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just resigned from a game where me and my opponent bought sewers with a money lender. when he trashed his coppers with money lender, he was allowed to trash other cards. when i did the same thing, it forced trash another copper from my hand without even giving me a choice....

i guess this seems like a bug, but i didnt find a bug sub forum

Variants and Fan Cards / Dominion: Enlightenment
« on: September 26, 2023, 06:34:13 pm »
a village/church/ vagrant hybrid. also the top card of the grounds (mixed)pile

2nd card of the grounds pile. it's last effect stems from the 3rd card of the pile's ability: money villaging

I don't know if this mechanic is viable, since it may be hard to keep track of, but this card introduces money-villaging, where you play or gain a treasure into play or under another card in exchange for more actions. this card on its own is pretty weak for its cost, but it's meant to sync with Track/Wreath to work as a village and buy-payload engine.

This card would be OP if there were 8-12 of them, but if there's only 4-5, and in a mixed/rotateable pile, its floor isn't as good.

A caravan-market hybrid treasure. i went with $5 over $4 since a card and $ with the caravan duration is stronger than caravan. The discard for gain is to allow the card to be recycled through the deck on every turn potentially. This is why the initial payload is weak for a $5 card.

a cheap payload engine card with a small risk

Cheap utility card that can sync with itself pretty well. I gave it $3, since it's basically shaman with a buy or a weaker caravan.

Seems a little strong at first glance, but the haven effect could be sometimes detrimental/ dull for a +1 buy card. I went with $3 to ensure it'd get run.

This is just a cheaper Lab with a binding

Lost city variant. i think it's pretty fair.

Cheap low-utility card with some deck cycling potential. if this was $3 it would be too risky. maybe a sneaky good card for some RNG payload for $2.

I think this is a pretty cool card. it doesn't block an attack, but does penalize the attacking player. this can stack on itself so it wants to get attacked, since it will draw cards when revealed. but it has no payload and must trash a card when actually played. so it's not just a sneaky cheap caravan. its cost is based on moat and caravan. it's worst than caravan for payload, and worst than moat in attack reaction. 1+3/2=$2. when there are no attack cards, it's just a worst Student.

the point of this card is to hopefully secure playing a haybale each time. haybale is a non-supply card like horses/spirits/loots

when combined with Wagon, it has some good deck-cycling and payload potential. but i think the coolest use of wagon/haybale is to use wagon to gain haybale in order to have a trash-gain engine. haybale can become a duchy or gold with most remodel cards, and wagon keeps the haybale supply going.

a spammable harbinger/ scavenger night card that isnt gained into your hand and doesn't really work well if you draw multiple copies into a starting hand. this could be super strong with deck cycling kingdoms and slightly weak without one. i gave it $4 since it has a double scavenger without an inherent payload, and is spammable like harbinger since its a night card

The point of this card is to sync with Mana and to counter attacks. The more Manas you have, the better Magi gets, since it's weak single-use payload is slightly weak for its cost.

This is not that great without a +buy or attack kingdom, but it offers flexibility in that you can gain a $5 card for free from Magi and trash/gain from it. otherwise, it's weak. i think it's strongest use is as a deterrent for others to play attacks.

I have more coming, i just want to post this before i accidentally delete or close something

i'm having trouble connecting to i've never had trouble in the past connecting to the site/servers, and literally every new screen loads slowly, and when it does it's all black.

i have no clue why this is happening.

any help would be appreciated. thanks.

I'm currently in a game #103928451....the guy (itsame6)has disconnected 7 times and the game has taken around 10 minutes for 13 seems like he's doing it intentionally as a way of pressuring me to resign so he can farm rating...

why isn't there a forced resign after...the 5th one?

edit: now i resigned due to the slowplay....

Let's Discuss ... / Lets discuss: Barbarian
« on: March 13, 2022, 05:20:20 am »
I think this is my least favorite card now. It's trashing powers alone make it swingy to all hell. It has a higher probability of giving players curses than swindler, and the locust effect on other cards is more powerful than same-cost-replacement.

This card is cracked, for sure.

