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Help! / Dark Ages!!
« on: September 29, 2018, 04:36:41 pm »
I got Dark Ages two weeks ago. I've seen bits and pieces online, but it's new for my brother. His first thought was "Hey, this is so cool!" His second was "Uh...what do I do with these cards?" So today I played a game with my brother. The kingdom was

Poor House, Beggar, Vagrant, Forager, Sage, Rats, Wandering Minstrel, Counterfeit, Cultist, Altar.

So what I did is a Poor House strategy: opening Rats/Forager to get rid of my Coppers early, and then got another Forager for +Buy and a couple Cultists for draw. (I also got an Altar because Altars are good and a Beggar to feed my Foragers and Altar.) I won 21-0, three-piling on Poor Houses, Ruins, and Wandering Minstrels before he understood what was going on. I guess what I'm asking is if there's a better strategy.

Game Reports / The worst game I've ever played
« on: September 20, 2018, 03:00:24 pm »

Death Cart
Sea Hag
Border Village

I lost -8 to -9.

Fun fact 1: My opponent got Dame Anna.
Fun fact 2: The game lasted 32 turns.
Fun fact 3: There were 7 Mountebanks in the trash.
Fun fact 4: At the end of the last turn, my opponent Mountebanked me, reducing my score from -6 to -9, and emptying the Curse pile.

Rules Questions / Lurker, Trade Route, and Nobles
« on: September 08, 2018, 08:08:19 pm »
So I'm back with yet another question. I was just setting up a game with Lurker, Trade Route, and Nobles in the Kingdom. If I gain a Nobles from the Trash, does the Coin token get moved off the Nobles pile? I can see the text on Trade Route ("...gained from the pile.") being interpreted either way: a Nobles was gained, and that card was from the Nobles pile, but the Nobles was not gained from the pile.

Dominion General Discussion / "Tournaments may offer Promo cards as prizes."
« on: September 04, 2018, 12:16:48 am »
This sentence (on the Wiki) took me waaaay too long to parse. Then I realized "prizes" was lowercase.

In all seriousness, what if some of the Promo cards were Prizes? The two best candidates seem to be Prince and what-you-get-when-you-turn-Summon-into-a-card.

Rules Questions / Watchtower+Market Square
« on: August 31, 2018, 02:46:34 pm »
Okay, another question. Someone gives you a curse. You trash it with Watchtower. Can you discard Market Squares? Specifically, when exactly does a card become yours?

Also, if you buy a Copper and trash it with Watchtower, can you discard Market Squares? My reasoning is that the answer might be different since buying and gaining are two separate actions, in the non-Dominion sense of the word. (Right?)

Rules Questions / Noble Brigand: "You gain the trashed cards."
« on: August 28, 2018, 11:34:01 pm »
Hey, I found this place again! Anyways:

What exactly are "the trashed cards?" For example, say my opponent's Noble Brigand flips two Estates and I gain a Copper. I use a Watchtower to trash the Copper. Must my opponent gain the Copper? (Probably not, but just making sure.)

Rules Questions / Trashing with Possession
« on: November 18, 2017, 09:19:54 pm »
If a card is "trashed" during a Possession turn, does is count as trashed(e.g. for the purposes of Tomb)? If so, who gets the VP tokens?

Game Reports / Playing with Lord Rattington is boring
« on: November 01, 2017, 08:49:47 pm »
I don't know how to post an image, so:

vishwathg: 8 Provinces, 8 Duchies, 6 Estates = 78 VP
Lord Rattington: 1 Estate = 1 VP

What?? Who programmed this bot?!

This guy had a deck of 1 Moat, 1 Chapel, and 5 Poachers. He would play the Moat and not buy anything, or sometimes would play a couple Poachers and then a Moat, and still not buy anything. On one turn he bought an Estate (yay you did something useful), but then continued not buying anything until I emptied the Province pile.

Is there some bot that is more interesting to play against (read: not stupid)?

Help! / A weird game
« on: October 28, 2017, 04:51:35 pm »
EDIT: Wait this should go here right?

I'm new to this site, so sorry if I do anything wrong...

I wanted to ask about a friendly game I played yesterday.

Kingdom Cards: Native Village, Lookout, Explorer, Island, Ambassador, Sea Hag, Ghost Ship, Fishing Village, Outpost, Wharf

Final Score:

Opponent 1 - 14
Me - 13
Opponent 2 - 10

The game ended on a three-pile ending (Curse, Island, and Native Village)

Rough outline of the game:

In the beginning, we just did the normal stuff; getting Silvers, and a few useful action cards (I got an Island, a Wharf, a couple Native Villages, and managed to get a Gold). In addition, my Wharf managed to get stuck on my Native Village mat for a couple turns. Around turn 6, though, Opponent 1 got the first Sea Hag, and proceeded to give us Curses over the next few turns. Seeing this, we all got a couple Ambassadors and started showering each other with Curses, while slowly buying Islands to store our Estates. Also, we bought Native Villages with our $2 turns. I also got a Lookout to try to counter the Sea Hag. At about the fifteenth turn, we all noticed there were only a couple Curses, Islands, and Native Villages left. We panicked and started buying Victory cards, including Islands, with all our turns. Opponent 1 also managed to get the only Province of the game. The game ended a couple turns later with Opponent 1 buying the last Native Village.

As I am only a novice at strategy, I don't think I could provide any useful insight, but here goes.

I noticed there was only 1 Action card that gave coins, and it only gave $1, so I tried to focus on Treasures, but because I could not draw many cards (my max handsize during this game was 7) and since the Curses did not allow for consolidation of my Treasures once Opponent 1 started giving them out, I was never able to get $6 or more after that first Gold. As a result, I was not able to get enough Treasures. I focused on getting Curses out of my deck, but they just kept coming until the Curse pile emptied, only one turn before the game ended.

Would there have been any better way to play with this Kingdom? I look forward to more experienced players' insight. Thanks!

Rules Questions / When to check for three pile ending
« on: October 28, 2017, 02:49:30 pm »
For example:

There are 2 empty piles.
You play a village.
You play Workshop, gaining the last Militia in its pile.
There are now 3 empty piles.
You play Ambassador, returning 2 Militias to their pile.
Your only other opponent gains a Militia.
There are now 2 empty piles.
You end your turn.

Will the game end now or will play continue?

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