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Hello! I playtested Cornucopia/Guilds 2E, and it seemed fun and potentially interesting to talk about what I contributed to the set. So here’s the secret history from my perspective. First, from the very beginning.

The backstory of getting invited

December 25th, 2022: Plunder had recently come out. On f.ds, I asked a question about Flagship + Band of Misfits + duration. Ingix said that they asked Donald X. this in the past, and the answer was that there’s a new ruling for playing cards: if a Throne Room replayed a card that isn’t in play, the Throne Room now adopts Band of Misfits rules. AJD immediately pointed out that that would change interactions with Throne Room-Caravan-Way of the Horse. Donald X. confirmed that yes it would change those interactions, and I thought this new ruling was hilarious.

(You’re probably wondering, why is this guy talking about this and why is any of this relevant to their invitation, but just bear with me for a little bit.)

February 7th: Later in 2023, Donald X. reversed the ruling. Well it was fun while it lasted. The ruling changing is the part that mattered.

March 2nd: Somehow, Jeff (from Temple Gates Games) learned about the initial ruling, but missed the new ruling, because they asked about the old ruling. I told them that there was a new ruling, and they thanked me for answering so many of their rules questions by offering me all the expansions on the TGG client for free. It was very generous of them, thx Jeff.

March 4th: JNails decided to commentate an A League match: kazumaru0828 vs yurikamome (this was season 56). During that match, this happened in chat (JNails didn’t record the commentary, so I have no physical evidence that this happened and this probably wasn’t the exact wording of what people said, curse you JNails):

DZ: Jeff recently gave me all the expansions on TGG for free, because I answered so many of their rules questions
Donald X.: Oh sweet. Do you play board games?
DZ: if I had a game to play, yes. hang on why does this sound like a job interview
Donald X.: What do you mean by that. No you're right, I have some games that need external playtesters.
JNails: DZ can you tell me what your biggest weaknesses are
mrguy888: DZ how's your rap album coming along

At the time I thought, well that was funny, but there’s no way Donald X. asked me that because they were considering me as a playtester. All I had going for me was that Donald X. friended me back on (later they told me that was because I was a “master spectator”). I asked “why does this sound like a job interview” just so Donald X. could shoot me down. Somehow it didn’t happen. And no I don’t have a rap album.

March 7th: While I was eating pizza, Donald X. DM’d me out of the blue. They told me “do not leak stuff, ok?”, sent me a server invite, and well I’m a man of my word.

The current game that Donald X. was working on was Moon Colony Bloodbath. I guess I can take a paragraph to talk about that game here. A few hours after getting invited, Donald X. emailed me (it was put in my spam folder, curse you Gmail) all the cards and rules for MCB. After only 2 days, I already played and reported my first game. The reason why I was so quick was because:
1) Donald X. is cool.
2) the game looked awesome.
3) I have a friend who lives in the same building as me, so it was easy to find someone to play with.
4) I had card sleeves laying around, so all I had to do was print the cards (and I could use pen/paper/phone for everything else).
5) it’d look bad if the new guy just...never did anything.

So that’s the story from my perspective. Only Donald X. knows why they asked me if I “played board games” (and/or if they even remember asking me that in spec chat).

First Encounter with the 2E

I think Cornucopia/Guilds 2E started at a similar time as Seaside/Prosperity/Hinterlands 2E, maybe a bit later. However, the next time it would be reprinted was sometime in 2024, and it was 2023, so it was on pause. Still, Donald X. asked for my thoughts on Cornucopia/Guilds 2E, and here’s what it looked like on March 7th.

Doctor, Fortune Teller, Masterpiece, Horse Traders, Taxman, Harvest, Bag of Gold: All of these had already been removed. I was happy with all those choices, especially Doctor. Farming Village, Tournament, Diadem, and Followers will die shortly.

Carnival, Demesne, Infirmary, Ferryman, Shop: All as-is. Except Shop was called Farm, except that name was unavailable because of the Harem retheme. If they had different versions in the past, I am unaware of them. In my self interview, when I said there were "cards I had no voice in," these were the ones. Also yes originally only 6 cards were getting removed; it was going to be a smaller update pack, which nowadays seems like nonsense.

“Farrier”: This one was much different. The top of the card looked weak to me, but since Donald X. liked it, there’s a chance it’ll be resurrected in the future, so I’ll keep it secret. The overpay was Masterpiece! Donald X. immediately mentioned to me that they were starting to hate the overpay part, and I agreed it looked awful.

“Tithe Collector”: The top was a +2 Coffers Militia that only attacked if you had enough Coffers. The bottom line was “in games using this, draw an extra card in Clean-up.” Every turn this game, you have a 6 card hand. As I’ll explain later, this had problems.

Exit Farming Village and Diadem

Hey remember when I said that Cornucopia/Guilds 2E was scheduled for 2024? Yeah that was a lie. On March 22, Donald X. told us that art was going to start in late April/May. And now we could replace a 7th kingdom card, a 2nd Prize, and add a new Prize (replacing a blank).

Diadem: The 2nd Prize to die was always going to be Diadem. JNails said they’d rather see the overpowered Prizes cut instead of the dud ones, but still. Diadem was getting removed, no question.

Housecarl: The 6th Prize. It never changed.

Coronet: This started as a Treasure as giving Coffers and +1 of a token you have. An ability that was tried out a bunch of times and has continued to fail. Also any payload Prize is competing against Princess, and this was not remotely competitive. Then it became, Throne an Action and a Treasure; the concern now was, Coronet Princess is a built in combo, and if you get both of them you win.

Farming Village: The 7th kingdom card was up to a vote. Donald X. immediately nominated Farming Village and Journeyman for being uninteresting. JNails and I voted for Young Witch and Tournament for being frustrating. In the end Farming Village got the most votes. I said “well if the new village is awesome I’ll probably back down,” to which Donald X. said “I'll do what I can! And I mean I should hop to it.”

