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Variants and Fan Cards / Dominion: Knicknacks
« on: January 06, 2016, 09:25:25 pm »
Hey guys!
So, just looking around the forum I see a lot of fan made expansions, groups of fan created cards, all beautifully laid out and mocked up, and it's really impressive. I've come to respect a lot of awesome, sagacious people on the forum, such as Asper, Co0kieL0rd, Lastfootnote, and everyone else I can't name. Just reading the feedback you guys quickly provide in just the fan cards section really helps me out as a designer, and brings me pleasure just to observe such a busy community.

All this being said, I'd like to involve myself more and have been truly inspired by your work. So, here comes an expansion I'm going to begin creating, this time the right way. It has a mechanical theme of setting cards aside, but not gaining them, and a passive theme of miscellaneous items like rubber ducks, medallions, or for my first submission and idea:

Set it aside as a protection from junkers, or just to trash cards from your hand as you build your deck up with good cards.
Thanks for your time, feedback appreciated!

Dominion General Discussion / Mystic/Stash/X
« on: October 21, 2015, 11:53:12 pm »
I'm not sure if this is a "Combo" by definition, but it's still pretty sweet in my honest opinion. The ability to make on average 4 coins out of each mystic seems great, but I'm not certain of the technicalities. Obviously this isn't a strategy, but stash I feel can be very good in Mystic power boards, and shouldn't go unnoticed. Thoughts?

Variants and Fan Cards / Treasure Card Template
« on: September 12, 2015, 06:00:40 pm »
Not being a photo-shop whiz myself, and having searched the internet a few more times than I would've liked too, I'm curious as to whether or not one exists available to the public. Could anyone help me out?
Thanks in advance.

Variants and Fan Cards / Cards In Need of Play Testing
« on: September 08, 2015, 04:21:13 pm »
The following are some fun cards I've designed, but would like some help balancing.

The idea is not only to block junking attacks, but also provide some combos with workshop and such. When not used to react,
it's simply a village. The real debate is whether it should be 5 or not.

Inspired by lost arts, I wanted a way to give those cards that are lacking that last vanilla effect they need to jump up in power.
It can't be stacked, and you only have four of the tokens available tokens. To powerful? I don't know.

Because zeppelins are awesome, I figured they needed an installment in my favorite game. I gave it a contraband effect
that can't be stacked between turns. Still, it might need to be priced at 6.

It's a Margrave in reverse order, with the balance of filling up your deck with T-Rex. It might even be under-powered due to this clogging mechanism.

Thanks in advance for all critique and play-testing, hope you enjoy!

Variants and Fan Cards / Cards In Need of Play Testing
« on: September 08, 2015, 04:21:00 pm »
The following are some fun cards I've designed, but would like some help balancing.

The idea is not only to block junking attacks, but also provide some combos with workshop and such. When not used to react,
it's simply a village. The real debate is whether it should be 5 or not.

Inspired by lost arts, I wanted a way to give those cards that are lacking that last vanilla effect they need to jump up in power.
It can't be stacked, and you only have four of the tokens available tokens. To powerful? I don't know.

Because zeppelins are awesome, I figured they needed an installment in my favorite game. I gave it a contraband effect
that can't be stacked between turns. Still, it might need to be priced at 6.

It's a Margrave in reverse order, with the balance of filling up your deck with T-Rex. It might even be under-powered due to this clogging mechanism.

Thanks in advance for all critique and play-testing, hope you enjoy!

Variants and Fan Cards / Dominion: Pasturelands
« on: August 30, 2015, 05:35:46 pm »
Having had your fair share of imported meats, you, a competent ruler of appreciable might, are finally sick of their rich and pompous marketing. You've had enough of outrageous prices
for their sub-par lamb chops and ordinary tasting chicken. Thus you begin to invest in livestock. Pastures filled with living stock, the economy would riot over your genius innovation. It is more appealing than towns filled with dead stock, and your butchers are bored anyway.

Dominion: Pasturelands is a fan made expansion focusing upon live looters like dark ages, but with more emphasis.

Cost 4$
+1 Card
+1 Action
+1 Coin
You may place this on your pasture mat.

Cost 3$
+1 Card
+1 Action
Trash 2 cards from your hand. Gain a card costing half of the combined price of the two card.

Cost 2$
+2 Actions
You may place this on your pasture mat.
You may keep this on your pasture mat
when gaining goods from it.

Cost 5$
+1 Action
You may decrease your buys by any number of points.
For each one, +3 coins.
You may place this on your pasture mat.

Cost 2$
+1 Card
+1 Action
If you have no actions left,
you may discard this from your hand to play it for free.

Cost 3$
+2 Buys

Cost 3$
+1 Card
+1 Action
Look at the top card of your deck.
If it is a livestock card, put it on your pasture mat.
Otherwise, you may discard it, trash it, or put it back.

Cost 5$
Choose One:
Put up to 3 livestock cards from your discard pile onto your pasture mat
Put two cards from your discard pile on top of your deck.

Cost 6$
Worth 1 for each card on your pasture mat.
In games using this, add two extra Livestock cards to the supply pile.

Cost 2$
All of your goods cost one more until the end
of your turn.
Use this if there are any livestock cards in the supply pile,
putting it with the base treasures.

Cost 4$
+1 Card
+2 Actions
You may discard a livestock card from your hand. If you do,
+ 2 Cards

You may trash as many goods cards as you like from your discard pile and hand. Gain
golds equal to the total cost of the trashed cards.

Water Wheel
Possibilities include doubling goods, being a possible start card,
or even another reaction victory.

Cost 2$

Cost 3$

Cost 1$

Cost 5$

Additional rules:
At the start of your turn, discard all cards on your pasture mat, gaining goods corresponding to the discarded cards.
i.e. Cow = Milk.
I really like mats and cards that feature animals like rats and magpies. So I decided to combine the two,
and this is the product. Like alchemy, it works best when these cards make up the majority of the kingdom.
Feel free to leave any wording fixes, critiques, or ideas you have for the set!

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