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Puzzles and Challenges / Impossible Score
« on: July 31, 2011, 03:18:15 pm »
Me and 3 other people sit down and play Dominion. About half an hour later, they are counting up their scores. I realise that the total score of all 4 players is exactly 133. The Kingdom Cards chosen don't include any Victory cards* and don't contain VP chip givers (Bishop, Monument, Goons). How is this possible?

*This includes  dual types (Action-Victory and Treasure-Victory)

There are at least 2 solutions.

Small Hint: One Solution involves "thinking outside the box"

Edit: Their are no Colonies and I counted correctly

Puzzles and Challenges / Perfect Hand
« on: July 26, 2011, 01:33:39 pm »
At the start of my turn, I have 5 cards in hand, no cards in my deck or discard pile, no durations in play and no status on any mats. In addition I do not have any Ironworks or Workshops in my hand. What is the most victory points I can gain this turn?

Edit: No Masquerade!

Variant: I have no bridges in hand either.

Edit 2: I don't have any Universities in hand either, for similar reasons to Ironworks/Workshop and going crazy. Possesion/Outpost count as a different "turn" for this puzzle.

Puzzles and Challenges / Two Cards in Hand
« on: July 26, 2011, 01:14:26 pm »
In a 4 player game, it's the start of my turn and I have two cards in hand (due to attacks). I have no Durations in play and don't have anything on mats. There are a lot of curses in my deck, so if I were to play a draw card I don't know what I'd draw. Platinum and Colony are not in the game, there are 3 Provinces left and I can't end the game on 3 piles. What is the situation given that when I use the two cards in my hand in the right way, I'm guaranteed to end the game in my victory?

There may be more than one solution.

Game Reports / Crazy Remake Strategy Works
« on: July 06, 2011, 06:59:13 pm »
Setup: Colony, Counting House, Fortune Teller, Gardens, Horse Traders, Loan, Menagerie, Platinum, Remake, Scout, Smugglers, and Trade Route
Looking at the setup, I saw there were no +2 Actions and no powerful $5 cards. Platinum/Colony made me think it'd be a long game. I open Silver/Remake and end up playing a strategy involving 2 remakes and lots of remaking. My opponent opens Horse Traders/Trade Route seems to go for a trade route strategy. I win 63-36 getting 6 of 8 Colonies. I remake remake into counting house and the counting house into gold. Anyway, I think I played quite well and this was different then how I usually use remake. I will certainly consider trying to remake to gold more often. Can anyone see a better strategy for this board? Constructive criticism on my play is also welcomed.

In this article:
theory asked "...probability each deck cycle of activating Treasure Maps, assuming n Treasure Maps and p cards in the deck".
In my workings, I've assumed that you have t Treasure maps and n cards in total. It is also assumed n is divisible by 5 for simplicities sake. The probability below is that in at least one hand you have at least 2 treasure maps, it is also one minus the probability of every treasure map being in a different hand. It also assumes you don't have draw cards like lab or Village/Smithy, but you can represent great halls and other +1 Action +1 Card Kingdoms by not counting them when counting the number of cards in your deck.

The answer:

This can be applied to other cards as well, for example, you could make t the number of terminal actions you have and see what the chances are of drawing two together.

Involves some pretty advanced mathematics and I expect only a few people will understand the derivation. Basically, I'm too lazy to post them, but if someone requests I will.

If you have any probability questions you would like answered (relating to Dominion), then please say.

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