Farmhands: This started as a $2-cost, +2 Action +1 Coffers. And the bottom started as an overpay effect! We talked about what combination of March/Delay/Toil would be good. Herald was in the same set, which sort of overlapped with March. I said that when-gain Toil already exists with Gondola and Villa, but when-gain Delay doesn’t exist anywhere, so having only Delay would be more special (and easier to fit in the text box). It initially only set aside Actions, but JNails suggested that it could set aside any card (including Copper and Estate).

Farrier: I’m sure some of you would’ve wanted Masterpiece’s overpay to return. Donald X. said: “On TGG I'm playing the new sets, when it's not the Daily, and you know Tournament has not been sinking games at all for me. Farrier, that one is pissing me off.” You know a card is going to change if that’s what Donald X. thinks of it. So it was time for a new card. The current version of Farrier never changed. Donald X. also tried a different Farrier that was a cantrip that gave +1 Coffers if you had enough differently named cards in play. It wasn’t exciting and the overpay Farrier was more exciting, so that card died after like one game.

Evolutions of the new cards

Farmhands: I was unimpressed with Farmhands. Having to spend one of your buys to overpay for the Delay ability makes it much less useful. JNails and I also tried to get a megaturn where you use Farmhands to set aside Province, and then use Tools to gain Province. We pulled it off 0 times. To quote myself again: “it’s a Horn of Plenty megaturn but on Nightmare Mode.” (And I can’t even imagine trying to do the megaturn with Changelings.) Donald X. then wanted to try when-gain Delay instead of overpay Delay, because let’s be honest: overpay isn't actually that good of a mechanic. We tried the when-gain (at $2, with the same top) and it was better, but +2 Actions +1 Coffers is still awful. In the end Donald X. realized that every time they were buying a Farmhands, they were basically paying $4 for it, so Farmhands turned into a normal village at $4. Everyone was happy (and it's my favorite of the new cards). Very late in the going, Donald X. thought about setting aside the card face down, which I did not understand at all (plus it didn’t fit in the text box).

Footpad: LastFootnote said that Tithe Collector was too strong and annoying. Some nerfs were tried, but at this point I asked, was the bottom part (“draw an extra card in Clean-up”) really that great? It causes a bunch of shuffling, the 6-card hand you get is a lie because there’s always a Militia, it can cause a strong 5/2 to run away with the game, and if an engine can’t get the attack going, some money strategies become unbeatable. The backup idea that Donald X. had was “when you gain a card in your Action phase, +1 Card.” To quote Donald X.: “Overall the games were fun; they were ‘yes you brilliant and also handsome man, pursue this,’ rather than ‘oh look how broken all these boards were, you lose again you big loser.’”

Exit Tournament and Followers

Tournament: April 18th was an exciting day. LastFootnote and kieranmillar played with the new cards, and had 2 games in a row where one player got 6 Prizes and crushed everything. That’s what happens when you replace the bad Prizes with good ones: this very snowball-y card gets more snowball-y. LastFootnote said “I never thought I'd say this, but I think I'm finally coming around on replacing Tournament” and that was the deciding factor. Thx LastFootnote! To fill up the space in the 100-card pack, LastFootnote suggested having 2 of each Prize for multiplayer.

Joust: So now, a replacement. Several ideas were thrown around for Joust, with the concerns being: the card can’t be terminal or else the village Prizes are too good; you automatically have a bunch of copies of it if it’s a cantrip $4 and that’s stupid; the card wants to try to be less snowball-y. The first version of Joust that I got to try was: $5 Peddler, may discard Province to gain a Prize to hand. I played 2 games with it against JNails and those games still sucked.

Followers: The culprit was that Followers sucks the life out of the game and the player who gets it obviously wins but their deck is filled with Estates and their deck sucks but they have Followers so they win but very slowly and obviously. At around the same time, there was a Reddit thread about Tournament, and it turns out a bunch of comments were hating on Followers. So if you posted in that thread you affected the course of the future. Some of us had been trying to kill Followers for a while, and hooray justice has triumphed.

Renown: In that same thread, someone mentioned that they felt uncomfortable with the idea of winning a Princess in a Tournament. That’s been a complaint for a while, and if Harem could get renamed, why not Princess? Its original name was Royal Favor, but Renown is clearly a better name.

Courser: To keep the old Prizes and new Prizes separate (for the madmen who insist on playing with Tournament and Joust at the same time), the new Prizes got renamed to Rewards. Trusty Steed was fine, but the Chancellor part was unnecessary so it got dropped. The name Courser was a suggestion by Cave-o-sapien, the inventor of DomBot.

Huge Turnip: Oh yeah a Followers replacement. Having an attack did not seem like an option (especially if the goal was to make Tournament haters tolerate Joust). Donald X. came up with the card as-is, and its objectively the best card name ever.

Coronet: So all of those were great improvements. The main complaint I had now was with Coronet. Firstly, you can use Coronet on Renown and Huge Turnip at once, what a crazy built in combo. Also you can draw your deck and use Coronet on Joust to win 2 Rewards at once, that’s crazy snowbally. The first problem was solved by adding non-Reward to both parts of Coronet; the second problem was solved by setting aside the Province (it could have played the Province but that would've been confusing and trick people into doing a Tools megaturn that doesn't win). It’s more niche, but a lot more tolerable.