Variants and Fan Cards / New traveller-type cards
« on: March 04, 2022, 01:36:14 am »
Hi. I have new card types. They act like travellers and cost $4-7 in order to help the last one not get trashed by being in the $3-6 range. Please give a response for each one. Thanks.

The first type are Vendors. The idea is to amass coffers and pressure other players to not buy cards.

I have a pretty cool idea for an expansion, called “Wartime”. The main niche of this is to introduce a new pre-phase (ie before ABC) on player’s turns where, if a player wants,he can initiate an attack on another player in hopes of gaining vp tokens and/or causing the losing player to lose vp tokens. The wartime outcome will be determined by which player had higher wartime power in hand during an attack. Before a player starts his turn, he may declare an attack on a player. Once this happens, the involved players reveal their hand and the hand with the most wp (wartime power) wins. The winning player recieves 2 vp tokens and the loser loses 1, but never goes below 0. In the event of a tie, the attacker loses  1 vp token and only draws 4 cards on the next hand, but nothing happens to the defender. Wartime power is dedicated to new cards, which have various strengths and powers. In a game with 3 or more players, a player may only attack one player per turn. After a defending loss, the defender may gain up to a 3$ card into his discard pile. You don’t play cards during wartime, but just reveal your hand and add up the wp. The effects on Soldier cards only get resolved during the regular abcn phases of players’ turns. A reserve buy token, called a “stock”, is introduced.

New supply pile cards, non supply cards, new events. Players start with 5 copper, 2 generic 1wp (wartime power) soldiers with +1$ and +1 action, 2 estates, and a draft card (which, when played, causes you to trash it and gain a starting soldier of one of the 8 archetypes into your discard pile for free).

New card characteristics:
There will be soldier card archetypes in the supply, that have 5 tiers, that function like peasant/ page, where after playing the supply card, you can start the exchange process with non-supply cards that increase in power as you move up.  Except in Wartime, there are 8 cards like this, and they are always played with each other in every setup. Each archetype card will have you pay 2$ to exchange for the next tier during the night phase.

Archetypes: Construction, naval, engineering, Garrison, and reconnaisance, magic, mounted, and industry.

Soldier cards:

Construction soldiers focus on granting villagers, having the passive moat effect, and trashing/gaining.

Naval soldiers focus on exiling cards and attacking the top 2 cards of a player’s deck and trashing one treasure of the attacked player’s choice

Engineering will focus on these effects: reducing the costs of cards, and [eventually]gaining “launchers”, a card that sends an untrashable “heavy stones” card (does nothing, but you may pay 2$ to exile it). Both “launcher” and “ heavy stones” are non-supply cards only gained from other cards. There will be twice as many “stones” cards in a kingdom as there will be curse cards, because they can be exiled quickly.

Garrison will focus on gaining cards (higher tiers gain starting garrison soldiers for free), drawing an extra card into your hand after a defending win or tie, and granting + cards/actions at the start of next turn.

Reconnaisance is a night card soldier that focuses on spying/ discarding cards in other players hands/ top of deck when played at night, and reacting to attacks/ gains passively, by allowing you to topdeck, trash, or send back to the instigating player a gained card. Top tier recon’s spy ability cannot be blocked

Magic is also a night card soldier, whose starting tier cost 3$+potion. Magic soldiers will focus on granting boons/hexes (both at the same time, eventually), increasing the price of cards on other players’ turns, and being able to gain from the trash, or choose one player from whose exile you will remove a card and place into their discard pile.

Mounted soldiers will focus on gaining horses into the discard pile, attacking the top cards of other player’s deck and having the option of trashing it if it is between 3-6. And if it does, it trashes itself. Whenever a horse is returned to its pile, you may reveal a mounted soldier to cause all players to reveal the top card of their deck. You choose whether to keep or discard them.

Industry is focused on granting coffers, gaining vp tokens when buying another soldier, and adding 1$ to other soldiers played on turn.

Each tier has a corresponding number of wp; so, the first archetype soldier has 1wp, the 3rd has 3wp, and the top tier has 5wp. Also, the 4th tier soldiers are worth 2 vp each, and 5th tier soldiers are worth 4 vp each. You may gain 1 “general” card per each tier 5 soldier archetype you play a card from, with a maximum of 8.

