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Game Reports / Engines need +buy
« on: August 24, 2017, 11:15:02 pm »
Game 6269663. I can't replay it, since I'm not a subscriber (shame on me!), but you guys can.

Events: Scouting Party and Plan. Cards: University, Fortune Teller, Gear, Caravan, Envoy, Island, Wandering Minstrel, Highway, King's Court, and a 10th card I forgot (it definitely didn't have +buy on it). No Platina/Colonies/Shelters.

My plan: Plan on Gears. Shift into 1st Gear, then 2nd Gear, then 3rd Gear. Buy some cash and a King's Court, then buy one Province per turn.

My opponent's plan: gain lots of shiny stuff.

I lost the King's Court split 8-1 (the last one went unclaimed). I lost the Island split 8-0. But somehow, I squeaked out the win.  ;)

Quite an amusing game.

Edit: maybe the 10th card was Advisor? I hope that someone who can actually see the game will help me out here...

Innovation General Discussion / Did DougZ lose his website?
« on: January 03, 2016, 11:35:51 am »

I'm getting what looks like a 10 year old website for some museum. What's going on here?

I'll send a message to DougZ, but it looks like he hasn't been on f.ds for several months, so...  :(

Game Reports / Three nailbiters with Vineyards
« on: September 07, 2015, 10:12:41 pm »
Three interesting - and nailbiting - games with Vineyards, all in the same day. Feel free to criticize my play; I'm sure I could've played these better.

Game #1:

Code: [Select]
Vineyard, Urchin, Woodcutter, Caravan, Horse Traders, Mining Village, Scavenger, Smithy, Vault, Harem

My opponent got the unlucky 5-2 start; he opened Urchin-nothing, while I opened Urchin-Urchin. Somehow or other, he got to play two Mercenaries before I got to even play one. I guess the shuffle luck balanced itself out.

My opponent went for Golds, and later for Provinces. I went for an engine and Vineyards. We got into a cycle of him buying a Province every turn, and me buying a Vineyard every turn. My Vault plays helped him line up his Golds... but in the end, a Vault play helped me grab a bunch of points for the win. Final score: 47-42. A 5-point margin.

Game #2:

Code: [Select]
Vineyard, Cellar, Native Village, Stonemason, Swindler, Tunnel, Scavenger, Young Witch, Golem, Junk Dealer, Mint

Swindler was the Bane. On this one, my opponent was determined to get full use out of the Tunnels. And why not? With Young Witch, Cellar, and Golem on the board, those Tunnels were sure to bring in the cash. I didn't realize how good those Tunnels were going to be; I went for another Vineyard-based strategy.

In the end, Stonemason was the star of the show. For one thing, I got to grab extra Action cards by overpaying for Stonemason. For another thing, I got two opportunities at the end to turn a Gold into two Duchies. And I needed those points: I won 62-60. A 2-point margin.

Game #3:

Code: [Select]
Vineyard, Poor House, Cellar, Squire, Storeroom, Tunnel, Farming Village, Catacombs, Fairgrounds, Possession

Another Vineyards board! And this one had the extra temptation of Possession. As with Game #2, my opponent pushed for Tunnels, while I mostly ignored them and tried to build an engine. Thing is, I should've paid more attention to the Fairgrounds; I didn't realize how easy it would be to get them up to 6 points each. My opponent grabbed a ton of Fairgrounds, which gave him a big lead, and also weakened my Possessions immensely.

So how on earth did I win this game? The final score was 95-94; a 1-point margin! (And I went first, so I needed that point.)

No more games with Vineyards, please. My heart can't take it.  ;D

Game Reports / Prince/Bishop - a nice combo
« on: May 23, 2015, 01:08:57 pm »

Code: [Select]
Storeroom, Warehouse, Armory, Bishop, Festival, Laboratory, Rogue, Wharf, Altar, Prince

This was one of those games where I played engine and my opponent didn't, so I cruised to an easy victory. In that sense, it wasn't all that exciting. Still, I enjoyed this one; I got to use an engine payload that I've never seen before.