Final comments

Ok this has gone on way too long so I'll try to wrap this up:
-I would like to thank Donald X. for inviting me. I had/am having a lot of fun playtesting for you, and I hope that my ramblings and (often negative) first impressions on new cards were at least somewhat useful to read.
-Tuesday and Wednesday (and occasionally Monday) nights are highlights of the week for me, because that’s when Donald X. does their own playtesting and writes their own reports. I always look forward to reading them.
-So what do I think of the new Cornucopia/Guilds. Well done Donald X. you improved these 2 expansions that were horrible and way overrated. It still has some cards that I don’t really care for (both old and new), but it removed 2 cards that I’ve banned (Doctor and Tournament), so I can’t ask for much more.
-Both Cornucopia/Guilds 2E and Moon Colony Bloodbath were sent to Jay around May 2023. Despite that, this only just came out. And now you know how long we’ve been waiting for this.
-I’m allowed to suggest things to Donald X, although I rarely ever try to pitch new card ideas (and I know DXV wants to be the one who makes the cards). Overall my success rate for suggestions is uh low (for example, I suggested a Joust that was never tried) but that’s fine; if I can hate on Donald X.’s cards, they can do the same to me.
-I didn’t keep track of the exact number of games I played against JNails, but it was a lot. Online games are fast like that.
-After Mic Qsenoch wasn’t impressed by the overpay version of Farmhands, Donald X. went brainstorming and came up with 8 new villages. I commented on those ideas, and to keep it short: 1 was boring (remember that Farmhands was replacing Farming Village, an unexciting card); 2 looked too strong; 3 of them didn’t want to be a village and the concepts may or may not get rescued in the future; 1 had looping and tracking issues and it would’ve required way too many words to solve; 1 was basically Town. Look at me killing 5 cards at once.
-I wanted one of the cards to be called Cheesemaker. I tried to get it on Ferryman (the extra card it gains is the Cheese), but was unsuccessful. I still think it’s the better name.
-It feels egotistical to add things that I wrote here onto the wiki, so someone else will have to do that, thx.

Dominion General Discussion / Marchland
« on: February 01, 2024, 09:05:08 am »
Marchland is out on (and it'll also be on TGG when it releases later today).

Marchland ($5, Victory)
Worth 1VP per 3 Victory cards you have (round down)
When you gain this, +1 Buy, and discard any number of cards for +$1 each.

As the name, suspiciously familiar VP ability, and when-gain ability may suggest, this was going to be in Hinterlands 2E. It couldn't fit in the update pack though, so now it's a promo.

Rules Questions / Innovating a Duration during Donate
« on: November 04, 2023, 09:25:00 am »
If you Donate a Catacombs, gain a Cabin Boy and play it with Innovation, does that Cabin Boy's start-of-next-turn effect happen immediately?

Technically speaking, that start-of-next-turn effect was set up before start-of-next-turn effects are actually resolved. But also it feels weird because it's still the same turn. If you Delayed a Wharf, that doesn't mean you get +4 Cards and +2 Buys.

Rules Questions / Errata to extra turns
« on: September 26, 2023, 03:34:37 pm »
There's more errata coming up, it'll go up online uh soon.

List of cards:
Outpost, Possession, Mission, Voyage, Island Folk, Journey

Not getting changed:
Fleet, Seize the Day

New texts:
I'll compare the Old Outpost with the New Outpost, and then just post the new texts for the other extra turns.

Old Outpost (yuck):
If this is the first time you played an Outpost this turn, and the previous turn wasn't yours, then take an extra turn after this one, and you only draw 3 cards for your next hand.

New Outpost (wow it's so much shorter):
You only draw 3 cards for your next hand. Take an extra turn after this one (but not a 3rd turn in a row).

The player to your left takes an extra turn after this one (but not a 2nd extra turn in a row), in which you can see all cards they can and make all decisions for them. Any cards or debt they would gain on that turn, you gain instead; any cards of theirs that are trashed are set aside and put in their discard pile at end of turn.

Take an extra turn after this one (but not a 3rd turn in a row), during which you can't buy cards.

+1 Action
Take an extra turn after this one (but not a 3rd turn in a row), during which you can only play 3 cards from your hand.

Island Folk:
At the end of your turn, you may spend 5 Favors to take an extra turn after this one (but not a 3rd turn in a row).

You don't discard cards from play in Clean-up this turn, and you take an extra turn after this one (but not a 3rd turn in a row).

What's the goal?
DXV has gotten sick of being able to take 3+ turns in a row, every single turn, for the whole game. Fleet and Seize the Day are only once a game, which is why they're safe.

How does this affect interactions?
Let's run through some examples:
* You buy 2 Journeys at once. you take 1 Journey turn, but now you've hit the "but not a 3rd turn" limit, so the 2nd Journey turn fails.
* You buy Mission on a Mission turn. you've hit the "but not a 3rd turn" limit, so the 2nd Mission turn fails.
* You play an Outpost and buy Mission. you draw a 3-card hand and then choose which extra turn to take (let's say Mission). now you've hit the limit, so the Outpost turn fails
* You play a Voyage, a Lich, and take Island Folk. you choose which extra turn to take (let's say Voyage). Lich skips the Voyage turn, then you take the Island Folk turn
* You Throne a Possession. you Possess the player to your left once, and then you hit the "not a 2nd extra turn in a row" limit, so they don't get Possessed again
* You take a Mission turn, and during it, you buy Seize the Day. Seize the Day doesn't have a restriction, so you get a 3rd turn in a row
* You play Possession. On their turn, you make them buy Journey. Their cards are stuck in play, and they take a Journey turn that's out of your control

Why is Donald X. ok with nerfing Voyage so hard?
The thing is: no one on this Earth thought Voyages were cumulative. and Odysseys has a banrate of 8.5%, I bet most of that is because people hate how Voyage chains can take forever. the errata fixes both those problems, hooray

Why was Voyage allowed to be cumulative in the first place?
no clue

Dominion General Discussion / "New" Promo: Rethemed Harem
« on: March 20, 2023, 09:01:18 am »
Earlier this month, Donald X. said this on reddit:

Quote from: Donald X.
This isn't a secret, but isn't widely known: Altenburger did a poll, which cards would players like to see with new art, and Harem won. They didn't ask us (me and Jay) first, and we said, okay, but we'll be renaming it too. So at some point a promo will come out that's Harem but with new art and a new name (still depicting Valerie). And then probably eventually it will find its way into Intrigue.

