If I don't play it, it gets discarded with the hand and I draw 4 new cards.
If I play it I draw 2 cards, discard 3,  and then they all get discarded and I draw 4 new cards.

Or is there some other way this is to be played?

When You Scrap a Trail, what is the order of  the follow on things that happen?

Do you chose the 4 things you want to do from the scrap and then draw the card from the Trail, or is the Trail played immediately drawing the card, then proceed with selecting the Scrap options?

Dominion General Discussion / Crazy Possession Game
« on: July 22, 2022, 12:02:30 pm »
4 player game online. Each of us had 2 possessions.

It was crazy trying to keep track of whose turn it was and whose hand just got possesed.

It was worth a good chuckle at the end.

Dominion General Discussion / Where are the New Updates Available?
« on: July 15, 2022, 11:25:13 am »
I'm having trouble finding the Seaside, Prosperity, and Hinterlands available for purchase.

For Seaside the only place I found it available was on Amazon for $10 above MSRP.
Every other place shows preorder or out of stock.

The Rio Grande Site says Prosperity and Hinterlands will be available in July.

The Rio Grande Site doesn't sell them unless I am missing something.

As with any changes, some are liked, some aren't.

I was disappointed with some of the cards that were removed.
I generally like most of the new cards. Some create some interesting new interactions.

The one thing they did was make these 3 sets a bit more complicated. There are more things to think about, thus potentially slowing a game down. This is especially true when playing the table version where you don't get prompted like online. While this is may not be that big of an issue for the experienced player, for the new and inexperienced player, this makes a game slower and harder to learn.

When I try to get new players interested in the game, I start with the Base and Intrigue. Those are all simple and straight forward cards. The next set I introduced was Seaside, then Prosperity, then Hinterlands. They all introduced 1 or 2 new concepts that could be easily grasped. Seaside, duration cards that did 1 thing for another turn. Prosperity, treasures that did things, victory tokens, and platinum/colony. Hinterlands, on buy/on gain.

Now in each of these cards have been added that do multiple things and add complexity.

In Seaside: Monkey, Blockade, Sailor, Tidepools,  Corsair, Pirate, and Sea Witch.
In Prosperity: Clerk, Investment, Tiara, Charlatan, and Crystal Ball.
In Hinterlands: Guard Dog, Trail, Weaver, Souk, Witch's Hut (wording is confusing).

These add concepts and options to mull that are not simple to the newbie. It's easy to miss the interactions when playing at the table. For example, forgetting that Sailor gets an extra card for each one they player prior gained. Blockade, missing that a player bought the blockaded card. Pirate, missing that a player bought a treasure so you can play it immediately. Sea Witch forgetting that 2 cards have to be discarded on the next turn. Trail forgetting that it can be played when gained, discarded or trashed. Weaver forgetting it can be played when discarded. Clerk, missing that each other player topdecks a card from their hand, or forgetting it doesn't cost an action to play it from your initial hand. Collection, forgetting you get points for buying action cards. Having to keep track of all that or having to figure out the best way to use a card (Tiara, Tidepool, Investment).

It means there is more I have to help keep track of and when you are playing a multiplayer game, it becomes difficult to catch everything as well as play your hand.

I know all these cards won't be in any given kingdom and yes, I realize I can omit complex cards from a game for newbies and even use the v1 cards. But my object is to bring them along slowly introducing new concepts. Now there are more complex interactions to introduce with these cards.

I'm just curious of what the majority of folks play.

2 player or multiplayer?
Online or with cards?

Forgot to say I play mostly 4 person with cards and some 2 person with cards.
I play mostly 3 person online and some 2 person.

What I like more about in person is not knowing exactly what the score is.

Dominion General Discussion / Seaside and Prospeirity 2nd Editions
« on: June 01, 2022, 12:02:57 pm »
I'm beginning to not like these 2nd editions. The trend seems to be removing attack cards. While this may appeal to more casual players to make the game "friendlier", it removes some of the challenge of more experienced players of how to effectively counter attacks with the given kingdom.

I also believe it's going to turn more games into money chases where big money rules. Boring stuff meaning whoever gets luckiest with money, wins. There needs to be ways to counter big money, and attacks were a key way to do that by slowing them down by making them discard cards or junking up their hand, giving you a chance to get an engine going.

I speak from experience here. I regularly play 4 person games and 2 of them like to start greening as soon as they get $8 or $11(colonies). With 2 people doing that it is very difficult to get an engine going with nothing to slow them down.

In these 2nd editions, 3 very effective attack cards were removed Ghost Ship (seaside), Montebank(prosperity), and Goons(prosperity).
Goons was especially good because not only did it slow them down, but it gave an extra buy and VPs as well. So losing Goons is a triple whammy.

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