This makes the game go longer, but will have more interesting interactions and scenarios to plan for..

It might be good to add 1 or 2 extra supply decks to each kingdom.

Some other content ideas are: have a pre-game draft, called “constitution”, where, in reverse order of turns, each player may choose an event, landmark, or project to be used in the game. This would mean the inclusion of past content into the physical game.

Other cards. Terms: c (card), a (action), v (villager) , $ (purchasing power) vpt (victory token)

5$ “Barns” worth 2 vp. Whenever a card is bought or returned to a pile, you may reveal this to gain a horse or a 3$ card onto your deck. Victory/ Action card

3$ “Auctioneer” . Gain a coffer. Choose a card from the supply costing up to 6. Beginning with the player to your left, players may bid any amount of debt to purchase that card, ending with you as the last bidder. The player with the highest bid after your turn gains the card and debt. Action card

6$ “Blacksmith” Whenever a player gains a soldier, reveal this to gain a coffer. You may trash a treasure from your hand. Per it’s value in $, you may gain up to that amount of cheaper cards. Action / Reaction card

7$ “General” +3 actions. All other players must reveal their hand. You may pay 2$ to discard a soldier to gain a cheaper soldier of a different archetype. This can only be blocked by a general. The soldier you discard must be at least a tier 2 soldier or higher to be exchangeable. This is not in the supply. Action

2$ “Bonds” +1 coffer, villager, and stock. Treasure card

3$ “Wart”. + 1 coffers, 1 villagers  If you have at least 4 coffers and villagers, you may take the “sword in the stone”, an artifact which grants +1 card, +1wp at the start of your next turn. This remains in play for a player until another player has more of both coffers and villagers. Then that player controls it. Action card

3$Potion “Mim” Each other player reveals their hand. They must trash the cheapest card in their hand and gain a curse or heavy stone into their discard pile. If they cannot, they take the next hex. Action /Attack card

4$Potion “Old Wizard” 2c, 1a.Receive the top 2 boons. Whenever an attack is played against you, you may reveal this to instead receive the next boon. When another player receives a boon, you may reveal this to cause them to instead receive the next hex. Action / Reaction / Fate Card

4$ “Talking Owl”. +1a.draw until you have 6 cards in hand, then you may receive the top boon twice.

6$ “Industrustrial merchant”. Pick one: +2 vpt, +3$, or Reveal your hand. You may gain a card costing up to the total of treasure cards revealed.

5$ “Slog Keep”. +1 coffer, + 1 stock. You may discard this for one vpt. Worth 1vp for every 7 treasure cards you have. If this gets trashed during another player’s turn, that player gains a curse and heavy stone. If it gets trashed during your turn, gain 2 vpt. Victory/ Action/ Reaction Card.

2$ “Ballista”+2 actions. Each player, starting with you, must reveal the top card of their deck. For your card, may choose to trash, discard, leave, or place into your hand; then you may choose to discard or leave the other players’ revealed card.

4$ “Siege”. Set aside the top 2 cards of your deck. At the start of your next 2 hands, put one of them into your hand. If it’s an action or treasure, you may play it. If it’s a victory card, +1 card. Then each other player reveals the top 2 cards of their deck. You decide whether they keep or discard them. Night card

4$“A bridge too far”.+2 villagers, Choose one: You gain 2 coffers and all other players gain 1 debt, or you gain 1 coffer and all other players gain 2 debt. Action card

5$ “Siege tower” Leave this in play Until another player plays a siege tower: at the start of your turn, draw until you have 6 cards in hand.All other players discard down to 4. Then The player to your left reveals the top card of his deck. If it’s a victory card, gain a coffer. If it’s a treasure or action, +1vp. Action card

3$ “Bond market”. 1c,1a.Each other player receives 1 coffer and 1 debt. Whenever another player: uses a coffer, gain a villager; pays off his debt, gain 1vp; buys a victory card, +1 card.  Action/ Reaction card

5$ “Restitution”. Whenever a wartime or action card attack on you doesn’t succeed, gain a silver to your hand, or gold to your discard pile. +2$. Treasure/ Reaction.