And earlier today, Donald X. revealed the promo's name on discord:

Quote from: Donald X.
Altenburger is doing an alternate art version of Harem, renamed to Farm, only whatever that is in their German translation. We will have it in English too, at some point. And someday it may replace Harem in Intrigue, but man that won't be labelled 3E.

Besides that, at some random point there might be a promo; I don't have any information there currently, but I have a promo waiting for if it's needed.

So uh, fingers crossed that the art is better.

Rules Questions / Replaying Durations that aren't in play
« on: December 24, 2022, 09:06:11 pm »
Flagship cares if a card is non-Command, but doesn't care if the card is in play. So if I play Flagship and then Band of Misfits, the Flagship ignores BoM, and then when the BoM plays a duration (let's say Caravan), the Flagship replays the Caravan from the supply. Clearly BoM stays in play, but will Flagship stay in play?

Since Scepter replaying a Caravan will stay in play, that leads me to think that Flagship also should stay in play (it also uses replay). But if you Throne a Caravan and then remove it from play (e.g. Way of the Horse), the Throne doesn't stay in play, so maybe Flagship shouldn't stay in play? It's new territory from a rules perspective, so I dunno.

(On D.G., Flagship doesn't stay in play.)

Rules Questions / Gaining to hand + discarding from hand
« on: December 22, 2022, 06:48:07 pm »
Is this even "new" information? Idk. But people asked on discord, so here we go:

You're under Gatekeeper's attack. You Silver Mine a Cage to your hand. That lets you play a Falconer and gain a Dungeon. You play the Dungeon with Innovation and discard 2 cards. Does Gatekeeper exile the Cage?

Now if you discard the Cage, then for sure Gatekeeper is blocked there. But the tricky part is that the other players can't see what you discarded. So if you discard the gained Cage and a Copper, no one will know anything about where Cage is. So since no one can verify where it is, the Gatekeeper shouldn't be able to exile it.

But wait, what if you didn't discard the Cage, and left it in your hand? The Cage didn't move, so Gatekeeper should exile the Cage, right? But again, we don't know what Dungeon discarded, so who can say where the Cage actually is? Because of that, I think we have to say that the Cage is lost. So instead of moving a gained card to invoke the stop moving rule, we moved a different card and invoked that rule. So that's funny.

Also what if instead of Innovating Dungeon, you Innovated Oasis and discard a Copper? In that case, we know what got discarded, there's no ambiguity where the Cage is. So I think here, Cage should get exiled.

So tldr: If you gain a card to your hand, but then something moves card(s) from your hand - and we don't know what got moved - then we have to say, the gained card is lost. At least that's my suggestion.

EDIT: Donald X. has (tentatively) stated that, if a Cage isn't discarded from your hand, then "you" know where it is, so Gatekeeper can still exile it, and the other players will just have to trust you to be honest. Feel free to argue against it!

Dominion General Discussion / Plunder is online
« on: December 18, 2022, 02:11:15 pm »
All of Dominion: Plunder is online (hey it's Monday somewhere)! Here's the other half of the set (the full rulebook is out, but I included the card FAQs in parentheses)

20 more Kingdom cards:

$2; Treasure-Duration
Set aside up to 4 cards from your hand face down (on this). The next time you gain a Victory card, trash this, and put the set aside cards into your hand at end of turn.

(The cards go to your hand after drawing your regular hand of 5 cards for next turn. For example you might set aside two Estates and two Coppers on a Cage on an early turn; then on a late turn, buy a Province, trash the Cage, and add the two Estates and two Coppers to your hand at end of turn.)

$2; Action-Duration
+1 Action
Set aside up to 4 cards from your hand face down (on this). At the start of your next turn, discard them, then draw as many.

(For example you could set aside 3 cards from your hand, and at the start of your next turn, discard those 3 cards, then draw 3 cards.)

$2; Action-Duration
The next time a Supply pile empties, trash this and gain a Loot.

(If you Throne Room a Search, Throne Room will stay out with Search until a pile empties, and then you'll trash Search once but gain two Loots (and discard Throne Room that turn).)

Cabin Boy
$4; Action-Duration
+1 Card
+1 Action
At the start of your next turn, choose one: +$2; or trash this to gain a Duration card.

(You can trash a Cabin Boy to gain another Cabin Boy.)

$4; Treasure
Trash a card from your hand. +$1 per $1 it costs.

(For example if you trash an Estate, which costs $2, you get +$2. If you trash a card with debt or potion in its cost (from other expansions), you get nothing for those symbols.)

Fortune Hunter
$4; Action
Look at the top 3 cards of your deck. You may play a Treasure from them. Put the rest back in any order.

(Completely resolve playing the Treasure before putting the other cards back on top; for example if the Treasure is a Figurine, the two cards you draw won't be the other ones you looked at with Fortune Hunter.)

$4; Treasure-Duration
Either now or at the start of your next turn, +$2.
[dividing line]
When you gain this, you may play an Action card from your hand.

(When playing Gondola, choose whether to get +$2 immediately, or at the start of your next turn. If you choose "immediately," Gondola will be discarded in the same turn’s Clean-up; if you choose "next turn," Gondola will be discarded that turn. If you play Gondola multiple times, such as with King's Cache, you choose each time whether to get the +$2 now or next turn, and Gondola only stays in play if at least one of the plays was for next turn (in which case the King's Cache also stays in play).)

Harbor Village
$4; Action
+1 Card
+2 Actions
After the next Action you play this turn, if it gave you $, +$1.