My opponent just went Laboratory-BM, with an Altar to gain more Laboratories. He got a huge lead on me, so it was tough to stay patient and keep building my engine. But I managed to control myself. Festival/Wharf/Warehouse (with a couple Laboratories on the side) made it easy for me to draw my whole deck. And I brought a couple of Rogues along, to gut my opponent's deck.

But how to come back from my opponent's big lead? No need to race for Duchies and such, because Bishop was on the board. I bought one Bishop at the beginning; when my engine was basically complete, I bought a second Bishop and two Princes. Then, on each turn, I used the Bishops to trash the Princes, and then I bought two more Princes at the end of the turn. I kept this cycle going until I was close enough to win by draining the Provinces.

Yes, Prince/Bishop is a pretty nice combo.

What, you didn't think I Princed a Bishop, did you? :P

Game Reports / This win proves how horrible I am
« on: January 14, 2015, 02:37:40 pm »

Code: [Select]
Moat, Woodcutter, Bureaucrat, Feast, Smithy, Spy, Throne Room, Festival, Witch, Adventurer

After this game, I'm not sure I deserve to be on these forums anymore.

Three-player game, all base cards; one of my opponents was using a guest account. I was the only one who got a 5-2 start, and I opened Moat/Witch. At that point, I was thinking: "If I can't beat these newbs after getting the lucky 5-2 start, that means I REALLY stink." I later got a second Witch, but my opponents apparently didn't mind getting Curses. Neither opponent ever bought a Witch.

Super easy win for me, right? Not quite...

I went with what I think is the traditional strategy here: I stocked up on Festivals and Throne Rooms for extra actions, and I used Witches, Moats, and a Smithy for card draw. Normal engine. My non-guest opponent grabbed a lot of Spies, and my guest opponent grabbed a bunch of Bureaucrats. After a while, my guest opponent started grabbing Duchies. I ignored him and continued to build up my engine. Surely my guest opponent would completely stall, right?

Well... apparently not. He had gotten so many Silvers from those Bureaucrats, that he could absorb a ton of Duchies without much trouble. And this despite the fact that I had handed him a ton of Curses. So he actually had a pretty solid lead on me.

Check out my turn 25. Duchies and Festivals were gone, and there was only one Spy left. I had enough cash to buy the Spy, but I wasn't sure whether I was ahead or not. (I wasn't.) So I bought an Estate instead. My guest opponent did the same on his turn; he was 1 coin short of buying the last Spy. Then, on my turn 26, I was able to double-Curse both my opponents (draining the Curse pile), and I bought three Estates. And thus, I won the game... one measly point.


Ladies and gentlemen, I handed my Bureaucrat-loving opponent 11 Curses (while getting none myself), and still, I only won by one point! Did I spend too much time building my engine? Regardless, I clearly stink.

Game Reports / Soothsayer/Tournament versus Witch/City
« on: October 29, 2014, 03:12:34 pm »

Code: [Select]
Tournament, Walled Village, Bandit Camp, City, Mandarin, Merchant Guild, Soothsayer, Stash, Witch, Harem

On this board, my opponent and I both opened Tournament/Silver.

Our strategies diverged after that.

I wanted to get to the Provinces as quickly as possible, and start cashing in on prizes. So when I had to choose a curser, I picked Soothsayer to get extra Gold. My opponent had an eye on a big drawing engine, so he chose Witch. He ended up getting two Witches, while I got just one Soothsayer: when I had a chance to get a second Soothsayer, I grabbed a Gold instead. I knew I'd lose the Curse split, but getting to Provinces was my top priority.

When my opponent grabbed his first City, I responded in kind. But after that, I decided not to fight him for Cities; I decided to pull the City trap on him. I'd keep the Tournament, City, and Curse piles all roughly even, so they'd all empty at about the same time, and he wouldn't get much benefit from the Cities.

I got my Province early, and grabbed my first prize: a Trusty Steed. (Not Followers, since Curses were draining quickly enough as it is.) I didn't get any more prizes; on my next opportunity, I knew the game was drawing to a close, so I grabbed a Duchy instead.