6$ “Formation” +2$. Until your next turn, all other players cannot trash or gain cards from cards they play. This stays in play until your next turn. Action / Attack card

3$ “Launcher”. 1c, 1a, each other player gains a heavy stone. You may return this to its pile. If it does, +2$. Action card. Not in supply

0$ “Heavy stone”. You may pay 2$ to exile this. Treasure card. Not in supply.

A new hex: “meteroids”, where you gain a “heavy stone”
A new boon: “laborers”, where you may exile a card from your hand.
New project: 5$ “agriculture”. You may discard a soldier from your hand. If you do, gain a barn onto your deck
New project: 5$ “Empirical Study”. Gain a silver and a duchy, or a gold and an estate.
New project 4$ “Accommodation”. Once per turn, when you start your buy phase,you may trade 1 vpt for 2 coffers

i will edit this as i think of new content for this

I have a pretty cool idea for an expansion, called “Wartime”. The main niche of this is to introduce a new pre-phase (ie before ABC) on player’s turns where, if a player wants,he can initiate an attack on another player in hopes of gaining vp tokens and/or causing the losing player to lose vp tokens. The wartime outcome will be determined by which player had higher wartime power in hand during an attack. Before a player starts his turn, he may declare an attack on a player. Once this happens, the involved players reveal their hand and the hand with the most wp (wartime power) wins. The winning player recieves 2 vp tokens and the loser loses 1, but never goes below 0. In the event of a tie, the attacker loses  1 vp token and only draws 4 cards on the next hand, but nothing happens to the defender. Wartime power is dedicated to new cards, which have various strengths and powers. In a game with 3 or more players, a player may only attack one player per turn.  You don’t play cards during wartime, but just reveal your hand and add up the wp. The effects on Soldier cards only get resolved during the regular abcn phases of players’ turns. A reserve buy token, called a “stock”, is introduced.

New supply pile cards, non supply cards, new events. Players start with 5 copper, 2 generic 1wp (wartime power) soldiers with +1$ and +1 action, 2 estates, and a draft card (which, when played, causes you to trash it and gain a starting soldier of one of the 8 archetypes into your discard pile for free).

New card characteristics:
There will be soldier card archetypes in the supply, that have 5 tiers, that function like peasant/ page, where after playing the supply card, you can start the exchange process with non-supply cards that increase in power as you move up.  Except in Wartime, there are 8 cards like this, and they are always played with each other in every setup. Each archetype card will have you pay 2$ to exchange for the next tier during the night phase.

Archetypes: Construction, naval, engineering, Garrison, and reconnaisance, magic, mounted, and industry.

Soldier cards:

Construction soldiers focus on granting villagers, having the passive moat effect, and trashing/gaining. The top tier construction soldier is worth 4vp

Naval soldiers focus on exiling cards and attacking the top 2 cards of a player’s deck and trashing one treasure of the attacked player’s choice

Engineering will focus on these effects: reducing the costs of cards, and [eventually]gaining “launchers”, a card that sends an untrashable “heavy stones” card (does nothing, but you may pay 2$ to exile it). Both “launcher” and “ heavy stones” are non-supply cards only gained from the engineer soldier. There will be twice as many “stones” cards in a kingdom as there will be curse cards, because they can be exiled quickly.

Garrison will focus on gaining cards (higher tiers gain starting garrison soldiers for free), drawing an extra card into your hand after a defending win or tie, and granting + cards/actions at the start of next turn.

Reconnaisance is a night card soldier that focuses on spying/ discarding cards in other players hands/ top of deck when played at night, and reacting to attacks/ gains passively, by allowing you to topdeck, trash, or send back to the instigating player a gained card. Top tier recon’s spy ability cannot be blocked

Magic is also a night card soldier, whose starting tier cost 3$+potion. Magic soldiers will focus on granting boons/hexes (both at the same time, eventually), increasing the price of cards on other players’ turns, and being able to gain from the trash, or choose one player from whose exile you will remove a card and place into their discard pile.