(This only cares if the Action itself gave you +$1 not if you otherwise got +$1 due to playing it (such as due to Training, from Adventures, or due to receiving Forest's Gift, from Nocturne). It's okay if you no longer have the $ (such as due to Storyteller). +Coffers (from Guilds and Renaissance) is not +$. +$0 doesn't get you the bonus. Using a Way (from Menagerie) to get +$ (e.g. Way of the Sheep) does get you the bonus. If you Throne Room a Harbor Village and then play a Militia, you played Harbor Village, then Harbor Village, then Militia, so you get nothing for the first play of Harbor Village and +$1 for the second play of it.)

$4; Action-Reaction
Look at the top 4 cards of your deck. Put 2 into your hand and discard the rest.
[dividing line]
When any player gains a Victory card, you may play this from your hand.

(If you have fewer than four cards (after shuffling), you just look at what's left. You may play this when someone (including you) gains a Victory card due to buying it, or some other way. When you play Mapmaker in response to someone gaining a Victory card, you can immediately play another Mapmaker afterwards - even one you just got via the first Mapmaker.)

$4; Action
Trash a card from your hand. +2 Cards per type it has (Action, Attack, etc.)

(Types are the words on the bottom banner of cards - Action, Attack, and so on. For example if you trash a Cage with Maroon, you'll draw 4 cards, since it's a Treasure and a Duration, 2 types.)

$5; Action-Duration
+3 Cards
At the start of your next turn, put this onto your deck.

(Putting this onto your deck isn't optional.)

$5; Action-Duration-Attack
Each other player discards down to 3 cards in hand. The next time anyone gains a Treasure costing $5 or more, gain a Loot.

(Loot itself is a Treasure costing $5 or more, so a player gaining one will trigger Cutthroats.)

$5; Action-Duration
Now and at the start of your next turn: trash a card from your hand, and gain one costing up to $2 more.

(Once you've played Enlarge, trashing a card at the start of your next turn is mandatory.)

$5; Treasure
+2 Cards
You may discard an Action for +1 Buy and +$1.

(This is a Treasure, and so is played in your Buy phase, but draws cards. This means that usually if it draws you an Action card, that card won't be useful that turn, except that Figurine itself lets you discard one Action card for +1 Buy and +$1.)

$5; Action-Duration-Attack
Until the start of your next turn, each time another player plays an Action card, they discard down to 4 cards in hand afterwards.

(This applies each time another player plays an Action, until your next turn. That includes later on during your turn, if they manage to play an Action then (for example a Stowaway). They completely resolve playing the Action before discarding.)

$5; Action-Duration
+2 Actions
At the start of your next turn, +2 Cards.

(Playing this gives you +2 Actions then, and +2 Cards at the start of your next turn.)

$5; Action
+4 Cards
Put a card from your hand onto your deck.

(The card you put on top doesn't have to be one of the 4 you just drew.)

$5; Action-Duration
At the start of each of your turns for the rest of the game, choose one: gain a card costing up to $4, setting it aside on this; or put a card from this into your hand.

(Quartermaster stays in play for the rest of the game. Each turn you either gain a card and put it on the Quartermaster, or take one of the cards you've already gained with that Quartermaster and put it into your hand. If you play two Quartermasters, they each have their own set of cards. However if you Throne Room a Quartermaster, you just have one set of cards for it, and twice on each of your turns, either add one or take one.)

Silver Mine
$5; Treasure
Gain a Treasure costing less than this to your hand.

(This can gain Silver, but also other Treasures costing less than Silver Mine, when in the Supply: Gondola, Jewelled Egg, and so on.)

$5; Action-Attack
Each other player gains a Curse. Once this turn, when you discard a Treasure from play, you may set it aside. Put it into your hand at end of turn.

(This is cumulative; if you play two Tricksters, then you can set aside up to two Treasures you discard from play and put them into your hand at end of turn, after drawing.)

7 more Traits:

When shuffling, you may look through the cards and reveal Fated cards to put them on top or bottom.

(Each time you shuffle, you can choose to put Fated cards on the top or bottom of your deck, while shuffling the other cards normally. If for example you had five Fated cards, you could put two on top, one on the bottom, and leave the other two to be shuffled in. In games with Fated, you can look through your deck before shuffling, even if you're sure you don't have any Fated cards.)

At the start of your Clean-up phase, you may discard a Friendly card to gain a Friendly card.

(You may only discard one Friendly card per turn this way.)!

After playing an Inspiring card on your turn, you may play an Action from your hand that you don't have a copy of in play.

(When you play an Inspiring card, after resolving it, you can play an Action card from your hand, provided that you don't have a copy of that card in play. Duration cards that you played on previous turns that are still in play, are in play; cards that have left play somehow, like a Mining Village (from Intrigue) trashing itself, are not in play. An Inspiring card can sometimes play a different Inspiring card (when Inspiring is on a split pile, like those in Empires and Allies), but can't normally play another copy of itself.)

When you gain a Nearby card, +1 Buy.

(Each time you gain a Nearby card, you get +1 Buy.)

Follow the instructions of played Reckless cards twice. When discarding one from play, return it to its pile.

(Reckless does two things, at different times. When you play a Reckless card, you follow its instructions an extra time - follow them entirely, then follow them again - and when you discard one from play, you return it to its Supply pile. With Duration cards those may not happen on the same turn. If you skip following the instructions of the card - for example by using a Way (from Menagerie) instead - then you don't follow them an extra time, but still return the card when discarding it from play.)

When you gain a Rich card, gain a Silver.

(Each time you gain a Rich card, you also gain a Silver.)

When you discard a Tireless card from play, set it aside, and put it onto your deck at end of turn.

(This is mandatory. You draw your next hand before putting the card onto your deck.)

8 more Events:

Avoid ($2)
+1 Buy
The next time you shuffle this turn, pick up to 3 cards to put into your discard pile.

