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Dominion General Discussion / is consulting a simulator cheating?
« on: December 13, 2011, 11:33:57 am »
(and sometimes even pre-game analysis like I open $5/$2 on a Colony board that has no real engine. Should I open Mine or Jack ? 30 seconds later I know it's Jack... I don't know if people think that's cheating???)

Within the confines of Isotropic where card manipulation is presumably impossible, this seems like it's about the top of the list in terms of cheating. Force disconnecting your opponent would beat it, but that's probably about it. I'm kinda puzzled that this would be a question.

Dominion Isotropic / Karumah?
« on: November 21, 2011, 11:18:08 am »
What's up with this guy?

Looking at the leaderboard 7 days ago,, he's a level 20 with 488 games. Today, he's a level 50 (!!!) with 1224 games played. CouncilRoom shows 1 game in the past 10 days. I don't see any obvious candidates for nickname shifting to account for this. So what's going on?

added: Ah, I forgot the obvious hypothesis. CouncilRoom does not log games that are sufficiently short, correct? So it's very possible that somebody is dumping hundreds of games on turn 1 to this guy, which might count for TrueSkill but will not show up as CR logs.

Game Reports / A goofy game
« on: October 04, 2011, 01:24:03 pm »
Mostly I'm posting this because it was fun, but maybe I can wrangle a question or two out of it.

With Council Room out for +buy and +$ actions around (Fishing Village, Black Market) I saw Pool and KC and pretty much stopped looking. In particular, my eyes largely slid over Bank until a few turns in. I thought about coming back to grab one later, but then my opponent had a huge turn 12, pulling all 7 Coppers and both Banks with a KC'ed Council Room to buy 3 Provinces. Before my turn 12, here was the situation:

matt979: 33 points : 5 Province, 2 Bank, 1 King's Court, 2 Council Room, 1 Envoy, 3 Fishing Village, 3 Estate, 7 Copper
ackack: 6 points : 1 Province, 1 King's Court, 1 Grand Market, 1 Council Room, 1 Potion, 5 Scrying Pool, 1 Black Market, 4 Fishing Village, 1 Chapel, 0 Estate, 1 Lighthouse, 2 Copper

I was able to come back thanks to some luck in my opponent not hitting the KC/CR combo again in the next few turns and perhaps the strongest set of Black Market pulls I've had: Chapel, Grand Market, Harem (ok, this wasn't special but I figured I needed all the points I could get), Bishop, Festival, Swindler. The initial Chapeling was possibly dubious, I might have been better off keeping the Coppers and trying to Bank up as well. However, once the huge Province gap developed, it turned out I was better off having more robust draw. Grand Market gave me a source of +buy without having to play the Council Room, freeing up a valuable card to Bishop and making life a little tougher for my opponent. Later on I was trying to play Pools to get a Duchy on top to Swindle to a CR, but never managed to pull that off. Given the composition of his deck, I realized after the fact that Copper -> Curse was considerably stronger than usual and that I should have been happy to hit those whenever possible.

I felt pretty bad about this afterwards. I really dislike being on the wrong side of the tedium gap in terms of engines, and having a game that's nearly in the bag lost on top of that is about one of the most annoying things there is. So, apologies! I almost resigned after the 3 Province turn and then decided that there was enough going on in the Black Market deck to try sticking it out.


Ok, so now possible things to think about:

-- KC/CR/Bank seems very strong indeed, and I think I deserved to lose this game for overlooking it. Is the build order adopted by my opponent best? I think I'd skip Envoy and pick up a Silver instead if I'm doing this kind of approach. Envoy is just so much worse than Council Room for this plan that I'm unconvinced that having one in the deck at all is good. Silver was pointless for me given my plan, but a Bank-based deck doesn't mind it at all.

-- How should I be handling Duchies once I've gotten into my "KC a Bishop every turn" phase of the game? I don't think I really figured that out, exactly. My last purchase of them was largely for blocking purposes, but before that I was trying to decide whether it was better to buy cards that wouldn't risk gumming up the engine for Bishop fuel or just buy Duchies and hope for the best.

Game Reports / 5/2: how would you open here?
« on: July 26, 2011, 11:20:24 am »
This game threw me for a bit of a loop. I opened Minion without much thought and pretty quickly got hammered. It seemed to me like the issue was that Moneylender/Silver can catch up pretty quickly in the Minion race with Minion/nothing, and when it does it has the structural advantage of a couple fewer Coppers. I didn't get a 4 in any of the early turns, and it seemed like grabbing Minions was more important than getting the Moneylender. But I'm now thinking that I was wrong there.

This then leaves the question of how to open with 5/2 here. Given how things played out I think Minion was a poor choice, but once you get rid of that there are a lot of options. I could see an argument for any of Upgrade (non-terminal trashing, will play it a lot in a Minion deck), Vault (probably helps out a lot in an equal Minion split scenario), Trading Post (trashes fastest, leaves buying power early, does give Silvers which are not so great in a Minion deck) or Moneylender (trashing with buying power, doesn't clog you up with coins you don't want for Minions). What would you do?

Game Reports / Tournament/Chapel - buy the second tournament?
« on: July 07, 2011, 01:09:15 pm »
This game left me a bit puzzled. I think a large part of what's going on here is that Tournament/Chapel is a big first player advantage in a mirror match - that first Province buy shows up in hand quite often, blocks me from getting the Province I'm otherwise guaranteed on my turn, and then from there the match is all over. I didn't recognize that angle at the time, and now I'm curious about how to adjust the buys. Should the second Tournament purchase be a Silver instead? (The third Tournament purchase is unquestionably bad and probably should have been Remodel instead.)

Game Reports / Familiar on a strong Remodel board
« on: June 25, 2011, 12:55:08 pm »
Just played this game:

I thought I was in for a pretty easy game when my opponent ignored Potions, but ultimately I was quite lucky to win. My opponent badly mishandled his final turn, Remodeling Silver to Upgrade instead of Duchy, then buying the penultimate Province despite being behind 21-19 starting his turn. 5 Provinces in 17 turns in a cursing game really impressed me, though.

Now, I did miss a Familiar purchase on Turn 4, but it felt like there was a good chance that Caravan, Moneylender and Remodel provided powerful enough thinning and boosting to make Familiars negligible. That was a pretty big surprise to me. I'm curious what other people think of it.

I just played a game where I was able to scroll back through all of the previous turns of the game. This is not the first time it has happened to me, and another friend of mine noticed the same thing. I queried my opponent to see if he had any clue about it, and it turns out he didn't have access to all of the previous turns! The game in question:

It was a direct challenge and not an automatch. The point tracker was off.

I (and my friend who has reported seeing the same thing) use Chrome.

Variants and Fan Cards / What would you pay for a non-recursive KC?
« on: June 22, 2011, 05:26:35 pm »
I like the idea of King's Court, and I even liked the huge chains the first few times I saw them. Now I often find them aggravating - games seem to be too dominated by whoever gets the first turn of KC/KC/X, and it's relatively rare that there's an even faster approach that gets you out of that competition.

Since most of the mayhem starts when you KC a KC, it got me thinking: what would be the proper value for a KC Jr. that lacks this recursive property? I can imagine two different variants:

1) You may play any action card other than KC Jr. in your hand 3 times.

2) You may play any action card other than KC, KC Jr., or Throne Room in your hand 3 times.

Is the change significant enough to merit a price difference? (Probably not, in my opinion.) What would you pay for these variants?

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