It looked like I was going to pull it off: Cities gone, Curses gone, and I grabbed the penultimate Tournament with a sizable lead. Alas, I couldn't finish the job. My opponent bought Province/Duchy, I only had 3 coins (I bought an Estate), and then my opponent bought Province/Province/Tournament to win the game. It all came together for him at the very last minute.

What do you think, folks? Did I just get unlucky, or did he have the better strategy?

Game Reports / This is what I get for being polite
« on: June 19, 2014, 09:59:33 am »
Rant coming. I apologize in advance.

Code: [Select]
Chapel, Moat, Familiar, Cutpurse, Procession, Throne Room, Worker's Village, Band of Misfits, Bazaar, Inn

Three-player game. One of my opponents got the lucky 5-2 start and opened Chapel/Band of Misfits. After some more good luck (and probably some bad play on my part), she roared out to an enormous lead. Had this been a 2-player game, I would've cursed my rotten luck, resigned, and moved on to the next game. But this was a 3-player game. I didn't want to be rude and quit; I decided to politely play it out.

While I and my other opponent were struggling to get going, my winning opponent gobbled up 5 Provinces. This was a mistake on her part. Rather than greening, she should've kept building up her engine, and looked for a 3-pile victory. As it was, she started to stall. And she didn't seem interested in forcing a 3-pile ending. I started thinking that maybe I could still win; I could cobble together a huge engine and mount a furious comeback. It would be an unbelievable longshot, but I had to try.

After what seemed like ages, I finally had a decent engine. By this time, my winning opponent had 7 Provinces, and my other opponent had grabbed a Province himself. We were dangerously close to a 3-pile ending; the Curses and Bands of Misfits were gone, and there were just 3 Moats left. My winning opponent could wake up and grab Moats at any moment. I couldn't wait any longer; it was time to strike. I played out my deck; I had 25 coins and plenty of buys. "Okay, let's start this comeback with 5 Duchies." I moved my mouse toward the Duchy pile...

... and at that moment, my other opponent quit.


I think this video sums up my feelings:

Game Reports / I don't want a tie...
« on: June 01, 2014, 07:08:18 pm »
I want a win!

Code: [Select]
Chapel, Oasis, Navigator, Quarry, Apprentice, Graverobber, Horn of Plenty, Venture, Hoard, Forge

I was first player on this board. My opponent and I each built up a one-Province-per-turn engine. My engine was based on Apprentices and a Hoard; his engine relied on Ventures. At turn 12, we started cashing in; we soon had 3 Provinces each, and it looked like we were headed straight for a tie.

I didn't want a tie. I wanted a win.

So I started Duchy dancing. I had earlier trashed a Duchy with an Apprentice, so there were 7 Duchies left... an ODD number. As long as my engine held up, it looked like I would win the Duchy dance and the game.

Well, with two Duchies left (and me up by 3 points), my opponent bought a Forge.

Now I wasn't sure what to do. I could buy another Duchy, but I feared my opponent would be able to double-Province and win. So I chickened out, and bought a Province. My opponent used the Forge to grab the last Province, and then he bought a Duchy for the tie.

Oh well.

So, do we have any gamblers here? What would you have done at turn 15, if you were in my shoes? Would you have played it safe and gone for the tie immediately? Would you have played it like I did? Would you have bought a Duchy at turn 18, and hoped for your opponent to not double-Province?

Comments about general strategy on this board would also be welcome.

Game Reports / Yes, I did know King's Court was in the game
« on: May 25, 2014, 09:31:44 pm »

Code: [Select]
Poor House, Cellar, Shanty Town, Workshop, Caravan, Death Cart, Young Witch, Counting House, Rabble, Witch, King's Court

When does King's Court get completely ignored? When the Bane (Shanty Town) pushes it off the screen.  ;D

Actually, I DID know that King's Court was in the game. Still, I never bought one; every time I had the chance, it seemed like buying treasure or VP was a higher priority.