(If you don't end up shuffling this turn, this does nothing. If you do shuffle, you first look through the cards and pick up to 3 to put into your discard pile. Shuffle the other cards normally, but don't shuffle those 3 in. Avoid is cumulative; if you Avoid 3 times, you will pick up to 9 cards to not shuffle in. You might leave so many cards in your discard pile that you don't have enough to draw; this does not trigger another shuffle, you just draw what you can.)

Deliver ($2)
+1 Buy
This turn, when you gain a card, set it aside, and put it into your hand at end of turn.

(Buying this more than once doesn't do anything extra. The set aside cards go into your hand after drawing your usual 5 cards.)

Foray ($3)
Discard 3 cards, revealing them. If they have 3 different names, gain a Loot.

(If you didn't have 3 cards to discard, you don't gain a Loot.)

Launch ($3)
Once per turn: Return to your Action phase. +1 Card, +1 Action, and +1 Buy.

(This ends your Buy phase and returns you to your Action phase. This does not cause "start of turn" abilities to repeat; however when your Buy phase happens again after that, "start of Buy phase" abilities can repeat.)

Mirror ($3)
+1 Buy
The next time you gain an Action card this turn, gain a copy of it.

(This is cumulative; if you buy Mirror three times and then buy an Action, you'll gain three extra copies of it.)

Scrounge ($3)
Choose one: trash a card from your hand; or gain an Estate from the trash, and if you did, gain a card costing up to $5.

(You may either trash a card from your hand, or may gain an Estate from the trash. If you gained an Estate, you then also gain a card costing up to $5 from the Supply.)

Looting ($6)
Gain a Loot.

(You simply gain a Loot.)

Invasion ($10)
You may play an Attack from your hand. Gain a Duchy. Gain an Action onto your deck. Gain a Loot; play it.

(You do the four things in that order. Playing an Attack card is optional; the rest are mandatory.)

Phew, 35 cards is a lot. Enjoy!

Dominion General Discussion / Dominion: Plunder
« on: August 28, 2022, 06:21:56 pm »

Across the sea, they have so much stuff. And it’s so much better than your stuff. Finer craftsmanship. Better quality materials. Shinier. They have crowns, tiaras, and diadems – and that’s just the hats. It’s time to get some of that stuff. You want an easy life, and you’re prepared to work hard for it. So you’ve rounded up some old salty dogs, plus a sourpuss and a bitter goldfish. And set sail. The sea is a harsh mistress, but a good cook, at least if you like everything really salty. There are red skies tonight, so they’ll be making a batch of Sailor’s Delight, which you understand to have tuna fish in it. And soon you’ll be attacking merchant ships and taking their treasure. But the real treasure is the happy memories you’ll be making.

This is the 15th expansion to Dominion. It has 500 cards, with 40 new Kingdom cards. It has lots of Treasures and Durations, with cards that give you Loot, and Traits that modify piles. Events return.

When will it come out? Wait I can link you a post by Donald X., from the TGG discord:

"New expansion now expected in November, to be announced in September.

I "finish" the expansion whenever; it's completely random, based on when I started and how much I focused on it. It's not actually done because it can keep changing until it's sent to the printer, so it does. RGG doesn't so much wait to put them out; they pick some convenient date in the future. October is especially appealing because that's when Spiel happens, the big gaming convention in Essen, Germany. So it's very common for expansions to come out in... November. They're planned for October and then get delayed. We put in the work to get this one done early and it's still looking like November. Allies was especially delayed, we thought it would come out last year.

For sure it was obvious that we had Allies and the 2E's this year; should the new expansion therefore wait? RGG decided no, and tried to get it to come out in October."

Variants and Fan Cards / 3 Fancards Up For Sale
« on: August 03, 2022, 04:04:10 pm »
In the past, I thought that I would never make my own Dominion cards. I'm sure I could come up with an entire expansion if I tried, but I had no interest, and I would rather work on my own games. Then last year, I had to make a Dominion card as a homework assignment, which was a funny experience. And then over 2022 I randomly came up with 2 more ideas, which are basically 2 existing cards smashed together.

I still have no interest in playtesting / fixing these 3 cards. Which is why I never shared them, because any feedback would be completely useless. Then I thought, maybe someone else would want to work on these, so here you go, feel free to steal these ideas. In fact I would prefer if you don't credit me.

Cathedral Grounds
$6; Action-Attack
+4 Cards
Each other player with 5 or more cards in hand trashes a card from their hand.

+4 Cards is great, but it cleans up their Coppers and Estates. But maybe later they'll have to lose something good.

Mountain Fort
$5; Action
Gain a card costing up to $4. Then look through your discard pile and put a card from it into your hand.

Hill Fort is my least favorite Allies card; this is what I would have preferred instead.

$4; Action-Duration-Attack
+1 Action
At the start of your next turn, +$2 and you may trash a card from your hand. Until then, each other player can't trash more than 2 cards each turn.

It's Sailor, but it shuts down Chapel and Donate, and restricts decks that rely on TFB. The wording causes a rules question with Count, but meh that's not my problem.

Feel free to discuss the cards here, but don't expect me to reply. I won't even read the discussion.

Rules Questions / Scheme / Highwayman
« on: July 21, 2022, 04:15:40 pm »

If I play a Scheme at the start of my turn (e.g. Royal Galley), and then I discard my Highwayman from play, can I use my Scheme to put the Highwayman on my deck (and immediately draw it)? Or does Scheme only apply to clean-up?

This question technically also applies to 2022 Herbalist, although I'm pretty sure there's no way to discard a treasure prematurely.

Rules Questions / Tactician / Coastal Haven
« on: July 15, 2022, 02:45:23 am »

During Clean-up, I gain a Tactician (with Improve) and play it (with e.g. Sailor). Since Tactician is making me discard my hand during Clean-up, do I get to use Coastal Haven to keep some of those cards in my hand?

