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Introductions / oh heeey, i'm new here.
« on: July 06, 2015, 06:20:53 pm »
Although I came to know of Dominion while dating my puzzle-loving-now-husband, I learned to play Dominion because of a small bout of, er, good ol' fashioned pride. deadlock39 and I had played a few times here and there, but the game never quite stuck for me. I didn't understand it the way he did, and I struggled keeping up with all the cards and combos. It wasn't until shortly after we were hitched that a game-night friend of ours mentioned her comfortability with the game. Almost immediately, my competitive nature kicked in, and I was determined that if she could play, so could I (super mature, right?).

Most evenings within the first few months of our marriage were filled with rounds and rounds of Dominion, as I, more methodically this time, learned the game. Oh, and guess what? I -gasp- liked it.

Now, after 450+ games with him and maybe 10 games with strangers (as well as many evenings reading the forums over deadlock39's shoulder) I decided to give it a go in league. I have much to learn, and I still get completely stomped by crazy combos, but I keep coming back for more, and I look forward to being part of the great community that I've, thus far, merely been a witness to. And because I really like ending sentences in prepositions, there you go.

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