I don't know if my opponent knew that King's Court was in the game. But given his turn 12 buy of a Rabble instead of a King's Court, I'm guessing not.  ;D

Help! / Either Talisman stinks, or I do
« on: April 27, 2014, 08:02:40 pm »

Code: [Select]
Embargo, Apothecary, Fortune Teller, Advisor, Conspirator, Ironmonger, Silk Road, Talisman, Bazaar, Ghost Ship

On this board, it took me all of 2 seconds to decide that Talisman was a key card here. Lots of juicy 4s available: Ironmonger, Advisor, and Conspirator. Throw in a few Bazaars and Ghost Ships, and we've got a nice engine. No +buy available, but oh well. Looked like an easy start to me: I opened Fortune Teller/Talisman.

My opponent opened Fortune Teller/Ironmonger. He didn't take any Talismans (Talismen?) at all. I figured this would be an easy win for me. If he spends 5 coins on a Bazaar, and I spend 4 coins and a Talisman on two Ironmongers (or Advisors, or Conspirators), I'm getting the better end of the bargain, right?

Wrong. As you can see from the log, he stomped me. You'll note that he used Embargo to his advantage, but that was just gravy; even without those Embargoes, he had me beat.

So, what's the verdict? Does Talisman stink, or do I? (Or both?)

Edit: oops, I posted the bland version of the log, instead of the nice version. It's fixed now.

Innovation Game Reports / Biggest shared Industrialization ever
« on: March 12, 2014, 02:41:38 pm »

Two-player game with Figures, with an extra achievement needed to win (so, 8 achievements needed).

I had much better luck with getting scoring cards than my opponent did, so I was able to zip through the normal achievements. Meanwhile, my opponent built up a much bigger tableau than mine, and he claimed several special achievements in the process.

Check out his turn 20. I was all set to claim the 8 achievement and win, but he managed to swipe my only level 8 card from my tableau. So I pondered... and eventually, my eyes landed on my Industrialization.

"I'm ahead on points. Can I end it now? If I share Industrialization, he'll tuck 8 cards and I'll tuck 3. That's 11 cards; if I do it twice, we'll tuck 22 cards. How many base cards are available to be tucked? Let's see... 21? PERFECT!"

Biggest shared Industrialization ever.  ;D

Help! / Don't open Baker, eh?
« on: March 08, 2014, 06:55:55 pm »

Code: [Select]
Haven, Warehouse, Horse Traders, Pirate Ship, Talisman, Baker, Bazaar, Counterfeit, Stables, Adventurer

I've heard it a thousand times. "Don't open Baker." "That's not a good way to start." "Sure you want Bakers eventually. But not right away. Open something else."

I foolishly took that lesson to heart in this 3-player game. I figured I needed to whittle down my deck early, not only because trashing junk is good in general, but I didn't want to leave easy targets for my opponents' Pirate Ships. So I opened Counterfeit/Warehouse; thereafter, I focused on tossing Coppers and buying Bakers (and later, Bazaars).

One of my opponents did go for Pirate Ships. The other? He opened Baker/Warehouse, and plowed into the Bakers. I was playing catchup with him after that.

The end result? I split the Bakers 5-5 with him, and I got more Bazaars than he did... but he won easily. Those early Coin tokens, combined with the cash he did NOT trash, made the difference.

Okay folks, help me here. What's the tipoff here that opening Baker is the right move?

Edit: sorry, forgot to include the log.

Goko Dominion Online / Background scene - am I the last to notice this?
« on: December 27, 2013, 05:36:08 pm »
When you play a game on Goko, the background slowly changes. The scene starts off in early morning, and slowly transitions to evening as the game goes on.

Am I the last one to notice this? Hundreds of games I've played on Goko, and I never noticed until now. (I didn't notice until I started jumping around in one of WanderingWinder's Youtube videos. Jumping back and forth makes it a lot easier to see.)

Innovation Game Reports / Trojan Horse offers a Trojan horse
« on: December 07, 2013, 06:02:38 pm »

A crazy back and forth game, featuring a Fission explosion. Scroll down to my turn 28, and I'll give you some details:

I led four achievements to two, but my opponent led 10 points to 0. He had Combustion and more crowns than me, so he was poised to gobble up any cards I scored. I had Robotics and AI on my board... and on turn 28, I drew Software. I had visions of winning with AI, but there was a problem: if I activated AI, I'd first have to score a 10, and our scores would be tied. I needed my opponent to increase his score. So I offered him a Trojan horse...