I can see this as either "yeah duh you can use Coastal Haven" or "no Coastal Haven only applies for the regular discarding part of clean-up." And if it's the former, would it literally need to be "discard your hand," or would other discard effects (like an Innovated Capital City) also let you use Coastal Haven?

I could totally see Donald X. ruling that it's the latter, to eliminate this edge case. And I can get behind that, no one's doing this kind of stuff anyway. However, Tunnel and friends have been ruled so that if you discard them at the start of clean-up, you don't get to react, meaning that their "during clean-up" clause doesn't just apply to the regular discarding part of clean-up (man that's an annoying phrase). So uh I dunno.

Anyways, if Coastal Haven/Tactician worked, what if you kept all the cards in your hand? For 2022 Tactician, it seems clear that Tactician would succeed, as it only checks if you had at least 1 card in hand. And for 2009 Tactician (man that old wording is so bad), it seems clear that it would fail, as you didn't actually discard anything.

Dominion General Discussion / Prosperity 2E
« on: May 04, 2022, 10:00:05 pm »
After 2021 had no new Dominion content, I guess it makes sense that 2022 would pick up the pace. Hey VP token cards were tried out in Allies, this really shouldn't be that shocking.
(The front cover's also cute:

"Dominion: Prosperity (Second Edition) contains nine new types of Kingdom cards, which will be released on their own as an update pack for those who own the first edition of this expansion. A few cards will receive minor errata, but these will not appear in the update pack."

What's getting kicked out for the 9 cards? Well I can tell you that unlike Seaside 1E, Prosperity 1E doesn't have 11 blanks in it. I also predict that everyone will complain that card X got removed and card Y survived, but that's to be expected.

Rules Questions / Looking/Revealing & Stop-moving
« on: April 06, 2022, 11:49:11 pm »
Here are some of my observations from a while back, when messing around on the online version. The premise is, if revealing/looking at cards from your deck counts as moving them off your far does that go? And also remembering from Jeebus' doc about how Armory/Blessed Village/Sun/Gatekeeper works.

Scenario 1: Armory a Fool's Gold, react with Falconer, gain and City-state a Sentinel, and topdeck FG. Gatekeeper can't exile FG.

Scenario 2: Same as scenario 1, except you City-state a Chameleon-Oracle, and topdeck the 2 cards you reveal. GK can't exile FG (even though you leave it on your deck and don't draw it).

Scenario 3: Same as scenario 1, except your deck and discard are both empty (so FG is the only card that Sentinel looks at). GK still doesn't exile FG, even though you topdecked it.

Scenario 4: Same as scenario 1, except you City-state Chameleon-Patrician instead. GK still doesn't exile FG, even though you topdecked it.

Scenario 5: Same as scenario 1, except you City-state Duchess instead. GK still doesn't exile FG, even though you topdecked it.

Scenario 6: You Falconer a FG, and react with a 2nd Falconer to City-state a Menagerie, revealing the FG. FG finally get exiled.

Obviously you can do these following scenarios with other cards; they don't all have to be Falconer and Gatekeeper. I'm only using those cards because A) Falconer is my favorite card in the game, and B) it's fun to make Gatekeeper lose track.

So I think there are 3 rulings we can go from here:
1. Revealing/looking at a card will always cards to lose track (in which case only scenario 6 is a bug).
2. Revealing/looking at a card from your deck will always cause cards to lose track (so all those scenarios are correct).
3. Scenario 1 and 2 causes cards to lose track because you're covering up the gained card with another card from your deck; in scenario 3, 4, 5, and 6, that doesn't happen, meaning 3, 4, and 5 are bugs.

I think the 2nd ruling would be the best one. I guess the 1st ruling is ok, but it wouldn't be that intuitive. The 3rd ruling makes sense as an extrapolation, but it opens a can of worms, and why would we do that.

One issue is: "Look at" means the order you return the cards is hidden. Surely Gatekeeper can't do anything about that. But with reveal, you can't hide that order (the Hinterlands rulebook is wrong about this, but meh).
Quote from: Donald X.
Quote from: Stef
Suppose you play a Rabble, and I reveal Copper, Estate, Duchy.
Do you get to know if I put the Estate or the Duchy on top?
Yes. They were revealed, and nothing ever said to conceal them. That would also apply to e.g. Oracle.

In practice no-one would show you irl, but there would have to be a general rule to fix that, and it would be a weird general rule. The card itself sure doesn't want to say, "then conceals them, then returns them in any order they choose."

So in the Oracle example, if you put the FG 2nd on the top (which everyone knows about), it seems pretty clear that GK can't exile it. But what if you put it 1st on the top? It didn't get covered up, so can GK still find it?

Anyways, if we went with the 2nd ruling, we wouldn't need to answer these questions. And it also means Stef doesn't need to change anything. So I'm putting my vote on that.

tldr: Gatekeeper sucks at her job.

Dominion General Discussion / Allies is online
« on: March 09, 2022, 03:39:23 am »
All the Allies cards are up on! The rulebook will come out uh soon. Anyways, here are all the new cards:

Kingdom cards

$2; Action-Liaison
+1 Action
Discard 3 cards. If you discarded at least one, +$3.
When you gain or trash this, +2 Favors.

$3; Action
Look at the top 5 cards of your deck. You may trash up to 2 of them. Put the rest back in any order.

$4; Action
If no Supply piles are empty, +1 Action and gain a card costing up to $4. Otherwise, trash a card from your hand and gain a card costing up to $2 more than it.

$4; Action
+1 Action
Choose one: +1 Card; or +3 Cards, then discard 3 cards; or +5 Cards, then discard 6 cards.

$5; Action-Attack
Each other player trashes the top card of their deck. If it costs $3 or more they gain a cheaper card sharing a type with it; otherwise they gain a Curse.

