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Dominion Videos and Streams / Two new players exploring Dominion
« on: April 11, 2016, 08:24:08 pm »
Me and my friend Clawshrimpy (who does the recording and buys the cards) do a little video series where we share our thoughts on strategy and how to play and involuntarily give very good advice on how not to play the game:

We currently play the base set, but shrimpy bought Prosperity and Intrigue so there are some things we can do from here on out. We're both new to the game so a few of the experienced players may wanna see and help us with thing we got wrong or just amuse themselves with misconceptions and bad plays we're doing.

Goko Dominion Online / Dominion on Youtube
« on: April 11, 2016, 06:32:51 pm »
A friend and I recently started making youtube videos about Dominion, here is our first one:

We're just trying to get into the game and discuss strategy while we discover it. We hope to find more players to play with and talk strategy with =)

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