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Variants and Fan Cards / Fan Card Mechanics Week 30: Scrapbook
« on: March 02, 2022, 09:00:16 pm »
This week I wanted to explore the design space of Heirlooms that are linked to Landscape cards. So your task is to design a Landscape card (Event, project etc.) and an Heirloom pair; Existing Landscapes and Heirlooms are allowed (but you must design at least half of the pair). You are allowed the full range of official Dominion mechanics Current, New(Allies, etc.), and Fan-made mechanics, if you use a Fan-made one please include a link or text explanation of the rules. This includes landscapes that are not official dominion such as Edicts, Acts, or anything sideways.

Example pairs:
You may make a custom Heirloom linked to a custom Landscape
You may make a custom Landscape linked to an official Heirloom
You may make a custom Heirloom linked to an official Landscape
You may make a custom(yours) Heirloom linked to a fanmade Landscape (by another person, please cite/link the original)l. As long as that Landscape was NOT a submission by another person in this contest.
You may make a custom(yours) Landscape linked to a fanmade Heirloom (by another person, please cite/link the original)l. As long as that Heirloom was NOT a submission by another person in this contest.

You may NOT combine both an official Heirloom and official landscape. (Such as Goat + Donate )

The deadline for submissions is Wednesday, March 9, 2022 at 11:00 p.m. Eastern (Forum) time / 4:00 UCT.

Edit: You may use a Heritage card instead of an Heirloom for the contest, but still must be paired with a Landscape card.

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