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Dominion: Empires Previews / Empires Previews #6 - Jack...
« on: May 19, 2016, 12:21:48 pm »
Hey everyone, we have a new Empires Preview for you all!

Jack in the Box of all Trades, Businesses, Professions, Skills, Talents, and Crafts is a very unique card in the Dominion world. It is so far the only card to have two alternate costs, either $1 or PP. As such, almost all of the remaining Empires cards involve Potions. Donald X. failed to mention the card in his teasers that costs PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP. That one is really cool. As such, Empires is intended as a sequel to the very well-received Alchemy set. This card can serve almost any purpose - junker, card-drawer, gainer, opponent-annoyer, time-waster, etc. And you can buy two of them if you open PP/1, which is possible with a new landmark.

Tune in tomorrow for when we preview a three-dimensional pop-up card.

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