For my second action on turn 28, I activated AI, and scored a 10. My opponent took the bait; he grabbed my 10 with Combustion, and claimed the 4 achievement. I then melded Software and activated AI again (scoring the last 10 in the process), and I won.

I'm glad I could live up to my username.  ;D

Help! / Where did I blow it in this Rebuild mirror?
« on: November 17, 2013, 11:27:39 am »

Code: [Select]
Beggar, Embargo, Lookout, Urchin, Silk Road, Band of Misfits, Pillage, Rebuild, Bank, King's Court

A Rebuild mirror, and I got squeaked out at the end. I'm thinking my most glaring mistake was my turn 5 purchase of a second Rebuild, instead of a Duchy. Do you guys agree, or did I blow it some other way?

Game Reports / Please give me those Curses
« on: November 01, 2013, 09:35:26 pm »

Code: [Select]
Poor House, Native Village, Develop, Cutpurse, Young Witch, Band of Misfits, Embassy, Highway, Mandarin, Adventurer, Altar
On this board, Develop was the Bane card. I decided to completely ignore Young Witch. I didn't even grab Develops right away. I figured I'd let my opponent Curse me all he wanted. I'd Develop those Curses into Poor Houses, and I'd Develop some of those Poor Houses into Native Villages. With a lot of junk in my deck, those Poor Houses would allow me to score some quick points. And then I'd end the game on three empty piles: Poor Houses, Native Villages, and Curses.

As you can see, all went according to plan. Quite a masterpiece, if I do say so myself.


Actually, I didn't plan anything of the sort. This game came at the end of a horrible session; my frustration was at its peak, and I was pretty much incapable of planning anything. My thought process was something like this: "I'll click this card. Now I'll click that card. Now I'll click that other card. I'm getting all the Curses. This isn't working. I'm going to lose again." Glad to see I bumbled my way into a win.  ;D

Other Games / Sirlin kickstarts another stinker
« on: October 08, 2013, 10:08:51 am »
David Sirlin took Texas Hold'em Poker, changed the size of the deck (6 suits, 10 ranks), changed some of the poker hands, added variable player powers (since Sirlin thinks that every game should have variable player powers), slapped on a panda theme, and called it Pandante.

The Kickstarter for this stinker opened today. Check it out here.

Actually, I don't think it looks like a stinker at all. But I know you guys love to unleash some good Sirlin-hate, and I won't stand in the way.  ;)

Game Reports / He had an impressive engine, but...
« on: October 06, 2013, 07:49:55 pm »
... I already had 41 of the available 80 points. I didn't have the heart to tell him he'd already lost.  ;)

Game Reports / Riding out the Curse storm
« on: October 01, 2013, 10:38:30 pm »
An unusual 3-player game I played a couple of days ago. The setup:

Were it not for the Sea Hag, I would've gone for the Golden Deck without any hesitation. But the Sea Hag made me pause. Two opponents, both playing Sea Hags, would choke my Golden Deck for sure. Looks like I should forget it... or should I?

I opened Chapel/Bishop. I decided to go for the Golden Deck anyway, but with an addition: two Upgrades. My plan was to wait out the inevitable Curse storm, using my Upgrades to get rid of Curses. Also, I would stay away from the Provinces until the Curses ran out. In the meantime, I would get VP chips by trashing other cards: trash Gold/buy Gold, or trash Upgrade/buy Upgrade, etc.

Meanwhile, my LHO (left-hand opponent) ignored Bishops altogether. She opened Chapel/Silver, and went for a traditional Big Money deck. She bought a Sea Hag and a couple of Treasuries, but otherwise just bought money and VP cards. Thanks in part to Bishops played by her opponents, she put together a lean, mean deck; she soon started gobbling up the Provinces.

As for my RHO (right-hand opponent): he opened Silver/Bishop. He put together a sampling of most of the available Kingdom cards; I'm not exactly sure what he had in mind.

Anyway, I stuck to my plan, trashing Curses and staying away from Provinces. With two Curses left, I got rid of an Upgrade; I ditched my last Upgrade when the Curse pile depleted. I now had the official Golden Deck, with no fear of further Curses; I finally bought my first Province at turn 19.

