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I know this has been requested many times on this forum.  And I also read on BGG somewhere that it was being considered.  Now that all the sets are out, but while there are plenty of people still playing the game, I wonder if anyone has picked up this gauntlet an ran with it.  I would love to have something that stored all my Dominion cards in a way that everything was easy to find like it is in the boxes, but taking up less space.

Dominion General Discussion / Dominion - What Happens Next?
« on: July 15, 2013, 02:45:31 am »
For a long time, Donald has been consistent in his message that Guilds is the last expansion planned for Dominion.  However he has stated that he might be open to making more expansions in the future if RGG requested it.

This thread/poll is to find out what you, the players, think will actually happen.  Will we get any more expansions?  If so, how many and how often?  What does the future hold for the game?

Note, I am specifically talking about the physical version of the game, not online.

Goko Dominion Online / Why do people demand 4000+/5000+?
« on: May 20, 2013, 07:58:30 am »
From what I remember on Isotropic, people tended to cherry-pick lower ranked players rather than higher ranked ones.  Now on Goko nearly everyone on the pro leaderboard demands that players are at least 4000 and often higher.

I'm not complaining as such as I rarely find anyone demanding a ranking higher than mine, but I assume there is some reason for this?

Dominion: Guilds Previews / Guilds Info on RioGrande Website
« on: March 25, 2013, 05:10:42 am »
The following is listed under the guilds entry on Dominion's Wikipedia page.

Coin tokens that you can save to spend later, and cards you can get more out of by paying extra for them. Includes 13 types of Kingdom cards.

I haven't read anything related to the above on this site and I'm wondering where it came from.  Of course, being Wikipedia, it could just be some fanboy trying to put his ideas for the expansion in lights.  But both mechanics look broadly feasible so it got me wondering.  Has anyone seen this information anywhere else?

(Edit: Changed title to reflect new information.  If this info is in another thread elsewhere, feel free to lock/delete this thread)

Dominion General Discussion / Best Dark Ages Cards
« on: March 05, 2013, 01:47:14 am »
Okay, so now Dark Ages has been out for a while...

What do people think are the top 5 Dark Ages cards relative to their cost?

(I'm talking about overall average power, so please avoid cliche 'depends on the board' non-answers and the like)

Dominion Isotropic / Taking Copper with Haggler - Possible Bug?
« on: November 16, 2012, 02:27:47 pm »
I had a weird situation earlier I have never encountered before.  I was involved in a complete Clusterfuck game involving Gardens, Familiar, Vineyard, Native Village, Haggler and a bunch of other crap.  Towards the end of the game I am trying to 3-pile for the win, while simultaneously feeding my Gardens and Vineyards.  I am dealt a hand of Haggler, plus four dead cards (some combination of green and curses I can't remember).  I play the Haggler and buy the penultimate Native Village for $2, but was then not given the option to use Haggler's ability.  Curses were all out, but I should have been given the option to gain a Copper shouldn't I?

Dominion General Discussion / Why does Dominion have a Predefined End?
« on: April 04, 2012, 02:23:36 am »
It has now bee revealed that Guilds, released next year, will be the last expansion for Dominion.  Donald has also, on several occasions, spoken about how all of the Dominion expansions were essentially planned from the start.

To me this seems like a very strange way to run a game.  For most games like this, there is a base game released and then, if it proves successful, expansions will be released until the point there is no longer enough customer demand to warrant the time, money and effort needed to create more content.  While my evidence is entirely anecdotal it seems to me that Dominion is still selling very well, more people seem to be playing it that most other games (some of which still chuck out expansion after expansion).  So why is this Mayan-like predetermined apocalypse being adhered to?  It's not like the game has really reached it's natural conclusion, there are tons of new possibilities that could be explored.  Assuming that there is still a loyal fanbase for the game this time next year, surely something will be there to fill the demand.  Will more expansions suddenly be announced?  Will the rights to game be sold off to another party?  Will Donald and/or RGG attempt to shift the player base onto a new game that they are currently making and want to focus their efforts on?

It just seems hard to believe that this time next year we're basically looking at the end of the game in an evolving form.

Dominion General Discussion / Silver vs Peddler* in a BM Deck
« on: January 31, 2012, 04:13:20 pm »
* Note, I'm not talking specifically about Peddler, but about Peddler-like cards that give +1 Action, +1 Card, +$1 and maybe another bonus

Okay, so I got bored on the running machine in the gym today and started thinking about BM decks.  Specifically I was thinking about what BM decks should do when they hit exactly 5.  Traditional thinking seems to be that you should buy a couple of terminal bombs (like Witch, JoaT or Mounteback) or drawing cards (like Envoy or Smithy) and if there are none available or you already have too many terminals (2 seems to be the magic number) then buy silver.  Cards like Market, Treasury and Highway are thought to be too slow.

But I started wondering about this.  Let's say you are given a straight-up choice between Silver and Market.  When you draw Silver it gives a free $2, whereas Market gives you a free $1 plus a card and a Buy.  If we assume the +1 Buy is useless (to simplify things) that means to pick the Silver you have to value $1 more than a card.  Or, to put it another way, the average card in your deck must be worth less than a Copper.  This doesn't seem right to me.  The only time the average card in your deck should be worth less than a Copper in a BM deck should be turns 1-5.  And even if you face the decision on turn 1 or 2 (due to a 5/2 split) you have to assume that over the course of the game, the extra card from Market will be worth more than $1 more often than it is worth less than $1.

If we consider that the 'gravy' on the card (+1 Buy on Market, Topdeck on Treasury etc) could be useful on occasions, doesn't this mean that BM decks should be picking Peddlers over Silver?  And if this is the case then at what point do they cease to be BM decks?

Or am I missing something fundamental?

Dominion General Discussion / Most Skill-Intensive Cards
« on: January 10, 2012, 03:05:15 am »
I am interested in what people think are the most skill-intensive cards.  I'm not talking about the best cards necessarily, but the ones where there is the biggest disparity between what a good player will get out of them and what a mediocre/bad player will get out of them.  I have a few thoughts, but I won't post them for now because I don't want to prejudice the discussion to begin with (plus I'm a noob so I would probably be wrong anyway).

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