Mounted soldiers will focus on gaining horses into the discard pile, attacking the top cards of other player’s deck and having the option of trashing it if it is between 3-6. And if it does, it trashes itself. Whenever a horse is returned to its pile, you may reveal a mounted soldier to cause all players to reveal the top card of their deck. You choose whether to keep or discard them.

Industry is focused on granting coffers, gaining vp tokens when buying another soldier, and adding 1$ to other soldiers played on turn.

Each tier has a corresponding number of wp; so, the first archetype soldier has 1wp, the 3rd has 3wp, and the top tier has 5wp. Also, the 4th tier soldiers are worth 2 vp each, and 5th tier soldiers are worth 4 vp each. You may gain 1 “general” card per each tier 5 soldier archetype you play a card from, with a maximum of 8.

This makes the game go longer, but will have more interesting interactions and scenarios to plan for, and have a semi-RTS feel

It might be good to add 1 or 2 extra supply decks to each kingdom.

Some other content ideas are: have a pre-game draft, called “constitution”, where, in reverse order of turns, each player may choose an event, landmark, or project to be used in the game. This would mean the inclusion of past content into the physical game.

Other cards

5$ “Barns” worth 2 vp. Whenever a card is bought or returned to a pile, you may reveal this to gain a horse or a 3$ card onto your deck

3$ “Auctioneer” . Gain a coffer. Choose a card from the supply costing up to 6. Beginning with the player to your left, players may bid any amount of debt to purchase that card, ending with you as the last bidder. The player with the highest bid after your turn gains the card and debt.

6$ “Blacksmith” Whenever a player gains a soldier, gain a coffer. You may trash a treasure from your hand. Per it’s value in $, you may gain up to that amount in cheaper cards.

7$ “General” +3 actions. All other players must reveal their hand. You may pay 2$ to discard a soldier to gain a starting supply soldier from an archetype. This can only be blocked by a general. The soldier you discard must be at least a tier 3 soldier or higher to be exchangeable. This is not in the supply.

2$ “Bonds” +1 coffer, villager, and stock.

3$ “Wart”. + 1 coffers, 1 villagers  If you have at least 4 coffers and villagers, you may take the “sword in the stone”, an artifact which grants +1 card, +1wp at the start of your next turn. This remains in play for a player until another player has more of both coffers and villagers. Then that player controls it.

3$ + potion .“Mim” Each other player reveals their hand. They must trash the cheapest card in their hand and gain a curse or heavy stone into their discard pile. If they cannot, they take the next hex.

4$+ potion .“Old Wizard” Whenever an attack is played against you, you may reveal this to instead receive the next boon. When another player receives a boon, you may reveal this to cause them to instead receive the next hex. Old wizards cannot undo the effects of other old wizards.

6$ “Industrustrial merchant”. Pick one: All players reveal their hand, and whoever has the most $ in hand gets 2vp. Then you decide whether each player keeps their hand, or discards and draws 5 cards. Or, reveal your hand. Gain a card costing up to the amount of revealed treasure cards in your hand.

A new hex: “meteroids”, where you gain a “heavy stone”
A new boon: “laborers”, where you may exile a card from your hand.
New project: 5$ “agriculture”. You may discard a soldier from your hand. If you do, gain a barn onto your deck
New project: 5$ “Empirical Study”. Gain a silver and a duchy, or a gold and an estate.

Hi. just wondering if there is a way to control what order cards are placed onto your deck when prompted to do so without "in any order" from the card played?

so, basically i am wondering if the order in which i click on them before i submit them determines when i will draw them? or is it randomized?

I just played a game with fairgrounds with travellers, and intentionally kept one of each traveller hoping to make my fairgrounds worth 8 points a piece.

But when i bought fairgrounds the first time with 20 unique cards, it only gave me 6 points.

Fairgrounds does not specify a card source, like most other cards do (ie "from the supply"), so i believe this to be errata.

Thanks for any help.

Rules Questions / using a trader on beggar
« on: October 16, 2020, 03:20:20 pm »
when i played a beggar to get 3 coppers to my hand, i reacted with a trader. however, they were not gained into my hand, but into my deck.

is this correct, or a bug?

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