But I didn't have time to celebrate: I faced a crucial decision at turn 20. I knew I was slightly behind my LHO, and there were three Provinces left. Do I trash Province/buy Province, or do I trash Gold/buy Gold? I feared that if I bought a Province, my opponents would gobble up the last two Provinces, and I'd lose in a squeaker. (I guess this is the 3-player version of PPR.)

After some thought, I decided to risk it. I trashed my Province and bought a Province. My LHO also bought a Province, and it was all up to my RHO. As you can see from the log, he could've bought the last Province, by Salvaging one of his own Provinces. But he didn't. He Salvaged a Bishop and bought a Duchy and an Estate. That was the best thing for his own score, but it let me grab the last Province and win.

My RHO was kingmaker, and he king-made me.

Okay, let the criticism begin. Where did we go wrong?

Innovation Game Reports / Rowing on the Jialing River
« on: August 30, 2013, 09:42:54 pm »
2-player game with the No Place Like Home expansion. I got my final achievement (the 8 ) using Chongqing for tech level... and Oars for points! (Good thing too, since my opponent's empire was gigantic at that point.)

Oars is so overpowered. Needs to be toned down a bit.  :P

Innovation Game Reports / Don't get frustrated
« on: May 25, 2013, 03:04:19 pm »
A win I did not deserve:

When I stole my opponent's freshly melded Industrialization (my turn 14), my opponent was plenty frustrated. So frustrated, that when he melded Globalization on his turn 16, he didn't realize he could dogma it for the win. I didn't give him a second chance.

Don't get frustrated. Forget about how badly the game has gone so far; play each turn as though you just sat down at the table.

(This message is as much for myself as anyone else. Usually, I'M the one throwing the game away due to frustration.)

Game Reports / I lost to Mint/Moat
« on: June 18, 2012, 01:56:47 pm »
Q: When is Mint/Moat a strong opening?

A: When you know your opponent is a total idiot.

Embassy, Inn, Mint, Moat, Nomad Camp, Remake, Tactician, University, Worker's Village, Workshop. I had visions of a massive engine, with Embassies and Tacticians doing the card drawing, and plenty of spare actions to go around. I opened Potion/Workshop.

You can see how well that turned out.

When a Level 0 opponent opens Mint/Moat, he must be an idiot. When a Level 38 opponent opens Mint/Moat, YOU must be an idiot.

Game Reports / Stop giving me chapels!
« on: March 31, 2012, 10:45:19 pm »
The setup: Bank, Caravan, Chapel, City, Coppersmith, Farmland, Horse Traders, Jester, Native Village, and Nobles. (My opponent had vetoed Young Witch; I had vetoed Goons.)

My opponent got a lucky 5-2 start, and opened Chapel/Jester. I opened Chapel/Silver.

After that, pretty much every turn, he Jestered a Chapel of mine, and gave me another Chapel. All of the Chapels (except the one he purchased at the start) eventually found their way into my deck.

Wait till you see how much he beat me by.  ;)

Game Reports / Was I right to ignore Chapel?
« on: March 16, 2012, 11:32:31 am »

The setup: Caravan, Chapel, Great Hall, Minion, Outpost, Peddler, Saboteur, Salvager, Scrying Pool, Vault.

We both had a 4-3 start. Normally Chapel is an automatic buy for me, but I made an exception this time. I looked at those precious Minions, and I figured I didn't want to waste any time in getting them. Plus, I figured I didn't need the Chapel's trashing power so much, since I could just bypass the junk in my deck with the Minions. So I opened Salvager/Silver. My opponent started with the usual Chapel/Silver.

Our strategies were very similar thereafter: heavy on the Minions, light on the Peddlers. We stayed close throughout, but I came out on top.

But now I'm wondering if I really made the right move. It worked out, of course, but was I just lucky? My opponent did seem to have some bad luck with his draws early on. And I was playing against a very strong opponent; if he started with Chapel, then that was probably the right move to make.

What you do think? Was I right to ignore Chapel, or not?

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