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Forum Games / Suggestion: Have a game queue.
« on: June 11, 2017, 07:54:47 pm »
I see a lot of sign ups and not enough fills. What is the logic behind how games are queued? If it was me doing it, I would run one maybe two games at a time and alternating the types of games played rather than just having people post a sign ups thread whenever.

Forum Games / Zero Sum Games/The Nash Equilibrium used in Mafia..
« on: July 27, 2015, 11:52:16 pm »
@UmbrageOfSnow had mentioned the Nash Equilibrium when talking about predicting how people would behave regarding his off-shoot of @mail-mi's Greater idea game. My question is it possible to use zero sum games as a vehicle to use in a game of mafia and the implications that that would have. I believe this is totally a topic worth talking about since mafia is largely a game that requires knowing what, how and why people do. I don't actually understand the theory myself since I am not learned enough in math to understand the concepts that Nash talked about in how people decide what do do, but it is definitely a curiosity to me and know if/how it can be used in mafia is something I have tried having a conversation with people about before.


Introductions / YO!
« on: July 21, 2015, 03:17:46 am »
You might have remembered a few weeks ago that there was a tournament for mafia called 'Mafia Championships Season Two' on the two plus two poker site forum. Well I am not going to say that I was one of the entrants, because that would be a complete and utter lie. Truth is, I am a new player. I have only been playing since February. I have played on two different sites. I had this crazy, but believable idea that I could get better at mafia by going to different sites where mafia is played and try an pick up a few tricks or what have you from the different styles of the variations of different play from the sites and players who play there. This is now the 5th site I have been to. I have only played at 2 different sites. I have simply created an account on different sites and now I'm waiting for games to open up on the other sites.

If you have questions about me personally, feel free to ask.

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