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Rules Questions / Lich + Duration Attacks
« on: May 24, 2022, 07:24:21 pm »
If I play Lich and also play a Duration-Attack such as Swamp Hag, Haunted Woods, Enchantress, Blockade, Gatekeeper or Corsair, presumably the effects will persist until my next actual turn?

E.g. if I play two Liches and one Swamp Hag in the same turn, then all the other players will get three turns each before I have my next turn, assuming that they do not play Lich, but during any of these turns they will continue to gain a Curse whenever they buy a card?

Rules Questions / Messenger bought when it is not your turn
« on: October 26, 2021, 06:39:07 pm »
Just checking - if your somehow end up buying Messenger when it is not your turn, it would (usually) be your first buy in the turn and therefore you would select a card for yourself and all other players to gain?

I realise that this is an edge case but it could happen if you react to an Attack with Caravan Guard, choose to play it as Way of the Mouse when Way of the Mouse is Black Market (or Vassal when Black Market is on top of your deck), and one of the three revealed cards is Messenger.

Rules Questions / Gaining then exchanging with nearly empty piles
« on: August 11, 2021, 02:20:02 am »
Say I buy Conquest (Gain 2 Silvers) and there is only one Silver in the Supply, so normally I could only gain one card, but Changeling is also in the supply. In that case, is it possible to exchange the (first) gained Silver for a Changeling (putting it back in the supply) and then still gain the (second) Silver after that? I would have thought it would be but it always pays to check.

Presumably in that case I would also get 2 VP for gaining silver twice by doing so (plus 1 for any Silver gained earlier in the turn).

Rules Questions / Timing of Ball
« on: July 14, 2021, 12:49:26 am »
The Event named Ball tells you to gain 2 cards costing up to 4. My question is, do you gain them simultaneously, or one after the other? I've always assumed it was the latter.

This would affect cards like Destrier, if you've gained one card before buying Ball, given that as long as they're not simultaneous, gaining the first card reduces Destrier's cost to $4 so it could be the second card gained, and Wayfarer would be similar. If they were simultaneous and your deck had been empty, then it would seem that you would be able to gain two Fishermen with Ball.

Rules Questions / Order of resolution of Jester attack
« on: February 17, 2021, 05:28:19 pm »
Good morning,

I play Jester, attacking everyone, and my first opponent discards Lost City. Whether he or I gains it, the remaining two players will end up drawing a card. Which card is discarded by each player? The cards originally on their deck when Jester was played, or the new cards as a result of a draw from Lost City (as they drew the cards originally on their deck)?

In other words, is each player dealt with one at a time with Jester, or are all cards discarded at once at the start of the attack, and then I choose who gains each discarded card?

Rules Questions / Questions about Ways
« on: October 25, 2020, 05:49:21 pm »
Good morning,

I had three questions ask about Ways:

1. If I play Crossroads as a Way, does this count as the first time I've played Crossroads this turn?
2. If I play an Attack card as a Way, does it count as an attack for the purposes of activating an Urchin, or other players being able to react?
3. If I play a card as Way of the Mouse, does it count as two actions played for the purposes of activating Conspirator?

I understand that for questions 1 and 2, the answer is yes if I instead play Crossroads or an Attack Card when under the effects of Enchantress (because I still technically played the card) and wondered if it were also true for playing one of these cards as a Way. And for #3 I wondered if it counts as an extra action because Way of the Mouse tells you to play a card, like an Emulator does.

My guess is that the answer is 'yes' for all three, but I'd like to confirm.

Say I play Cartographer, and reveal two Village Greens, discarding them. I choose to play the first one and take +1 card +2 actions immediately, which happens to cause a reshuffle, meaning that the second is no longer in the discard pile - in fact let's saw I draw the second one as a result of playing the first one. Am I still able to play the second one, even though I cannot put it into play (as it's no longer in the discard pile)?

I would have thought that this is allowed as it would be similar to Vassal as that allows you to play discarded cards even if they are not there any more. Indeed, the example on the Wiki for Vassal - - refers to Village Green specifically.

Rules Questions / Necromancer + Band of Misfits + Duration
« on: December 09, 2019, 01:55:12 am »
Scenario (based on the recent rule tweaks): I play Necromancer and use it to play Band of Misfits (or Overlord) from the Trash, which then plays a Duration like Fishing Village from the supply. Necromancer cannot play a Duration directly but here it has played one indirectly. Does Necromancer remain in play?

I would have expected the answer to be no - if the BoM were to play Fishing Village directly, it would stay in play, but in this scenario it's indirect.

Rules Questions / Some questions re Sceptre
« on: August 19, 2019, 02:54:50 am »
I've got a few questions re Sceptre. It looks like the rules online already answer them but I'd like to be on the safe side!

1) I play Royal Carriage, putting it on the Tavern Mat, then I play a different action and immediately replay call that Royal Carriage back into play to replay the different action. If I play Sceptre later during the turn, presumably I can use it to replay Royal Carriage, as it was played this turn, and presumably this puts Royal Carriage back on the Tavern Mat?

2) I play Transmogrify and due to an opponent's Enchantress, I get +1 card, +1 action, and it does not move to the Tavern Mat. Presumably I can use Sceptre to replay it later in the turn, moving it to the Tavern Mat?

3) I play Hireling, and due to an opponent's Enchantress, I get +1 card, +1 action. At this point it's not staying in play after the current turn, but if I play Sceptre later in the turn to replay Hireling, Hireling now stays in play for the rest of the game, and I get +1 card at the start of all subsequent turns. Is is true that now Sceptre also stays in play indefinitely? (And ditto for Royal Carriage if I use it to replay Hireling immediately after resolving the Enchanted Hireling.)

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