Capital City
$5; Action
+1 Card
+2 Actions
You may discard 2 cards for +$2. You may pay $2 for +2 Cards.

$5; Treasure-Duration-Liaison
+1 Favor
You may set aside an Action from your hand to play it at the start of your next turn.

$5; Action-Liaison
+3 Cards
If this made you shuffle (at least one card), +1 Action and +2 Favors.

$5; Action
This turn, when you gain a card costing $3 or $4; +1 Buy.

$5; Action-Liaison
This turn, when you gain a card, +1 Favor.

$5; Action
You may play an Action or Treasure from your hand. Choose one: play it again; or gain a copy of it.

$6; Action
+1 Buy
+1 Card per card in your hand. Discard down to 10 cards in hand.

Split piles


Battle Plan
$3; Action-Clash
+1 Card
+1 Action
You may reveal an Attack card from your hand for +1 Card. You may rotate any Supply pile.

$4; Action-Attack-Clash
Each other player with 5 or more cards in hand reveals all but one, and discards one of those you choose.

$5; Action-Duration-Attack-Clash
+1 Action
At the start of your next turn, +2 Cards. Until then, other players can't play an Action from their hand that they have 2 or more copies of in play.

$6; Victory-Clash
Worth 1VP per differently named Victory card you have.
When you gain this, gain a Gold per empty Supply pile.


$3; Action-Fort
You may rotate the Forts.
When you discard this from play, you may put it onto your deck.

$4; Action-Duration-Fort
This turn, when you gain a card, add a token here. At the start of your next turn, remove them for +1 Card each.

Hill Fort
$5; Action-Fort
Gain a card costing up to $4. Choose one: put it into your hand; or +1 Card and +1 Action.

$6; Action-Duration-Victory-Fort
Choose one: +$3; or at the start of your next turn, +3 Cards.


Circle of Witches
After you play a Liaison, you may spend 3 Favors to have each other player gain a Curse.

Desert Guides
At the start of your turn, you may spend a Favor to discard your hand and draw 5 cards. Repeat as desired.

Fellowship of Scribes
After playing an Action, if you have 4 or fewer cards in hand, you may spend a Favor for +1 Card.

Forest Dwellers
At the start of your turn, you may spend a Favor to look at the top 3 cards of your deck, discard any number and put the rest back in any order.

League of Shopkeepers
After you play a Liaison, if you have 5 or more Favors, +$1, and if you have 10 or more, +1 Action and +1 Buy.

Market Towns
At the start of your Buy phase, you may spend a Favor to play an Action card from your hand. Repeat as desired.

Mountain Folk
At the start of your turn, you may spend 5 Favors for +3 Cards.

Order of Astrologers
When shuffling, you may pick one card per Favor you spend to go on top.

Trappers' Lodge
When you gain a card, you may spend a Favor to put it onto your deck.

Woodworkers' Guild
At the start of your Buy phase, you may spend a Favor to trash an Action card from your hand. If you did, gain an Action card.

Dominion General Discussion / Dominion: Allies
« on: September 18, 2021, 12:54:07 pm »

Allies is the 14th expansion to Dominion. It has 400 cards, with 31 new Kingdom card piles. There are Allies that will do Favors for you, and split piles you can rotate.

It’s a celebration! People are dancing in the streets, and riding horses through the dancehalls. You’ve finally formed an alliance with the barbarians to the north. Instead of the streets running red with blood, they’ll run, well, the usual color, let’s not focus on what color the streets run. The point is, there’s peace. Sure negotiations were tricky. The barbarians are uncouth; they have no five-second rule and stick out the wrong finger when drinking tea. There are perks too though. They’ve given you skulls to drink mead out of, and spices to get rid of the skull aftertaste. And you’ve given them stuff in return: forks, mirrors, pants. It’s great for everyone. And with this treaty out of the way, you can get to work on your other neighbors. Soon, all the allies will be yours.

Rules Questions / Coffers Rules Change
« on: September 17, 2021, 05:54:20 pm »
To those of you not in the TGG discord server (the company making the mobile version of Dominion), the rules for Coffers are getting changed, and this change also requires errata to 2 cards.

The change: You can spend Coffers at any time during your turn.

The reason: The original rule was awful and goes against intuition. How often have you bought a card, and then either realized you didn't spend enough Coffers, or you spent too many?

Side effects include being able to use Coffers to power up action-phase Storytellers, and you can immediately use the Coffers that you get from Spices.

Now there are two cards that need errata because of this. The reasons why is an exercise for the reader (or you can just go to the wiki, where I explained why).
-Merchant Guild: It will give Coffers at the end of your buy phase, and is no longer a dividing line ability.
-Patron: Only gives Coffers during an Action phase.

Also in general "while in play" is disappearing for "this turn." You may have noticed this change has already started with the Hermit errata I mentioned months ago.

These changes are already on the TGG client, and it'll come to D.G uh eventually. Probably at the same time that the other endless list of errata comes out.

I'm sure someone is going to be sad that a random combo that-comes-up-1%-of-the-time is going to disappear, but I'm not worried about that, and DXV isn't worried either.

Rules Questions / Improve & Night cards
« on: November 15, 2018, 05:25:17 am »
I'm 99% sure I have this correct, but I just wanna double check. Since Improve's ability happens during Clean-up, this means if I Improve an Action and gain Guardian (or Night Watchman, or Ghost Town, or Den of Sin), then I can't play it, since its no longer my Night phase. 

Rules Questions / Gained to hand cards and Haunted Woods
« on: December 17, 2017, 01:13:05 am »
If my opponent plays Haunted Woods, and I buy a card that gets gained to hand i.e. Ghost Town, does that mean...

1. my hand gets top decked before Ghost Town goes in my hand; and
2. I can play that Ghost Town during my Night phase

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